def missed_cleavages(self): '''Sets the minimum missed cleavages during spectral searching''' label = widgets.Label("Missed Cleavage Range") self.layout.addWidget(label, 4, 0, 1, 5) storage = updating.Storage('minimum_missed_cleavages') minimum = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=5, tooltip="Minimum number of missed cleavages from " "proteolytic digestion", width=50) self.layout.addWidget(minimum, 4, 8, 1, 1) storage = updating.Storage('maximum_missed_cleavages') maximum = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=10, tooltip="Maximum number of missed cleavages from " "proteolytic digestion", width=50) self.layout.addWidget(maximum, 4, 9, 1, 1)
def charge_range(self): '''Sets the charges to consider above the identified charge''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Charge Range") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('minus_charge_range') minus = updating.SpinBox(self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=5, tooltip="Number of charges below the identified charge to " "include during XIC extraction.", width=50, prefix='-') hlayout.addWidget(minus) storage = updating.Storage('plus_charge_charge') plus = updating.SpinBox(self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=5, tooltip="Number of charges above the identified charge to " "include during XIC extraction.", width=50, prefix='+') hlayout.addWidget(plus)
def peptide_length(self): '''Sets the minimum peptide length for spectral searching''' label = widgets.Label("Peptide Length Range") self.layout.addWidget(label, 3, 0, 1, 5) storage = updating.Storage('minimum_peptide_length') minimum = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=3, maximum=10, tooltip="Minimum peptide length included during spectral searches", width=50) self.layout.addWidget(minimum, 3, 8, 1, 1) storage = updating.Storage('maximum_peptide_length') maximum = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=20, maximum=70, tooltip="Maximum peptide length included during spectral searches", width=50) self.layout.addWidget(maximum, 3, 9, 1, 1)
def minimum_crosslinker(self): '''Sets the maximum modifications fragments per peptide''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Max Modifications") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('maximum_modifications') modifications = updating.SpinBox(self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=10, tooltip="Maximum number of modifications per peptide.", width=75) hlayout.addWidget(modifications)
def maximum_crosslinkers(self): '''Sets the maximum crosslinker fragments per peptide''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Max Crosslinkers") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('maximum_crosslinkers') crosslinkers = updating.SpinBox(self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=10, tooltip="Maximum number of crosslinker fragments per peptide.", width=75) hlayout.addWidget(crosslinkers)
def filtering_range(self): '''Sets the order of magnitude range for XIC filtering''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Relative Intensity Range") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('intensity_filtering_range') range_ = updating.SpinBox(self, storage, minimum=1, maximum=10, preifx="1e", tooltip="Relative intensity range (set by finding a minimum\n" "threshold relative to the maximum intensity.", width=75) hlayout.addWidget(range_)
def product_level(self): '''Sets the MS level for the product scan data''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Product") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('product_scan_level') level = updating.SpinBox(self, storage, minimum=2, maximum=10, tooltip="Product Scan Level", prefix='MS', width=75) hlayout.addWidget(level)
def peptide_interval(self): '''Sets the default peptide interval for the Mowse database''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Peptide Interval") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('peptide_interval') interval = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=1e2, maximum=1e4, tooltip="Bin width for grouping peptide in the Mowse database", width=100, suffix=' Da') hlayout.addWidget(interval)
def ppm(self): '''Sets the maximum PPM error at a given isotope''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("PPM") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('ppm_threshold') ppm = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=100, tooltip="Maximum relative error between the experimental and " "theoretical peptide mass.", width=75) hlayout.addWidget(ppm)
def isotopes(self): '''Sets the number of isotopes to match above monoisotopic''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Isotopes") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('isotope_threshold') isotopes = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=10, tooltip="Number of Isotopes above monoisotopic for the intact " "bridge to be sequenced at.", width=75) hlayout.addWidget(isotopes)
def scan_steps(self): '''Sets the scan steps for precursor scan linking''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Max Steps") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('precursor_scan_steps') steps = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=5, maximum=1000, tooltip="Maximum scans preceeding the identified product scan\n" "to search for the precursor scan.", width=75) hlayout.addWidget(steps)
def precursor_intensity(self): '''Sets the minimum intensity required for precursor matching''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Max Missing Precursors") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('missing_precursor_threshold') intensity = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=100, tooltip="Maximum number (percent) of product scans without\n" "linked precursor scans before reporting mismatched files.", suffix='%', width=75) hlayout.addWidget(intensity)
def mass(self): '''Sets the low-resolution mass threshold for a link identification''' hlayout = self.add_layout(QtGui.QHBoxLayout) label = widgets.Label("Mass") hlayout.addWidget(label) storage = updating.Storage('mass_threshold') mass = updating.SpinBox( self, storage, minimum=0, maximum=10000, tooltip="Maximum mass error for a low-resolution " "identification (low confidence).", width=100, suffix=' Da', singleStep=100) hlayout.addWidget(mass)