def plot_correlation(self): # correlate options - get all the data to plot xchoice = self.xCorr.GetSelection() ychoice = self.yCorr.GetSelection() leg = [self.calcList.GetItemText(i) for i in getListCtrlSelection(self.calcList)] data, info = interface.getCorr(xchoice, ychoice, [self.calcs[i] for i in getListCtrlSelection(self.calcList)]) msg = [leg, data, info] try: self.plot_frame.Raise() except (AttributeError, wx.PyDeadObjectError): self.plot_frame = PlotCorrFrame(self) self.plot_frame.Show() pub.sendMessage('corr.plot', message=msg)
def replot(self): sind = getListCtrlSelection(self.PlotsCtrl) ng = len(sind) ncols = round(ng**0.5) if ncols == 0.: ncols = 1. nrows = math.ceil(ng / ncols) self.fig.clear() for i, igraph in enumerate(sind): color = iter(cm.get_cmap('prism')([x/24. for x in range(24)])) title = self.PlotsCtrl.GetItemText(igraph) axes = self.fig.add_subplot(nrows,ncols,i+1) axes.set_title(title) sdata = [] if self.ByCalcsChkBox.IsChecked(): for ins in range(len(self.names)): sdata.append(axes.scatter([igraph][ins][0],[igraph][ins][1], c = next(color))) else: for ds in sdata.append(axes.scatter(ds[igraph][0], ds[igraph][1], c = next(color))) # get legend self.fig.legend(sdata, self.leg, scatterpoints = 1) self.canvas.draw()
def plot_property(self): # plot options - get all the data to plot ptype = self.propType.GetItems()[self.propType.GetSelection()] pchoice = self.propChoice.GetItems()[self.propChoice.GetSelection()] data_class = self.propChoices.dataClass(ptype, pchoice) leg = [self.calcList.GetItemText(i) for i in getListCtrlSelection(self.calcList)] t1 = time.clock() plot_data = interface.getData(ptype, data_class, leg, [self.calcs[i] for i in getListCtrlSelection(self.calcList)]) self.SetStatusText('Calculation time: %7.2f s.' % (time.clock() - t1)) msg = plot_data try: self.plot_frame.Raise() except (AttributeError, wx.PyDeadObjectError): self.plot_frame = PlotFuncFrame(self) self.plot_frame.Show() pub.sendMessage('data.plot', message=msg)
def DoPopup(self, pos): """ pos should be in client coords """ if self.context_menu: selectBeforePopup(self, pos) selection = getListCtrlSelection(self) if len(selection) > 0: self.PopupMenu(self.context_menu) return
def on_DeselectBtn(self, evt): sind = getListCtrlSelection(self.OptionsList) if sind: ds = 0 for si in sind: option_text = self.selected_options.pop(si - ds) self.OptionsList.DeleteItem(si - ds) self.parent.remove_FDF_option(option_text) ds += 1 return 0 return 1
def upBtnPress(self, event): # selection indices sind = getListCtrlSelection(self.calcList) if sind: # number of deleted strings ds = 0 for si in sind: self.calcs.pop(si - ds) self.calcList.DeleteItem(si - ds) ds += 1 return 0 return 1
def replot(self, cfd = True): sind = getListCtrlSelection(self.PlotsCtrl) print sind ng = len(sind) ncols = round(ng**0.5) if ncols == 0.: ncols = 1. nrows = math.ceil(ng / ncols) self.fig.clear() # clear fitting data as well if cfd: self.fit_points = [] self.FitBtn.SetLabel("Begin fit") self.fitting = False for i, igraph in enumerate(sind): title = self.PlotsCtrl.GetItemText(igraph) axes = self.fig.add_subplot(nrows,ncols,i+1) axes.set_title(title) if self.ByCalcsChkBox.IsChecked(): if not hasattr([igraph],'var_x'): x =[igraph].x else: x = range(len([igraph].x)) axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks(x) axes.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([igraph].x, rotation=60, size='x-small') for y in[igraph].y: axes.plot(x, y) else: for d in if not hasattr(d,'var_x'): x = d.x else: x = range(len(d.x)) axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks(x) axes.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels(d.x, rotation=60, size='x-small') axes.plot(x, d.y[igraph]) # get legend lines = self.fig.axes[0].get_lines() self.fig.legend(lines, self.leg, 1) self.fig.tight_layout() self.canvas.draw()
def FitBtnPress(self, evt): sind = getListCtrlSelection(self.PlotsCtrl) if len(sind) > 1: print 'There should be one axis!' return sind = sind[0] if not self.fitting: # begin fit; show dialog dlg = FitDialog(self, sets = self.leg) if not dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return # get data from dialog opts, iset = dlg.GetFitOptions() dlg.Destroy() # some quirks to begin fitting self.FitBtn.SetLabel("Finish fit") self.fitting = True self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnCanvasClick) # get fit set according to the state of GBC checkbox if self.ByCalcsChkBox.IsChecked(): fit_set = ([sind][self.x],[sind][self.PlotsCtrl.GetItemText(iset)]) else: fit_set = ([iset][self.x],[iset][self.PlotsCtrl.GetItemText(sind)]) = fit.Fit(opts, fit_set) else: # try to end fit if not return self.canvas.Unbind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK) # fitting itself p, x, y = self.replot() ax = self.fig.gca() ax.plot(x, y, '--x') self.canvas.draw() self.AddFitInfo(
def GetSelection(self): return getListCtrlSelection(self)