def sat_validation(): """validate satellite info""" sat_servers = wxcutils.load_json(CONFIG_PATH, 'sat-servers.json') result = [] for sat_server in sat_servers: MY_LOGGER.debug('Processing %s', sat_server) address = 'tcp://' + sat_server['ip'] + ':' + sat_server['port'] sub0 = Sub0(dial=address, recv_timeout=100, topics="") # make sure everyone is connected time.sleep(0.1) retry_counter = 1 op = 'unset' while retry_counter <= 10: try: op = json.loads(sub0.recv().decode("utf-8")) result.append({ 'timestamp': op['timestamp'], 'skipped_symbols': op['skipped_symbols'], 'viterbi_errors': op['viterbi_errors'], 'reed_solomon_errors': op['reed_solomon_errors'], 'ok': 'Locked' if op['ok'] else 'Unlocked', 'label': sat_server['label'], 'when': str(time.time()) }) break except: MY_LOGGER.debug('Attempt %d', retry_counter) MY_LOGGER.debug( 'Unexpected error connecting to %s : 0 %s 1 %s 2 %s', address, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]) retry_counter += 1 MY_LOGGER.debug('Sleeping 2 seconds...') time.sleep(2) MY_LOGGER.debug('op %s', op) MY_LOGGER.debug('result = %s', result) # close the socket now we've finished with it sub0.close() wxcutils.save_json(OUTPUT_PATH, 'satellite-receivers.json', result)
def build_pass_json(): """build json file for all passes""" MY_LOGGER.debug('building pass json') json_data = [] for filename in find_files(TARGET, '*.html'): if filename.split( TARGET )[1][: 2] == '20' and 'captures' not in filename and 'meteor' not in filename and 'noaa' not in filename: # MY_LOGGER.debug('found pass page - filename = %s', filename) bpj_file_path, html_file = os.path.split(filename) base_filename, base_extension = os.path.splitext(html_file) filename_root = filename[:len(filename) - len(base_extension)] # look for all the image files and add to the list # to avoid the json file getting too large, extract the enhancement part only image_files = glob.glob(bpj_file_path + '/images/' + base_filename + '*.jpg') image_enhancements = [] for entry in image_files: if entry[len(entry) - 7:] != '-tn.jpg': result = entry.replace('.jpg', '').replace( bpj_file_path + '/images/', '').replace(base_filename, '') image_enhancements.append(result[1:]) json_data.append({ 'path': filename_root.replace(TARGET, ''), 'enhancement': image_enhancements }) # build data for catures pages # MY_LOGGER.debug('filename_root = %s', filename_root.replace(TARGET, '')[11:30]) local_sort = wxcutils.epoch_to_local( wxcutils.utc_to_epoch( filename_root.replace(TARGET, '')[11:30], '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S'), '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') # MY_LOGGER.debug('local = %s', local) ALL_PASSES.append({ 'path': filename_root.replace(TARGET, ''), 'local sort': local_sort, 'local year': local_sort[:4], 'local month': local_sort[5:7], 'local day': local_sort[8:10], 'local time': local_sort[11:19] }) MY_LOGGER.debug('saving passses.json') wxcutils.save_json(TARGET, 'passes.json', json_data)
# create thumbnail if extenstion != '.txt': create_thumbnail(directory, extenstion) # create file with date time info if directory != 'ANT': wxcutils.save_file(OUTPUT_PATH, directory + '.txt', date_time) else: wxcutils.save_file(OUTPUT_PATH, 'ANT.txt.txt', date_time) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('File unchanged') # save latest times data wxcutils.save_json(OUTPUT_PATH, 'gk2a_info.json', latest_timestamps) # rsync files to servers wxcutils.run_cmd('rsync -rtPv ' + OUTPUT_PATH + ' [email protected]:/home/mike/wxcapture/gk-2a') wxcutils.run_cmd( 'rsync -rtPv ' + base_dir + ' --exclude *_sanchez* --exclude *web* [email protected]:/home/pi/goes/gk-2a' ) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('Another instance of is already running') MY_LOGGER.debug( 'Skip running this instance to allow the existing one to complete') # except:
FILE_BASE = '/home/pi/goes/' MY_LOGGER.debug('FILE_BASE = %s', FILE_BASE) # test for network connectivity for key, value in NETCONFIG.items(): if key == 'addresses': for nc in NETCONFIG[key]: if nc['Active'] == 'yes': MY_LOGGER.debug('-' * 20) MY_LOGGER.debug(nc) # need to fix updating the NETCONFIG part! nc['status'] = test_connection(nc, NETCONFIG['attempt'], NETCONFIG['timeout']) nc['when'] = time.time() wxcutils.save_json(OUTPUT_PATH, 'network.json', NETCONFIG) # test if goesproc is running or processing if not is_running('goesproc') or not is_processing('goesproc', 10): # need to kick off the code MY_LOGGER.debug('Kicking it off') wxcutils.run_cmd( 'goesproc -c /usr/share/goestools/goesproc-goesr.conf -m packet ' + '--subscribe tcp:// --out /home/pi/goes &') if is_running('goesproc'): MY_LOGGER.debug('goesproc is now running') else: MY_LOGGER.critical( 'goesproc is NOT running and could not be restarted') # log drive space free to file
MY_LOGGER.debug('station = %s', STATION) # load current master MASTER = wxcutils.load_json(WORKING_PATH, 'master.json') # load new set NEW = wxcutils.load_json(WORKING_PATH, STATION + '-filefound.json') # find what is in the master but not in the new one # DELTA = [x for x in MASTER + NEW if x not in MASTER or x not in NEW] DELTA = [_dict for _dict in NEW if _dict not in MASTER] NUM_DIFFERENCES = len(DELTA) MY_LOGGER.debug('Number of differences = %d', NUM_DIFFERENCES) # save out request from station list wxcutils.save_json(WORKING_PATH, STATION + '-filerequest.json', DELTA) if NUM_DIFFERENCES > 0: KEYS = DELTA[0].KEYS() with open(WORKING_PATH + STATION + '-filerequest.csv', 'w', newline='') as output_file: DICT_WRITER = csv.DictWriter(output_file, KEYS) DICT_WRITER.writeheader() DICT_WRITER.writerows(DELTA) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('No differences to write to a csv file, writing empty file') wxcutils.save_file(WORKING_PATH, STATION + '-filerequest.csv', '') # create zip command CMD = 'zip ' + STATION + ' ' for line in DELTA: CMD += ' ' + BASE_DIR + line['date'] + '/' + line['type'] + '/' + \
TYPES = [] # find all date directories MY_LOGGER.debug('Finding date directories') DATES = find_directories(base_dir) # iterate through all the dates MY_LOGGER.debug('Iterate through all files') iterate_dirctories() # find the max file counter for an image type MY_LOGGER.debug('Find max counter per image type') counter_max = dict() find_max_values() MISSING = [] MY_LOGGER.debug('Find missing') # iterate through days / types and look for missing files # need to go through all days in date range to catch full missing days find_missing() # save out data MY_LOGGER.debug('Save out results') wxcutils.save_json(WORKING_PATH, station + '-filefound.json', FILES) wxcutils.save_json(WORKING_PATH, station + '-filemissing.json', MISSING) save_csv(WORKING_PATH, station + '-filefound.csv', FILES) save_csv(WORKING_PATH, station + '-filemissing.csv', MISSING) MY_LOGGER.debug('Execution end') MY_LOGGER.debug('-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+')
MY_LOGGER.debug('Loading config') SATELLITE_INFO = wxcutils.load_json(CONFIG_PATH, 'web.json') # loop through active satellites for key, value in SATELLITE_INFO.items(): MY_LOGGER.debug('key = %s, value = %s', key, value) for si in SATELLITE_INFO[key]: if si['Active'] == 'yes': MY_LOGGER.debug('-' * 20) MY_LOGGER.debug(si) try: proccess_satellite(si) except: MY_LOGGER.debug('Exception whilst processing satellite %s', si['Name']) MY_LOGGER.error('Loop exception handler: %s %s %s', sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]) # save updated config wxcutils.save_json(CONFIG_PATH, 'web.json', SATELLITE_INFO) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('Another instance of is already running') MY_LOGGER.debug( 'Skip running this instance to allow the existing one to complete') MY_LOGGER.debug('Execution end') MY_LOGGER.debug('-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+')
if nc['status'] == 'OK': EMAIL_TEXT3 += 'OK - network connectivity is good' + ' - ' EMAIL_HTML3 += '<td>Good connectivity</td><td>' + \ wxcutils.epoch_to_local(nc['when'], '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') + '</td></tr>' + NEWLINE else: EMAIL_TEXT3 = 'Error - network connecitivity issue - ' + nc[ 'status'] + '' EMAIL_HTML3 += '<td>' + nc['status'] + '</td><td>' + \ wxcutils.epoch_to_local(nc['when'], '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') + '</td></tr>' + NEWLINE MY_LOGGER.debug('HTML = ' + EMAIL_HTML3) MY_LOGGER.debug('txt = ' + EMAIL_TEXT3) # save last wxcutils.save_json(CONFIG_PATH, 'network.json', LATESTNETWORK) # validate satellite status MY_LOGGER.debug('-' * 20) LATESTSATSTATUS = wxcutils.load_json(WEB_PATH + 'gk-2a/', 'satellite-receivers.json') PREVIOUSSATSTATUS = wxcutils.load_json(CONFIG_PATH, 'satellite-receivers.json') EMAIL_TEXT4 = '' EMAIL_HTML4 = '' PREVIOUS = '' for si1 in LATESTSATSTATUS: MY_LOGGER.debug('-' * 20) MY_LOGGER.debug('Processing - %s', si1['label']) MY_LOGGER.debug('si1 %s', si1)
process_overlaps() # sort data MY_LOGGER.debug('Sort passes') SAT_DATA = sorted(SAT_DATA, key=lambda k: k['time']) # schedule MY_LOGGER.debug('AT scheduling') for elem in SAT_DATA: try: if elem['scheduler'] != '': if time.time() < elem['time']: MY_LOGGER.debug('>>>>>>>> %s', elem['scheduler']) wxcutils.run_cmd(elem['scheduler']) elem['timezone'] = LOCAL_TIME_ZONE wxcutils.save_json(OUTPUT_PATH, elem['filename_base'] + '.json', elem) MY_LOGGER.debug('pass json = %s', elem) else: MY_LOGGER.debug( '%s - not scheduled due to being in the past', elem['satellite']) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('%s removed - active but not being recorded', elem['satellite']) except ValueError: MY_LOGGER.debug( 'when must be at a time in the future, never in the past - can ignore' ) wxcutils.save_json(WORKING_PATH, 'passes_today.json', SAT_DATA) # find satellite pass for next few days
# end of month, go up a directory ftp.cwd('..') MY_LOGGER.debug('current directory = %s', ftp.pwd()) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('invalid month = %s', month) # end of year, go up a directory ftp.cwd('..') MY_LOGGER.debug('current directory = %s', ftp.pwd()) # close connection ftp.quit() # update config file with latest processed info # only if files were processed if last_year: CONFIG_INFO['Last Year'] = last_year CONFIG_INFO['Last Month'] = last_month CONFIG_INFO['Last Day'] = last_day CONFIG_INFO['Last Time'] = last_time wxcutils.save_json(CONFIG_PATH, 'electro.json', CONFIG_INFO) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('Another instance of is already running') MY_LOGGER.debug( 'Skip running this instance to allow the existing one to complete') MY_LOGGER.debug('Execution end') MY_LOGGER.debug('-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+')
def save_last_backup_data(): """dave last backup data""" wxcutils.save_json(CONFIG_PATH, 'last_backup.json', LAST_BACKUP_DATA)
def process_file(pf_file_name): """process a file, moving files to remote server using rynch and performing locking""" def do_sync(ds_source, ds_destination): """synch the file over""" MY_LOGGER.debug('rsync %s %s %s', '-avz', ds_source, ds_destination) pf_cmd = Popen(['rsync', '-avz', ds_source, ds_destination], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) pf_stdout, pf_stderr = pf_cmd.communicate() pf_stdout = pf_stdout.decode('utf-8') pf_stderr = pf_stderr.decode('utf-8') MY_LOGGER.debug('stdout:%s', pf_stdout) if pf_stderr == '': MY_LOGGER.debug('rsync successful') return True MY_LOGGER.debug('rsync error = %s', pf_stderr) return False # load the queue file pf_file_data = wxcutils.load_json(QUEUE_PATH, pf_file_name) # recover the lock_id pf_lock_id = pf_file_data['lock'] MY_LOGGER.debug('pf_lock_id = %s', pf_lock_id) # iterate through the files for pf_file in pf_file_data['files']: if pf_file['copied'] == 'no': MY_LOGGER.debug('To copy - %s %s %s %s', pf_file['source path'], pf_file['source file'], pf_file['destination path'], pf_file['copied']) pf_result = do_sync(pf_file['source path'] + '/' + pf_file['source file'], RSYNC_CONFIG['remote user'] + '@' + RSYNC_CONFIG['remote host'] + \ ':' + RSYNC_CONFIG['remote directory'] + '/' + \ pf_file['destination path'] + '/' + \ pf_file['source file'] + '.LOCK.' + pf_lock_id) if pf_result: pf_file['copied'] = 'yes' # check if any files left to be copied pf_files_to_copy = False for pf_file in pf_file_data['files']: if pf_file['copied'] == 'no': pf_files_to_copy = True break if pf_files_to_copy: MY_LOGGER.debug('Files still to copy') MY_LOGGER.debug('Work still to be done, save file for future processing') wxcutils.save_json(QUEUE_PATH, pf_file_name, pf_file_data) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('All files copied over, copy the unlock over') pf_unlock_file = pf_lock_id + '.UNLOCK' wxcutils.run_cmd('touch ' + QUEUE_PATH + pf_unlock_file) pf_result = do_sync(QUEUE_PATH + pf_unlock_file, RSYNC_CONFIG['remote user'] + '@' + RSYNC_CONFIG['remote host'] + \ ':' + RSYNC_CONFIG['remote directory'] + '/' + pf_unlock_file) if pf_result: MY_LOGGER.debug('lock file copied over successfully') wxcutils.run_cmd('rm ' + QUEUE_PATH + pf_unlock_file) wxcutils.save_json(QUEUE_PATH, pf_file_name, pf_file_data) wxcutils.run_cmd('rm ' + QUEUE_PATH + pf_file_name) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('Work still to be done, save file for future processing') wxcutils.save_json(QUEUE_PATH, pf_file_name, pf_file_data)
# can now delete the original image to save space wxcutils.run_cmd('rm ' + file_location + filename) # save a thumbnail of a channel 1 image to send to webserver if filename[4] == '1': cmd = 'vips resize ' + file_location + filename.replace( '.png', '.jpg' ) + ' ' + OUTPUT_PATH + 'ews-g1-1.jpg' + ' 0.1843' MY_LOGGER.debug('cmd %s', cmd) wxcutils.run_cmd(cmd) # create file with date time info MY_LOGGER.debug('Writing out last generated date file') wxcutils.save_file( OUTPUT_PATH, 'ews-g1-1.txt', get_last_generated_text( filename.replace('.png', '.jpg'))) else: MY_LOGGER.debug('File already exists') last_read = directory_datetime # update config file with latest directory # only if directories were processed if last_read: CONFIG_INFO['Last Directory'] = last_read wxcutils.save_json(CONFIG_PATH, 'ews-g1.json', CONFIG_INFO) MY_LOGGER.debug('Execution end') MY_LOGGER.debug('-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+')