def build_addins():
    # transform code for addin use
    with open(os.path.join(par_dir, "xlwings", "xlwings.bas"), "r") as vba_module, \
         open(os.path.join(this_dir, "xlwings_addin.bas"), "w") as vba_addin:
        content = vba_module.read().replace("ThisWorkbook", "ActiveWorkbook")
        content = content.replace('Attribute VB_Name = "xlwings"', 'Attribute VB_Name = "xlwings_addin"')

    # create addin workbook
    wb = Book()

    # remove unneeded sheets
    for sh in list(wb.xl_workbook.Sheets)[1:]:

    # rename vbproject
    wb.xl_workbook.VBProject.Name = "xlwings"
    # import modules
    wb.xl_workbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Import(os.path.join(this_dir, "xlwings_addin.bas"))
    # save to xla and xlam
    wb.xl_workbook.IsAddin = True
    wb.xl_workbook.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    # wb.xl_workbook.SaveAs(os.path.join(this_dir, "xlwings.xla"), FileFormat.xlAddIn)
    wb.xl_workbook.SaveAs(os.path.join(this_dir, "xlwings.xlam"), FileFormat.xlOpenXMLAddIn)
    wb.xl_workbook.Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    # clean up
    os.remove(os.path.join(this_dir, 'xlwings_addin.bas'))
 def close(self, excel: xw.Book = None, app: xw.App = None):
     """ 关闭 Excel 文档 """
     if excel is None and app is None:
     if excel is not None:
     if app is not None:
 def close(self,
           excel_book: xlwings.Book = None,
           excel_app: xlwings.App = None):
     """ 关闭 Excel 文档 """
     """ 无参数时,关闭程序初始化进程 """
     if excel_book is None and excel_app is None:
     if excel_book is not None:
     if excel_app is not None:
class PulsExcel():
    ''' This class open a PulsExcel work.
        Input and output structure data and results.
        Running macros.
    def __init__(self, path_and_file_to_book: str = None, visible=True):
        :param path_and_file_to_book:  Path and file name or just filename in base directory.
        :param visible: If excel shall open in windows or run in the background.
        super(PulsExcel, self).__init__()
        self.app = App(visible=visible)
        self.book = Book(path_and_file_to_book)

        self.names_sp = {
            'Identification': 1,
            'Length of panel': 3,
            'Stiffener spacing': 4,
            'Plate thickness': 5,
            'Number of primary stiffeners': 6,
            'Stiffener type (L,T,F)': 7,
            'Stiffener boundary': 8,
            'Stiff. Height': 9,
            'Web thick.': 10,
            'Flange width': 11,
            'Flange thick.': 12,
            'Tilt angle': 13,
            'Number of sec. stiffeners': 14,
            'Modulus of elasticity': 21,
            "Poisson's ratio": 22,
            'Yield stress plate': 23,
            'Yield stress stiffener': 24,
            'Axial stress': 25,
            'Trans. stress 1': 26,
            'Trans. stress 2': 27,
            'Shear stress': 28,
            'Pressure (fixed)': 29,
            'In-plane support': 30

        self.names_up = {
            'Identification': 1,
            'Length of plate': 3,
            'Width of c': 4,
            'Plate thickness': 5,
            'Modulus of elasticity': 6,
            "Poisson's ratio": 7,
            'Yield stress plate': 8,
            'Axial stress 1': 9,
            'Axial stress 2': 10,
            'Trans. stress 1': 11,
            'Trans. stress 2': 12,
            'Shear stress': 13,
            'Pressure (fixed)': 14,
            'In-plane support': 15,
            'Rot left': 16,
            'Rot right': 17,
            'Rot upper': 18,
            'Rot lower': 19

    def close_book(self, save=False):
        ''' Closing ass and book. '''
        if save:

    def read_data(self, row_number: int = 1, column_number: int = 1):
        ''' Read one cell in the sheet
            Row and columns starts at 1 (not 0 as in python general)
        return self.book.sheets[1].range((row_number, column_number)).value

    def set_cell_value(self,
                       row_number: int = 1,
                       column_number: int = 1,
        Set values of a cell.
        :param row_number:
        :param column_number:
        :param cell_value:
        #print('Row', row_number, 'Col', column_number, 'Cell', cell_value)
            (row_number, column_number)).value = cell_value

    def set_one_row(self, row_number: int = 20, data_dict: dict = None):
        Set one row of values
        :param row_number: The row to set.
        :param data_dict: Data for one panel.
        for name, col_num in self.names_sp.items():
            self.set_cell_value(row_number, col_num, data_dict[name])

    def set_multiple_rows(self, start_row: int = 20, data_dict: dict = None):

        :param start_row: First row to input.
        :param list_of_dicts: The data to be set.

        row_number = start_row
        for id, data in data_dict.items():
            self.set_one_row(row_number, data)
            row_number += 1

    def set_multiple_rows_batch(self, data_dict: dict = None):

        :param start_row: First row to input.
        :param list_of_dicts: The data to be set.

        sp_dict, up_dict = dict(), dict()
        for key, val in data_dict.items():
            if val['sp or up'] == 'SP':
                sp_dict[key] = val
                up_dict[key] = val
        if len(sp_dict) > 0:
            for name, col_num in self.names_sp.items():
                start_row = 20
                self.book.sheets[1].range((start_row, col_num)).options(expand='table', transpose=True).value = \
                    [val[name] for val in sp_dict.values()]
        if len(up_dict) > 0:
            for name, col_num in self.names_up.items():
                start_row = 21
                self.book.sheets[4].range((start_row, col_num)).options(expand='table', transpose=True).value = \
                    [val[name] for val in up_dict.values()]

        return len(sp_dict) > 0, len(up_dict) > 0

    def calculate_panels(self, sp=True, up=False):
        ''' Calculate the panels in the sheet. '''
        if sp:
            run_macro_sp = self.app.macro('Sheet1.cmdCalculatePanels_Click')
        if up:
            run_macro_up = self.app.macro('Sheet3.CalculatePanelsU3')

    def get_results_one_cell(self,
                             row_number: int = 1,
                             column_number: int = 1):
        ''' Return the results in one cell of a calculated panel. '''
        return self.book.sheets[2].range((row_number, column_number)).value

    def get_results_one_row(self, row_number: int = 15):
        Return one row.
        :param row_number:
        :return: dict : [value, unit] e.g. [3000, 'mm']
        return_dict = dict()
        return_dict['Identification'] = self.get_results_one_cell(
            row_number, column_number=1)
        # print('start')
        # for idx in range(3,74):
        #     if self.get_results_one_cell(11, column_number=idx) != None:
        #         return_dict[self.get_results_one_cell(11, column_number=idx)] = {}
        # print('stop')
        current_top_row = ''
        for idx in range(3, 74):
            if self.get_results_one_cell(11, column_number=idx) != None:
                current_top_row = self.get_results_one_cell(11,
                return_dict[current_top_row] = {}

            return_dict[current_top_row][self.get_results_one_cell(12, column_number=idx)] = \
                [self.get_results_one_cell(row_number, column_number=idx),
                 self.get_results_one_cell(14, column_number=idx)]
        return return_dict

    def get_all_results_batch(self, sp=True, up=False):

        spup = {
            (True, True): ['SP', 'UP'],
            (True, False): ['SP'],
            (False, True): ['UP']

        return_dict = {}
        for run in spup[(sp, up)]:
            all_ids = self.book.sheets[2 if run == 'SP' else 5].range(
            if type(all_ids) != list:
                all_ids = [all_ids]
            all_data = np.array(
                self.book.sheets[2 if run == 'SP' else 5].range(
            all_top_names = np.array(
                self.book.sheets[2 if run == 'SP' else 5].range(
                    'C11:BU11' if run == 'SP' else 'C11:AS11').value)
            all_names = all_data[0]
            all_data = all_data[3:]
            all_units = np.array(
                self.book.sheets[2 if run == 'SP' else 5].range(
                    'C14:BU14' if run == 'SP' else 'C14:AS14').value)
            current_top_row = ''

            for data_idx, id in enumerate(all_ids):
                return_dict[id] = {}
                return_dict[id]['Identification'] = id
                same, same_idx = False, 2
                for top_name, name, data, unit in zip(all_top_names, all_names,
                    if top_name != None:
                        current_top_row = top_name
                        return_dict[id][current_top_row] = {}
                    if name in return_dict[id][current_top_row].keys():
                        same = True
                        name = name + ' ' + str(same_idx)
                        same_idx += 1
                    elif same == True and name not in return_dict[id][
                        same = False
                        same_idx = 2
                    return_dict[id][current_top_row][name] = [data, unit]
                if run == 'UP':
                    return_dict[id]['Ultimate capacity']['Actual usage Factor'] = \
                        return_dict[id]['Ultimate capacity']['Usage factor']
                    return_dict[id]['Ultimate capacity']['Allowable usage factor'] = \
                        return_dict[id]['Ultimate capacity']['Alowable usage']
                    return_dict[id]['Buckling strength']['Actual usage Factor'] = \
                        return_dict[id]['Buckling strength']['Usage factor']
                    return_dict[id]['Buckling strength']['Allowable usage factor'] = \
                        return_dict[id]['Buckling strength']['Alowable usage']

                    return_dict[id]['Ultimate capacity'].pop('Usage factor')
                    return_dict[id]['Ultimate capacity'].pop('Alowable usage')
                    return_dict[id]['Buckling strength'].pop('Usage factor')
                    return_dict[id]['Buckling strength'].pop('Alowable usage')
        return return_dict

    def get_all_results(self):
        Return all results in run.

        return_dict, found_last, row_number = dict(), False, 15
        while found_last is False:
            this_row = self.get_results_one_row(row_number)
            if this_row['Identification'] is not None:
                return_dict[row_number] = this_row
                row_number += 1
                found_last = True

        return return_dict