    def render(self, request, context, **response_kwargs):
        from xlwt import Workbook, XFStyle, easyxf

        w = Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
        w.owner = b'UN World Food Programme'

        ws = w.add_sheet('Report')
        style = XFStyle()

        row = 0
        heading_xf = easyxf(
            'font:height 200; font: bold on; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center'
        ws.write(row, 0, '#', style)

        for col, fieldname in enumerate(context['report'].headers, start=1):
            ws.write(row, col, str(fieldname), heading_xf)
            ws.col(col).width = 5000
        ws.row(row).height = 500

        # we have to prepare all the styles before going into the loop
        # to avoid the "More than 4094 XFs (styles)" Error
        styles = self._get_styles(context)
        for rownum, data in enumerate(context['report']):
            ws.write(rownum + 1, 0, rownum + 1)
            for idx, (fieldname, rowvalue) in enumerate(data.items()):
                style = styles[rowvalue.column.name]
                    ws.write(rownum + 1, idx + 1, with_widget(rowvalue), style)
                except Exception:
                    #logger.warning("TODO refine this exception: %s" % e)
                    ws.write(rownum + 1, idx + 1,
                             smart_str(with_widget(rowvalue)), style)

        f = StringIO.StringIO()

        return f.read()
    def render(self, request, context, **response_kwargs):
        from xlwt import Workbook, XFStyle, easyxf

        w = Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
        w.owner = b'UN World Food Programme'

        ws = w.add_sheet('Report')
        style = XFStyle()

        row = 0
        heading_xf = easyxf('font:height 200; font: bold on; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center')
        ws.write(row, 0, '#', style)

        for col, fieldname in enumerate(context['report'].headers, start=1):
            ws.write(row, col, str(fieldname), heading_xf)
            ws.col(col).width = 5000
        ws.row(row).height = 500

        # we have to prepare all the styles before going into the loop
        # to avoid the "More than 4094 XFs (styles)" Error
        styles = self._get_styles(context)
        for rownum, data in enumerate(context['report']):
            ws.write(rownum + 1, 0, rownum + 1)
            for idx, (fieldname, rowvalue) in enumerate(data.items()):
                style = styles[rowvalue.column.name]
                    ws.write(rownum + 1, idx + 1, with_widget(rowvalue), style)
                except Exception:
                    #logger.warning("TODO refine this exception: %s" % e)
                    ws.write(rownum + 1, idx + 1, smart_str(with_widget(rowvalue)), style)

        f = StringIO.StringIO()

        return f.read()