def main(args):
    com = Communicator(args.module_name)
    controller = Controller(
        ["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2", "R2", "L2"],
        ["right/left", "forward/backward", "yaw", "pitch", "up", "down"],
        (0, 255), (-1, 1))

    while True:
        control_packet = controller.get_values()

            outgoing_packet = {
                "right/left": 0.0,
                "forward/backward": 0.0,
                "yaw": 0.0,
                "pitch": 0.0,
                "up/down": 0.0,
                "roll": 0.0
            # Further parse controller values here
            # Controller's sticks Y axis are switched
                "forward/backward"] = -control_packet["forward/backward"]
            control_packet["pitch"] = -control_packet["pitch"]

            # Up and Down are not -1 to 1. Just 0 - 1
            control_packet["up"] = controller.map_range(
                control_packet["up"], -1, 1, 0, 1)
            control_packet["down"] = controller.map_range(
                control_packet["down"], -1, 1, 0, -1)

            # Transferring to outgoing packet
            outgoing_packet["forward/backward"] = control_packet[
            outgoing_packet["right/left"] = control_packet["right/left"]
                "up/down"] = control_packet["up"] + control_packet["down"]
            outgoing_packet["yaw"] = control_packet["yaw"]
            outgoing_packet["pitch"] = control_packet["pitch"]
            #outgoing_packet["roll"] = control_packet["roll"]
            outgoing_packet["roll"] = 0.0

            # Controller sticks are not centered very well.
            # TODO: Find a better way to do this (short of getting a new controller)
            for key in outgoing_packet.keys():
                if abs(outgoing_packet[key]) < .10: outgoing_packet[key] = 0.0

            print outgoing_packet

            Fuzzy_Sets = {"Fuzzy_Sets": outgoing_packet}

        except KeyError as i:

def main ():
    # Get input from the two analog sticks as yaw, throttle, roll, and pitch. Take the (0 - 255) input value and
    # map it to a (-1 - 1) range.
    controller = Controller (["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2"], ["yaw", "throttle", "roll", "pitch"], (0, 255), (-1, 1))

    while True:
        control_packet = controller.get_values ()

        print control_packet

        # Update at 20 messages a second
        sleep (.05)
def main ():
    # Get input from the two analog sticks as yaw, throttle, roll, and pitch. Take the (0 - 255) input value and
    # map it to a (-1 - 1) range.
    controller = Controller (["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2", "L2", "R2", "X", "/\\", "[]"], ["yaw", "throttle", "roll", "pitch", "descend", "ascend", "takeover", "takeoff", "land"], (0, 255), (-1, 1))
    #controller = Controller (["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2"])

    while True:
        control_packet = controller.get_values ()
	for i in control_packet:
		print i, ": ", control_packet[i]
        # Update at 1000 messages a second
        sleep (.01)
def main ():
    # Get input from the two analog sticks as yaw, throttle, roll, and pitch. Take the (0 - 255) input value and
    # map it to a (-1 - 1) range.
    controller = Controller (["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2"], ["yaw", "throttle", "roll", "pitch"], (0, 255), (-1, 1))
    #ser = serial.Serial ('/./dev/ttyACM0', 9600, timeout=1)
    # Set the context of the server
    context = zmq.Context()
    # Set the socket to PUBlish
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
    # Bind the socket to 5556
    while True:
        control_packet = controller.get_values ()

        print (control_packet)
        inp = 0
        if (control_packet["yaw"] <= 1 and control_packet["yaw"] >= 0.05):
            inp *= 255
            inp += 255
           # ser.write (inp)
            print ("d")
            socket.send("%i"% inp)
        elif (control_packet["yaw"] >= -1 and control_packet["yaw"] <= -0.05):
            inp *= 255
            inp -= 255
            #ser.write (inp)
            print ("a")
            socket.send("%i"% inp)
        elif (control_packet["throttle"] >= -1 and control_packet["throttle"] <= -0.08):
            inp *= 255
	    #make the value intuitive
            inp = math.fabs(inp)
           # ser.write (inp)
            print ("w")
            socket.send("%i"% inp)
        elif (control_packet["throttle"] <= 1 and control_packet["throttle"] >= 0.08):
            inp *= 255
	    #make the value intuitive
            inp = -inp
          #  ser.write (inp)
            print ("s")
            socket.send("%i"% inp)

        # Update at 20 messages a second
        sleep (.05)
def main (args):
    com = Communicator (args.module_name)
    controller = Controller (["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2", "R2", "L2"], ["right/left", "forward/backward", "yaw", "pitch", "up", "down"], (0, 255), (-1, 1))

    while True:
        control_packet = controller.get_values ()

            outgoing_packet = {"right/left": 0.0, "forward/backward": 0.0, "yaw": 0.0, "pitch": 0.0, "up/down": 0.0, "roll": 0.0}
            # Further parse controller values here
            # Controller's sticks Y axis are switched
            control_packet["forward/backward"] = -control_packet["forward/backward"]
            control_packet["pitch"] = -control_packet["pitch"]

            # Up and Down are not -1 to 1. Just 0 - 1
            control_packet["up"] = controller.map_range(control_packet["up"], -1, 1, 0, 1)
            control_packet["down"] = controller.map_range(control_packet["down"], -1, 1, 0, -1)
            # Transferring to outgoing packet
            outgoing_packet["forward/backward"] = control_packet["forward/backward"]
            outgoing_packet["right/left"] = control_packet["right/left"]
            outgoing_packet["up/down"] = control_packet["up"] + control_packet["down"]
            outgoing_packet["yaw"] = control_packet["yaw"]
            outgoing_packet["pitch"] = control_packet["pitch"]
            #outgoing_packet["roll"] = control_packet["roll"]
            outgoing_packet["roll"] = 0.0

            # Controller sticks are not centered very well. 
            # TODO: Find a better way to do this (short of getting a new controller)
            for key in outgoing_packet.keys ():
                if abs (outgoing_packet[key]) < .10: outgoing_packet[key] = 0.0

            print outgoing_packet

            Fuzzy_Sets = {"Fuzzy_Sets": outgoing_packet}
            com.publish_message (Fuzzy_Sets)

        except KeyError as i:

        sleep (args.epoch)
def main ():
    # Get input from the two analog sticks as yaw, throttle, roll, and pitch. Take the (0 - 255) input value and
    # map it to a (-1 - 1) range.
    controller = Controller (["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2"], ["yaw", "throttle", "roll", "pitch"], (0, 255), (-1, 1))
    ser = serial.Serial ('/./dev/ttyACM0', 9600, timeout=1)
    while True:
        control_packet = controller.get_values ()

        print (control_packet)
        input = 0
        if (control_packet['yaw'] <= 1 and control_packet['yaw'] >= 0.05):
            input *= 255
            input += 255
            ser.write (input)
            print ("d")
        elif (control_packet['yaw'] >= -1 and control_packet['yaw'] <= -0.05):
            input *= 255
            input -= 255
            ser.write (input)
            print ("a")
        elif (control_packet['throttle'] >= -1 and control_packet['throttle'] <= -0.08):
            input *= 255
	    #make the value intuitive
            input = math.fabs(input)
            ser.write (input)
            print ("w")
        elif (control_packet['throttle'] <= 1 and control_packet['throttle'] >= 0.08):
            input *= 255
	    #make the value intuitive
            input = -input
            ser.write (input)
            print ("s")

        # Update at 20 messages a second
        sleep (.05)
def main ():
    com = communicator ("Controller")

    final_packet = {"Pitch":0, "Yaw":0, "Roll":0, "Z":0, "Arm":0, "Stabalize":0}

    controller =  Controller (["X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2", "[]", "/\\", "start", "R2", "L2"], ["Yaw", "Z", "Roll", "Pitch", "Unarm", "Arm", "Calibrate", "Stabalize1", "Stabalize2"])

    IS_ARMED = 0

    while True:
        inputs = controller.get_values ()

            # Buttons (0 - 100)
            inputs["Arm"] = controller.map_range (inputs["Arm"], 0, 255, 0.0, 100.0)
            inputs["Unarm"] = controller.map_range (inputs["Unarm"], 0, 255, 0.0, 100.0)
            inputs["Calibrate"] = controller.map_range (inputs["Calibrate"], 0, 1, 0.0, 100.0)
            inputs["Stabalize1"] = controller.map_range (inputs["Stabalize1"], 0, 255, 0.0, 100.0)
            inputs["Stabalize2"] = controller.map_range (inputs["Stabalize2"], 0, 255, 0.0, 100.0)

            # Throttle (0 - 100)
            inputs["Z"] = controller.map_range (inputs["Z"], 0, 255, 100.0, 0.0) / (1.0 / SENSITIVITY) # Reversed

            # Directions (-100 - 100)
            inputs["Yaw"] = controller.map_range (inputs["Yaw"], 0, 255, -100.0, 100.0) / (1.0 / SENSITIVITY) 
            inputs["Pitch"] = controller.map_range (inputs["Pitch"], 0, 255, 100.0, -100.0) / (1.0 / SENSITIVITY)  # Reversed
            inputs["Roll"] = controller.map_range (inputs["Roll"], 0, 255, -100.0, 100.0) / (1.0 / SENSITIVITY) 

            # Have to press hard to prevent accidental arm/unarm/throttle helper/throttle hold
            if inputs["Unarm"] == 100.0:
                inputs["Unarm"] = 100.0
                inputs["Unarm"] = 0

            if inputs["Arm"] == 100.0:
                inputs["Arm"] = 100.0
                inputs["Arm"] = 0

            if inputs["Stabalize1"] == 100.0:
                inputs["Stabalize1"] = 100.0
                inputs["Stabalize1"] = 0
            if inputs["Stabalize2"] == 100.0:
                inputs["Stabalize2"] = 100.0
                inputs["Stabalize2"] = 0

            if inputs["Calibrate"] == 100.0:
                inputs["Calibrate"] = 100.0
                inputs["Calibrate"] = 0

            if inputs["Stabalize1"] and inputs["Stabalize2"]:
                IS_STABALIZED = 1
                IS_STABALIZED = 0

            if inputs["Calibrate"]:
                CALIBRATE = 1
                CALIBRATE = 0

            # Logic so you don't have to hold arm/unarm/etc
            if IS_ARMED and inputs["Unarm"]:
                inputs["Arm"] = 0
                IS_ARMED = 0
                print "UNARMED!" 
            if not IS_ARMED and inputs["Arm"]:
                inputs["Arm"] = 1
                IS_ARMED = 1
                print "ARMED!"

            for key in inputs.keys ():
                if abs (inputs[key]) < 10:
                    inputs[key] = 0.0 

            final_packet = {"Pitch":inputs["Pitch"], "Yaw":inputs["Yaw"], "Roll":inputs["Roll"], "Z":inputs["Z"], "Arm":IS_ARMED, "Stabalize":IS_STABALIZED, "Calibrate": CALIBRATE}

            # Clips small controller movements to zero. Necessary especially for throttle so copter will arm
            com.send_message (final_packet)

        except KeyError:

        print final_packet
        # Send 5 commands/sec
        sleep (.1)