def create_item(self, path): """Creates a new Location object. The location path should be canonical and should not contain parts that are not used for access control (query, fragment, parameters). Location should not contain non-ascii characters. Args: path: A canonical path to the location. Raises: CreationException if the path is invalid or if a location with such path already exists. """ if not url_path.is_canonical(path): raise CreationException( 'Path should be absolute and normalized (starting with / '\ 'without /../ or /./ or //).') if url_path.contains_fragment(path): raise CreationException( "Path should not contain fragment ('#' part).") if url_path.contains_query(path): raise CreationException( "Path should not contain query ('?' part).") if url_path.contains_params(path): raise CreationException( "Path should not contain parameters (';' part).") try: if path.encode('utf-8', 'strict') != path: raise CreationException( 'Path should contain only ascii characters.') except UnicodeError: raise CreationException('Invalid path encoding') if _find(Location, path=path) is not None: raise CreationException('Location already exists.') location = Location.objects.create(path=path) return location
def test_contains_query(self): self.assertTrue(contains_query("/foo?")) self.assertFalse(contains_query("/foo"))