def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FormWsgi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['static'].help_text = _( u"<br />Format <strong>/url/ /path/to/media/</strong>, separated by space.<br /><ul><li>/path/to/media/ is path without your home directory</li><li>one directory per one line</li><li>wrong lines will be ignored</li></ul>.") self.fields['python_path'].help_text = _( u"<br /><strong>~/<your_path></strong> - One directory per line. Format <strong>/there/is/my/app</strong>. Path is without your home directory") self.fields['virtualenv'].help_text = _( u"<br />Python virtual environment. You can find yours in '<strong>~/virtualenvs/<selected_virtualenv></strong>'. Feel free create new one.") self.fields['allow_ips'].help_text = _( u"<br />One IP per line. If it is blank, no limitation will be applied.") self.fields['processes'].help_text = _( u"<br />There could be extra fee for additional processes") self.fields['processes'].widget.choices = [(one, str(one)) for one in range(1, 5)] wsgis = get_user_wsgis(self.user) wsgis_choices = [("", _("Not selected"))] + [(x, x) for x in wsgis] self.fields['script'].widget.choices = wsgis_choices virtualenvs = get_user_venvs(self.user) virtualenvs_choices = [("", _("Not selected"))] + [(one, one) for one in virtualenvs] self.fields["virtualenv"].widget.choices = virtualenvs_choices
def refresh_wsgi(request): if not request.is_ajax(): return HttpResponseForbidden('non ajax not allowed') wsgis = get_user_wsgis(request.session.get('switched_user', request.user), False) return JsonResponse('OK', wsgis)