def setUp(self):
        self.test_system = get_test_system()

        self.test_system.location = self.location
        self.mock_xqueue = MagicMock()
        self.mock_xqueue.send_to_queue.return_value = (None, "Message")

        def constructed_callback(dispatch="score_update"):
            return dispatch

        self.test_system.xqueue = {'interface': self.mock_xqueue, 'construct_callback': constructed_callback,
                                   'default_queuename': 'testqueue',
                                   'waittime': 1}
        self.openendedmodule = OpenEndedModule(self.test_system, self.location,
                                               self.definition, self.descriptor, self.static_data, self.metadata)
    def test_open_ended_display(self):
        Test storing answer with the open ended module.

        # Create a module with no state yet.  Important that this start off as a blank slate.
        test_module = OpenEndedModule(self.test_system, self.location,
                                      self.definition, self.descriptor,
                                      self.static_data, self.metadata)

        saved_response = "Saved response."
        submitted_response = "Submitted response."

        # Initially, there will be no stored answer.
        self.assertEqual(test_module.stored_answer, None)
        # And the initial answer to display will be an empty string.
        self.assertEqual(test_module.get_display_answer(), "")

        # Now, store an answer in the module.
                                {'student_answer': saved_response},
        # The stored answer should now equal our response.
        self.assertEqual(test_module.stored_answer, saved_response)
        self.assertEqual(test_module.get_display_answer(), saved_response)

        # Mock out the send_to_grader function so it doesn't try to connect to the xqueue.
        test_module.send_to_grader = Mock(return_value=True)
        # Submit a student response to the question.
            "save_answer", {
                "student_answer": submitted_response,
                "can_upload_files": False,
                "student_file": None
            }, get_test_system())
        # Submitting an answer should clear the stored answer.
        self.assertEqual(test_module.stored_answer, None)
        # Confirm that the answer is stored properly.
        self.assertEqual(test_module.latest_answer(), submitted_response)