def compute_cleaner(data, eog_data,marker_positions, ival, max_min=2,
                   whisker_percent=5, whisker_length=3):
    """For Cleaner tests..."""
    assert eog_data.shape[0] == data.shape[0]
    axes = [range(data.shape[0]), range(data.shape[1])]
    markers = zip(marker_positions, [0] * len(marker_positions))
    cnt = Data(data,axes=axes,names=['time', 'channels'], units=['ms', '#'])
    cnt.fs = 1000
    cnt.markers = markers
    eog_axes = [range(eog_data.shape[0]), range(eog_data.shape[1])]
    eog_cnt = Data(eog_data,axes=eog_axes,names=['time', 'channels'], units=['ms', '#'])
    eog_cnt.fs = 1000
    eog_cnt.markers = markers
    eog_proc = SignalProcessor(FakeLoader(eog_cnt),segment_ival=ival,marker_def=marker_def)
    cleaner = Cleaner(cnt,eog_proc,rejection_blink_ival=ival,
       max_min=max_min,rejection_var_ival=ival, whisker_percent=whisker_percent, 
       low_cut_hz=None, high_cut_hz=None, filt_order=None,marker_def=marker_def)
    return cleaner
def convert_mushu_data(data, markers, fs, channels):
    """Convert mushu data into wyrm's ``Data`` format.

    This convenience method creates a continuous ``Data`` object from
    the parameters given. The timeaxis always starts from zero and its
    values are calculated from the sampling frequency ``fs`` and the
    length of ``data``. The ``names`` and ``units`` attributes are
    filled with default vaules.

    data : 2d array
        an 2 dimensional numpy array with the axes: (time, channel)
    markers : list of tuples: (float, str)
        a list of markers. Each element is a tuple of timestamp and
        string. The timestamp is the time in ms relative to the onset of
        the block of data. Note that negative values are *allowed* as
        well as values bigger than the length of the block of data
        returned. That is to be interpreted as a marker from the last
        block and a marker for a future block respectively.
    fs : float
        the sampling frequency, this number is used to calculate the
        timeaxis for the data
    channels : list or 1d array of strings
        the channel names

    cnt : continuous ``Data`` object


    Assuming that ``amp`` is an Amplifier instance from ``libmushu``,
    already configured but not started yet:

    >>> amp_fs = amp.get_sampling_frequency()
    >>> amp_channels = amp.get_channels()
    >>> amp.start()
    >>> while True:
    ...     data, markers = amp.get_data()
    ...     cnt = convert_mushu_data(data, markers, amp_fs, amp_channels)
    ...     # some more code
    >>> amp.stop()


    time_axis = np.linspace(0, 1000 * data.shape[0] / fs, data.shape[0], endpoint=False)
    chan_axis = channels[:]
    axes = [time_axis, chan_axis]
    names = ['time', 'channel']
    units = ['uV', '#']
    cnt = Data(data=data.copy(), axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    cnt.markers = markers[:]
    cnt.fs = fs
    return cnt
文件: io.py 项目: drajguru/wyrm
def convert_mushu_data(data, markers, fs, channels):
    """Convert mushu data into wyrm's ``Data`` format.

    This convenience method creates a continuous ``Data`` object from
    the parameters given. The timeaxis always starts from zero and its
    values are calculated from the sampling frequency ``fs`` and the
    length of ``data``. The ``names`` and ``units`` attributes are
    filled with default vaules.

    data : 2d array
        an 2 dimensional numpy array with the axes: (time, channel)
    markers : list of tuples: (float, str)
        a list of markers. Each element is a tuple of timestamp and
        string. The timestamp is the time in ms relative to the onset of
        the block of data. Note that negative values are *allowed* as
        well as values bigger than the length of the block of data
        returned. That is to be interpreted as a marker from the last
        block and a marker for a future block respectively.
    fs : float
        the sampling frequency, this number is used to calculate the
        timeaxis for the data
    channels : list or 1d array of strings
        the channel names

    cnt : continuous ``Data`` object


    Assuming that ``amp`` is an Amplifier instance from ``libmushu``,
    already configured but not started yet:

    >>> amp_fs = amp.get_sampling_frequency()
    >>> amp_channels = amp.get_channels()
    >>> amp.start()
    >>> while True:
    ...     data, markers = amp.get_data()
    ...     cnt = convert_mushu_data(data, markers, amp_fs, amp_channels)
    ...     # some more code
    >>> amp.stop()


    time_axis = np.linspace(0, 1000 * data.shape[0] / fs, data.shape[0], endpoint=False)
    chan_axis = channels[:]
    axes = [time_axis, chan_axis]
    names = ['time', 'channel']
    units = ['uV', '#']
    cnt = Data(data=data.copy(), axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    cnt.markers = markers[:]
    cnt.fs = fs
    return cnt
def compute_cleaner(data,
    """For Cleaner tests..."""
    assert eog_data.shape[0] == data.shape[0]

    axes = [range(data.shape[0]), range(data.shape[1])]
    markers = zip(marker_positions, [0] * len(marker_positions))
    marker_def = {'0': [0]}
    cnt = Data(data, axes=axes, names=['time', 'channels'], units=['ms', '#'])
    cnt.fs = 1000
    cnt.markers = markers

    eog_axes = [range(eog_data.shape[0]), range(eog_data.shape[1])]
    eog_cnt = Data(eog_data,
                   names=['time', 'channels'],
                   units=['ms', '#'])
    eog_cnt.fs = 1000
    eog_cnt.markers = markers
    eog_proc = SignalProcessor(FakeLoader(eog_cnt),

    cleaner = Cleaner(cnt,
    return cleaner
def load_graz(filename):
   # load the training 
   data_mat = scio.loadmat('dataset_BCIcomp1.mat')
   data = data_mat['x_train'].astype('double')
   #print data.shape
   data = data.swapaxes(-3, -2)
   data = data.swapaxes(-1, -3)
   labels = data_mat['y_train'].astype('int').ravel()
   #print data.shape

   # convert into wyrm Data
   axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
   axes[0] = labels
   axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
   names = ['Class', 'Time', 'Channel']
   units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
   dat_train = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
   dat_train.fs = 128
   dat_train.class_names = ['left', 'right']

   # load the test data
   #test_data_mat = loadmat(test_file)
   data = data_mat['x_test'].astype('double')
   data = data.swapaxes(-3, -2)
   data = data.swapaxes(-1, -3)

   # convert into wyrm Data
   axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
   axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
   names = ['Class','Time', 'Channel']
   units = ['#','ms', '#']
   dat_test = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
   dat_test.fs = 128

   # map labels 2 -> 0
   dat_test.axes[0][dat_test.axes[0] == 2] = 0
   dat_train.axes[0][dat_train.axes[0] == 2] = 0

   return dat_train, dat_test
文件: io.py 项目: jscastanoc/wyrm
def load_mushu_data(meta):
    """Load saved EEG data in Mushu's format.

    This method loads saved data in Mushu's format and returns a
    continuous ``Data`` object.

    meta : str
        Path to `.meta` file. A Mushu recording consists of three
        different files: `.eeg`, `.marker`, and `.meta`.

    dat : Data
        Continuous Data object


    >>> dat = load_mushu_data('testrecording.meta')

    # reverse and replace and reverse again to replace only the last
    # (occurrence of .meta)
    datafile = meta[::-1].replace('atem.', 'gee.', 1)[::-1]
    markerfile = meta[::-1].replace('atem.', 'rekram.', 1)[::-1]
    assert path.exists(meta) and path.exists(datafile) and path.exists(
    # load meta data
    with open(meta) as fh:
        metadata = json.load(fh)
    fs = metadata['Sampling Frequency']
    channels = np.array(metadata['Channels'])
    # load eeg data
    data = np.fromfile(datafile, np.float32)
    data = data.reshape((-1, len(channels)))
    # load markers
    markers = []
    with open(markerfile) as fh:
        for line in fh:
            ts, m = line.split(' ', 1)
            markers.append([float(ts), str(m).strip()])
    # construct Data
    duration = len(data) * 1000 / fs
    axes = [np.linspace(0, duration, len(data), endpoint=False), channels]
    names = ['time', 'channels']
    units = ['ms', '#']
    dat = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat.fs = fs
    dat.markers = markers
    return dat
文件: io.py 项目: drajguru/wyrm
def load_mushu_data(meta):
    """Load saved EEG data in Mushu's format.

    This method loads saved data in Mushu's format and returns a
    continuous ``Data`` object.

    meta : str
        Path to `.meta` file. A Mushu recording consists of three
        different files: `.eeg`, `.marker`, and `.meta`.

    dat : Data
        Continuous Data object


    >>> dat = load_mushu_data('testrecording.meta')

    # reverse and replace and reverse again to replace only the last
    # (occurrence of .meta)
    datafile = meta[::-1].replace('atem.', 'gee.', 1)[::-1]
    markerfile = meta[::-1].replace('atem.', 'rekram.', 1)[::-1]
    assert path.exists(meta) and path.exists(datafile) and path.exists(markerfile)
    # load meta data
    with open(meta, 'r') as fh:
        metadata = json.load(fh)
    fs = metadata['Sampling Frequency']
    channels = np.array(metadata['Channels'])
    # load eeg data
    data = np.fromfile(datafile, np.float32)
    data = data.reshape((-1, len(channels)))
    # load markers
    markers = []
    with open(markerfile, 'r') as fh:
        for line in fh:
            ts, m = line.split(' ', 1)
            markers.append([float(ts), str(m).strip()])
    # construct Data
    duration = len(data) * 1000 / fs
    axes = [np.linspace(0, duration, len(data), endpoint=False), channels]
    names = ['time', 'channels']
    units = ['ms', '#']
    dat = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat.fs = fs
    dat.markers = markers
    return dat
 def test_segment_dat_with_restriction_to_new_data_ival_pos_pos(self):
     """Online Segmentation with ival +something..+something must work correctly."""
     data = np.ones((9, 3))
     time = np.linspace(0, 900, 9, endpoint=False)
     channels = 'a', 'b', 'c'
     markers = [[100, 'x'], [200, 'x'], [300, 'x']]
     dat = Data(data, [time, channels], ['time', 'channels'], ['ms', '#'])
     dat.fs = 10
     dat.markers = markers
     mrk_def = {'class 1': ['x']}
     # each tuple has (number of new samples, expected epocs)
     samples_epos = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3), (5, 3)]
     for s, e in samples_epos:
         epo = segment_dat(dat, mrk_def, [100, 500], newsamples=s)
         self.assertEqual(epo.data.shape[0], e)
 def test_equality(self):
     """Test the various (in)equalities."""
     d1 = Data(self.data, self.axes, self.names, self.units)
     # known extra attributes
     d1.markers = [[123, 'foo'], [234, 'bar']]
     d1.fs = 100
     # unknown extra attribute
     d1.foo = 'bar'
     # so far, so equal
     d2 = d1.copy()
     self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
     # different shape
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.data = np.arange(20).reshape(5, 4)
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different data
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.data[0, 0] = 42
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different axes
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.axes[0] = np.arange(100)
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different names
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.names[0] = 'baz'
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different untis
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.units[0] = 'u3'
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different known extra attribute
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.markers[0] = [123, 'baz']
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different known extra attribute
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.fs = 10
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different unknown extra attribute
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.baz = 'baz'
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different new unknown extra attribute
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.bar = 42
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
 def test_equality(self):
     """Test the various (in)equalities."""
     d1 = Data(self.data, self.axes, self.names, self.units)
     # known extra attributes
     d1.markers = [[123, 'foo'], [234, 'bar']]
     d1.fs = 100
     # unknown extra attribute
     d1.foo = 'bar'
     # so far, so equal
     d2 = d1.copy()
     self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
     # different shape
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.data = np.arange(20).reshape(5, 4)
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different data
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.data[0, 0] = 42
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different axes
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.axes[0] = np.arange(100)
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different names
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.names[0] = 'baz'
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different untis
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.units[0] = 'u3'
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different known extra attribute
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.markers[0] = [123, 'baz']
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different known extra attribute
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.fs = 10
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different unknown extra attribute
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.baz = 'baz'
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
     # different new unknown extra attribute
     d2 = d1.copy()
     d2.bar = 42
     self.assertNotEqual(d1, d2)
def data_factory(data, axes=None, names=None, units=None, markers=None):
    """Helper method to create Data objects."""
    if len(data) == 0:
        axes = names = units = []
        if axes is None:
            axes = []
            for i in range(data.ndim):
                a = [i * 10 for i in range(data.shape[i])]
        if names is None:
            names = ['name %i' % i for i in range(data.ndim)]
        if units is None:
            units = ['unit %i' % i for i in range(data.ndim)]
    d = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    d.markers = markers if markers is not None else []
    d.fs = 100
    return d
def data_factory(data, axes=None, names=None, units=None, markers=None):
    """Helper method to create Data objects."""
    if len(data) == 0:
        axes = names = units = []
        if axes is None:
            axes = []
            for i in range(data.ndim):
                a = [i * 10 for i in range(data.shape[i])]
        if names is None:
            names = ['name %i' % i for i in range(data.ndim)]
        if units is None:
            units = ['unit %i' % i for i in range(data.ndim)]
    d = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    d.markers = markers if markers is not None else []
    d.fs = 100
    return d
 def test_segment_dat_with_restriction_to_new_data_ival_neg_neg(self):
     """Online Segmentation with ival -something..-something must work correctly."""
     # [   0.,  100.,  200.,  300.,  400.,  500.,  600.,  700.,  800.]
     #          100                  400   M500
     #                 200                  500   M600
     #                        299                  599   M699
     #                        300                  600   M700
     #                        301                  600   M701
     data = np.ones((9, 3))
     time = np.linspace(0, 900, 9, endpoint=False)
     channels = 'a', 'b', 'c'
     markers = [[500, 'x'], [600, 'x'], [699, 'x'], [700, 'x'], [701, 'x']]
     dat = Data(data, [time, channels], ['time', 'channels'], ['ms', '#'])
     dat.fs = 10
     dat.markers = markers
     mrk_def = {'class 1': ['x']}
     # each tuple has (number of new samples, expected epocs)
     samples_epos = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 2), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5)]
     for s, e in samples_epos:
         epo = segment_dat(dat, mrk_def, [-400, -100], newsamples=s)
         self.assertEqual(epo.data.shape[0], e)
 def test_segment_dat_with_restriction_to_new_data_ival_pos_pos(self):
     """Online Segmentation with ival +something..+something must work correctly."""
     # [   0.,  100.,  200.,  300.,  400.,  500.,  600.,  700.,  800.]
     #         M100    200                         600
     #                M200    300                         700
     #                       M299    399                         799
     #                       M300    400                         800
     #                       M301    401                         801
     data = np.ones((9, 3))
     time = np.linspace(0, 900, 9, endpoint=False)
     channels = 'a', 'b', 'c'
     markers = [[100, 'x'], [200, 'x'], [299, 'x'], [300, 'x'], [301, 'x']]
     dat = Data(data, [time, channels], ['time', 'channels'], ['ms', '#'])
     dat.fs = 10
     dat.markers = markers
     mrk_def = {'class 1': ['x']}
     # each tuple has (number of new samples, expected epocs)
     samples_epos = [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5)]
     for s, e in samples_epos:
         epo = segment_dat(dat, mrk_def, [100, 500], newsamples=s)
         self.assertEqual(epo.data.shape[0], e)
 def test_segment_dat_with_restriction_to_new_data_ival_neg_neg(self):
     """Online Segmentation with ival -something..-something must work correctly."""
     # [   0.,  100.,  200.,  300.,  400.,  500.,  600.,  700.,  800.]
     #          100                  400   M500
     #                 200                  500   M600
     #                        299                  599   M699
     #                        300                  600   M700
     #                        301                  600   M701
     data = np.ones((9, 3))
     time = np.linspace(0, 900, 9, endpoint=False)
     channels = "a", "b", "c"
     markers = [[500, "x"], [600, "x"], [699, "x"], [700, "x"], [701, "x"]]
     dat = Data(data, [time, channels], ["time", "channels"], ["ms", "#"])
     dat.fs = 10
     dat.markers = markers
     mrk_def = {"class 1": ["x"]}
     # each tuple has (number of new samples, expected epocs)
     samples_epos = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 2), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5)]
     for s, e in samples_epos:
         epo = segment_dat(dat, mrk_def, [-400, -100], newsamples=s)
         self.assertEqual(epo.data.shape[0], e)
 def test_segment_dat_with_restriction_to_new_data_ival_pos_pos(self):
     """Online Segmentation with ival +something..+something must work correctly."""
     # [   0.,  100.,  200.,  300.,  400.,  500.,  600.,  700.,  800.]
     #         M100    200                         600
     #                M200    300                         700
     #                       M299    399                         799
     #                       M300    400                         800
     #                       M301    401                         801
     data = np.ones((9, 3))
     time = np.linspace(0, 900, 9, endpoint=False)
     channels = "a", "b", "c"
     markers = [[100, "x"], [200, "x"], [299, "x"], [300, "x"], [301, "x"]]
     dat = Data(data, [time, channels], ["time", "channels"], ["ms", "#"])
     dat.fs = 10
     dat.markers = markers
     mrk_def = {"class 1": ["x"]}
     # each tuple has (number of new samples, expected epocs)
     samples_epos = [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 5)]
     for s, e in samples_epos:
         epo = segment_dat(dat, mrk_def, [100, 500], newsamples=s)
         self.assertEqual(epo.data.shape[0], e)
文件: io.py 项目: drajguru/wyrm
def load_brain_vision_data(vhdr):
    """Load Brain Vision data from a file.

    This methods loads the continuous EEG data, and returns a ``Data``
    object of continuous data ``[time, channel]``, along with the
    markers and the sampling frequency. The EEG data is returned in
    micro Volt.

    vhdr : str
        Path to a VHDR file

    dat : Data
        Continuous Data with the additional attributes ``.fs`` for the
        sampling frequency and ``.marker`` for a list of markers. Each
        marker is a tuple of ``(time in ms, marker)``.

        If one of the consistency checks fails


    >>> dat = load_brain_vision_data('path/to/vhdr')
    >>> dat.fs
    >>> dat.data.shape
    (54628, 61)

    logger.debug('Loading Brain Vision Data Exchange Header File')
    with open(vhdr) as fh:
        fdata = map(str.strip, fh.readlines())
    fdata = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith(';'), fdata)
    fdata = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, fdata)
    # check for the correct file version:
    assert fdata[0].endswith('1.0')
    # read all data into a dict where the key is the stanza of the file
    file_dict = dict()
    for line in fdata[1:]:
        if line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']'):
            current_stanza = line[1:-1]
            file_dict[current_stanza] = []
    # translate known stanzas from simple list of strings to a dict
    for stanza in 'Common Infos', 'Binary Infos', 'Channel Infos':
        file_dict[stanza] = {line.split('=', 1)[0]: line.split('=', 1)[1] for line in file_dict[stanza]}
    # now file_dict contains the parsed data from the vhdr file
    # load the rest
    data_f = file_dict['Common Infos']['DataFile']
    marker_f = file_dict['Common Infos']['MarkerFile']
    data_f = path.sep.join([path.dirname(vhdr), data_f])
    marker_f = path.sep.join([path.dirname(vhdr), marker_f])
    n_channels = int(file_dict['Common Infos']['NumberOfChannels'])
    sampling_interval_microseconds = float(file_dict['Common Infos']['SamplingInterval'])
    fs = 1 / (sampling_interval_microseconds / 10**6)
    channels = [file_dict['Channel Infos']['Ch%i' % (i + 1)] for i in range(n_channels)]
    channels = map(lambda x: x.split(',')[0], channels)
    resolutions = [file_dict['Channel Infos']['Ch%i' % (i + 1)] for i in range(n_channels)]
    resolutions = map(lambda x: float(x.split(',')[2]), resolutions)
    # assert all channels have the same resolution of 0.1
    # FIXME: that is not always true, for example if we measure pulse or
    # emg
    #assert all([i == 0.1 for i in resolutions])
    # some assumptions about the data...
    assert file_dict['Common Infos']['DataFormat'] == 'BINARY'
    assert file_dict['Common Infos']['DataOrientation'] == 'MULTIPLEXED'
    assert file_dict['Binary Infos']['BinaryFormat'] == 'INT_16'
    # load EEG data
    logger.debug('Loading EEG Data.')
    data = np.fromfile(data_f, np.int16)
    data = data.reshape(-1, n_channels)
    data *= resolutions[0]
    n_samples = data.shape[0]
    # duration in ms
    duration = 1000 * n_samples / fs
    time = np.linspace(0, duration, n_samples, endpoint=False)
    # load marker
    logger.debug('Loading Marker.')
    regexp = r'^Mk(?P<mrk_nr>[0-9]*)=.*,(?P<mrk_descr>.*),(?P<mrk_pos>[0-9]*),[0-9]*,[0-9]*$'
    mrk = []
    with open(marker_f) as fh:
        for line in fh:
            line = line.strip()
            match = re.match(regexp, line)
            if match is None:
            mrk_pos = match.group('mrk_pos')
            mrk_descr = match.group('mrk_descr')
            if len(mrk_descr) > 1:
                # marker := [samplenr, marker]
                #mrk.append([int(mrk_pos), mrk_descr])
                # marker := [time in ms, marker]
                mrk.append([time[int(mrk_pos)], mrk_descr])
    dat = Data(data, [time, channels], ['time', 'channel'], ['ms', '#'])
    dat.fs = fs
    dat.markers = mrk
    return dat
文件: io.py 项目: drajguru/wyrm
def load_bcicomp3_ds2(filename):
    """Load the BCI Competition III Data Set 2.

    This method loads the data set and converts it into Wyrm's ``Data``
    format. Before you use it, you have to download the data set in
    Matlab format and unpack it. The directory with the extracted files
    must contain the ``Subject_*.mat``- and the ``eloc64.txt`` files.

    .. note::

        If you need the true labels of the test sets, you'll have to
        download them separately from

    filename : str
        The path to the matlab file to load

    cnt : continuous `Data` object


    >>> dat = load_bcicomp3_ds2('/home/foo/data/Subject_A_Train.mat')

        # cols from left to right
        1 : "agmsy5",
        2 : "bhntz6",
        3 : "ciou17",
        4 : "djpv28",
        5 : "ekqw39",
        6 : "flrx4_",
        # rows from top to bottom
        7 : "abcdef",
        8 : "ghijkl",
        9 : "mnopqr",
        10: "stuvwx",
        11: "yz1234",
        12: "56789_"

    # load the matlab data
    data_mat = loadmat(filename)
    # load the channel names (the same for all datasets
    eloc_file = path.sep.join([path.dirname(filename), 'eloc64.txt'])
    with open(eloc_file) as fh:
        data = fh.read()
    channels = []
    for line in data.splitlines():
        if line:
            chan = line.split()[-1]
            chan = chan.replace('.', '')
    # fix the channel names, some letters have the wrong capitalization
    for i, s in enumerate(channels):
        s2 = s.upper()
        s2 = s2.replace('Z', 'z')
        s2 = s2.replace('FP', 'Fp')
        channels[i] = s2
    # The signal is recorded with 64 channels, bandpass filtered
    # 0.1-60Hz and digitized at 240Hz. The format is Character Epoch x
    # Samples x Channels
    data = data_mat['Signal']
    data = data.astype('double')
    # For each sample: 1 if a row/colum was flashed, 0 otherwise
    flashing = data_mat['Flashing'].reshape(-1)
    #flashing = np.flatnonzero((np.diff(a) == 1)) + 1
    tmp = []
    for i, _ in enumerate(flashing):
        if i == 0:
        if flashing[i] == flashing[i-1] == 1:
    flashing = np.array(tmp)
    # For each sample: 0 when no row/colum was intensified,
    # 1..6 for intensified columns, 7..12 for intensified rows
    stimulus_code = data_mat['StimulusCode'].reshape(-1)
    stimulus_code = stimulus_code[flashing == 1]
    # 0 if no row/col was intensified or the intensified did not contain
    # the target character, 1 otherwise
    stimulus_type = data_mat.get('StimulusType', np.array([])).reshape(-1)
    # The target characters
    target_chars = data_mat.get('TargetChar', np.array([])).reshape(-1)
    fs = 240
    data = data.reshape(-1, 64)
    timeaxis = np.linspace(0, data.shape[0] / fs * 1000, data.shape[0], endpoint=False)
    dat = Data(data=data, axes=[timeaxis, channels], names=['time', 'channel'], units=['ms', '#'])
    dat.fs = fs
    # preparing the markers
    target_mask = np.logical_and((flashing == 1), (stimulus_type == 1)) if len(stimulus_type) > 0 else []
    nontarget_mask = np.logical_and((flashing == 1), (stimulus_type == 0)) if len(stimulus_type) > 0 else []
    flashing = (flashing == 1)
    flashing = [[i, 'flashing'] for i in timeaxis[flashing]]
    targets = [[i, 'target'] for i in timeaxis[target_mask]]
    nontargets = [[i, 'nontarget'] for i in timeaxis[nontarget_mask]]
    dat.stimulus_code = stimulus_code[:]
    stimulus_code = zip([t for t, _ in flashing], [STIMULUS_CODE[i] for i in stimulus_code])
    markers = flashing[:]
    dat.markers = markers[:]
    return dat
文件: io.py 项目: drajguru/wyrm
def load_bcicomp3_ds1(dirname):
    """Load the BCI Competition III Data Set 1.

    This method loads the data set and converts it into Wyrm's ``Data``
    format. Before you use it, you have to download the training- and
    test data in Matlab format and unpack it into a directory.

    .. note::

        If you need the true labels of the test sets, you'll have to
        download them separately from

    dirname : str
        the directory where the ``Competition_train.mat`` and
        ``Competition_test.mat`` are located

    epo_train, epo_test : epoched ``Data`` objects


    >>> epo_test, epo_train = load_bcicomp3_ds1('/home/foo/bcicomp3_dataset1/')

    # construct the filenames from the dirname
    training_file = path.sep.join([dirname, 'Competition_train.mat'])
    test_file = path.sep.join([dirname, 'Competition_test.mat'])

    # load the training data
    training_data_mat = loadmat(training_file)
    data = training_data_mat['X'].astype('double')
    data = data.swapaxes(-1, -2)
    labels = training_data_mat['Y'].astype('int').ravel()
    # convert into wyrm Data
    axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
    axes[0] = labels
    axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
    names = ['Class', 'Time', 'Channel']
    units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
    dat_train = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat_train.fs = 1000
    dat_train.class_names = ['pinky', 'tongue']

    # load the test data
    test_data_mat = loadmat(test_file)
    data = test_data_mat['X'].astype('double')
    data = data.swapaxes(-1, -2)
    # convert into wyrm Data
    axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
    axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
    names = ['Epoch', 'Time', 'Channel']
    units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
    dat_test = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat_test.fs = 1000

    # map labels -1 -> 0
    dat_test.axes[0][dat_test.axes[0] == -1] = 0
    dat_train.axes[0][dat_train.axes[0] == -1] = 0

    return dat_train, dat_test
# convert labels into ints
train_labels = np.array(train_labels, dtype=np.int8)
test_labels = np.array(test_labels, dtype=np.int8)

#sorted_by_labels = [[], [], []]
#for i, label in enumerate(train_labels):
#    sorted_by_labels[int(label[0])].append(train_instances[i])
#shape = (2, len(sorted_by_labels[1][0]), len(sorted_by_labels[1][0]))
#csp_training_data = np.ndarray(sorted_by_labels[1:2]) # only want positive classes in our CSP training data
train_data = Data(
     range(0, np_train_instances.shape[1]),
     range(1, 26)], ["class", "time", "channel"], ["#", "1s/250", "#"])
train_data.fs = 250
train_data.class_names = ["none", "left", "right"]
test_data = Data(
     range(0, np_test_instances.shape[1]),
     range(1, 26)], ["class", "time", "channel"], ["#", "1s/250", "#"])
test_data.fs = 250

#dat_train, dat_test = load_bcicomp3_ds1(DATA_DIR)
dat_train = train_data
dat_test = test_data

def load_brain_vision_data(vhdr):
    """Load Brain Vision data from a file.

    This methods loads the continuous EEG data, and returns a ``Data``
    object of continuous data ``[time, channel]``, along with the
    markers and the sampling frequency. The EEG data is returned in
    micro Volt.

    vhdr : str
        Path to a VHDR file

    dat : Data
        Continuous Data with the additional attributes ``.fs`` for the
        sampling frequency and ``.marker`` for a list of markers. Each
        marker is a tuple of ``(time in ms, marker)``.

        If one of the consistency checks fails


    >>> dat = load_brain_vision_data('path/to/vhdr')
    >>> dat.fs
    >>> dat.data.shape
    (54628, 61)

    logger.debug('Loading Brain Vision Data Exchange Header File')
    with open(vhdr) as fh:
        fdata = map(str.strip, fh.readlines())
    fdata = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith(';'), fdata)
    fdata = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, fdata)
    # check for the correct file version:
    assert fdata[0].endswith('1.0')
    # read all data into a dict where the key is the stanza of the file
    file_dict = dict()
    for line in fdata[1:]:
        if line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']'):
            current_stanza = line[1:-1]
            file_dict[current_stanza] = []
    # translate known stanzas from simple list of strings to a dict
    for stanza in 'Common Infos', 'Binary Infos', 'Channel Infos':
        file_dict[stanza] = {line.split('=', 1)[0]: line.split('=', 1)[1] for line in file_dict[stanza]}
    # now file_dict contains the parsed data from the vhdr file
    # load the rest
    data_f = file_dict['Common Infos']['DataFile']
    marker_f = file_dict['Common Infos']['MarkerFile']
    data_f = path.sep.join([path.dirname(vhdr), data_f])
    marker_f = path.sep.join([path.dirname(vhdr), marker_f])
    n_channels = int(file_dict['Common Infos']['NumberOfChannels'])
    sampling_interval_microseconds = float(file_dict['Common Infos']['SamplingInterval'])
    fs = 1 / (sampling_interval_microseconds / 10**6)
    channels = [file_dict['Channel Infos']['Ch%i' % (i + 1)] for i in range(n_channels)]
    channels = map(lambda x: x.split(',')[0], channels)
    resolutions = [file_dict['Channel Infos']['Ch%i' % (i + 1)] for i in range(n_channels)]
    resolutions = map(lambda x: float(x.split(',')[2]), resolutions)
    # assert all channels have the same resolution of 0.1
    # FIXME: that is not always true, for example if we measure pulse or
    # emg
    #assert all([i == 0.1 for i in resolutions])
    # some assumptions about the data...
    assert file_dict['Common Infos']['DataFormat'] == 'BINARY'
    assert file_dict['Common Infos']['DataOrientation'] == 'MULTIPLEXED'
    assert file_dict['Binary Infos']['BinaryFormat'] == 'INT_16'
    # load EEG data
    logger.debug('Loading EEG Data.')
    data = np.fromfile(data_f, np.int16)
    data = data.reshape(-1, n_channels).astype(type(resolutions[0]))
    data *= resolutions[0]
    n_samples = data.shape[0]
    # duration in ms
    duration = 1000 * n_samples / fs
    time = np.linspace(0, duration, n_samples, endpoint=False)
    # load marker
    logger.debug('Loading Marker.')
    regexp = r'^Mk(?P<mrk_nr>[0-9]*)=.*,(?P<mrk_descr>.*),(?P<mrk_pos>[0-9]*),[0-9]*,[0-9]*$'
    mrk = []
    with open(marker_f) as fh:
        for line in fh:
            line = line.strip()
            match = re.match(regexp, line)
            if match is None:
            mrk_pos = match.group('mrk_pos')
            mrk_descr = match.group('mrk_descr')
            if len(mrk_descr) > 1:
                # marker := [samplenr, marker]
                #mrk.append([int(mrk_pos), mrk_descr])
                # marker := [time in ms, marker]
                mrk.append([time[int(mrk_pos)], mrk_descr])
    dat = Data(data, [time, channels], ['time', 'channel'], ['ms', '#'])
    dat.fs = fs
    dat.markers = mrk
    return dat
def load_bcicomp3_ds2(filename):
    """Load the BCI Competition III Data Set 2.

    This method loads the data set and converts it into Wyrm's ``Data``
    format. Before you use it, you have to download the data set in
    Matlab format and unpack it. The directory with the extracted files
    must contain the ``Subject_*.mat``- and the ``eloc64.txt`` files.

    .. note::

        If you need the true labels of the test sets, you'll have to
        download them separately from

    filename : str
        The path to the matlab file to load

    cnt : continuous `Data` object


    >>> dat = load_bcicomp3_ds2('/home/foo/data/Subject_A_Train.mat')

        # cols from left to right
        1 : "agmsy5",
        2 : "bhntz6",
        3 : "ciou17",
        4 : "djpv28",
        5 : "ekqw39",
        6 : "flrx4_",
        # rows from top to bottom
        7 : "abcdef",
        8 : "ghijkl",
        9 : "mnopqr",
        10: "stuvwx",
        11: "yz1234",
        12: "56789_"

    # load the matlab data
    data_mat = loadmat(filename)
    # load the channel names (the same for all datasets
    eloc_file = path.sep.join([path.dirname(filename), 'eloc64.txt'])
    with open(eloc_file) as fh:
        data = fh.read()
    channels = []
    for line in data.splitlines():
        if line:
            chan = line.split()[-1]
            chan = chan.replace('.', '')
    # fix the channel names, some letters have the wrong capitalization
    for i, s in enumerate(channels):
        s2 = s.upper()
        s2 = s2.replace('Z', 'z')
        s2 = s2.replace('FP', 'Fp')
        channels[i] = s2
    # The signal is recorded with 64 channels, bandpass filtered
    # 0.1-60Hz and digitized at 240Hz. The format is Character Epoch x
    # Samples x Channels
    data = data_mat['Signal']
    data = data.astype('double')
    # For each sample: 1 if a row/colum was flashed, 0 otherwise
    flashing = data_mat['Flashing'].reshape(-1)
    #flashing = np.flatnonzero((np.diff(a) == 1)) + 1
    tmp = []
    for i, _ in enumerate(flashing):
        if i == 0:
        if flashing[i] == flashing[i-1] == 1:
    flashing = np.array(tmp)
    # For each sample: 0 when no row/colum was intensified,
    # 1..6 for intensified columns, 7..12 for intensified rows
    stimulus_code = data_mat['StimulusCode'].reshape(-1)
    stimulus_code = stimulus_code[flashing == 1]
    # 0 if no row/col was intensified or the intensified did not contain
    # the target character, 1 otherwise
    stimulus_type = data_mat.get('StimulusType', np.array([])).reshape(-1)
    # The target characters
    target_chars = data_mat.get('TargetChar', np.array([])).reshape(-1)
    fs = 240
    data = data.reshape(-1, 64)
    timeaxis = np.linspace(0, data.shape[0] / fs * 1000, data.shape[0], endpoint=False)
    dat = Data(data=data, axes=[timeaxis, channels], names=['time', 'channel'], units=['ms', '#'])
    dat.fs = fs
    # preparing the markers
    target_mask = np.logical_and((flashing == 1), (stimulus_type == 1)) if len(stimulus_type) > 0 else []
    nontarget_mask = np.logical_and((flashing == 1), (stimulus_type == 0)) if len(stimulus_type) > 0 else []
    flashing = (flashing == 1)
    flashing = [[i, 'flashing'] for i in timeaxis[flashing]]
    targets = [[i, 'target'] for i in timeaxis[target_mask]]
    nontargets = [[i, 'nontarget'] for i in timeaxis[nontarget_mask]]
    dat.stimulus_code = stimulus_code[:]
    stimulus_code = zip([t for t, _ in flashing], [STIMULUS_CODE[i] for i in stimulus_code])
    markers = flashing[:]
    #dat.markers = markers[:]
    dat.markers = sorted(markers[:],key=lambda x: x[0])
    return dat
def load_bcicomp3_ds1(dirname):
    """Load the BCI Competition III Data Set 1.

    This method loads the data set and converts it into Wyrm's ``Data``
    format. Before you use it, you have to download the training- and
    test data in Matlab format and unpack it into a directory.

    .. note::

        If you need the true labels of the test sets, you'll have to
        download them separately from

    dirname : str
        the directory where the ``Competition_train.mat`` and
        ``Competition_test.mat`` are located

    epo_train, epo_test : epoched ``Data`` objects


    >>> epo_test, epo_train = load_bcicomp3_ds1('/home/foo/bcicomp3_dataset1/')

    # construct the filenames from the dirname
    training_file = path.sep.join([dirname, 'Competition_train.mat'])
    test_file = path.sep.join([dirname, 'Competition_test.mat'])

    # load the training data
    training_data_mat = loadmat(training_file)
    data = training_data_mat['X'].astype('double')
    data = data.swapaxes(-1, -2)
    labels = training_data_mat['Y'].astype('int').ravel()
    # convert into wyrm Data
    axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
    axes[0] = labels
    axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
    names = ['Class', 'Time', 'Channel']
    units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
    dat_train = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat_train.fs = 1000
    dat_train.class_names = ['pinky', 'tongue']

    # load the test data
    test_data_mat = loadmat(test_file)
    data = test_data_mat['X'].astype('double')
    data = data.swapaxes(-1, -2)
    # convert into wyrm Data
    axes = [np.arange(i) for i in data.shape]
    axes[2] = [str(i) for i in range(data.shape[2])]
    names = ['Epoch', 'Time', 'Channel']
    units = ['#', 'ms', '#']
    dat_test = Data(data=data, axes=axes, names=names, units=units)
    dat_test.fs = 1000

    # map labels -1 -> 0
    dat_test.axes[0][dat_test.axes[0] == -1] = 0
    dat_train.axes[0][dat_train.axes[0] == -1] = 0

    return dat_train, dat_test
def online_erp(fs, n_channels, subsample):
    logger.debug('Running Online ERP with {fs}Hz, and {channels}channels'.format(fs=fs, channels=n_channels))

    target_fs = 100
    # blocklen in ms
    blocklen = 1000 * 1 / target_fs
    # blocksize given the original fs and blocklen
    blocksize = fs * (blocklen / 1000)

    MRK_DEF = {'target': 'm'}
    SEG_IVAL = [0, 700]
    JUMPING_MEANS_IVALS = [150, 220], [200, 260], [310, 360], [550, 660]
    RING_BUFFER_CAP = 1000

    cfy = [0, 0]

    fs_n = fs / 2

    b_l, a_l = proc.signal.butter(5, [30 / fs_n], btype='low')
    b_h, a_h = proc.signal.butter(5, [.4 / fs_n], btype='high')
    zi_l = proc.lfilter_zi(b_l, a_l, n_channels)
    zi_h = proc.lfilter_zi(b_h, a_h, n_channels)

    ax_channels = np.array([str(i) for i in range(n_channels)])

    names = ['time', 'channel']
    units = ['ms', '#']

    blockbuf = BlockBuffer(blocksize)
    ringbuf = RingBuffer(RING_BUFFER_CAP)

    times = []

    # time since the last data was acquired
    t_last = time.time()

    # time since the last marker
    t_last_marker = time.time()

    # time since the experiment started
    t_start = time.time()

    full_iterations = 0
    while full_iterations < 500:

        t0 = time.time()

        dt = time.time() - t_last
        samples = int(dt * fs)
        if samples == 0:
        t_last = time.time()

        # get data
        data = np.random.random((samples, n_channels))
        ax_times = np.linspace(0, 1000 * (samples / fs), samples, endpoint=False)
        if t_last_marker + .01 < time.time():
            t_last_marker = time.time()
            markers = [[ax_times[-1], 'm']]
            markers = []

        cnt = Data(data, axes=[ax_times, ax_channels], names=names, units=units)
        cnt.fs = fs
        cnt.markers = markers

        # blockbuffer
        cnt = blockbuf.get()
        if not cnt:

        # filter
        cnt, zi_l = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_l, a_l, zi=zi_l)
        cnt, zi_h = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_h, a_h, zi=zi_h)

        # subsample
        if subsample:
            cnt = proc.subsample(cnt, target_fs)
        newsamples = cnt.data.shape[0]

        # ringbuffer
        cnt = ringbuf.get()

        # epoch
        epo = proc.segment_dat(cnt, MRK_DEF, SEG_IVAL, newsamples=newsamples)
        if not epo:

        # feature vectors
        fv = proc.jumping_means(epo, JUMPING_MEANS_IVALS)
        rv = proc.create_feature_vectors(fv)

        # classification
        proc.lda_apply(fv, cfy)

        # don't measure in the first second, where the ringbuffer is not
        # full yet.
        if time.time() - t_start < (RING_BUFFER_CAP / 1000):

        dt = time.time() - t0

        full_iterations += 1

    return np.array(times)
def parse_raw(path_in, dir_out=None, ftype=None, region='frontal', drop_ref=True,
              drop_stim=True, n_samples=None, return_type='wyrm'):
    """Converts raw EEG into `dict`/`wyrm.Raw` using `mne.Raw`

        path_in : str
            path to raw file
        dir_out : str or None
            if not None, will store raw signals in dir_out (.npy)
        ftype: str
            file type of raw file, supported formats are read from
        region : str or None
            regions to return data for; supported strings include:
            'central', 'frontal', 'parietal', 'occipital', 'temporal';
            if None, all channels will be returned
        drop_ref : boolean
            whether reference electrodes should be dropped
        drop_stim : boolean
            whether stimulus electrodes should be dropped
        n_samples : int
            return subset of n_samples from start (mainly development)
        return_type : str
            one of ['wyrm'|'dict'], indicating what format to return the
            data in ('wyrm' -> wyrm.Data, 'dict' -> dict of ndArrays)

        raw : dict or wyrm.Data
            dict -> {'signal': ndArray [channels x time], 'srate': float,
                     'ch_names': list, 'n_chans_: int,
                     'time_points': ndArray, 'markers': list}
            wyrm.Data -> ('data': ndArray [time x channels], axes: list,
                          'names': list, 'units': list, 'fs': float,
                          'markers': list, 'starttime': datetime)

        TypeError if `ftype`, `region`, or `return_type` not supported

    See also
        :type: wyrm.Data
    if ftype not in const.SUPPORTED_FTYPES:
        msg = 'File type {} not supported. Choose one of {}'.format(
            ftype, ', '.join(const.SUPPORTED_FTYPES))
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if isinstance(path_in, list):
        paths = path_in
        if os.path.isdir(path_in):
            path_in = path_in + '/' if path_in[-1] != '/' else path_in
            paths = [path_in + el for el in hlp.return_fnames(path_in, substr=ftype)]
            paths = [path_in.strip()]

    subj_id = paths[0].split('/')[-1].split('_')[0]
    raw, raws = None, []
    for idx, path in enumerate(paths):
        if idx == 0:
            if ftype == 'edf':
                raw = mne.io.read_raw_edf(path, preload=True)
            elif ftype == 'eeg':
                path = path.replace(ftype, 'vhdr')
                raw = mne.io.read_raw_brainvision(path, preload=True)
            raw.cals = np.array([])
            if ftype == 'edf':
                _raw = mne.io.read_raw_edf(path, preload=True)
            elif ftype == 'eeg':
                path = path.replace(ftype, 'vhdr')
                _raw = mne.io.read_raw_brainvision(path, preload=True)

    if len(raws):
        raw.append(raws)  # append multiple file to continuous signal

    raw = strip_ch_names(raw)

    if drop_ref:
        to_drop = [el for el in raw.ch_names if 'Ref' in el]
    if drop_stim:
        to_drop = [el for el in raw.ch_names if 'STI' in el]
    if region and region in const.SUPPORTED_REGIONS:
        if region == 'full':
            to_drop = []
        elif region == 'fronto-parietal':
            to_drop = [el for el in raw.ch_names
                       if 'F' not in el and 'P' not in el]
        elif region == 'pre-frontal':
            to_drop = [el for el in raw.ch_names
                       if 'Fp' not in el]
            to_drop = [el for el in raw.ch_names
                       if region[0].upper() not in el]
        print('Your region of interest is not supported. Choose one of '
              + str(const.SUPPORTED_REGIONS) + '. Will return full set.')

    if n_samples:
        signal = raw._data[:, :n_samples]
        times = raw.times[:n_samples]
        signal = raw._data
        times = raw.times

    start_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(

    d = {
        'signal': signal * 1000000,  # convert V to µV
        'srate': raw.info['sfreq'],
        'ch_names': raw.info['ch_names'],
        'n_chans': len(raw.info['ch_names']),
        'time_points': times * 1000,  # convert s to ms
        'markers': [],
        'starttime': datetime.datetime.strptime(start_time, const.FORMATS['datetime']),
        'subj_id': subj_id

    d = hlp.fix_known_errors(d)

    print('Successfully read file(s) ' + ', '.join(paths))

    if return_type == 'wyrm':
        data = d['signal'].transpose()
        axes = [d['time_points'], d['ch_names']]
        names = ['time', 'channels']
        units = ['s', 'µV']
        data = Data(data, axes, names, units)
        data.fs = d['srate']
        data.markers = d['markers']
        data.starttime = d['starttime']
    elif return_type == 'dict':
        data = d
        msg = 'Return_type {} not supported.'.format(return_type)
        raise TypeError(msg)

    if dir_out:
        if not os.path.exists(dir_out):
        path_out = dir_out + paths[0].split('/')[-1].replace(ftype, 'npy')
        save_as_npy(data=data, path_out=path_out)

    return data
def online_erp(fs, n_channels, subsample):
    logger.debug('Running Online ERP with {fs}Hz, and {channels}channels'.format(fs=fs, channels=n_channels))

    target_fs = 100
    # blocklen in ms
    blocklen = 1000 * 1 / target_fs
    # blocksize given the original fs and blocklen
    blocksize = fs * (blocklen / 1000)

    MRK_DEF = {'target': 'm'}
    SEG_IVAL = [0, 700]
    JUMPING_MEANS_IVALS = [150, 220], [200, 260], [310, 360], [550, 660]
    RING_BUFFER_CAP = 1000

    cfy = [0, 0]

    fs_n = fs / 2

    b_l, a_l = proc.signal.butter(5, [30 / fs_n], btype='low')
    b_h, a_h = proc.signal.butter(5, [.4 / fs_n], btype='high')
    zi_l = proc.lfilter_zi(b_l, a_l, n_channels)
    zi_h = proc.lfilter_zi(b_h, a_h, n_channels)

    ax_channels = np.array([str(i) for i in range(n_channels)])

    names = ['time', 'channel']
    units = ['ms', '#']

    blockbuf = BlockBuffer(blocksize)
    ringbuf = RingBuffer(RING_BUFFER_CAP)

    times = []

    # time since the last data was acquired
    t_last = time.time()

    # time since the last marker
    t_last_marker = time.time()

    # time since the experiment started
    t_start = time.time()

    full_iterations = 0
    while full_iterations < 500:

        t0 = time.time()

        dt = time.time() - t_last
        samples = int(dt * fs)
        if samples == 0:
        t_last = time.time()

        # get data
        data = np.random.random((samples, n_channels))
        ax_times = np.linspace(0, 1000 * (samples / fs), samples, endpoint=False)
        if t_last_marker + .01 < time.time():
            t_last_marker = time.time()
            markers = [[ax_times[-1], 'm']]
            markers = []

        cnt = Data(data, axes=[ax_times, ax_channels], names=names, units=units)
        cnt.fs = fs
        cnt.markers = markers

        # blockbuffer
        cnt = blockbuf.get()
        if not cnt:

        # filter
        cnt, zi_l = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_l, a_l, zi=zi_l)
        cnt, zi_h = proc.lfilter(cnt, b_h, a_h, zi=zi_h)

        # subsample
        if subsample:
            cnt = proc.subsample(cnt, target_fs)
        newsamples = cnt.data.shape[0]

        # ringbuffer
        cnt = ringbuf.get()

        # epoch
        epo = proc.segment_dat(cnt, MRK_DEF, SEG_IVAL, newsamples=newsamples)
        if not epo:

        # feature vectors
        fv = proc.jumping_means(epo, JUMPING_MEANS_IVALS)
        rv = proc.create_feature_vectors(fv)

        # classification
        proc.lda_apply(fv, cfy)

        # don't measure in the first second, where the ringbuffer is not
        # full yet.
        if time.time() - t_start < (RING_BUFFER_CAP / 1000):

        dt = time.time() - t0

        full_iterations += 1

    return np.array(times)