def main(): fig, ax = plt.subplots(row, col,figsize=figsize) wrf_file = Dataset(wrf_dir+wrf_name) m = drawmap(ax,wrf_file,map_dir,Lat_min,Lat_max,Lon_min,Lon_max) times = extract_times(wrf_file,timeidx=ALL_TIMES) # Check frames of wrfout* if times.shape[0] > 1: pmdbz(wrf_file,times,m,save_dir,drawclb) else: for file in os.listdir(wrf_dir): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, wrf_name[:10]+'*'): wrf_file = Dataset(wrf_dir+file) times = extract_times(wrf_file,timeidx=ALL_TIMES) pmdbz(wrf_file,times,m,save_dir,drawclb)
def get_wrf_datetime_obj(cls): """get_wrf_datetime_obj: Get wrf timesteps as datetime objects Input: ncfile (netCDF4) netcdf file that contains the wrf model output Output: wrf_dt (list) List of wrf model time steps as datetime objects """ #Get WRF time-step and reformat wrf_times = wrf.extract_times(cls.ncfile, timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES,\ method='cat', squeeze=True, cache=None,\ meta=False, do_xtime=False).astype(str) time_obj = [""] * len(wrf_times) for ijk, time in enumerate(wrf_times): # FOR SOME REASON THERE ARE 9 miliseconds precision when there should be 6 time_obj[ijk] = datetime.strptime(time[:-3], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') diff_wrf = time_obj[-1] - time_obj[0] wrf_timestep = (time_obj[1] - time_obj[0]).total_seconds() tot_sec_wrf = diff_wrf.total_seconds() if len(time_obj) != (tot_sec_wrf / wrf_timestep) + 1: sys.exit("WRF TIME NOT THE RIGHT LENGTH") cls.wrf_dt = time_obj
def WindDataExtraction(WindFileName, t0): # Interpolates temporally (with fixed lat/lon/pres?) from wrf import to_np if isinstance(t0, np.ndarray): t0 = t0[0] WindFile = Dataset(WindFileName) times_all = extract_times(WindFile, timeidx=ALL_TIMES) times_jd = np.array( [Time(str(t), format='isot', scale='utc').jd for t in times_all]) idx_after = np.searchsorted(times_jd, t0) idx_before = idx_after - 1 interp_factor = (t0 - times_jd[idx_before]) / (times_jd[idx_after] - times_jd[idx_before]) if interp_factor < 0 or interp_factor > 1: print('WindWarning: The darkflight time is ouside the bounds of WindData' \ ' by {0:.3f} times!'.format(interp_factor)) WindArray = [] for i in [idx_before, idx_after]: hei_3d = np.array([to_np(getvar(WindFile, 'z', timeidx=i))]) #[1,z,y,x] NumberLevels = np.shape(hei_3d)[1] # Number heights lat_3d = np.array([ np.stack([to_np(getvar(WindFile, 'lat', timeidx=i))] * NumberLevels, axis=0) ]) #[1,z,y,x] lon_3d = np.array([ np.stack([to_np(getvar(WindFile, 'lon', timeidx=i))] * NumberLevels, axis=0) ]) #[1,z,y,x] wen_3d = to_np(getvar(WindFile, 'uvmet', timeidx=i)) #[2,z,y,x] wu_3d = np.array([to_np(getvar(WindFile, 'wa', timeidx=i))]) #[1,z,y,x] temp_3d = np.array([to_np(getvar(WindFile, 'tk', timeidx=i))]) #[1,z,y,x] pres_3d = np.array([to_np(getvar(WindFile, 'p', timeidx=i))]) #[1,z,y,x] rh_3d = np.array([to_np(getvar(WindFile, 'rh', timeidx=i))]) #[1,z,y,x] # Construct WindArray = [lat,lon,hei,we,wn,wu,temp,pres,rh] WindArray.append( np.vstack((lat_3d, lon_3d, hei_3d, wen_3d, wu_3d, temp_3d, pres_3d, rh_3d))) WindArray = (1 - interp_factor) * WindArray[0] + interp_factor * WindArray[1] return WindArray
def get_tstamp(self, fname): """read the timestamp from a WRF restart file assumes that the restart file contains a single timestamp in the netCDF variable Times. If this assumption is violated results are undefined. ARGS: fname (str): full path to WRF restart file RETURNS: numpy.Datetime64 object containing the restart file timestamp """ nc = netCDF4.Dataset(fname, 'r') self.tstamp = pd.to_datetime(wrf.extract_times(nc, 0)) nc.close() return (self.tstamp)
def get_wrf_datetime_obj(ncfile): """Get wrf timesteps as datetime objects""" #Get WRF time-step and reformat wrf_times = wrf.extract_times(ncfile, timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES,\ method='cat', squeeze=True, cache=None,\ meta=False, do_xtime=False).astype(str) wrf_dt = [""] * len(wrf_times) for ijk in range(len(wrf_times)): # FOR SOME REASON THERE ARE 9 miliseconds precision when there should be 6 wrf_dt[ijk] = datetime.strptime(wrf_times[ijk][:-3], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') diff_wrf = wrf_dt[-1] - wrf_dt[0] wrf_timestep = (wrf_dt[1] - wrf_dt[0]).total_seconds() tot_sec_wrf = diff_wrf.total_seconds() if len(wrf_dt) != (tot_sec_wrf / wrf_timestep) + 1: print("WRF TIME NOT THE RIGHT LENGTH") sys.exit(0) return wrf_dt
if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage:") print(" ./ wrfout_file") exit() ifile = str(sys.argv[1]) ofile = "_pt_" + ifile print("Input file: ", ifile) print("Output file: ", ofile) incid = Dataset(ifile, "r") times = wrf.extract_times(incid, None, method='cat', squeeze=True, cache=None, meta=True, do_xtime=True) ntimes = times.shape[0] var = incid.variables["U"][:] u = wrf.destagger(var, 3, meta=False) var = incid.variables["V"][:] v = wrf.destagger(var, 2, meta=False) var = incid.variables["W"][:] w = wrf.destagger(var, 1, meta=False) ph = incid.variables["PH"][:] phb = incid.variables["PHB"][:] # slp = wrf.getvar(incid, "slp", timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES)
from import IncrementalBar import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd # Select WRF latitude/longitude and time-step. lat = -26.555 lon = -49.355 inittime = 0 # Insert WRF file directory. wrf_dir = '/media/ueslei/Ueslei/INPE/PCI/Projetos/SC_2008/Outputs/normal/' nc_file = netCDF4.Dataset(wrf_dir) # Create a variable in order to use the IncrementalBar. timestr = extract_times(nc_file, timeidx=None, meta=False, do_xtime=False) timestr = pd.to_datetime(timestr, format="%b %d %Y") range_loop = len(timestr) bar = IncrementalBar('', max=len(timestr)) # Create a variable with zeros to list the data throught loop. tc_list = np.zeros([range_loop]) rh_list = np.zeros([range_loop]) slp_list = np.zeros([range_loop]) uvmet_list = np.zeros([range_loop]) prec_list = np.zeros([range_loop]) # Starting looping throught time. for i in range(inittime, range_loop, 1): # Open WRF variables. rh = getvar(nc_file,
# print(icount) name_str[icount] = dir_string+"wrfout_d01_2011-"+month_str[i_month]+"-"+day_str[i_day]+"_"+hour_str[i_hour]+":00:00" icount = icount + 1 else: # June, only has 30 days; Aug: the wrfout puts does not have 08-31 outputs for i_day in range(len(day_str)-1): for i_hour in range(len(hour_str)): name_str[icount] = dir_string+"wrfout_d01_2011-"+month_str[i_month]+"-"+day_str[i_day]+"_"+hour_str[i_hour]+":00:00" icount = icount + 1 wrflist = [Dataset(name_str[i]) for i in range(len(name_str))] print(wrflist) #wrf_times = times.get_times(wrflist, timeidx=ALL_TIMES, method='cat') wrf_times = extract_times(wrflist, timeidx=ALL_TIMES, method='cat', do_xtime=False) print(pandas.to_datetime(wrf_times)) times = getvar(wrflist,"times",timeidx=ALL_TIMES,method="cat") ntimes = np.size(times.values) print(times.values) print(ntimes) T2 = getvar(wrflist,"T2",timeidx=ALL_TIMES,method="cat") RAINNC = getvar(wrflist, "RAINNC",timeidx=ALL_TIMES,method="cat") RAINC = getvar(wrflist, "RAINC",timeidx=ALL_TIMES,method="cat") HFX = getvar(wrflist, "HFX",timeidx=ALL_TIMES,method="cat") LH = getvar(wrflist, "LH",timeidx=ALL_TIMES,method="cat") print(wrf_times) print(T2)
from dateutil import tz import xarray from wrf import getvar, ALL_TIMES, extract_times, latlon_coords, get_cartopy, to_np, ll_to_xy, xy_to_ll, geo_bounds, CoordPair # Open the NetCDF file ncfile = Dataset("") pressure = N.array(ncfile.variables['PSFC'][::]) pressure = pressure/100 temps = N.array(ncfile.variables['T2'][::]) lats = N.array(ncfile.variables['XLAT'][0,:,:]) lons = N.array(ncfile.variables['XLONG'][0,:,:]) temps = temps - 273.15 temp_f = ((temps * (9./5.)) + 32.) time = extract_times(ncfile, ALL_TIMES, method="cat") temp = getvar(ncfile, "tk") tempf = ((temp * 9./5.) + 32.) time_string=[] for i in range(41): string = str(time[i]) string = string[0:13] time_string.append(string) EST = [] from_zone = tz.tzutc() to_zone = tz.tzlocal() counter = 0 for i in range(41): utc = datetime.strptime(time_string[i], '%Y-%m-%dT%H') utc = utc.replace(tzinfo=from_zone)
def __init__(self, wrf_files_path, wrf_domain_number, dateLimits, variables_to_extract, subset_of_wrfDomain=None): datefrom = np.datetime64( pd.to_datetime(dateLimits[0], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', errors='ignore')) dateto = np.datetime64( pd.to_datetime(dateLimits[1], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', errors='ignore')) # So far, spinup discarded hours are hardcoded spinup = 0 ''' List with all files to read. This part of code may difer depending on how you name and store the wrf output files. The nc_files list sould contain all the files over which the code is going to loop and concatenate variables in "Time" dimension axis. ''' nc_files_list = [] folders = [sorted(glob.glob(wrf_files_path + '*'))] # notice that it is assumed that wrf files are named with a convention of wrfout_d0xx fileN = 'wrfout_d0' + str(wrf_domain_number) for ii in folders[0]: # wrfoutfiles.append(sorted(glob.glob(ii+'/WRF/'+fileN+'*'))[0]) if ii.split('/')[-1].startswith(fileN): nc_files_list.append(ii) Nfiles = len(nc_files_list) print( str(Nfiles) + ' files found for wrfout_d0' + str(wrf_domain_number) + ' outputs') print( "NOTE. It is assumed that every ncfile contains an initialized Run for which " + str(spinup) + " h of spinup are discarded") print('The following variables are to be extracted ') print(variables_to_extract) # loop over all files found for ii, file in enumerate(nc_files_list): print("Reading netCDF data from file:", file) # open the netcdf file f2 = netCDF4.Dataset(file) # get the netCDF time data ncTimes = extract_times(f2, timeidx=ALL_TIMES, squeeze=True) spinupDate = ncTimes[0] + np.timedelta64(spinup, 'h') # protects from empty dates if sum(np.logical_and(ncTimes >= datefrom, ncTimes <= dateto)) != 0: if ii == 0: # if no subset_of_wrfDomain is chosen, it extracts all domain grid points if subset_of_wrfDomain is None: iBT = np.arange(0, extract_dim(f2, 'bottom_top')) iSN = np.arange(0, extract_dim(f2, 'south_north')) iWE = np.arange(0, extract_dim(f2, 'west_east')) else: lat_s, lon_s, L = subset_of_wrfDomain[ 0], subset_of_wrfDomain[1], subset_of_wrfDomain[2] # get the indexes of a subset domain for memory efficient purposes iBT, iSN, iWE = get_index_of_subset_domain( f2, lat_s, lon_s, L) # makes sure spinup dates are discarded while filtering only period between desired dates iTimes = np.logical_and.reduce( (ncTimes >= spinupDate, ncTimes >= datefrom, ncTimes <= dateto)) # set the valid times self.times = ncTimes[iTimes] self.min_i_lat = min(iSN) self.min_i_lon = min(iWE) self.lat_lon = np.concatenate( (f2.variables.get('XLAT')[0:1, iSN, iWE], f2.variables.get('XLONG')[0:1, iSN, iWE]), axis=0) # Build z above ground zagl = get_zagl(f2, iTimes, iBT, iSN, iWE) self.variables_data = readAllvars(f2, variables_to_extract, iTimes, iBT, iSN, iWE) self.variables_names = self.variables_data.keys() self.input_file = f2 else: iTimes = np.logical_and.reduce( (ncTimes > spinupDate, ncTimes >= datefrom, ncTimes <= dateto)) self.times = np.concatenate((self.times, ncTimes[iTimes])) # concatenate z above ground zaglTmp = get_zagl(f2, iTimes, iBT, iSN, iWE) zagl = np.concatenate((zagl, zaglTmp), axis=0) # concatenate every selected variable varsTmp = readAllvars(f2, variables_to_extract, iTimes, iBT, iSN, iWE) for iVar in varsTmp.keys(): self.variables_data[iVar] = np.concatenate( (self.variables_data[iVar], varsTmp[iVar]), axis=0) f2.close() else: print('File : ' + file + 'does not contain any valid dates') # average-out the height as the variability of the actual values is low self.heights = np.nanmean(zagl, axis=(0, 2, 3)) # Reference Time for the netcdf files self.referenceDate = np.datetime64( datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) # convert time stamp to "seconds since <referenceDate>" self.seconds = pd.Series(self.times - self.referenceDate).dt.total_seconds().values # number of grid points in the subset wrf box self.nt,, self.ny, self.nx = zagl.shape