class LDAPTestCase(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.ldap = LDAP("wwu")

    def test_search_groups(self):
        self.ldap = LDAP("wwu")
        query = "*webteam*"
        results = self.ldap.search_groups(query)
        self.assertTrue(len(results) > 0)

    def test_search_people(self):
        query = "Firass Asad"
        results = self.ldap.search_people(query)
        self.assertEquals(len(results), 1)

    def test_get_person_by_username(self):
        username = "******"
        person = self.ldap.get_person_by_username(username)
        self.assertEquals(username, person.sAMAccountName[0])

    def test_get_token_groups_by_user(self):
        username = "******"
        person = self.ldap.get_person_by_username(username)
        token_groups = self.ldap.get_token_groups_by_dn(person.dn)
        self.assertTrue(len(token_groups) > 0)
        self.assertTrue(token_groups[1] is not None, token_groups)
        self.assertTrue(token_groups[1].startswith("grp"), token_groups)
class LDAPResultTestCase(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.ldap = LDAP("wwu")

    def test_get_token_groups_by_user(self):
        username = "******"
        person = self.ldap.get_person_by_username(username)
        self.assertTrue(len(person.groups) > 0)
        self.assertTrue(person.groups[1] is not None, person.groups)
        self.assertTrue(person.groups[1].startswith("grp"), person.groups)
    def get_group_permissions(self, user):
        Updates the set of locally defined group permissions with all
        permissions available to the given user through their LDAP group
        # Get locally stored group permissions.
        permissions_set = super(LDAPBackend, self).get_group_permissions(user)

            key = "group_permissions_%s" % user.username
            groups = cache.get(key)

            # Explicitly test for None because the cache may have had a "hit"
            # for the given key and returned a value that would evaluate to
            # False (e.g., [] or "").
            if groups is None:
                ldap = LDAP("wwu")
                ldap_person = ldap.get_person_by_username(user.username)

                # Try to get the groups attribute from the ldap_person. If
                # ldap_person is None or doesn't have a groups attribute, the
                # groups value is just an empty list.
                groups = getattr(ldap_person, "groups", [])
                cache.set(key, groups)

            # The traditional ModelBackend fetches all Permission instances
            # associated with groups for which the current user is a member.
            # This backend doesn't rely on local user/group relationships so it
            # queries Permissions directly by group name instead of by
            # group__user foreign key relationship.
            if len(groups) > 0:
                permissions = Permission.objects \
                    .filter(group__name__in=groups) \
                    .values_list("content_type__app_label", "codename") \
                permissions_set.update(set(["%s.%s" % (ct, name)
                                            for ct, name in permissions]))
        except OPERATIONS_ERROR, e:
            mail_admins("LDAP Operations Error", "%s" % str(e))