def testCliLogging(self): """CLI initializes logging.""" config = {"verbose": 3, "enable_loggers": ["test"]} init_logging(config) _baseLogger = logging.getLogger(BASE_LOGGER_NAME) _enabledLogger = get_module_logger("test") _disabledLogger = get_module_logger("test2") _baseLogger.debug("_baseLogger.debug")"") _baseLogger.warning("_baseLogger.warning") _baseLogger.error("_baseLogger.error") _enabledLogger.debug("_enabledLogger.debug")"") _enabledLogger.warning("_enabledLogger.warning") _enabledLogger.error("_enabledLogger.error") _disabledLogger.debug("_disabledLogger.debug")"") _disabledLogger.warning("_disabledLogger.warning") _disabledLogger.error("_disabledLogger.error") rootOutput, baseOutput = self.getLogOutput() # Printed for debugging, when test fails: print("ROOT OUTPUT:\n'{}'\nBASE OUTPUT:\n'{}'".format( rootOutput, baseOutput)) # init_logging() removes all other handlers assert rootOutput == "" assert baseOutput == ""
def testCliLogging(self): """CLI initializes logging.""" config = {"verbose": 3, "enable_loggers": ["test"]} init_logging(config) _baseLogger = logging.getLogger(BASE_LOGGER_NAME) _enabledLogger = get_module_logger("test") _disabledLogger = get_module_logger("test2") _baseLogger.debug("_baseLogger.debug")"") _baseLogger.warning("_baseLogger.warning") _baseLogger.error("_baseLogger.error") _enabledLogger.debug("_enabledLogger.debug")"") _enabledLogger.warning("_enabledLogger.warning") _enabledLogger.error("_enabledLogger.error") _disabledLogger.debug("_disabledLogger.debug")"") _disabledLogger.warning("_disabledLogger.warning") _disabledLogger.error("_disabledLogger.error") rootOutput, baseOutput = self.getLogOutput() # Printed for debugging, when test fails: print("ROOT OUTPUT:\n'{}'\nBASE OUTPUT:\n'{}'".format(rootOutput, baseOutput)) # init_logging() removes all other handlers assert rootOutput == "" assert baseOutput == ""
from wsgidav import compat, util from wsgidav.dav_error import ( DAVError, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, PRECONDITION_CODE_ProtectedProperty, ) from wsgidav.dav_provider import DAVCollection, DAVNonCollection, DAVProvider from wsgidav.util import join_uri import os import stat __docformat__ = "reStructuredText en" _logger = util.get_module_logger(__name__) BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 # ============================================================================ # Fake hierarchical repository # ============================================================================ """ This is a dummy 'database', that serves as an example source for the VirtualResourceProvider. All files listed in resPathList are expected to exist in FILE_FOLDER. """ FILE_FOLDER = r"c:\temp\virtfiles" _resourceData = [
from wsgidav.lock_manager import ( generate_lock_token, lock_string, normalize_lock_root, validate_lock, ) from wsgidav.rw_lock import ReadWriteLock import os import shelve import time __docformat__ = "reStructuredText" _logger = util.get_module_logger(__name__) # TODO: comment's from Ian Bicking (2005) # @@: Use of shelve means this is only really useful in a threaded environment. # And if you have just a single-process threaded environment, you could get # nearly the same effect with a dictionary of threading.Lock() objects. Of course, # it would be better to move off shelve anyway, probably to a system with # a directory of per-file locks, using the file locking primitives (which, # sadly, are not quite portable). # @@: It would probably be easy to store the properties as pickle objects # in a parallel directory structure to the files you are describing. # Pickle is expedient, but later you could use something more readable # (pickles aren't particularly readable) # ========================================================================
from wsgidav.dc.pam_dc import PAMDomainController from wsgidav.dav_error import DAVError from wsgidav.util import get_module_logger from redis import Redis from time import time, sleep from datetime import timedelta from threading import Thread _logger = get_module_logger(__name__) # noinspection PyAbstractClass class PAMLockoutController(PAMDomainController): """ An extension of the PAM domain controller that implements a timed lockout method """ @staticmethod def get_real_remote_addr(environ: dict) -> str: env = { k.lower().replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '_'): v for k, v in environ.items() if isinstance(v, str) and (('.' in v) or (':' in v)) } if 'http_x_forwarded_for' in env: return env['http_x_forwarded_for'].split(',')[0].strip() if 'http_remote_addr' in env: return env['http_remote_addr'].strip() return env.get('remote_addr', '').strip()
import time import six import requests from os.path import dirname from wsgidav.dc.base_dc import BaseDomainController from wsgidav.util import get_module_logger from wsgidav.dav_error import DAVError, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED _log = get_module_logger("pytho_dc") def expiring_lru_cache(maxsize=128, timeout=60): if six.PY2: from repoze.lru import lru_cache as lru_cache_py2 return lru_cache_py2(maxsize=maxsize, timeout=timeout) if six.PY3: from functools import lru_cache, wraps def py3_lru_cache(func): lru_cache(maxsize=maxsize) def cachedfunc(*args, **kwds): del kwds['_ttl_hash'] return func(*args, **kwds) wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwds): # the same value withing <timeout> time period. ttl_hash = int(time.time()) // timeout return cachedfunc(*args, _ttl_hash=ttl_hash, **kwds)