 def _parse_xml_element(dataclass_object: dataclass,
                        xml_element: ET) -> dataclass:
     for key in dataclass_object.__annotations__:
             if dataclass_object.__annotations__[key] == int:
                 dataclass_object.__dict__[key] = int(
                     xml_element.findtext(key.replace("_", "-")))
             elif dataclass_object.__annotations__[key] == Union[None,
                 dataclass_object.__dict__[key] = datetime.strptime(
                     xml_element.findtext(key.replace("_", "-")),
                     "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z",
             elif (dataclass_object.__annotations__[key] == Union[
                     None, IPv4Address, IPv6Address]):
                 dataclass_object.__dict__[key] = ip_address(
                     xml_element.findtext(key.replace("_", "-")))
                 dataclass_object.__dict__[key] = str(
                     xml_element.findtext(key.replace("_", "-")))
         except ValueError:
         except TypeError:
     return dataclass_object
 def _prep_xmltext(et: Et, key: str) -> str:
     """Wrapper to quickly get settings.
     :param et: Element Tree from parsed Xml
     :type et: xml.etree.ElementTree
     :param key: Name of the setting
     :type key: str
     :return: Parsed value for setting
     :rtype: str
     t = et.find(key).text.strip() if et.findtext(key) and (
         et.find(key).text is not None) else None
     return None if not t or t == "" else t
class App(object):
	def __init__(self, env, source_dir):
		self.env = env
		self.source_dir = fix_path(source_dir)
		self.resources_dir = os.path.join(self.source_dir, 'Resources')
		self.modules = []

		# There are some basic attributes that we need to know to continue.
		# If these weren't passed, we should abort here.
		for attr in ['name', 'id', 'guid', 'version', 'runtime_version']:
			if not hasattr(self, attr):
				raise Exception('Neither the tiapp.xml nor the manifest defined "%s"' % attr)

		# Cache the SDK directory for the runtime here, because we'll
		# need it quite a bit if we do staging and packaging.
		self.sdk_dir = fix_path((self.env.get_sdk_dir(self.runtime_version)))

	def read_manifest(self):
		manifest_path = p.join(self.source_dir, "manifest")
		if not p.exists(manifest_path):
			raise Exception("Could not find manifest at %s" % manifest_path)

		contents = codecs.open(manifest_path, 'r', 'utf-8').read().split('\n')
		for line in contents:
			if line.find(u':') == -1:
			(key, value) = line.split(':', 1)
			key = key.strip()
			value = value.strip()
			if key == u'#appname': self.name = value
			elif key == u'#appid': self.id = value
			elif key == u'#guid': self.guid = value
			elif key == u'#description': self.description = value
			elif key == u'#image': self.image = value
			elif key == u'#publisher': self.publisher = value
			elif key == u'#url': self.url = value
			elif key == u'#version': self.version = value
			elif key == u'#loglevel': self.loglevel = value
			elif key == u'#stream': self.stream = value
			elif key.find(u'#') == 0: continue
				# This is for staging applications in our source directory.
				# If no version is specified for this application, just use
				# the current build environment version.
				if not value:
					value = self.env.version

				if key == u'runtime': self.runtime_version = value
				elif key == u'sdk': self.sdk_version = value
				elif key == u'mobilesdk': self.mobilesdk_version = value
					self.modules.append((key, value))

	def get_tiapp_element_as_prop(self, element_name, prop):
		t = self.tiapp.findtext(element_name)
		if t: self.__setattr__(prop, unicode(t))

	def read_tiapp(self):
		tiapp_path = p.join(self.source_dir, "tiapp.xml")
		if not p.exists(tiapp_path):
			raise Exception("Could not find tiapp.xml at %s" % tiapp_path)

		self.tiapp = ElementTree()
		self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('name', 'name')
		self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('id', 'id')
		self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('version', 'version')
		self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('icon', 'image')
		self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('description', 'description')
		self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('publisher', 'publisher')
		self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('url', 'url')
		self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('log-level', 'loglevel')

	def write_manifest(self, path):
		f = codecs.open(p.join(path, 'manifest'), 'wb', 'utf-8')

		def write_line(str):
			f.write(str.replace(u'\n', u'') + '\n')

		write_line(u'#appname: ' + self.name)
		write_line(u'#appid: ' + self.id)
		write_line(u'#guid: ' + self.guid)
		write_line(u'#version: ' + self.version)
		if hasattr(self, 'image'):
			write_line(u'#image: ' + self.image)
		if hasattr(self, 'publisher'):
			write_line(u'#publisher: ' + self.publisher)
		if hasattr(self, 'description'):
			write_line(u'#description: ' + self.description)
		if hasattr(self, 'url'):
			write_line(u'#url: ' + self.url)
		if hasattr(self, 'loglevel'):
			write_line(u'#loglevel: ' + self.url)
		if hasattr(self, 'stream'):
			write_line(u'#stream: ' + self.url)

		write_line(u'runtime: ' + self.runtime_version)
		if hasattr(self, 'sdk_version'):
			write_line(u'sdk: ' + self.sdk_version)
		if hasattr(self, 'mobilesdk_version'):
			write_line(u'mobilesdk: ' + self.mobilesdk_version)
		for module in self.modules:
			write_line(module[0] + ': ' + module[1])

	def write_tiapp(self, path):
		xml.etree.ElementTree._namespace_map['http://ti.appcelerator.org'] = 'ti'
		xml.etree.ElementTree._namespace_map['http://www.appcelerator.org'] = 'appc'
		self.tiapp.write(p.join(path, 'tiapp.xml'), "utf-8")

	def get_contents_dir(self):
		return self.stage_dir

	def stage(self, stage_dir, bundle=False, no_install=False):
		print('Staging %s' % self.name)
		self.stage_dir = fix_path(stage_dir)
		contents = self.contents = self.get_contents_dir()

		self.env.log(u'Copying contents from %s to %s' % (self.source_dir, contents))
		excludes = self.env.get_excludes()
		# Don't prematurely copy custom modules (we only want them if they're in the manifest)
		excludes.append(p.join(self.source_dir, 'modules'))
		# If we are staging into a subdirectory of the original
		# application directory (like Titanium Developer), then
		# ignore the immediate child of the original app directory
		# on the way to the stagin directory. Example:
		# App directory: /tmp/MyProject
		# Staging directory: /tmp/MyProject/dist/linux/MyProject
		# then we ignore: /tmp/MyProject/dist
		if contents.find(p.join(self.source_dir, '')) != -1:
			(current, child) = p.split(contents)
			while current != self.source_dir:
				(current, child) = p.split(current)
			excludes.append(p.join(current, child))
		effess.copy_tree(self.source_dir, contents, exclude=self.env.get_excludes())

		# If we are not including the installer and this is bundled, do not copy
		# the installer and make the app as installed.
		if no_install and bundle:
			f = open(p.join(self.get_contents_dir(), '.installed'), 'w')
			installer_source = p.join(self.sdk_dir, 'installer')
			self.env.log(u'Copying installer from %s to %s' % (installer_source, contents))
			effess.copy_to_dir(installer_source, contents, exclude=self.env.get_excludes() + ['.dll', '.msm'])


		if bundle:
			self.env.log(u'Copying runtime to %s' % self.stage_dir)
				p.join(contents, "runtime", self.runtime_version),

			if hasattr(self, 'sdk_version'):
				self.env.log(u'Copying SDK to %s' % contents)
					p.join(contents, "sdk", self.sdk_version),

			# We don't bundle the MobileSDK currently.
			#if hasattr(self, 'mobilesdk_version'):
			#	self.env.log(u'Copying MobileSDK to %s' % contents)
			#	effess.copy_tree(self.sdk_dir,
			#		p.join(contents, "mobilesdk", self.mobilesdk_version),
			#		exclude=self.env.get_excludes())

			for module in self.modules:
				# If this module already exists in the source directory as a bundled
				# module than don't overwrite it with an installed module
				source = p.join(self.source_dir, 'modules', module[0], module[1])
				if not(p.exists(source)):
					source = self.env.get_module_dir(module)
				effess.lightweight_copy_tree(source, p.join(contents, 'modules', module[0], module[1]),
	def run(self):

	def get_installer_image(self, tag_name, default=None):
		# Try to find 'tag_name' and also 'tag-name' (typical XML style)
		elem = self.tiapp.findtext(tag_name)
		if not elem:
			elem = self.tiapp.findtext(tag_name.replace('_', '-'))
		if not elem:
			return default

		# Try to find the image in both the Contents and Resources directories.
		image = unicode(elem)
		if p.exists(p.join(self.contents, image)):
			return p.join(self.contents, image)
		if p.exists(p.join(self.contents, 'Resources', image)):
			return p.join(self.contents, 'Resources', image)
			self.env.log("Could not find %s: %s. Using default." % \
				(tag_name, default))
			return default
def get_module_name(pom_file):
  tree = ElementTree()
  parser = XMLParser(target=CommentedTreeBuilder())
  tree.parse(pom_file, parser=parser)
  return tree.findtext("./{%s}artifactId" % maven_pom_xml_namespace)
class App(object):
    def __init__(self, env, source_dir):
        self.env = env
        self.source_dir = fix_path(source_dir)
        self.resources_dir = os.path.join(self.source_dir, 'Resources')
        self.modules = []

        # There are some basic attributes that we need to know to continue.
        # If these weren't passed, we should abort here.
        for attr in ['name', 'id', 'guid', 'version', 'runtime_version']:
            if not hasattr(self, attr):
                raise Exception(
                    'Neither the tiapp.xml nor the manifest defined "%s"' %

        # Cache the SDK directory for the runtime here, because we'll
        # need it quite a bit if we do staging and packaging.
        self.sdk_dir = fix_path((self.env.get_sdk_dir(self.runtime_version)))

    def read_manifest(self):
        manifest_path = p.join(self.source_dir, "manifest")
        if not p.exists(manifest_path):
            raise Exception("Could not find manifest at %s" % manifest_path)

        contents = codecs.open(manifest_path, 'r', 'utf-8').read().split('\n')
        for line in contents:
            if line.find(u':') == -1:
            (key, value) = line.split(':', 1)
            key = key.strip()
            value = value.strip()
            if key == u'#appname': self.name = value
            elif key == u'#appid': self.id = value
            elif key == u'#guid': self.guid = value
            elif key == u'#description': self.description = value
            elif key == u'#image': self.image = value
            elif key == u'#publisher': self.publisher = value
            elif key == u'#url': self.url = value
            elif key == u'#version': self.version = value
            elif key == u'#loglevel': self.loglevel = value
            elif key == u'#stream': self.stream = value
            elif key.find(u'#') == 0: continue
                # This is for staging applications in our source directory.
                # If no version is specified for this application, just use
                # the current build environment version.
                if not value:
                    value = self.env.version

                if key == u'runtime': self.runtime_version = value
                elif key == u'sdk': self.sdk_version = value
                elif key == u'mobilesdk': self.mobilesdk_version = value
                    self.modules.append((key, value))

    def get_tiapp_element_as_prop(self, element_name, prop):
        t = self.tiapp.findtext(element_name)
        if t: self.__setattr__(prop, unicode(t))

    def read_tiapp(self):
        tiapp_path = p.join(self.source_dir, "tiapp.xml")
        if not p.exists(tiapp_path):
            raise Exception("Could not find tiapp.xml at %s" % tiapp_path)

        self.tiapp = ElementTree()
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('name', 'name')
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('id', 'id')
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('version', 'version')
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('icon', 'image')
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('description', 'description')
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('publisher', 'publisher')
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('url', 'url')
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('log-level', 'loglevel')
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop('stream', 'stream')

    def write_manifest(self, path):
        f = codecs.open(p.join(path, 'manifest'), 'wb', 'utf-8')

        def write_line(str):
            f.write(str.replace(u'\n', u'') + '\n')

        write_line(u'#appname: ' + self.name)
        write_line(u'#appid: ' + self.id)
        write_line(u'#guid: ' + self.guid)
        write_line(u'#version: ' + self.version)
        if hasattr(self, 'image'):
            write_line(u'#image: ' + self.image)
        if hasattr(self, 'publisher'):
            write_line(u'#publisher: ' + self.publisher)
        if hasattr(self, 'description'):
            write_line(u'#description: ' + self.description)
        if hasattr(self, 'url'):
            write_line(u'#url: ' + self.url)
        if hasattr(self, 'loglevel'):
            write_line(u'#loglevel: ' + self.loglevel)
        if hasattr(self, 'stream'):
            write_line(u'#stream: ' + self.stream)

        write_line(u'runtime: ' + self.runtime_version)
        if hasattr(self, 'sdk_version'):
            write_line(u'sdk: ' + self.sdk_version)
        if hasattr(self, 'mobilesdk_version'):
            write_line(u'mobilesdk: ' + self.mobilesdk_version)
        for module in self.modules:
            write_line(module[0] + ': ' + module[1])

    def write_tiapp(self, path):
            'http://ti.appcelerator.org'] = 'ti'
            'http://www.appcelerator.org'] = 'appc'
        self.tiapp.write(p.join(path, 'tiapp.xml'), "utf-8")

    def get_contents_dir(self):
        return self.stage_dir

    def stage(self,
        print('Staging %s' % self.name)
        self.stage_dir = fix_path(stage_dir)
        contents = self.contents = self.get_contents_dir()
        self.env.log(u'Copying contents from %s to %s' %
                     (self.source_dir, contents))
        excludes = self.env.get_excludes()

        # Add ignore_patterns to excludes
        if ignore_patterns != "":

        # Don't prematurely copy custom modules (we only want them if they're in the manifest)
        excludes.append(p.join(self.source_dir, 'modules'))

        # If we are staging into a subdirectory of the original
        # application directory (like TideSDK Developer), then
        # ignore the immediate child of the original app directory
        # on the way to the stagin directory. Example:
        # App directory: /tmp/MyProject
        # Staging directory: /tmp/MyProject/dist/linux/MyProject
        # then we ignore: /tmp/MyProject/dist
        if contents.find(p.join(self.source_dir, '')) != -1:
            (current, child) = p.split(contents)
            while current != self.source_dir:
                (current, child) = p.split(current)
            excludes.append(p.join(current, child))


        if js_obfuscate:
            file_paths = []
            for dir_path, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(self.source_dir):
                    os.path.join(dir_path, f)
                    for f in fnmatch.filter(file_names, '*.js'))
            for file_name in file_paths:
                if os.path.isfile(file_name):
                    if "Windows" in platform.platform():
                        head, tail = file_name.split('Resources\\')
                        head, tail = file_name.split('Resources/')
                    compiler_jar = os.path.join(self.sdk_dir, 'closure',
                    output_file = os.path.join(contents, "Resources")
                    output_file = os.path.join(output_file, tail)
                    source_file = os.path.join(self.source_dir, file_name)
                    exec_cmd = "java -jar " + '"' + compiler_jar + '"' + " --js " + '"' + source_file + '"' + " --compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --js_output_file " + '"' + output_file + '"'

        # If we are not including the installer and this is bundled, do not copy
        # the installer and make the app as installed.
        if no_install and bundle:
            f = open(p.join(self.get_contents_dir(), '.installed'), 'w')
            installer_source = p.join(self.sdk_dir, 'installer')
            self.env.log(u'Copying installer from %s to %s' %
                         (installer_source, contents))
                               exclude=self.env.get_excludes() +
                               ['.dll', '.msm'])


        if bundle:
            self.env.log(u'Copying runtime to %s' % self.stage_dir)
                             p.join(contents, "runtime", self.runtime_version),

            if hasattr(self, 'sdk_version'):
                self.env.log(u'Copying SDK to %s' % contents)
                                 p.join(contents, "sdk", self.sdk_version),

            # We don't bundle the MobileSDK currently.
            #if hasattr(self, 'mobilesdk_version'):
            #    self.env.log(u'Copying MobileSDK to %s' % contents)
            #    effess.copy_tree(self.sdk_dir,
            #        p.join(contents, "mobilesdk", self.mobilesdk_version),
            #        exclude=self.env.get_excludes())

            for module in self.modules:
                # If this module already exists in the source directory as a bundled
                # module than don't overwrite it with an installed module
                source = p.join(self.source_dir, 'modules', module[0],
                if not (p.exists(source)):
                    source = self.env.get_module_dir(module)
                                             p.join(contents, 'modules',
                                                    module[0], module[1]),

    def run(self):

    def get_installer_image(self, tag_name, default=None):
        # Try to find 'tag_name' and also 'tag-name' (typical XML style)
        elem = self.tiapp.findtext(tag_name)
        if not elem:
            elem = self.tiapp.findtext(tag_name.replace('_', '-'))
        if not elem:
            return default

        # Try to find the image in both the Contents and Resources directories.
        image = unicode(elem)
        if p.exists(p.join(self.contents, image)):
            return p.join(self.contents, image)
        if p.exists(p.join(self.contents, 'Resources', image)):
            return p.join(self.contents, 'Resources', image)
            self.env.log("Could not find %s: %s. Using default." % \
                (tag_name, default))
            return default
 def _text(self, et: ElementTree, path: str):
     """Return the text content of the node."""
     return et.findtext(self._fix_path(path))
class App(object):
    def __init__(self, env, source_dir):
        self.env = env
        self.source_dir = fix_path(source_dir)
        self.resources_dir = os.path.join(self.source_dir, "Resources")
        self.modules = []

        # There are some basic attributes that we need to know to continue.
        # If these weren't passed, we should abort here.
        for attr in ["name", "id", "guid", "version", "runtime_version"]:
            if not hasattr(self, attr):
                raise Exception('Neither the tiapp.xml nor the manifest defined "%s"' % attr)

                # Cache the SDK directory for the runtime here, because we'll
                # need it quite a bit if we do staging and packaging.
        self.sdk_dir = fix_path((self.env.get_sdk_dir(self.runtime_version)))

    def read_manifest(self):
        manifest_path = p.join(self.source_dir, "manifest")
        if not p.exists(manifest_path):
            raise Exception("Could not find manifest at %s" % manifest_path)

        contents = codecs.open(manifest_path, "r", "utf-8").read().split("\n")
        for line in contents:
            if line.find(u":") == -1:
            (key, value) = line.split(":", 1)
            key = key.strip()
            value = value.strip()
            if key == u"#appname":
                self.name = value
            elif key == u"#appid":
                self.id = value
            elif key == u"#guid":
                self.guid = value
            elif key == u"#description":
                self.description = value
            elif key == u"#image":
                self.image = value
            elif key == u"#publisher":
                self.publisher = value
            elif key == u"#url":
                self.url = value
            elif key == u"#version":
                self.version = value
            elif key == u"#loglevel":
                self.loglevel = value
            elif key == u"#stream":
                self.stream = value
            elif key.find(u"#") == 0:
                # This is for staging applications in our source directory.
                # If no version is specified for this application, just use
                # the current build environment version.
                if not value:
                    value = self.env.version

                if key == u"runtime":
                    self.runtime_version = value
                elif key == u"sdk":
                    self.sdk_version = value
                elif key == u"mobilesdk":
                    self.mobilesdk_version = value
                    self.modules.append((key, value))

    def get_tiapp_element_as_prop(self, element_name, prop):
        t = self.tiapp.findtext(element_name)
        if t:
            self.__setattr__(prop, unicode(t))

    def read_tiapp(self):
        tiapp_path = p.join(self.source_dir, "tiapp.xml")
        if not p.exists(tiapp_path):
            raise Exception("Could not find tiapp.xml at %s" % tiapp_path)

        self.tiapp = ElementTree()
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop("name", "name")
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop("id", "id")
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop("version", "version")
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop("icon", "image")
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop("description", "description")
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop("publisher", "publisher")
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop("url", "url")
        self.get_tiapp_element_as_prop("log-level", "loglevel")

    def write_manifest(self, path):
        f = codecs.open(p.join(path, "manifest"), "wb", "utf-8")

        def write_line(str):
            f.write(str.replace(u"\n", u"") + "\n")

        write_line(u"#appname: " + self.name)
        write_line(u"#appid: " + self.id)
        write_line(u"#guid: " + self.guid)
        write_line(u"#version: " + self.version)
        if hasattr(self, "image"):
            write_line(u"#image: " + self.image)
        if hasattr(self, "publisher"):
            write_line(u"#publisher: " + self.publisher)
        if hasattr(self, "description"):
            write_line(u"#description: " + self.description)
        if hasattr(self, "url"):
            write_line(u"#url: " + self.url)
        if hasattr(self, "loglevel"):
            write_line(u"#loglevel: " + self.url)
        if hasattr(self, "stream"):
            write_line(u"#stream: " + self.url)

        write_line(u"runtime: " + self.runtime_version)
        if hasattr(self, "sdk_version"):
            write_line(u"sdk: " + self.sdk_version)
        if hasattr(self, "mobilesdk_version"):
            write_line(u"mobilesdk: " + self.mobilesdk_version)
        for module in self.modules:
            write_line(module[0] + ": " + module[1])

    def write_tiapp(self, path):
        xml.etree.ElementTree._namespace_map["http://ti.appcelerator.org"] = "ti"
        xml.etree.ElementTree._namespace_map["http://www.appcelerator.org"] = "appc"
        self.tiapp.write(p.join(path, "tiapp.xml"), "utf-8")

    def get_contents_dir(self):
        return self.stage_dir

    def stage(self, stage_dir, bundle=False, no_install=False, js_obfuscate=False):
        print("Staging %s" % self.name)
        self.stage_dir = fix_path(stage_dir)
        contents = self.contents = self.get_contents_dir()

        self.env.log(u"Copying contents from %s to %s" % (self.source_dir, contents))

        excludes = self.env.get_excludes()

        # Don't prematurely copy custom modules (we only want them if they're in the manifest)
        excludes.append(p.join(self.source_dir, "modules"))

        # If we are staging into a subdirectory of the original
        # application directory (like Titanium Developer), then
        # ignore the immediate child of the original app directory
        # on the way to the stagin directory. Example:
        # App directory: /tmp/MyProject
        # Staging directory: /tmp/MyProject/dist/linux/MyProject
        # then we ignore: /tmp/MyProject/dist
        if contents.find(p.join(self.source_dir, "")) != -1:
            (current, child) = p.split(contents)
            while current != self.source_dir:
                (current, child) = p.split(current)
            excludes.append(p.join(current, child))

        effess.copy_tree(self.source_dir, contents, exclude=self.env.get_excludes())

        if js_obfuscate:
            file_paths = []
            for dir_path, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(self.source_dir):
                file_paths.extend(os.path.join(dir_path, f) for f in fnmatch.filter(file_names, "*.js"))
            for file_name in file_paths:
                if os.path.isfile(file_name):
                    if "Windows" in platform.platform():
                        head, tail = file_name.split("Resources\\")
                        head, tail = file_name.split("Resources/")
                    compiler_jar = os.path.join(self.sdk_dir, "google_closure", "compiler.jar")
                    output_file = os.path.join(contents, "Resources")
                    output_file = os.path.join(output_file, tail)
                    source_file = os.path.join(self.source_dir, file_name)
                    exec_cmd = (
                        "java -jar "
                        + '"'
                        + compiler_jar
                        + '"'
                        + " --js "
                        + '"'
                        + source_file
                        + '"'
                        + " --compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --js_output_file "
                        + '"'
                        + output_file
                        + '"'

                    # If we are not including the installer and this is bundled, do not copy
                    # the installer and make the app as installed.
        if no_install and bundle:
            f = open(p.join(self.get_contents_dir(), ".installed"), "w")
            installer_source = p.join(self.sdk_dir, "installer")
            self.env.log(u"Copying installer from %s to %s" % (installer_source, contents))
            effess.copy_to_dir(installer_source, contents, exclude=self.env.get_excludes() + [".dll", ".msm"])


        if bundle:
            self.env.log(u"Copying runtime to %s" % self.stage_dir)
                p.join(contents, "runtime", self.runtime_version),

            if hasattr(self, "sdk_version"):
                self.env.log(u"Copying SDK to %s" % contents)
                    self.sdk_dir, p.join(contents, "sdk", self.sdk_version), exclude=self.env.get_excludes()

                # We don't bundle the MobileSDK currently.
                # if hasattr(self, 'mobilesdk_version'):
                # 	self.env.log(u'Copying MobileSDK to %s' % contents)
                # 	effess.copy_tree(self.sdk_dir,
                # 		p.join(contents, "mobilesdk", self.mobilesdk_version),
                # 		exclude=self.env.get_excludes())

            for module in self.modules:
                # If this module already exists in the source directory as a bundled
                # module than don't overwrite it with an installed module
                source = p.join(self.source_dir, "modules", module[0], module[1])
                if not (p.exists(source)):
                    source = self.env.get_module_dir(module)
                    source, p.join(contents, "modules", module[0], module[1]), exclude=self.env.get_excludes()

    def run(self):

    def get_installer_image(self, tag_name, default=None):
        # Try to find 'tag_name' and also 'tag-name' (typical XML style)
        elem = self.tiapp.findtext(tag_name)
        if not elem:
            elem = self.tiapp.findtext(tag_name.replace("_", "-"))
        if not elem:
            return default

            # Try to find the image in both the Contents and Resources directories.
        image = unicode(elem)
        if p.exists(p.join(self.contents, image)):
            return p.join(self.contents, image)
        if p.exists(p.join(self.contents, "Resources", image)):
            return p.join(self.contents, "Resources", image)
            self.env.log("Could not find %s: %s. Using default." % (tag_name, default))
            return default
    def from_pubmed_xml(cls, pubmed_article: ET, source: str = None):
        assert pubmed_article.tag == "PubmedArticle"

        pmid = pubmed_article.findtext("./MedlineCitation/PMID")

        return cls(pmid, pubmed_article, source=source)