def createSpreadsheet(recordset, dst_dir_path, dst_file_name):
    dst_dir_path = os.path.realpath(dst_dir_path)
    logger.debug("opening new workbook at %s" %
                 (os.path.join(dst_dir_path, dst_file_name)))
    if not os.path.exists(dst_dir_path):
        logger.error("Destination path %s does not exist. Error: %s" %
        raise Exception("Destination path %s does not exist." % (dst_dir_path))
    # Start some Excel magic
    wb = Workbook()
    ws0 = wb.add_sheet('Forecast')
    logger.debug("Workbook created with name 'Forecast'")

    #0 = Black, 1 = White, 2 = Red, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Yellow, 6 = Magenta, 7 = Cyan, 16 = Maroon, 17 = Dark Green, 18 = Dark Blue, 19 = Dark Yellow , almost brown), 20 = Dark Magenta, 21 = Teal, 22 = Light Gray, 23 = Dark Gray
    #Create the default font
    defaultFont = Font()
    defaultFont.name = 'Arial'
    defaultFont.bold = False
    defaultFont.size = 10

    #create the default Pattern
    defaultPattern = Pattern()

    #create the default style
    defaultStyle = XFStyle()
    defaultStyle.font = defaultFont

    #Create the failure font
    failureFont = Font()
    failureFont.name = 'Arial'
    failureFont.bold = True
    failureFont.size = 10
    failureFont.colour = 'red'

    #create the failure Pattern
    failurePattern = Pattern()
    failurePattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    failurePattern.pattern_fore_colour = 2

    #Create the failure style
    #failureStyle = XFStyle()
    #easyxf( 'font: colour red, bold True, size 10, name Arial;')
    #failureStyle.font = failureFont
    #failureStyle.pattern = failurePattern
    failureStyle = easyxf('font: bold 1, name Arial , height 200, color red;')

    #create the failure Pattern
    runningPattern = Pattern()
    runningPattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    runningPattern.pattern_fore_colour = 3

    #Create a running style
    runningStyle = XFStyle()
    runningStyle.font = defaultFont
    runningStyle.pattern = runningPattern

    # Grey background for the header row
    headerPattern = Pattern()
    headerPattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    headerPattern.pattern_fore_colour = 22

    # Bold Fonts for the header row
    headerFont = Font()
    headerFont.name = 'Arial'
    headerFont.bold = True
    headerFont.size = 10

    # style and write field labels
    headerStyle = XFStyle()
    headerStyle.font = headerFont
    headerStyle.pattern = headerPattern

    logger.debug("Writing data to worksheet.")

    row_number = 1
    col_width_dict = dict()
    for i in range(8):
        col_width_dict[i] = 0
    for record in recordset:

        currentStyle = defaultStyle
        # if str(record[4]).upper() == "FAILURE":
        # logger.debug( "Status %s is in FAILURE" % ( str(record[5] ) ) )
        # currentStyle = failureStyle
        # elif str(record[4] ).upper() == "RUNNING":
        # logger.debug( "Status %s is in RUNNING" % ( str(record[5] ) ) )
        # currentStyle = runningStyle

        column = 0
        for field in record:  #i.e. for each field in the record
            logger.debug("Writing data field %s to worksheet" % (str(field)))
            if field:
                    row_number, column, str(field),
                    currentStyle)  #write excel cell from the cursor at row 1
                    row_number, column, "",
                    currentStyle)  #write excel cell from the cursor at row 1
            if len(str(field)) > col_width_dict[column]:
                #only redefine the column width if we need it to be bigger
                col_width_dict[column] = len(str(field))
            ws0.col(column).width = len(str(field)) * 256
            ws0.col(column).width = col_width_dict[column] * 256
            column = column + 1  #increment the column to get the next field
        row_number += 1

    logger.debug("Writing header row to worksheet.")
    ws0.write(0, 0, 'DAY', headerStyle)
    ws0.col(0).width = 10 * 256
    ws0.write(0, 1, 'JOB NAME', headerStyle)
    ws0.write(0, 2, 'UC', headerStyle)
    ws0.col(2).width = 17 * 256
    ws0.write(0, 3, 'START TIME', headerStyle)
    ws0.write(0, 4, 'PERIODICALLY', headerStyle)
    ws0.col(4).width = 16 * 256
    ws0.write(0, 5, 'STATUS', headerStyle)
    ws0.col(5).width = 11 * 256
    logger.debug("Writing excel file %s" %
                 (os.path.join(dst_dir_path, dst_file_name)))
    wb.save(os.path.join(dst_dir_path, dst_file_name))
    return 0