def on_search_plugins(ctx): if not xauth.is_admin(): return if not ctx.search_tool: return if ctx.search_dict: return name = ctx.key results = [] dirname = xconfig.PLUGINS_DIR words = textutil.split_words(name) for fname in xutils.listdir(dirname): unquote_name = xutils.unquote(fname) unquote_name, ext = os.path.splitext(unquote_name) plugin_context = xconfig.PLUGINS.get(fname) if textutil.contains_all(unquote_name, words) \ or (plugin_context != None and textutil.contains_all(plugin_context.title, words)): result = SearchResult() result.category = "plugin" = u("[插件] " + unquote_name) if plugin_context != None: # result.raw = u(plugin_context.title) # = u("插件 %s (%s)") % (u(plugin_context.title), unquote_name) if plugin_context.title != None: = u("[插件] " + plugin_context.title + "(" + unquote_name + ")") result.url = u("/plugins/" + unquote_name) result.edit_link = u("/code/edit?path=" + os.path.join(dirname, fname)) results.append(result) += results
def POST(self): dirname = xutils.get_argument("dirname") old_name = xutils.get_argument("old_name", "") new_name = xutils.get_argument("new_name", "") user_name = xauth.current_name() if dirname is None or dirname == "": return dict(code="fail", message="dirname is blank") if old_name is None or old_name == "": return dict(code="fail", message="old_name is blank") if ".." in new_name: return dict(code="fail", message="invalid new name") if new_name == "": new_name = os.path.basename(old_name) if xconfig.USE_URLENCODE: old_name = xutils.quote_unicode(old_name) new_name = xutils.quote_unicode(new_name) old_path = os.path.join(dirname, old_name) new_path = os.path.join(dirname, new_name) if not xauth.is_admin() and not check_file_auth(old_path, user_name): return dict(code="fail", message="unauthorized") if not os.path.exists(old_path): return dict(code="fail", message="源文件 `%s` 不存在" % old_name) if os.path.exists(new_path): return dict(code="fail", message="目标文件 `%s` 已存在" % new_name) os.rename(old_path, new_path) "fs.rename", Storage(user=user_name, path=new_path, new_path=new_path, old_path=old_path)) return dict(code="success")
def handle(self, input): self.rows = 0 user_name = xauth.current_name() stat_list = [] admin_stat_list = [] stat_list.append(["我的项目","note.count_by_type", user_name, "group")]) stat_list.append(["我的笔记", dbutil.count_table("note_tiny:%s" % user_name)]) stat_list.append(["待办事项", dbutil.count_table("message:%s" % user_name)]) stat_list.append(["搜索记录", dbutil.count_table("search_history:%s" % user_name)]) stat_list.append(["我的评论", dbutil.count_table("comment_index:%s" % user_name)]) if xauth.is_admin(): admin_stat_list.append(["note_full", dbutil.count_table("note_full")]) admin_stat_list.append(["note_tiny", dbutil.count_table("note_tiny")]) admin_stat_list.append(["note_index", dbutil.count_table("note_index")]) admin_stat_list.append(["note_history", dbutil.count_table("note_history")]) admin_stat_list.append(["note_comment", dbutil.count_table("note_comment")]) admin_stat_list.append(["comment_index", dbutil.count_table("comment_index")]) admin_stat_list.append(["note_deleted", dbutil.count_table("note_deleted")]) admin_stat_list.append(["notebook", dbutil.count_table("notebook")]) admin_stat_list.append(["search_history", dbutil.count_table("search_history")]) admin_stat_list.append(["message", dbutil.count_table("message")]) admin_stat_list.append(["msg_search_history", dbutil.count_table("msg_search_history")]) admin_stat_list.append(["msg_history", dbutil.count_table("msg_history")]) admin_stat_list.append(["msg_key", dbutil.count_table("msg_key")]) admin_stat_list.append(["user_stat", dbutil.count_table("user_stat")]) admin_stat_list.append(["schedule", dbutil.count_table("schedule")]) admin_stat_list.append(["user", dbutil.count_table("user")]) admin_stat_list.append(["record", dbutil.count_table("record")]) self.writetemplate(HTML, stat_list = stat_list, admin_stat_list = admin_stat_list)
def search(delay_mins, message): if not xauth.is_admin(): return [] db = xtables.get_schedule_table() url = "/api/alarm/" + message millis = time.time() + int(delay_mins) * 60 tm = time.localtime(millis) tm_wday = "no-repeat" tm_hour = tm.tm_hour tm_min = tm.tm_min db.insert(url=url, ctime=xutils.format_time(), mtime=xutils.format_time(), tm_wday=tm_wday, tm_hour=tm_hour, tm_min=tm_min) xmanager.load_tasks() result = SearchResult() = "提醒" result.raw = "提醒创建成功,将于%s提醒 %s" % (xutils.format_time(millis), message) return [result]
def on_search_plugins(ctx): if not xauth.is_admin(): return if not ctx.search_tool: return if ctx.search_dict: return name = ctx.key results = [] words = textutil.split_words(name) for name in xconfig.PLUGINS_DICT: plugin = xconfig.PLUGINS_DICT[name] unquote_name = xutils.unquote(plugin.fname) unquote_name, ext = os.path.splitext(unquote_name) plugin_context = plugin if textutil.contains_all(unquote_name, words) \ or (textutil.contains_all(plugin_context.title, words)): result = SearchResult() result.category = "plugin" result.icon = "fa-cube" = u(unquote_name) if plugin_context != None: # result.raw = u(plugin_context.title) # = u("插件 %s (%s)") % (u(plugin_context.title), unquote_name) if plugin_context.title != None: = u(plugin_context.title + "(" + unquote_name + ")") result.url = u(plugin.url) result.edit_link = u("/code/edit?path=" + plugin.fpath) results.append(result) += results
def GET(self): category = xutils.get_argument("category", "") plugin_categories = [] if xauth.is_admin(): recent = list_recent_plugins() plugins = list_plugins(category) note_plugins = list_plugins("note") dev_plugins = list_plugins("develop") sys_plugins = list_plugins("system") dir_plugins = list_plugins("dir") net_plugins = list_plugins("network") other_plugins = list( filter( lambda x: x.category not in ("inner", "note", "develop", "system", "dir", "network"), plugins)) plugin_categories.append(["最近", recent]) plugin_categories.append(["默认工具", build_inner_tools()]) plugin_categories.append(["笔记", note_plugins]) plugin_categories.append(["开发工具", dev_plugins]) plugin_categories.append(["系统", sys_plugins]) plugin_categories.append(["文件", dir_plugins]) plugin_categories.append(["网络", net_plugins]) plugin_categories.append(["其他", other_plugins]) else: plugins = build_inner_tools() plugin_categories.append(["默认工具", plugins]) return xtemplate.render("plugins/plugins.html", category=category, html_title="插件", plugin_categories=plugin_categories)
def on_search_plugins(ctx): if not xauth.is_admin(): return if not ctx.search_tool: return if ctx.search_dict: return results = [] for plugin in search_plugins(ctx.key): result = SearchResult() result.category = "plugin" result.icon = "fa-cube" = u( = u(plugin.title + "(" + + ")") result.url = u(plugin.url) result.edit_link = plugin.edit_link results.append(result) result_count = len(results) if ctx.category != "plugin" and len(results) > 3: results = results[:3] more = SearchResult() = u("查看更多插件(%s)") % result_count more.icon = "fa-cube" more.url = "/plugins_list?category=plugin&key=" + ctx.key results.append(more) += results
def GET(self): category = xutils.get_argument("category", "") key = xutils.get_argument("key", "") if xauth.is_admin(): if key != "" and key != None: recent = [] plugins = search_plugins(key) else: recent = list_recent_plugins() plugins = list_plugins(category) else: recent = [] if category == "" or category == "all": plugins = build_inner_tools() else: plugins = [] return xtemplate.render("plugins/plugins_old.html", category = category, html_title = "插件", show_aside = xconfig.OPTION_STYLE == "aside", search_placeholder = "搜索工具", search_action = "/plugins_list", recent = recent, plugins = plugins)
def pre_render(kw): """模板引擎预处理过程""" kw["math"] = math kw["_is_admin"] = xauth.is_admin() kw["_has_login"] = xauth.has_login() user_name = xauth.get_current_name() or "" kw["_user_name"] = user_name kw["_user_agent"] = get_user_agent() # 处理首页公告 kw["_top_notice"] = None # 用于渲染其他组件 kw["_render"] = render kw["Storage"] = Storage kw["xutils"] = xutils kw["xconfig"] = xconfig kw["_notice_count"] = get_message_count(user_name) if hasattr(web.ctx, "env"): kw["HOST"] = web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_HOST") if xutils.sqlite3 is None: kw["warn"] = "WARN: sqlite3不可用" # render input _input = web.ctx.get("_xnote.input") if _input is not None: kw.update(_input)
def GET(self): id = xutils.get_argument("id", "") name = xutils.get_argument("name", "") file = None if id != "" and id != None: file = NOTE_DAO.get_by_id(id) elif name != "": file = NOTE_DAO.get_by_name(xauth.current_name(), name) else: return dict(code="fail", message="id,name至少一个不为空") if file is None: return dict(code="fail", message="笔记不存在") creator = xauth.current_name() if not xauth.is_admin() and file.creator != creator: return dict(code="fail", message="没有删除权限") if file.type == "group": children_count = NOTE_DAO.count_by_parent(creator, if children_count > 0: return dict(code="fail", message="分组不为空") NOTE_DAO.delete( return dict(code="success")
def POST(self): content = xutils.get_argument("content", "") data = xutils.get_argument("data", "") id = xutils.get_argument("id", "0", type=int) type = xutils.get_argument("type") name = xauth.get_current_name() db = xtables.get_file_table() where = None if xauth.is_admin(): where = dict(id=id) else: where = dict(id=id, creator=name) kw = dict(size=len(content), mtime=xutils.format_datetime(), where=where) if type == "html": kw["data"] = data kw["content"] = data if xutils.bs4 is not None: soup = xutils.bs4.BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser") content = soup.get_text(separator=" ") kw["content"] = content kw["size"] = len(content) else: kw["content"] = content kw["size"] = len(content) rowcount = db.update(**kw) if rowcount > 0: return dict(code="success") else: return dict(code="fail")
def pre_render(kw): """模板引擎预处理过程""" user_name = xauth.current_name() or "" kw["math"] = math kw["_is_admin"] = xauth.is_admin() kw["_has_login"] = xauth.has_login() kw["_user_name"] = user_name kw["_user_agent"] = get_user_agent() # 处理首页公告 kw["_top_notice"] = None # 用于渲染其他组件 kw["_render"] = render kw["Storage"] = Storage kw["xutils"] = xutils kw["xconfig"] = xconfig kw["_user_config"] = get_user_config(user_name) kw["_notice_count"] = get_message_count(user_name) kw["T"] = T kw["HOME_PATH"] = xconfig.get_user_config(user_name, "HOME_PATH") if hasattr(web.ctx, "env"): kw["HOST"] = web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_HOST") if len(xconfig.errors) > 0: kw["warn"] = "; ".join(xconfig.errors) # render input _input = web.ctx.get("_xnote.input") if _input is not None: kw.update(_input)
def GET(self): # X-Forwarded-For是RFC 7239(Forwarded HTTP Extension)定义的扩展首部,大部分代理支持 # 格式如下: # X-Forwarded-For: client, proxy1, proxy2 # 而X-Real-IP目前不属于任何标准 # See # save_ip(web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) # save_ip(web.ctx.env.get("REMOTE_ADDR")) # web.header("Cache-Control", "max-age=600") environ = web.ctx.environ content = "/* empty */" web.header("Content-Type", "application/javascript") client_etag = environ.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') if client_etag == None or client_etag == "": client_etag_val = 0 else: client_etag_val = float(client_etag) if time.time() - client_etag_val > 600: # 采集数据时间区间 save_ip(web.ctx.env.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) save_ip(web.ctx.env.get("REMOTE_ADDR")) if xconfig.RECORD_LOCATION: content = SCRIPT if not xauth.is_admin(): content = "/* empty */" web.header("Etag", time.time()) return content
def GET(self): id = xutils.get_argument("id", "") name = xutils.get_argument("name", "") file = None if id == "" and name == "": return dict(code="fail", message="id,name至少一个不为空") db = xtables.get_file_table() if id != "": file = db.select_one(where=dict(id=int(id), is_deleted=0)) elif name != "": file = get_by_name(db, name) if file is None: return dict(code="fail", message="文件不存在") id = if not xauth.is_admin() and file.creator != xauth.get_current_name(): return dict(code="fail", message="没有删除权限") if file.type == "group": children_count = db.count(where="parent_id=%s AND is_deleted=0"%id) if children_count > 0: return dict(code="fail", message="分组不为空") db.update(is_deleted=1, mtime=dateutil.format_time(), where=dict(id=int(id))) db.delete(where="is_deleted=1 AND mtime < $date", vars=dict(date=dateutil.before(days=30,format=True)))"note.remove", dict(id=id)) return dict(code="success")
def GET(self): id = xutils.get_argument("id", "") name = xutils.get_argument("name", "") file = None print("remove", id, name) if id == "" and name == "": return dict(code="fail", message="id,name至少一个不为空") if id != "": file ="note.get_by_id", id) elif name != "": file ="note.get_by_name", name) if file is None: return dict(code="fail", message="文件不存在") creator = xauth.current_name() if not xauth.is_admin() and file.creator != creator: return dict(code="fail", message="没有删除权限") if file.type == "group": children_count ="note.count", creator, if children_count > 0: return dict(code="fail", message="分组不为空")"note.delete", id) return dict(code="success")
def handle(self, input): self.rows = 0 user_name = xauth.current_name() stat_list = [] admin_stat_list = [] stat_list.append( ["我的笔记", dbutil.count_table("note_tiny:%s" % user_name)]) stat_list.append( ["笔记本","note.count_by_type", user_name, "group")]) stat_list.append( ["备忘总数", dbutil.count_table("message:%s" % user_name)]) if xauth.is_admin(): admin_stat_list.append( ["note_full", dbutil.count_table("note_full")]) admin_stat_list.append( ["note_tiny", dbutil.count_table("note_tiny")]) admin_stat_list.append( ["note_index", dbutil.count_table("note_index")]) admin_stat_list.append( ["note_history", dbutil.count_table("note_history")]) admin_stat_list.append( ["note_comment", dbutil.count_table("note_comment")]) admin_stat_list.append( ["notebook", dbutil.count_table("notebook")]) admin_stat_list.append(["message", dbutil.count_table("message")]) admin_stat_list.append( ["schedule", dbutil.count_table("schedule")]) admin_stat_list.append(["user", dbutil.count_table("user")]) self.writetemplate(HTML, stat_list=stat_list, admin_stat_list=admin_stat_list)
def search(ctx, name): if not xauth.is_admin(): return None if not ctx.search_tool: return results = search_plugins(name) results += search_scripts(name) return results
def on_search_scripts(ctx): if not xauth.is_admin(): return None if not ctx.search_tool: return if ctx.search_dict: return name = ctx.key += search_scripts(name)
def search_menu(files, name): for category in xconfig.MENU_LIST: if category.need_login and not xauth.has_login(): continue if category.need_admin and not xauth.is_admin(): continue for child in category.children: if text_contains(u(, u(name)): files.append(Storage(name='菜单 - ' +, url=child.url))
def check_get_note(id): if xauth.is_admin(): note = NOTE_DAO.get_by_id(id) else: note = NOTE_DAO.get_by_id_creator(id, xauth.current_name()) if note is None: raise NoteException("404", "笔记不存在") return note
def on_search_scripts(ctx): if not xauth.is_admin(): return None if not ctx.search_tool: return name = ctx.key results = search_plugins(name) results += search_scripts(name) += results
def search(ctx): """搜索Python文档""" if not xauth.is_admin(): return name = ctx.groups[0] if name in sys.modules: item = SearchResult() = T("Python Document") + " - %s" % name item.url = "/system/document?name=%s" % name item.content = ""
def search(ctx, name): """搜索Python文档""" if not xauth.is_admin(): return if name in sys.modules: item = SearchResult() = "Python Document - %s" % name item.url = "/system/document?name=%s" % name item.content = "" return [item] return []
def on_search_books(ctx): if not xauth.is_admin(): return if not ctx.category == "book": return name = ctx.input_text # 图书搜索结果 bookspath = os.path.join(xconfig.DATA_DIR, "books") pathlist = xutils.search_path(bookspath, "*" + name + "*") if len(pathlist) > 0: url = "/fs_find?path=%s&find_key=%s"%(bookspath,name)"图书搜索结果(%s) - %s" % (len(pathlist), name), url))
def handle(self, input): self.rows = 0 user_name = xauth.current_name() stat_list = [] admin_stat_list = [] stat_list.append( ["我的项目","note.count_by_type", user_name, "group")]) stat_list.append( ["我的笔记", dbutil.count_table("note_tiny:%s" % user_name)]) stat_list.append( ["待办事项", dbutil.count_table("message:%s" % user_name)]) stat_list.append( ["搜索记录", dbutil.count_table("search_history:%s" % user_name)]) stat_list.append( ["我的评论", dbutil.count_table("comment_index:%s" % user_name)]) if xauth.is_admin(): table_names = sorted(dbutil.TABLES.keys()) for name in table_names: admin_stat_list.append( [name, dbutil.TABLES[name], dbutil.count_table(name)]) # admin_stat_list.append(["note_full", dbutil.count_table("note_full")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["note_tiny", dbutil.count_table("note_tiny")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["note_index", dbutil.count_table("note_index")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["note_public", dbutil.count_table("note_public")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["note_edit_log", dbutil.count_table("note_edit_log")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["note_visit_log", dbutil.count_table("note_visit_log")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["note_history", dbutil.count_table("note_history")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["note_comment", dbutil.count_table("note_comment")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["comment_index", dbutil.count_table("comment_index")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["notebook", dbutil.count_table("notebook")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["search_history", dbutil.count_table("search_history")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["message", dbutil.count_table("message")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["msg_search_history", dbutil.count_table("msg_search_history")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["msg_history", dbutil.count_table("msg_history")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["msg_key", dbutil.count_table("msg_key")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["user_stat", dbutil.count_table("user_stat")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["schedule", dbutil.count_table("schedule")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["user", dbutil.count_table("user")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["record", dbutil.count_table("record")]) # admin_stat_list.append(["plugin_visit_log", dbutil.count_table("plugin_visit_log")]) self.writetemplate(HTML, stat_list=stat_list, admin_stat_list=admin_stat_list)
def search(name): if not xauth.is_admin(): return None results = [] for fname in xutils.listdir(xconfig.SCRIPTS_DIR): if name in fname: result = xutils.SearchResult() = xutils.u("脚本 - ") + fname result.raw = xutils.u("搜索到可执行脚本 - ") + fname result.url = xutils.u( "/system/script_admin?op=edit&name=%s") % fname result.command = xutils.u( "/system/script_admin/execute?name=%s") % fname results.append(result) return results
def POST(self): path = xutils.get_argument("path") user_name = xauth.current_name() if not xauth.is_admin() and not check_file_auth(path, user_name): return dict(code="fail", message="unauthorized") try: if not os.path.exists(path): basename = os.path.basename(path) return dict(code="fail", message="源文件`%s`不存在" % basename) xutils.remove(path)"fs.remove", Storage(user=user_name, path=path)) return dict(code="success") except Exception as e: xutils.print_exc() return dict(code="fail", message=str(e))
def POST(self): content = xutils.get_argument("content", "") id = xutils.get_argument("id", "0", type=int) name = xauth.get_current_name() db = xtables.get_file_table() where = None if xauth.is_admin(): where=dict(id=id) else: where=dict(id=id, creator=name) rowcount = db.update(content=content, size=len(content), smtime=xutils.format_datetime(), where=where) if rowcount > 0: return dict(code="success") else: return dict(code="fail")
def search(ctx, name): global _api_name_dict if not xauth.is_admin(): return results = [] for task_name in _api_name_dict: task_command = _api_name_dict[task_name] # task_name = six.u(task_name) task_name = xutils.u(task_name) # print(name, task_name) if name in task_name: result = SearchResult() = xutils.u("系统接口 - ") + task_name result.command = "/api/%s" % task_command result.url = result.command results.append(result) return results
def search(ctx, delay_mins_str, message): if not xauth.is_admin(): return [] delay_mins = parse_int(delay_mins_str) millis = time.time() + int(delay_mins) * 60 tm = time.localtime(millis) tm_hour = tm.tm_hour tm_min = tm.tm_min add_alarm(tm_hour, tm_min, message) result = SearchResult() = "提醒" result.raw = "提醒创建成功,将于%s点%s分提醒 %s" % (tm_hour, tm_min, message) result.url = "/system/crontab" xutils.say(result.raw) return [result]