 def save_form_data(self, attachment):
     """The entry point for saving form data from an attachment.        
        returns True on success and false on fail."""
     xml_file_name = attachment.filepath
     f = open(xml_file_name, "r")
     # should match XMLNS
     xmlns, version = self.get_xmlns_from_instance(f)
     # If there is a special way to route this form, based on the xmlns
     # then do so here. 
     # czue: this is probably not the most appropriate place for this logic
     # but it keeps us from having to parse the xml multiple times.
     process(attachment, xmlns, version)
         formdefmodel = FormDefModel.objects.get(domain=attachment.submission.domain,
                                                 target_namespace=xmlns, version=version)
     except FormDefModel.DoesNotExist:
         raise self.XFormError("XMLNS %s could not be matched to any registered formdefmodel in %s." % (xmlns, attachment.submission.domain))
     if formdefmodel.xsd_file_location is None:
         raise self.XFormError("Schema for form %s could not be found on the file system." % formdefmodel[0].id)
     formdef = self.get_formdef_from_schema_file(formdefmodel.xsd_file_location)
     self.formdef = formdef
     status = self._save_form_data_matching_formdef(f, formdef, formdefmodel, attachment)
     return status
    def testRouting(self):
        """Tests the creation of a form group from a single form."""
        # nothing registered.  assure that nothing happens
        self.assertEqual(0, counter)
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, inc_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(0, counter)
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, dec_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(0, counter)
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, unused_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(0, counter)

        # register the incrementer and the decrementer
        xmlrouter.register(inc_xmlns, increment)
        xmlrouter.register(dec_xmlns, decrement)

        # make sure we are incrementing correctly
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, inc_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(1, counter)
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, inc_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(2, counter)

        # and decrementing correctly
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, dec_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(1, counter)

        # and ignoring what should be ignored
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, unused_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(1, counter)

        # reregistering should not "double up"
        xmlrouter.register(inc_xmlns, increment)
        xmlrouter.register(inc_xmlns, increment)
        xmlrouter.register(inc_xmlns, increment)
        xmlrouter.register(dec_xmlns, decrement)
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, inc_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(2, counter)
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, dec_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(1, counter)

        # but registering with a second method should
        xmlrouter.register(inc_xmlns, increment_again)
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, inc_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(3, counter)
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, inc_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(5, counter)
        xmlrouter.process(attachment, dec_xmlns, 0)
        self.assertEqual(4, counter)