def log(): #SERIAL_PORT = '/dev/ttyUSB0' SERIAL_PORT = 'COM3' BAUD_RATE = 9600 # Instantiate an instance for the serial port ser_port = serial.Serial(SERIAL_PORT, BAUD_RATE) # Instantiate an instance of the ZigBee class # and pass it an instance of the Serial class xbee1 = xbee.ZigBee(ser_port) print("initialising serial port listening...") node1 = "bx00x13xa2x00Abx9cZ" node2 = "bx00x13xa2x00Abx9cxb8" timer = threading.Timer(15.0, timer_test) while True: data_samples = xbee1.wait_read_frame() samples = data_samples['samples'][0] #node_id = str(data_samples['source_addr_long']) node_id = str(data_samples['source_addr_long']) node_id = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', node_id) time = str( time = time[11:-10] vwc_600 = vwc_conversion(float(samples['adc-0'])) vwc_300 = vwc_conversion(float(samples['adc-1'])) temp_100 = temp_conversion(float(samples['adc-2'])) battery = battery_conversion(float(samples['adc-3'])) if(not timer.is_alive()): readings = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0] timer = threading.Timer(15.0, timer_test, args=[readings]) timer.start() print('timer started') print(str( if(node_id == node1): readings[0] += vwc_600 readings[1] += vwc_300 readings[2] += temp_100 readings[3] += battery readings[4] += 1 print(readings) if(node_id == node2): # charge[1] += battery print("node2 not updating log")
def OpenPort(): try: global db global cur cur = db.cursor() global serial_port serial_port = serial.Serial(ports, brate) global conn conn = xbee.ZigBee(serial_port) except Exception as e: print(e)
def __init__(self, port): """Start SensorNet.""" self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.serial = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=19200) self.config = yaml.safe_load(open(os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/' + 'config.yml')) self.XB = xbee.ZigBee(self.serial, shorthand=True, callback=self.process_packet, error_callback=self.error_callback escaped=True) self.units = {} self.XB.send('at', command='ND'.encode('ascii')) time.sleep(3)
def __init__(self, serial_port, baud_rate, dispatcher, serializer): self.ser = serial.Serial(serial_port, baud_rate) self.zb = xbee.ZigBee(self.ser, escaped=True) self.dispatch = Dispatch(xbee=self.zb) self.dispatch.register('rx', self.rx_handler, lambda p: p['id'] == 'rx') self.dispatch.register('rx_explicit', self.default_handler, lambda p: p['id'] == 'rx_explicit') self.dispatch.register('rx_io_data_long_addr', self.default_handler, lambda p: p['id'] == 'rx_io_data_long_addr') self.dispatch.register('tx_status', self.default_handler, lambda p: p['id'] == 'tx_status') self.dispatch.register('status', self.default_handler, lambda p: p['id'] == 'status') self.dispatch.register('at_response', self.at_response_handler, lambda p: p['id'] == 'at_response') self.dispatch.register('remote_at_response', self.default_handler, lambda p: p['id'] == 'remote_at_response') self.dispatch.register('node_id_indicator', self.default_handler, lambda p: p['id'] == 'node_id_indicator') self.dispatcher = dispatcher self.serializer = serializer
def Connect(self, deviceId): if self._getConnected(): raise XBee_ZigBee_Exception("Module is already connected.") self._serial = serial.Serial(self._getSocketDev(self._socket), self._setup[BAUDRATE]) self._module = xbee.ZigBee(self._serial, escaped=self._setup[APIMODE2], callback=self.async_data_callback) writeChanges = False for option in self._setup[ATCMDS]: cmd = list(option.keys())[0] param = list(option.values())[0] cmdEnc = cmd.encode("UTF-8") if (cmdEnc == CMDWRITE): writeChanges = True break paramEnc = b"\x00" blen = (param.bit_length() + 7) // 8 if blen != 0: paramEnc = param.to_bytes(blen, byteorder="big") self._module.send("at", frame_id=b"R", command=cmdEnc, parameter=paramEnc) rx = self._module.wait_read_frame() if not rx["status"]: raise XBee_ZigBee_Exception( "Did not receive response from AT command") if rx["status"] != b"\x00": raise XBee_ZigBee_Exception( "Wrong AT command/parameter ({}/{})".format(cmd, param)) if writeChanges: self._module.send("at", frame_id=b"R", command=CMDWRITE) rx = self._module.wait_read_frame() if not rx["status"]: raise XBee_ZigBee_Exception( "Did not receive response from AT command") self._setConnected(True)
def talker(): #XBee config ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 9600) ser.write('\n') ser.write('b\n') ser.close() ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 115200) sourceaddrlist = {} # node set dictionary pubMarker = {} # publisher dictionary pubText = {} # publisher dictionary xbradio1 = xbee.ZigBee(ser) # the DAQ radio rospy.init_node('RelocNode') pubIRdata1 = rospy.Publisher('/IRdebug/point1', Point) pubIRdata2 = rospy.Publisher('/IRdebug/point2', Point) pubIRdata3 = rospy.Publisher('/IRdebug/point3', Point) pubIRdata4 = rospy.Publisher('/IRdebug/point4', Point) pubUSdata = rospy.Publisher('/USdebug', Quaternion) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() robId = "??" IRx1 = 0 IRy1 = 0 IRx2 = 0 IRy2 = 0 IRx3 = 0 IRy3 = 0 IRx4 = 0 IRy4 = 0 IRang = 0 US1 = 0 US2 = 0 US3 = 0 US4 = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): response = xbradio1.wait_read_frame() #response is a python dictionary #sorce address name = binascii.hexlify(response['source_addr_long']) sourceaddr = name.decode("utf-8") # check if its a new source address and initialize publishers nodeseen = 0 for j in range(len(sourceaddrlist)): if sourceaddrlist[j + 1] == sourceaddr: nodeseen = 1 Rfdata = response['rf_data'].decode("utf-8") str2 = Rfdata.split(',') #packet data extraction range_flag = 0 bearing_flag = 0 packetValid = 0 try: for i in range(len(str2)): if str2[i][0:2] == "RL": robID = str2[i][2:] if str2[i] == "IR": IRx1 = int(str2[i + 1]) IRy1 = int(str2[i + 2]) IRx2 = int(str2[i + 3]) IRy2 = int(str2[i + 4]) IRx3 = int(str2[i + 5]) IRy3 = int(str2[i + 6]) IRx4 = int(str2[i + 7]) IRy4 = int(str2[i + 8]) bearing_flag = 1 if str2[i] == "ANG": IRang = int( str2[i + 1][0:len(str2[i + 1]) - 2]) - 90 #print IRang/180.0*math.pi br.sendTransform( (0, 0, 0.3), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, IRang / 180.0 * math.pi),, "/pioneer1/IRcam", "/pioneer1/base_link") if str2[i] == "US": US1 = float(str2[i + 1]) US2 = float(str2[i + 2]) US3 = float(str2[i + 3]) US4 = float(str2[i + 4]) range_flag = 1 packetValid = 1 except: #print "Bad Packet\n" packetValid = 0 #Measurement processing if packetValid == 1: slog = "No Data" USmin = 0 if range_flag == 1 and bearing_flag == 0: IRx = 0 IRy = 0 USmin = min(US1, US2, US3, US4) / 1000.0 fc = 1380 slog = "Range only" if USmin == 10725: slog = "No Data" USmin = 0 if range_flag == 0 and bearing_flag == 1: IRx = IRx1 - 1024 / 2 IRy = -IRy1 + 768 / 2 USmin = 10 fc = 1380 slog = "Bearing only" if range_flag == 1 and bearing_flag == 1: IRx = IRx1 - 1024 / 2 IRy = -IRy1 + 768 / 2 USmin = min(US1, US2, US3, US4) / 1000.0 fc = 1380 slog = "Range Bearing" #print USmin rpx = math.sqrt(pow(IRx, 2) + pow(IRy, 2) + pow(fc, 2)) robx = fc / rpx * USmin roby = IRx / rpx * USmin robz = IRy / rpx * USmin #Data publish text_marker = Marker() text_marker.header.frame_id = "/pioneer1/base_link" text_marker.type = Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING text_marker.text = "RobID : %s\nx : %f\ny : %f\nz : %f\ntheta :\n %s" % ( robID, robx, roby, robz, slog) text_marker.pose.position.x = robx text_marker.pose.position.y = roby text_marker.pose.position.z = robz text_marker.scale.z = 0.1 text_marker.color.r = 0.0 text_marker.color.g = 0.5 text_marker.color.b = 0.5 text_marker.color.a = 1 arrow_marker = Marker() arrow_marker.header.frame_id = "/pioneer1/base_link" arrow_marker.type = Marker.ARROW arrow_marker.points = { Point(0, 0, 0), Point(robx, roby, robz) } arrow_marker.scale.x = 0.1 arrow_marker.scale.y = 0.1 arrow_marker.scale.z = 0.2 arrow_marker.color.r = 0.0 arrow_marker.color.g = 0.5 arrow_marker.color.b = 0.5 arrow_marker.color.a = 0.5 IRdebug1 = Point() IRdebug1.x = IRx1 IRdebug1.y = IRy1 IRdebug2 = Point() IRdebug2.x = IRx2 IRdebug2.y = IRy2 IRdebug3 = Point() IRdebug3.x = IRx3 IRdebug3.y = IRy3 IRdebug4 = Point() IRdebug4.x = IRx4 IRdebug4.y = IRy4 USdebug = Quaternion() USdebug.x = US1 USdebug.y = US2 USdebug.z = US3 USdebug.w = US4 pubIRdata1.publish(IRdebug1) pubIRdata2.publish(IRdebug2) pubIRdata3.publish(IRdebug3) pubIRdata4.publish(IRdebug4) pubUSdata.publish(USdebug) pubText[j + 1].publish(text_marker) pubMarker[j + 1].publish(arrow_marker) if str2[0][0:5] == "RL002": print str2 #print str2 if nodeseen == 0: # New nodes handling sourceaddrlist[len(sourceaddrlist) + 1] = sourceaddr pubText[len(pubText) + 1] = rospy.Publisher( '/relocNode' + str(len(pubText) + 1) + '/relocVizDataText', Marker) pubMarker[len(pubMarker) + 1] = rospy.Publisher( '/relocNode' + str(len(pubMarker) + 1) + '/relocVizData', Marker) print "New node registered:" + sourceaddr #publish data of new node Rfdata = response['rf_data'].decode("utf-8") #print(sourceaddr+' :'+Rfdata) #Publish all topics rospy.sleep(0.01)
def connection_made(self, transport): self.transport = transport self.init_frame() self.zigbee = xbee.ZigBee(ser=None)'port opened {transport}') transport.serial.rts = False # You can manipulate Serial object via transport