def lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon, lat, radius=1):
    calculates lon, lat coordinates of a point on a sphere with
    radius radius

    # Unpack xarray object into plane arrays
    if hasattr(lon, 'data'):
        lon = lon.data
    if hasattr(lat, 'data'):
        lat = lat.data

    if lon.ndim != lat.ndim:
        raise ValueError('coordinate must share the same number of dimensions')

    if lon.ndim == 1:
        lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

    lon_r = xu.radians(lon)
    lat_r = xu.radians(lat)

    x = radius * xu.cos(lat_r) * xu.cos(lon_r)
    y = radius * xu.cos(lat_r) * xu.sin(lon_r)
    z = radius * xu.sin(lat_r)

    return x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()
 def distance_to_point(self, lat, lon):
     Use Haversine formula to estimate distances from all
     gridpoints to a given location (lat, lon)
     R = 6371. # Radius of earth in km
     lat = np.radians(lat)
     lon = np.radians(lon)
     dlat = lat - xu.radians(self['lat'].values)
     dlon = lon - xu.radians(self['lon'].values)
     a = xu.sin(dlat/2)**2 + xu.cos(lat) * xu.cos(xu.radians(self['lat'].values)) * \
     c = 2 * xu.arctan2(xu.sqrt(a), xu.sqrt(1.0-a))
     return R*c
 def distance_to_point(self, lat, lon):
     Use Haversine formula to estimate distances from all
     gridpoints to a given location (lat, lon)
     R = 6371.  # Radius of earth in km
     lat = np.radians(lat)
     lon = np.radians(lon)
     dlat = lat - xu.radians(self['lat'].values)
     dlon = lon - xu.radians(self['lon'].values)
     a = xu.sin(dlat/2)**2 + xu.cos(lat) * xu.cos(xu.radians(self['lat'].values)) * \
     c = 2 * xu.arctan2(xu.sqrt(a), xu.sqrt(1.0 - a))
     return R * c
 def nearest_points(self, lat, lon, npt=1):
     Use the lat-lon arrays to return a list of indices
     of the nearest npt points to the given lat-lon
     # Use sin of lat lon to handle periodic
     # and not worry about if we are in negative
     # degrees
     dist = xu.hypot(xu.sin(xu.radians(self['lat'].values)) -
              xu.cos(xu.radians(self['lon'].values)) - 
     # Get indices of the flattened array
     nearest_raw = dist.argsort(axis=None)[:npt]
     # Convert back to 2-d coords
     nearest = np.unravel_index(nearest_raw, self['lat'].shape)
     return nearest
 def nearest_points(self, lat, lon, npt=1):
     Use the lat-lon arrays to return a list of indices
     of the nearest npt points to the given lat-lon
     # Use sin of lat lon to handle periodic
     # and not worry about if we are in negative
     # degrees
     dist = xu.hypot(xu.sin(xu.radians(self['lat'].values)) -
              xu.cos(xu.radians(self['lon'].values)) -
     # Get indices of the flattened array
     nearest_raw = dist.argsort(axis=None)[:npt]
     # Convert back to 2-d coords
     nearest = np.unravel_index(nearest_raw, self['lat'].shape)
     return nearest
文件: utils.py 项目: ziaridoy20/satpy
def atmospheric_path_length_correction(data, cos_zen, limit=88.):
    """Perform Sun zenith angle correction.

    This function uses the correction method proposed by
    Li and Shibata (2006): https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS3682.1

    The correction is limited to *limit* degrees (default: 88.0 degrees). For
    larger zenith angles, the correction is the same as at the *limit*. Both
    *data* and *cos_zen* are given as 2-dimensional Numpy arrays or Numpy
    MaskedArrays, and they should have equal shapes.


    # Convert the zenith angle limit to cosine of zenith angle
    limit = xu.cos(xu.radians(limit))

    # Cosine correction
    corr = _get_sunz_corr_li_and_shibata(cos_zen)
    # Use constant value (the limit) for larger zenith
    # angles
    corr_lim = _get_sunz_corr_li_and_shibata(limit)
    corr = corr.where(cos_zen > limit).fillna(corr_lim)

    return data * corr
def atmospheric_path_length_correction(data, cos_zen, limit=88.):
    """Perform Sun zenith angle correction.

    This function uses the correction method proposed by
    Li and Shibata (2006): https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS3682.1

    The correction is limited to *limit* degrees (default: 88.0 degrees). For
    larger zenith angles, the correction is the same as at the *limit*. Both
    *data* and *cos_zen* are given as 2-dimensional Numpy arrays or Numpy
    MaskedArrays, and they should have equal shapes.


    # Convert the zenith angle limit to cosine of zenith angle
    limit = xu.cos(xu.radians(limit))

    # Cosine correction
    corr = _get_sunz_corr_li_and_shibata(cos_zen)
    # Use constant value (the limit) for larger zenith
    # angles
    corr_lim = _get_sunz_corr_li_and_shibata(limit)
    corr = corr.where(cos_zen > limit).fillna(corr_lim)

    return data * corr