 def test_send(self):
     Test send() with AT command.
     device = Serial()
     xbee = ZigBee(device)
     xbee.send('at', command='MY')
     result = device.get_data_written()
     expected = b'~\x00\x04\x08\x01MYP'
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
 def test_send(self):
     Test send() with AT command.
     device = Serial()
     xbee = ZigBee(device, io_loop=self._patch_io)
     xbee.send('at', command='MY')
     result = device.get_data_written()
     expected = b'~\x00\x04\x08\x01MYP'
     self.assertEqual(result, expected)
 def setUp(self):
     self.zigbee = ZigBee(None)
     super(TestParseZigBeeIOData, self).setUp()
class TestParseZigBeeIOData(unittest.TestCase):
    Test parsing ZigBee specific IO data
    def setUp(self):
        self.zigbee = ZigBee(None)
        super(TestParseZigBeeIOData, self).setUp()

    def test_parse_dio_adc(self):
        data = b'\x01\x08\x00\x0e\x08\x00\x00\x00\x02P\x02\x06'
        expected_results = [{
            'dio-11': True,
            'adc-1': 0,
            'adc-2': 592,
            'adc-3': 518
        results = self.zigbee._parse_samples(data)
        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_samples_ticket_44(self):
            This example is from ticket 44 on Google Code:

            The author claims the given data is generated by an
            Xbee Pro 900HP module, but I could only find a definition
            for packet with a response type of 0x92 in the XBee ZB

        data = (
            b'\x01' +  # Number of samples
            b'\x10\x00' +  # Digital I/O mask (CD/DIO12 enabled)
            b'\x0E' +  # ADC 1,2,3 enabled
            b'\x10\x00' +  # DIO12 is high
            b'\x03\xA4' +  # ADC1 = 932
            b'\x01\x31' +  # ADC2 = 305
            b'\x03\x31')  # ADC3 = 817
        expected_results = [{
            'dio-12': True,
            'adc-1': 932,
            'adc-2': 305,
            'adc-3': 817
        results = self.zigbee._parse_samples(data)
        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_dio_adc_supply_voltage_not_clamped(self):
        When bit 7 on the ADC mask is set, the supply voltage is included
        in the ADC I/O sample section. This sample may exceed 10 bits of
        precision, even though all other ADC channels are limited to a
        range of 0-1.2v with 10 bits of precision. I assume that a voltage
        divider and the firmware is used internally to compute the actual
        Vcc voltage.

        Therefore, the I/O sampling routine must not clamp this ADC
        channel to 10 bits of precision.
        data = b'\x01\x00\x00\x80\x0D\x18'
        expected_results = [{'adc-7': 0xD18}]
        results = self.zigbee._parse_samples(data)
        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)
 def setUp(self):
     self.zigbee = ZigBee(None)
     super(TestZigBee, self).setUp()
class TestZigBee(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests ZigBee-specific features
    def setUp(self):
        self.zigbee = ZigBee(None)
        super(TestZigBee, self).setUp()

    def test_send(self):
        Test send() with AT command.
        device = Serial()
        xbee = ZigBee(device)
        xbee.send('at', command='MY')
        result = device.get_data_written()
        expected = b'~\x00\x04\x08\x01MYP'
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)

    def test_null_terminated_field(self):
        Packets with null-terminated fields
        should be properly parsed
        expected_data = b'\x01\x02\x03\x04'
        terminator = b'\x00'
        node_identifier = b'\x95' + b'\x00' * 21 + expected_data + \
            terminator + b'\x00' * 8

        data = self.zigbee._split_response(node_identifier)

        self.assertEqual(data['node_id'], expected_data)

    def test_split_node_identification_identifier(self):
        data = b'\x95\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa\x7d\x84\x02\x7d\x84\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa\x20\x00\xff\xfe\x01\x01\xc1\x05\x10\x1e'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'node_id_indicator',
            'sender_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa',
            'sender_addr': b'\x7d\x84',
            'options': b'\x02',
            'source_addr': b'\x7d\x84',
            'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa',
            'node_id': b' ',
            'parent_source_addr': b'\xff\xfe',
            'device_type': b'\x01',
            'source_event': b'\x01',
            'digi_profile_id': b'\xc1\x05',
            'manufacturer_id': b'\x10\x1e',

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_split_node_identification_identifier2(self):
        data = b'\x95\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa\x7d\x84\x02\x7d\x84\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaaCoordinator\x00\xff\xfe\x01\x01\xc1\x05\x10\x1e'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'node_id_indicator',
            'sender_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa',
            'sender_addr': b'\x7d\x84',
            'options': b'\x02',
            'source_addr': b'\x7d\x84',
            'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa',
            'node_id': b'Coordinator',
            'parent_source_addr': b'\xff\xfe',
            'device_type': b'\x01',
            'source_event': b'\x01',
            'digi_profile_id': b'\xc1\x05',
            'manufacturer_id': b'\x10\x1e',

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_is_remote_at_response_parameter_parsed_as_io_samples(self):
        A remote AT command of IS, to take a sample immediately and respond
        with the results, must be appropriately parsed for IO data.
        data = b'\x97A\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4v\x1aIS\x00\x01\x1c\xc0\x06\x18\x00\x02\x8c\x03\x96'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'parameter': [{
                'adc-1': 652,
                'adc-2': 918,
                'dio-10': False,
                'dio-11': True,
                'dio-12': True,
                'dio-6': False,
                'dio-7': False

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_lowercase_is_remote_at_response_parameter_parsed_as_io_samples(
            self):  # noqa
        A remote AT command of lowercase is, to take a sample immediately and
        respond with the results, must be appropriately parsed for IO data.
        data = b'\x97A\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4v\x1ais\x00\x01\x1c\xc0\x06\x18\x00\x02\x8c\x03\x96'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'parameter': [{
                'adc-1': 652,
                'adc-2': 918,
                'dio-10': False,
                'dio-11': True,
                'dio-12': True,
                'dio-6': False,
                'dio-7': False

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_parsing_may_encounter_field_which_does_not_exist(self):
        Some fields are optional and may not exist; parsing should not crash
        if/when they are not available.
        data = b'\x97A\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4v\x1aIS\x01'
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'remote_at_response',
            'frame_id': b'A',
            'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4',
            'source_addr': b'v\x1a',
            'command': b'IS',
            'status': b'\x01',

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_nd_at_response_parameter_parsed(self):
        An at_response for an ND command must be parsed.
        data = b'\x88AND\x00v\x1a\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4ENDPOINT-1\x00\xff\xfe\x01\x00\xc1\x05\x10\x1e'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'at_response',
            'frame_id': b'A',
            'command': b'ND',
            'status': b'\x00',
            'parameter': {
                'source_addr': b'\x76\x1a',
                'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x6f\x47\xe4',
                'node_identifier': b'ENDPOINT-1',
                'parent_address': b'\xff\xfe',
                'device_type': b'\x01',
                'status': b'\x00',
                'profile_id': b'\xc1\x05',
                'manufacturer': b'\x10\x1e',

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_lowercase_nd_at_response_parameter_parsed(self):
        An at_response for a lowercase nd command must be parsed.
        data = b'\x88And\x00v\x1a\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4ENDPOINT-1\x00\xff\xfe\x01\x00\xc1\x05\x10\x1e'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'at_response',
            'frame_id': b'A',
            'command': b'nd',
            'status': b'\x00',
            'parameter': {
                'source_addr': b'\x76\x1a',
                'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x6f\x47\xe4',
                'node_identifier': b'ENDPOINT-1',
                'parent_address': b'\xff\xfe',
                'device_type': b'\x01',
                'status': b'\x00',
                'profile_id': b'\xc1\x05',
                'manufacturer': b'\x10\x1e',

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_split_route_information(self):
        data = b'\x8d\x12\x27\x9c\x93\x81\x7f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xaa\xaa\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xdd\xdd\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xbb\xbb\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xcc\xcc'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'route_information',
            'source_event': b'\x12',
            'info_length': b'\x27',
            'timestamp': b'\x9c\x93\x81\x7f',
            'ack_timeout_count': b'\x00',
            'tx_blocked_count': b'\x00',
            'reserved': b'\x00',
            'dest_addr': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xaa\xaa',
            'source_addr': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xdd\xdd',
            'responder_addr': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xbb\xbb',
            'receiver_addr': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xcc\xcc',

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestZigBee, self).setUp()
     self._patch_io = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
     self._patch_io.add_handler = Mock()
     serial_port = Serial()
     self.zigbee = ZigBee(serial_port, io_loop=self._patch_io)
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestZigBee, self).setUp()
     self._patch_io = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
     self._patch_io.add_handler = Mock()
     serial_port = Serial()
     self.zigbee = ZigBee(serial_port, io_loop=self._patch_io)
class TestParseZigBeeIOData(unittest.TestCase):
    Test parsing ZigBee specific IO data

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestParseZigBeeIOData, self).setUp()
        patch_io = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
        patch_io.add_handler = Mock()
        serial_port = Serial()
        self.zigbee = ZigBee(serial_port, io_loop=patch_io)

    def test_parse_dio_adc(self):
            data = b'\x01\x08\x00\x0e\x08\x00\x00\x00\x02P\x02\x06'
            expected_results = [{'dio-11': True,
                                 'adc-1': 0,
                                 'adc-2': 592,
                                 'adc-3': 518}]
            results = self.zigbee._parse_samples(data)
            self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_samples_ticket_44(self):
            This example is from ticket 44 on Google Code:

            The author claims the given data is generated by an
            Xbee Pro 900HP module, but I could only find a definition
            for packet with a response type of 0x92 in the XBee ZB

            data = (b'\x01' +        # Number of samples
                    b'\x10\x00' +     # Digital I/O mask (CD/DIO12 enabled)
                    b'\x0E' +         # ADC 1,2,3 enabled
                    b'\x10\x00' +     # DIO12 is high
                    b'\x03\xA4' +     # ADC1 = 932
                    b'\x01\x31' +     # ADC2 = 305
                    b'\x03\x31')      # ADC3 = 817
            expected_results = [{'dio-12': True,
                                 'adc-1': 932,
                                 'adc-2': 305,
                                 'adc-3': 817}]
            results = self.zigbee._parse_samples(data)
            self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)

    def test_parse_dio_adc_supply_voltage_not_clamped(self):
        When bit 7 on the ADC mask is set, the supply voltage is included
        in the ADC I/O sample section. This sample may exceed 10 bits of
        precision, even though all other ADC channels are limited to a
        range of 0-1.2v with 10 bits of precision. I assume that a voltage
        divider and the firmware is used internally to compute the actual
        Vcc voltage.

        Therefore, the I/O sampling routine must not clamp this ADC
        channel to 10 bits of precision.
        data = b'\x01\x00\x00\x80\x0D\x18'
        expected_results = [{'adc-7': 0xD18}]
        results = self.zigbee._parse_samples(data)
        self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)
class TestZigBee(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests ZigBee-specific features

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestZigBee, self).setUp()
        self._patch_io = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
        self._patch_io.add_handler = Mock()
        serial_port = Serial()
        self.zigbee = ZigBee(serial_port, io_loop=self._patch_io)

    def test_send(self):
        Test send() with AT command.
        device = Serial()
        xbee = ZigBee(device, io_loop=self._patch_io)
        xbee.send('at', command='MY')
        result = device.get_data_written()
        expected = b'~\x00\x04\x08\x01MYP'
        self.assertEqual(result, expected)

    def test_null_terminated_field(self):
        Packets with null-terminated fields
        should be properly parsed
        expected_data = b'\x01\x02\x03\x04'
        terminator = b'\x00'
        node_identifier = b'\x95' + b'\x00' * 21 + expected_data + \
            terminator + b'\x00' * 8

        data = self.zigbee._split_response(node_identifier)

        self.assertEqual(data['node_id'], expected_data)

    def test_split_node_identification_identifier(self):
            data = b'\x95\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa\x7d\x84\x02\x7d\x84\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa\x20\x00\xff\xfe\x01\x01\xc1\x05\x10\x1e'  # noqa
            info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
            expected_info = {
                'id': 'node_id_indicator',
                'sender_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa',
                'sender_addr': b'\x7d\x84',
                'options': b'\x02',
                'source_addr': b'\x7d\x84',
                'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa',
                'node_id': b' ',
                'parent_source_addr': b'\xff\xfe',
                'device_type': b'\x01',
                'source_event': b'\x01',
                'digi_profile_id': b'\xc1\x05',
                'manufacturer_id': b'\x10\x1e',

            self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_split_node_identification_identifier2(self):
            data = b'\x95\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa\x7d\x84\x02\x7d\x84\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaaCoordinator\x00\xff\xfe\x01\x01\xc1\x05\x10\x1e'  # noqa
            info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
            expected_info = {
                'id': 'node_id_indicator',
                'sender_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa',
                'sender_addr': b'\x7d\x84',
                'options': b'\x02',
                'source_addr': b'\x7d\x84',
                'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\x2b\xaa',
                'node_id': b'Coordinator',
                'parent_source_addr': b'\xff\xfe',
                'device_type': b'\x01',
                'source_event': b'\x01',
                'digi_profile_id': b'\xc1\x05',
                'manufacturer_id': b'\x10\x1e',

            self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_is_remote_at_response_parameter_parsed_as_io_samples(self):
        A remote AT command of IS, to take a sample immediately and respond
        with the results, must be appropriately parsed for IO data.
        data = b'\x97A\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4v\x1aIS\x00\x01\x1c\xc0\x06\x18\x00\x02\x8c\x03\x96'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'remote_at_response',
            'frame_id': b'A',
            'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4',
            'source_addr': b'v\x1a',
            'command': b'IS',
            'status': b'\x00',
            'parameter': [{'adc-1': 652,
                           'adc-2': 918,
                           'dio-10': False,
                           'dio-11': True,
                           'dio-12': True,
                           'dio-6': False,
                           'dio-7': False

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_lowercase_is_remote_at_response_parameter_parsed_as_io_samples(self):  # noqa
        A remote AT command of lowercase is, to take a sample immediately and
        respond with the results, must be appropriately parsed for IO data.
        data = b'\x97A\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4v\x1ais\x00\x01\x1c\xc0\x06\x18\x00\x02\x8c\x03\x96'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'remote_at_response',
            'frame_id': b'A',
            'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4',
            'source_addr': b'v\x1a',
            'command': b'is',
            'status': b'\x00',
            'parameter': [{'adc-1': 652,
                           'adc-2': 918,
                           'dio-10': False,
                           'dio-11': True,
                           'dio-12': True,
                           'dio-6': False,
                           'dio-7': False

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_parsing_may_encounter_field_which_does_not_exist(self):
        Some fields are optional and may not exist; parsing should not crash
        if/when they are not available.
        data = b'\x97A\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4v\x1aIS\x01'
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'remote_at_response',
            'frame_id': b'A',
            'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4',
            'source_addr': b'v\x1a',
            'command': b'IS',
            'status': b'\x01',

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_nd_at_response_parameter_parsed(self):
        An at_response for an ND command must be parsed.
        data = b'\x88AND\x00v\x1a\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4ENDPOINT-1\x00\xff\xfe\x01\x00\xc1\x05\x10\x1e'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'at_response',
            'frame_id': b'A',
            'command': b'ND',
            'status': b'\x00',
            'parameter': {
                'source_addr': b'\x76\x1a',
                'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x6f\x47\xe4',
                'node_identifier': b'ENDPOINT-1',
                'parent_address': b'\xff\xfe',
                'device_type': b'\x01',
                'status': b'\x00',
                'profile_id': b'\xc1\x05',
                'manufacturer': b'\x10\x1e',

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_lowercase_nd_at_response_parameter_parsed(self):
        An at_response for a lowercase nd command must be parsed.
        data = b'\x88And\x00v\x1a\x00\x13\xa2\x00@oG\xe4ENDPOINT-1\x00\xff\xfe\x01\x00\xc1\x05\x10\x1e'  # noqa
        info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
        expected_info = {
            'id': 'at_response',
            'frame_id': b'A',
            'command': b'nd',
            'status': b'\x00',
            'parameter': {
                'source_addr': b'\x76\x1a',
                'source_addr_long': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x6f\x47\xe4',
                'node_identifier': b'ENDPOINT-1',
                'parent_address': b'\xff\xfe',
                'device_type': b'\x01',
                'status': b'\x00',
                'profile_id': b'\xc1\x05',
                'manufacturer': b'\x10\x1e',

        self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)

    def test_split_route_information(self):
            data = b'\x8d\x12\x27\x9c\x93\x81\x7f\x00\x00\x00\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xaa\xaa\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xdd\xdd\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xbb\xbb\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xcc\xcc'  # noqa
            info = self.zigbee._split_response(data)
            expected_info = {
                'id': 'route_information',
                'source_event': b'\x12',
                'info_length': b'\x27',
                'timestamp': b'\x9c\x93\x81\x7f',
                'ack_timeout_count': b'\x00',
                'tx_blocked_count': b'\x00',
                'reserved': b'\x00',
                'dest_addr': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xaa\xaa',
                'source_addr': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xdd\xdd',
                'responder_addr': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xbb\xbb',
                'receiver_addr': b'\x00\x13\xa2\x00\x40\x52\xcc\xcc',

            self.assertEqual(info, expected_info)