def execute(self): """ installs kubeadm on the machine. """ logger = XprLogger() if not linux_utils.check_root(): logger.fatal("Please run this as root")"Installing Kubeadm...") try: swapoff = 'swapoff -a' self.executor.execute(swapoff) # turns swap off add_key = 'curl -s ' \ ' ' \ '| apt-key add -' self.executor.execute(add_key) add_list_path = '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list' add_list_content = 'deb ' \ 'kubernetes-xenial main' linux_utils.write_to_file(add_list_content, add_list_path, "a") install_kubeadm = 'apt-get update && apt-get install ' \ '-y kubelet kubeadm kubectl' self.executor.execute(install_kubeadm) # installs kubeadm hold_kubeadm = 'apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubectl' self.executor.execute(hold_kubeadm) except CommandExecutionFailedException as e: logger.error("Failed to install Kubeadm. \n{}".format(str(e))) return False return True
def execute(self, parameters=None): """ installs worker node on the machine. """ logger = XprLogger() if not linux_utils.check_root(): logger.fatal("Please run this as root") self.cleanup()"Initialising Kubernetes worker node...") try: if parameters and self.PARAMETER_MASTER_IP in parameters: master_ip = parameters[self.PARAMETER_MASTER_IP] else: master_ip = input("Enter the IP address of the master" " node you want to join:") path = '/mnt/nfs/data/k8/k8_clusters/{}/{}.txt'. \ format(master_ip, master_ip) with open(path, "r") as f: join_command = # extract join command self.executor.execute( join_command) # run command to join the cluster except CommandExecutionFailedException as e: logger.error("Failed to setup worker node. \n{}".format(str(e))) return False return True
class MetricsAggregator: """ Tracks the list all available metrics. Stores the result from these metrics in a dictionary and return """ MONGO_SECTION = 'mongodb' DB_URL = 'mongo_url' DB_NAME = 'database' DB_UID = 'mongo_uid' DB_PWD = 'mongo_pwd' W = 'w' def __init__(self, config_path): self.config = XprConfigParser(config_file_path=config_path) self.logger = XprLogger() self.metrics_list = None self.persistence_manager = None def initialize(self, db_type=MONGO_SECTION, db_url=DB_URL, db_name=DB_NAME, db_uid=DB_UID, db_pwd=DB_PWD, db_w=W): self.persistence_manager = MongoPersistenceManager( url=self.config[db_type][db_url], db=self.config[db_type][db_name], uid=self.config[db_type][db_uid], pwd=self.config[db_type][db_pwd], w=self.config[db_type][db_w]) self.metrics_list = [ UserMetrics, AbstractMetrics, ClusterMetrics, ProjectMetrics ] def get_all_metrics(self): """ Iterate through all available metrics and get the required metrics. For all metrics class, it picks all the method which starts with metric_ """"Aggregating all the metrics") aggregated_metrics = [] for metrics_class in self.metrics_list: metric_obj = metrics_class( config=self.config, persistence_manager=self.persistence_manager) for metric_name, metric_func in metrics_class.__dict__.items(): if not metric_name.startswith("metric_"): continue aggregated_metrics.extend(metric_func(metric_obj))"Metric aggregration compleed") return aggregated_metrics
class User(XprObject): """ This class represents a User """ def __init__(self, user_json=None): self.logger = XprLogger() """ Constructor: """ self.logger.debug(f"User constructor called with {user_json}") super().__init__(user_json)"user info : {}") # These are mandatory fields that needs to be provided in user_json self.mandatory_fields = [ "uid", "pwd", "firstName", "lastName", "email", "primaryRole" ] # primaryRole of a user has to one of these self.valid_values = {"primaryRole": ["Dev", "PM", "DH", "Admin", "Su"]} # fields that cannot be modified self.unmodifiable_fields = ["pwd"] # fields that should be displayed in the output self.display_fields = [ "uid", "firstName", "lastName", "email", "primaryRole", "nodes", "activationStatus" ] self.logger.debug("User constructed successfully") def get_token_info(self): token_info = TokenInfo(['token']) token_info.token = self.get("token") token_info.token_expiry = self.get("tokenExpiry") token_info.login_expiry = self.get("loginExpiry") return token_info @staticmethod def check_password(password): if len(password) < 6: raise PasswordStrengthException("Password is too short") reg_exp = "^(((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]))|((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9]))|((?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])))(?=.{6,})" match =, password) if not match: raise PasswordStrengthException( "Password is weak. Choose a strong password")
class GatewayManager: """ Manages the gateway transactions """ CONFIG_GATEWAY_KEY = "gateway" CONFIG_GATEWAY_PROVIDER = "provider" CONFIG_GATEWAY_ADMIN = "admin_url" CONFIG_GATEWAY_PROXY = "proxy_url" KONG_GATEWAY = "kong" def __init__(self, config_path=XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH): self.config = XprConfigParser(config_file_path=config_path) self.api_gateway = None self.initialize_gateway( gateway_provider=self.config[GatewayManager.CONFIG_GATEWAY_KEY][ GatewayManager.CONFIG_GATEWAY_PROVIDER], admin_url=self.config[GatewayManager.CONFIG_GATEWAY_KEY][ GatewayManager.CONFIG_GATEWAY_ADMIN], proxy_url=self.config[GatewayManager.CONFIG_GATEWAY_KEY][ GatewayManager.CONFIG_GATEWAY_PROXY], config_path=config_path) self.logger = XprLogger() def initialize_gateway(self, gateway_provider, admin_url, proxy_url, config_path): if gateway_provider == GatewayManager.KONG_GATEWAY: self.api_gateway = KongAPIGateway(admin_url=admin_url, proxy_url=proxy_url, config_path=config_path) def setup_external_service(self, component_name, internal_service_url): """ Register a service with an external service """ update_service_url = [ "http://" + svc if not svc.startswith("http") else svc for svc in internal_service_url ]"Updated svc: {update_service_url}") return self.api_gateway.register_new_service( upstream_url=update_service_url, service_name=component_name, route=f"/{component_name}") def delete_external_service(self, component_name): return self.api_gateway.delete_service(service_name=component_name)
class SSOManager: """ This class provides user authentication functionality for Xpresso Controller """ def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.persistence_manager = persistence_manager self.logger = XprLogger() config_path = XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH self.config = XprConfigParser(config_path) def validate_token(self, validation_token): """ Validate if the current token is valid Returns: """"Validating token") token_data = self.persistence_manager.find( 'sso_tokens', {"validation_token": validation_token}) if not token_data: self.logger.error("Token does not exist") raise IncorrectTokenException("Token does not exist")"Token validated") return token_data[0]["login_token"] @staticmethod def generate_token(): """ generate a new token """ return secrets.token_hex(8) def update_token(self, validation_token, login_token): """ Update validation and login token for match Args: validation_token: sso login validation token login_token: login token """ self.persistence_manager.insert("sso_tokens", { "validation_token": validation_token, "login_token": login_token }, duplicate_ok=True)
def execute(self): """ installs kubernetes dashboard on the machine. """ logger = XprLogger() if not linux_utils.check_root(): logger.fatal("Please run this as root")"Setting up the Kubernetes dashboard...") try: deploy_dashboard = 'kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent' \ '.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/aio/deploy' \ '/recommended/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml' self.executor.execute(deploy_dashboard) # creates deployment nodeport = """kubectl -n kube-system patch service \ kubernetes-dashboard --type='json' -p \ '[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/type","value":"NodePort"}]'""" self.executor.execute(nodeport) # exposes dashboard constant_port = """kubectl -n kube-system patch service \ kubernetes-dashboard --type='json' -p \ '[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/ports/0/nodePort","value":30252}]'""" self.executor.execute(constant_port) # sets constant port content_path = '/opt/' with open(content_path, "r") as f: content = path = '/etc/kubernetes/kube-dashboard-access.yaml' linux_utils.write_to_file(content, path, "w+") dashboard_access = 'kubectl create -f {}'.format(path) self.executor.execute(dashboard_access) # grants permission skip_login = """kubectl patch deployment -n kube-system \ kubernetes-dashboard --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": \ "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/1", \ "value":"--enable-skip-login" }]'""" self.executor.execute(skip_login) # enables skip login except CommandExecutionFailedException as e: logger.error("Failed to setup dashboard. \n{}".format(str(e))) return False return True
class PromotheusMetricReportGenerator: """ Takes list of metrics and generate a promotheus compatible report """ def __init__(self): self.logger = XprLogger() def generate_report(self, metrics):"converting metrics to promotheus report") report_list = [] for metric in metrics: try: label = f"xpresso_ctrl_{metric['label']}" data = metric['data'] if type(data) == list: for data_point in data: report_list.append(f'{label}{{value="{data_point}"}} 1') elif type(data) == int: report_list.append(f'{label} {data}') elif type(data) == str: report_list.append(f'{label} {data}') except KeyError: self.logger.debug("Ignoring the metric")"Report generation complete") return '\n'.join(report_list)
class KubernetesManager: def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.persistence_manager = persistence_manager self.kubernetes_deploy = KubernetesDeploy(persistence_manager) self.logger = XprLogger() def set_api_config(self, master_node): """ Sets the kubernetes API config :param master_node: IP of master node of the cluster on which project is to be deployed :return: nothing """ # get the master node of the cluster master_info = self.persistence_manager.find('nodes', {"address": master_node}) # get the kubernetes bearer token from master try: token = master_info[0]['token'] except (IndexError, KeyError): self.logger.error("Cluster is not valid. No valid node exist") raise ClusterNotFoundException("Cluster is invalid") self.logger.debug('Bearer token retrieved from master node') # kubernetes API configurations configuration = client.Configuration() = 'https://{}:6443'.format(master_node) configuration.verify_ssl = False configuration.debug = True configuration.api_key = {"authorization": "Bearer " + token} client.Configuration.set_default(configuration) self.logger.debug('API configurations set.') def check_for_namespace(self, project): """ Check if a namespace exists for the given project. If not, creates it. :param project: project to be deployed :return: nothing """ # check if namespace exists for the project self.logger.debug('checking for existing namespace') namespaces = client.CoreV1Api().list_namespace() flag = False project_name = project['name'] for ns in namespaces.items: if == \ project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment(project_name): flag = True self.logger.debug('Namespace for project already exists.') if not flag: # if project_name not in namespaces self.logger.debug('creating namespace for the project') ns_path = self.kubernetes_deploy.namespace_yaml_generator( project_name) # create namespace for project self.kubernetes_deploy.create_namespace_client(ns_path) def kube_deploy_job(self, deployment: Deployment): """ Deploys a job/cronjob component. Args: deployment: Job deployment object """ if not isinstance(deployment, JobDeployment): raise ComponentsSpecifiedIncorrectlyException("Service component" "is invalid")'entering kube_deploy_job') self.logger.debug('running job steps') self.kubernetes_deploy.run_job_steps(deployment) def kube_deploy_service(self, deployment: Deployment): """ Deploys a service component. Args: deployment: Service deployment object Returns: str: IP of the hosted service """ if not isinstance(deployment, ServiceDeployment): raise ComponentsSpecifiedIncorrectlyException("Service component" "is invalid") self.logger.debug('running deployment steps') self.kubernetes_deploy.run_deployment_steps(deployment) service_ip = self.kubernetes_deploy.get_service_ip(deployment) return service_ip def kube_undeploy(self, project_name): """ Undeploys a project :param project_name: project to be undeployed :return: nothing """ try: self.logger.debug('Deleting namespace to undeploy project') k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() resp = k8s_beta.delete_namespace( project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment(project_name)) self.logger.debug("Namespace deleted. Details : {}".format( str(resp))) except ApiException as e: if e.status == 404: # Not found self.logger.error('Project is not deployed currently.') raise CurrentlyNotDeployedException
class KubeflowUtils: def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.persistence_manager = persistence_manager self.kubernetes_manager = KubernetesManager(persistence_manager) self.logger = XprLogger() def install_kubeflow(self, master_node, namespace): """ installs kubeflow on a given node, in a given namespace Args: master_node: master node of the cluster namespace: namespace in which kubeflow is to be installed Returns: nothing """ pass def fetch_ambassador_port(self, master_node, namespace): """ Fetches the port on which ambassador is running Args: master_node: master node IP of the cluster namespace: namespace on which ambassador is deployed Returns: ambassador nodePort """'entering change_ambassador_port method') self.kubernetes_manager.set_api_config(master_node) k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() try: self.kubernetes_manager.set_api_config(master_node) s = k8s_beta.read_namespaced_service(name='ambassador', namespace=namespace) ambassador_port = s.spec.ports[0].node_port except ApiException as e: self.logger.error(f'Ambassaddor port fetching failed. Details : ' f'{e.status, e.body}') raise AmbassadorPortFetchException( 'Failed to fetch pipeline port.')'exiting fetch_ambassador_port method') return ambassador_port def set_kubeflow_api_config(self, master_node, ambassador_port): """ sets the Kubeflow API config Args: ambassador_port: ambassador's service nodePort master_node: address of the master node Returns: nothing """'entering set_kubeflow_api_config method') try: master_info = self.persistence_manager.find( 'nodes', {"address": master_node}) token = master_info[0]['token'] except (IndexError, KeyError): self.logger.error("Token retrieval from master node failed.") raise IncorrectTokenException( "Token retrieval from master node failed.") config = kfp_server_api.configuration.Configuration() config.verify_ssl = False config.debug = True = f'http://{master_node}:{ambassador_port}/pipeline' config.api_key = {"authorization": "Bearer " + token}'exiting set_kubeflow_api_config method') return config def upload_pipeline_to_kubeflow(self, master_node, namespace, pipeline_zip): """ uploads given kubeflow pipeline on the given cluster Args: namespace: namespace on which kubeflow is installed master_node: master node IP of the cluster pipeline_zip: zip file containing the pipeline yaml Returns: ambassador nodePort """'entering upload_pipeline_to_kubeflow method') ambassador_port = self.fetch_ambassador_port(master_node, namespace) self.logger.debug('fetched ambassador port') config = self.set_kubeflow_api_config(master_node, ambassador_port) api_client = kfp_server_api.api_client.ApiClient(config) try: upload_client = kfp_server_api.api.PipelineUploadServiceApi( api_client) upload_client.upload_pipeline(pipeline_zip) except KFApiException as e: if e.status == 500: self.logger.error('Trying to upload already existing pipeline') raise PipelineUploadFailedException( 'Pipeline already exists. Please choose a different name.') else: self.logger.error(f'Pipeline upload failed. Reason : {e.body}') raise PipelineUploadFailedException(e.body) return ambassador_port
class PackageManager: """Manages the request for package installation and setup """ MANIFEST_SCRIPT_KEY = "script_path" MANIFEST_MULTI_ARG_KEY = "script_multi_arguments" MANIFEST_DEPENDENCY_KEY = "dependency_packages" MANIFEST_SSH_CONFIG = "ssh_config" def __init__(self, config_path=XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH): """ 1. Generate metadata of existing VM 2. Reads the arguments and initiates the instance variable """ self.logger = XprLogger() self.python_version = sys.version.split('\n') self.system = platform.system() self.machine = platform.machine() self.platform = platform.platform() self.uname = platform.uname() self.version = platform.version() self.arch = platform.architecture() self.config_path = config_path self.package_dependency = PackageDependency(config_path=config_path) def list(self): """ List all supported package group name Returns: list: list of available packages """ return self.package_dependency.list_all() def run(self, package_to_install: str, execution_type: ExecutionType, parameters: dict = None): """ Perform provided execution type on the given package name Args: parameters(dict): Additional parameters package_to_install(str): name of the package to install. Must match the supported package names execution_type(ExecutionType): Type of execution """ if not self.package_dependency.check_if_supported(package_to_install): self.logger.error( "Unsupported Package Name : {}".format(package_to_install)) return False dependency_list = self.package_dependency.get_dependency( package_to_install) response = self.execute_recursive(dependency_list, 0, execution_type, parameters=parameters) if not response: raise PackageFailedException("Package installation failed!!") "{} installed successfully".format(package_to_install)) return True def execute_recursive(self, dependency_list: list, current_index: int, execution_type: ExecutionType, parameters: dict = None): """ Execute recursively. If something failed then rollback """ if current_index >= len(dependency_list): return True package_string = dependency_list[current_index] try: self.execute(package_class=self.package_str_to_class( package_string, packages), execution_type=execution_type, parameters=parameters) current_index += 1 return self.execute_recursive(dependency_list, current_index, execution_type, parameters=parameters) except PackageFailedException: self.logger.error("Failed to execute package {}".format( str(package_string))) return False def execute(self, package_class, execution_type: ExecutionType, parameters: dict = None): """ Perform provided execution type on the given package name Args: parameters: Additional parameter required for installation package_class: name of the package to install. Must match the supported package names. execution_type(ExecutionType): Type of execution Returns: bool: True,if the execution is successful """ if package_class is None: "{} Not Found in the hirarchy".format(package_class)) return False"Running package {package_class} with parameters" f"{parameters}") package_obj = package_class(config_path=self.config_path) if (execution_type == ExecutionType.INSTALL and package_obj.status(parameters=parameters)): return True elif execution_type == ExecutionType.INSTALL: return package_obj.install(parameters=parameters) elif execution_type == ExecutionType.UNINSTALL: return package_obj.uninstall(parameters=parameters) elif execution_type == ExecutionType.STATUS: return package_obj.status(parameters=parameters) elif execution_type == ExecutionType.START: return package_obj.start(parameters=parameters) elif execution_type == ExecutionType.STOP: return package_obj.stop(parameters=parameters) self.logger.error(str(package_obj) + " Not defined") return False def package_str_to_class(self, target_class_name: str, package_name): """ Converts class name into python class object. It looks for all classes in a package and matches the name to the class object Args: package_name(package): Find the target class name within this package name target_class_name(str): exact name of the class. It should match the class name as well Returns: Object: returns python class object, None otherwise """ for _, modname, is_pkg in \ pkgutil.iter_modules(package_name.__path__, package_name.__name__ + "."): imported_module = __import__(modname, fromlist=["dummy"]) matched_class_name = None if is_pkg: matched_class_name = self.package_str_to_class( target_class_name, imported_module) if matched_class_name: return matched_class_name for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(imported_module): if inspect.isclass(obj) and name == target_class_name: return obj return None
class NodeManager: config_path = XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.config = XprConfigParser(self.config_path) self.logger = XprLogger() self.persistence_manager = persistence_manager def register_node(self, node_json): """ registers a new node in the database if the server is available checks if the node already exists and then checks if the server with node ip_address is available. Then adds the node to database Parameters: node_json [json]: json with node information Return: Success -> 'OK' [str] : returns 'OK' as response Failure -> [str] : returns appropriate failure response """"registering a new node") self.logger.debug(f"node info provided is : {node_json}") new_node = Node(node_json)'checking if the mandatory fields are provided') new_node.validate_mandatory_fields()'checking if the address of node is valid') new_node.validate_node_address() new_node.set('provisionStatus', False) new_node.set('activationStatus', True)"provisionStatus and activationStatus fields are set")"adding node to the database") self.persistence_manager.insert("nodes",, False)"node successfully added to the persistence") def get_nodes(self, filter_json, apply_display_filter=True): """ Gets the list of nodes in the database Calls the persistence with input filters to fetch the list of nodes After fetching, the nodes list is filtered before sending as output in order to send relevant information only Parameters: filter_json [json] : json with filter key & value pairs Return: Success -> [list] : returns list of nodes Failure -> [str] : returns persistence failure response """ self.logger.debug(f"filter_json is : {filter_json}")"getting the list of nodes from persistence") nodes = self.persistence_manager.find("nodes", filter_json)"filtering nodes before sending as output") if apply_display_filter: filtered_nodes = [] for node_json in nodes: temp_node = Node(node_json) temp_node.filter_display_fields() filtered_nodes.append( nodes = filtered_nodes self.logger.debug("Output of Nodes sent : ", nodes) return nodes def provision_node(self, provision_json): """ provisions a node either for deployment or development checks if node is available and then connects to the server through ssh and runs appropriate packages on the server Parameters: node_id [str]: id i.e. name of the node provision_json [json] : json with node provision info Return: Success -> 'OK' [str] : returns OK if provision_node succeeds Failure -> [str] : returns appropriate failure response """ self.logger.debug(f"provision_node info is: {provision_json}")"provision of a node is requested") new_node = Node(provision_json) new_node.provision_info_check() address = provision_json["address"] node_id_json = {"address": address} node_type = provision_json['nodetype']"checking persistence if the node is registered") node = self.persistence_manager.find("nodes", node_id_json) if len(node) == 0: self.logger.error("Node not found") raise NodeNotFoundException("Node not found to provision") for (key, val) in node[0].items(): new_node.set(key, val) print( new_node.provision_node_check(provision_json, self.persistence_manager) print("provision_node_check passed") # checks if ip address of the node and its type is provided or not if node_type != 'DEVVM': print("updating cluster") new_node.update_cluster(provision_json, self.persistence_manager)"provision node in progress") provision_status = new_node.provision_node_setup() if provision_status == 1:"provision of node is successful") update_json = {"provisionStatus": True, "nodetype": node_type} if node_type == 'CLUSTER_MASTER': update_json["cluster"] = provision_json["cluster"] elif node_type == 'CLUSTER_WORKER': update_json["masterip"] = provision_json["masterip"] else: update_json["flavor"] = provision_json["flavor"].lower() self.persistence_manager.update("nodes", node_id_json, update_json) elif provision_status == 0: self.logger.error("provision failed: kubernetes error") raise ProvisionKubernetesException("Provision Failed") else: self.logger.error('given provision node data is invalid') raise InvalidProvisionInfoException("Provision data is invalid") def deactivate_node(self, node_id): """ Deactivates a node in persistence Deletes all the installed packages of the node on server then deactivates the node in database Parameters: node_id [str] : name of the node Return: returns appropriate output """"request received for deactivating node {node_id}") node_id_json = {"address": node_id}"checking persistence if node is present or not") nodes = self.persistence_manager.find("nodes", node_id_json) if not len(nodes): raise NodeNotFoundException("Node not found for deactivation") if 'activationStatus' in nodes[0] and not nodes[0]['activationStatus']: self.logger.error("This node is already deactivated") raise NodeDeactivatedException() new_node = Node(nodes[0]) # deletes all the packages installed on the node"deleting all packages on the node") node_deprovision = 1 if["provisionStatus"]: # deprovision shall be called only on provisioned nodes node_deprovision = new_node.deprovision_node() if node_deprovision == 1:"deleted all of the packages on node") # deletes the node entry from the database'deactivating node from persistence') deactivate_json = { "activationStatus": False, "provisionStatus": False } self.persistence_manager.update("nodes", node_id_json, deactivate_json) return XprResponse('success', '', {}) else: self.logger.error('Node deletion failed: kubernetes error') raise ProvisionKubernetesException("Deactivation Failed") def assign_node(self, assign_json): """ assigns a node to a user assigns a node with development vm type to a user Parameters: assign_json [json] : Json with assignation info Return: returns appropriate output """ if 'user' not in assign_json or 'node' not in assign_json: self.logger.error("Incomplete information in assign_json") raise IncompleteNodeInfoException("user and node info is required") elif not len(assign_json['user']) or not len(assign_json['node']): self.logger.error("Incomplete information in assign_json") raise IncompleteNodeInfoException( "user & node info shouldn't be empty") uid_json = {"address": assign_json['node']} user = assign_json['user'] users = UserManager(self.persistence_manager).get_users({"uid": user}) nodes = self.persistence_manager.find('nodes', uid_json) if len(users) == 0: raise UserNotFoundException("User not found") elif len(nodes) == 0: raise NodeNotFoundException("Node not found") else: if 'provisionStatus' not in nodes[0]: raise UnProvisionedNodeException("Node is not provisioned") elif not nodes[0]['provisionStatus']: raise UnProvisionedNodeException("Node is not provisioned") elif nodes[0]['nodetype'] != 'DEVVM': raise NodeTypeException( "Assign only work form node types of devvm") user_nodes = [] for node_dict in users[0]['nodes']: user_nodes.append(node_dict['address']) if assign_json['node'] in user_nodes: raise NodeAlreadyAssignedException() new_node = Node(nodes[0]) out, err = new_node.assign_node_to_user(user) try: if not len(out.readlines()) and len(err.readlines()): print("failure because of errors") raise NodeAssignException( "Assignation failed due to internal error") else: temp_node = {'address': nodes[0]['address']} nodes = [] if 'nodes' not in users[0] else users[0]['nodes'] nodes.append(temp_node) self.persistence_manager.update('users', {"uid": user}, {"nodes": nodes}) except: print("caught exception") raise NodeAssignException( "Assignation failed due to internal error") def modify_node(self, changes_json): """ modify_node updates the node info in the persistence checks if node is available and then updates the info as per changes_json Parameters: changes_json [json] : json with node changes info Return: returns xprresponse object """ if 'address' not in changes_json: raise IncompleteNodeInfoException("Node address not provided") uid_json = {"address": changes_json['address']}"Modifying node information of {uid_json}") self.logger.debug(f"Info provided to be modified is {changes_json}") # checks if the user is present in persistence"Checking if the node is present in the persistence") node = self.persistence_manager.find("nodes", uid_json) if len(node) == 0: self.logger.error( f"node {uid_json['address']} not found in the persistence") raise NodeNotFoundException() if 'activationStatus' in changes_json and \ not changes_json['activationStatus']: raise CallDeactivateNodeException()"updating the user information") self.persistence_manager.update("nodes", uid_json, changes_json) def delete_node(self, node_id): """ deletes the node from persistence Deletes all the installed packages of the node on server then deletes the node from database Parameters: node_id [str] : name of the node Return: returns appropriate output """"request received for deactivating node {node_id}") node_id_json = {"address": node_id}"checking persistence if node is present or not") nodes = self.persistence_manager.find("nodes", node_id_json) if nodes and len(nodes):"deleting all packages on the node") new_node = Node(nodes[0]) node_deletion = new_node.deprovision_node() if node_deletion == 1:"deleted all of the packages on node") # deletes the node entry from the database'deleting node from persistence') self.persistence_manager.delete("nodes", node_id_json) else: self.logger.error('Node deletion failed: kubernetes error') raise NodeDeletionKubernetesException() else: raise NodeNotFoundException() def update_all_nodes(self, filter_json=None, branch_name="master"): """ Update the xpresso project in all the nodes Args: filter_json: dictionary to updated specific set of nodes branch_name: name of the branch to which xpresso project will be updated Returns: (list, list): list of update node and list of non updated node """ if filter_json is None: filter_json = {} filtered_node_list = self.get_nodes(filter_json=filter_json) updated_list = [] non_updated_list = [] update_cmd = ( f"cd {self.config['general']['package_path']} && " f"python3 xpresso/ai/admin/infra/clients/ " f"--conf config/common.json " f"--type install " f"--package UpdateLocalXpressoPackage " f"--parameters {{\"branch_name\": \"{branch_name}\"}}' && " f"cp config/common_{self.config['env']}.json " f"config/common.json ") self.logger.debug(update_cmd) for node in filtered_node_list: node_address = node["address"] ssh_client = SSHUtils(node_address) if ssh_client.client is None: self.logger.warning( f"unable to login to server: {node_address}") non_updated_list.append(node_address) continue std_response = ssh_client.exec(update_cmd) self.logger.debug(f"\n\n STDERR : \n{std_response['stderr']}\n") if std_response['status'] == 0: updated_list.append(node_address) else: non_updated_list.append(node_address) ssh_client.close() return updated_list, non_updated_list
class bitbucketapi(): """ bitbucketapi class defines methods to work with bitbucket repos This class is used in creating and updating repos on bitbucket. bitbucket standard RestAPI 2.0 has been used for creating project and repository. Standard git commands through subprocess are used in cloning & updating the repository .... Methods ------- exec_command() executes a linux command through subprocess create_bitbucket_project() creates a project on bitbucket using RESTAPI create_bitbucket_repo() creates a repo on bitbucket using RESTAPI clone_bitbucket_repo() clones a repo on bitbucket using git command through subprocess push_bitbucket_repo() pushes updated code to bitbucket using git command through subprocess """ config_path = XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH logger = XprLogger() def __init__(self): self.logger = XprLogger() self.config = XprConfigParser(self.config_path) self.defaulturl = self.config['bitbucket']['restapi'] self.teamname = self.config['bitbucket']['teamname'] self.username = self.config['bitbucket']['username'] self.password = self.config['bitbucket']['password'] # Following project format provided for bibucket RESTAPI self.defaultprojectbody = { "name": "", "description": "", "key": "", "is_private": False } # Following repo format provided for bibucket RESTAPI self.defaultrepobody = {"scm": "git", "project": {"key": ""}} def exec_command(self, command: list, inputflag: bool, inputcmd: str, wd: str) -> bool: """ exec_command executes a input command through subprocess Takes command and current working directory to execute the command there. Also takes the argument for prompt input in some cases .... Parameters ---------- command -> input command to be executed inputflg -> flag to specify if any input prompt is present inputcmd -> input prompt in case required wd -> working directory where the command needs to be executed Returns ------- returns a True or False boolean based on execution status """ # executes the command at specified working directory path"Execute Command :{command} @ {wd}") exec = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=wd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Incase input prompt is expected and provided if inputflag and inputcmd: # subprocess Popen returns a stdin filestream # input string has to be convereted to bytes before # writing to the stream inputbytes = str.encode(inputcmd + '\n') # Providing input for ex password to the stdin stream exec.stdin.write(inputbytes) exec.stdin.flush() # returncode will be None until the process is complete # provide timeout case to prevent forever loop while exec.returncode is None: print("waiting")"Waiting for the command execution to end") exec.wait() # once process is complete returncode will be 0 if execution succeeds if exec.returncode != 0: stderror = exec.stderr.readlines() print(stderror) self.logger.error(f"\n Error in command execution: \n {stderror}") return False else:"Command successfully executed") return True def create_bitbucket_project(self, projectjson: dict) -> dict: """ creates a project on bitbucket creates a project on bitbucket through RESTAPI. using bitbucket api v2.0. Project info is provided as body in post request .... Parameters ---------- projectjson information on project to be created Returns ------- returns the status code of post request """ body = deepcopy(self.defaultprojectbody) body['name'] = projectjson['name'] body['description'] = projectjson['projectDescription'] body['key'] = projectjson['name'] + '_xpr' # Team name should be provided. create_project_url = self.defaulturl + teams + self.teamname + projects self.logger.debug(f"New project creation url: {create_project_url}") self.logger.debug(f"project body : {body}") projectcreation =, json=body, auth=(self.username, self.password)) print("projectcreation is ", projectcreation.text)"projectcreation response is {projectcreation.text}") return projectcreation.json() def create_bitbucket_repo(self, projectjson: dict) -> dict: """ creates a repo on bitbucket creates a repository on bitbucket through RESTAPI. using bitbucket api v2.0. Project info is provided as body in post request .... Parameters ---------- projectjson same project information is used in creating the repository Returns ------- returns response json of repocreation. The json contain links & info to the repository. """ body = deepcopy(self.defaultrepobody) reponame = projectjson['name'] + '_sc' body['project']['key'] = projectjson['name'] + '_xpr' create_repo_url = self.defaulturl + repos + self.teamname + reponame self.logger.debug(f"New repo creation url: {create_repo_url}") self.logger.debug(f"repo body : {body}") repocreation =, json=body, auth=(self.username, self.password)) print("\n repocreation is : ", repocreation.text)"repocreation response is {repocreation.text}") return repocreation.json() def clone_bitbucket_repo(self, clone_link: str, local_clone_path: str) -> int: """ Clones a repo from bitbucket to local system. clones a repository to the specified path in the input argument. uses git commands through subprocess to clone the repo. .... Parameters ---------- clone_link bitbucket link to the repository local_clone_path path on local server where the repo needs to be cloned Returns ------- returns the status code of cloning the repo """ clone_command = ['git', 'clone', clone_link, local_clone_path]"Cloning {clone_link} to {local_clone_path}") # exec_command internally calls subprocess to clone the repo clone_repo_status = self.exec_command(clone_command, False, None, None) if not clone_repo_status:"Cloning failed") raise BitbucketCloneException("Cloning failed.") def push_repo_to_bitbucket(self, remotepath: str) -> bool: """ pushes the repository to bitbucket After updating the code, the repository is pushed to bitbucket using git commands .... Parameters ---------- remotepath path of the repository on the local server Returns ------- returns the status push request """ # reduce add and commit to single call gitaddcmd = ["git", "add", "-A"] gitcommitcmd = ["git", "commit", "-m", "Initial commit"] gitpushcmd = ["git", "push", "-u", "origin", "master"] for gitcmd in [gitaddcmd, gitcommitcmd, gitpushcmd]: gitstatus = self.exec_command(gitcmd, False, "", wd=remotepath) if not gitstatus: return False"{' '.join(gitcmd)} : Done") return True def delete_bitbucket_repo(self, repo): pass
class XpressoControllerCLI: """ It takes the command line arguments and processes it as needed. xprctl binary uses this class to serve the command """ COMMAND_KEY_WORD = "command" USER_ARGUMENT = "user" FILE_ARGUMENT = "file" INPUT_ARGUMENT = "input" ALL_ARGUMENT = "all" BRANCH_ARGUMENT = "branch" def __init__(self): self.controller_client = ControllerClient() self.command = None self.arguments = {} self.SUPPORTED_COMMANDS = {} self.initialize_commands() self.logger = XprLogger() def initialize_commands(self): """ Creates a mapping ot command to functions """ try: self.SUPPORTED_COMMANDS = { "list": self.list_supported_commands, "login": self.login, "logout": self.logout, "get_cluster": self.get_clusters, "register_cluster": self.register_cluster, "deactivate_cluster": self.deactivate_cluster, "get_users": self.get_users, "register_user": self.register_user, "modify_user": self.modify_user, "deactivate_user": self.deactivate_user, "update_password": self.update_password, "get_nodes": self.get_nodes, "register_node": self.register_node, "deactivate_node": self.deactivate_node, "provision_node": self.provision_node, "assign_node": self.assign_node, "create_project": self.create_project, "register_project": self.create_project, "get_project": self.get_project, "deactivate_project": self.deactivate_project, "build_project": self.build_project, "get_build_version": self.get_build_version, "deploy_project": self.deploy_project, "undeploy_project": self.undeploy_project, "modify_project": self.modify_project, "version": self.get_version, "update": self.update, "create_repo": self.create_repo, "create_branch": self.create_branch, "push_dataset": self.push_dataset, "pull_dataset": self.pull_dataset, "list_dataset": self.list_dataset } except AttributeError: raise CLICommandFailedException("CLI issue. Contact developer to " "fix it.") def extract_argument(self, argument): if argument in self.arguments: return self.arguments[argument] return None def extract_json_from_file_or_input(self): """ Extracts json data from either file or input """ file_fs = self.extract_argument(self.FILE_ARGUMENT) input_json = self.extract_argument(self.INPUT_ARGUMENT) if input_json: try: data = json.loads(input_json) except json.JSONDecodeError: raise CLICommandFailedException("Invalid Json file") elif file_fs: try: data = json.load(file_fs) except json.JSONDecodeError: raise CLICommandFailedException("Invalid Json file") else: raise CLICommandFailedException("Please provide input json using " "-f/--file or -i/--input") return data def execute(self, **kwargs): """ Validates the command provided and calls the relevant function for execution Args: kwargs: It takes kwargs as argument which should contain the argument passed in command line """ self.arguments = kwargs if self.COMMAND_KEY_WORD not in self.arguments: raise CLICommandFailedException("No valid command provided." "Please type xprctl list for " "complete list of commands") command = self.arguments[self.COMMAND_KEY_WORD] if command not in self.SUPPORTED_COMMANDS: raise CLICommandFailedException(f"{command} not supported") try:"executing command {command}" f"with argument {self.arguments}") response = self.SUPPORTED_COMMANDS[command]()"Command executed with response {response}") return response except TypeError as e: self.logger.error(e) raise CLICommandFailedException(f"{command} is not executable") def list_supported_commands(self): return {"Commands": list(self.SUPPORTED_COMMANDS.keys())} def login(self): username = self.extract_argument(self.USER_ARGUMENT) if not username: username = input('Username: '******'url']}" print(CLIResponseFormatter(data=message).get_str()) print("Waiting for login to get successful...") return self.controller_client.sso_validate( response["validation_token"]) return response def logout(self): return self.controller_client.logout() def get_clusters(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.get_clusters(data) def deactivate_cluster(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.deactivate_cluster(data) def register_cluster(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.register_cluster(data) def get_users(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.get_users(data) def register_user(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.register_user(data) def modify_user(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.modify_user(data) def deactivate_user(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.deactivate_user(data) def register_node(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.register_node(data) def get_nodes(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.get_nodes(data) def provision_node(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.provision_node(data) def deactivate_node(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.deactivate_node(data) def assign_node(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.assign_node(data) def create_project(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.create_project(data) def get_project(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.get_project(data) def deactivate_project(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.deactivate_project(data) def modify_project(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.modify_project(data) def build_project(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.build_project(data) def get_build_version(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.get_build_version(data) def deploy_project(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.deploy_project(data) def undeploy_project(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.undeploy_project(data) def get_version(self): return self.controller_client.fetch_version() def update(self): return self.controller_client.update_xpresso() def update_password(self): username = self.extract_argument(self.USER_ARGUMENT) if not username: username = input('Username: ') old_password = getpass("Current Password:"******"New Password:"******"uid": username, "old_pwd": old_password, "new_pwd": new_password }) def create_repo(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.create_repo(data) def create_branch(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.create_branch(data) def push_dataset(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.push_dataset(data) def pull_dataset(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.pull_dataset(data) def list_dataset(self): data = self.extract_json_from_file_or_input() return self.controller_client.list_dataset(data)
class HTTPHandler: """ Manages the HTTP request and response for external queries. """ def __init__(self): self.logger = XprLogger() self.empty_response = HTTPResponse(500, {}, {}) def send_request(self, request: HTTPRequest) -> HTTPResponse: """ Sends the HTTP request and gets the response Args: request(HTTPRequest): Object of HTTP Request which contains necessary request data Returns: HTTPResponse: response object """ try:"Sending HTTP Request: {request}") if request.method == HTTPMethod.GET: response = requests.get(request.url,, headers=request.headers) elif request.method == HTTPMethod.POST: response =,, headers=request.headers) elif request.method == HTTPMethod.PUT: response = requests.put(request.url,, headers=request.headers) elif request.method == HTTPMethod.DELETE: response = requests.delete(request.url,, headers=request.headers) elif request.method == HTTPMethod.HEAD: response = requests.head(request.url,, headers=request.headers) elif request.method == HTTPMethod.OPTIONS: response = requests.options(request.url,, headers=request.headers) else: raise HTTPInvalidRequestException("Invalid HTTP Method") parsed_response = self.parse_response(response)"Received HTTP Request: {parsed_response}") except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError, requests.ConnectTimeout, requests.exceptions.SSLError) as e: self.logger.error(e) raise HTTPRequestFailedException("Request Failed") except (requests.exceptions.InvalidHeader, requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema, requests.exceptions.InvalidURL) as e: self.logger.error(e) raise HTTPInvalidRequestException("Invalid Request Object") return parsed_response def parse_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> HTTPResponse: """ Convert requests.Response into HTTP Response object""" if not response: return self.empty_response return HTTPResponse(response_code=response.status_code, response_data=response.text, response_headers=response.headers)
class XprProjectManager: LINUX_UID_KEY = "linux_uid" MIN_VALID_LINUX_UID = 1001 def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.logger = XprLogger() self.persistence_manager = persistence_manager def create_project(self, project_json: dict) -> object: """ creates a new project in the persistence and bitbucket Creates a new project and repo on bitbucket. Then setup necessary nfs mount. Then adds the project json to persistence. Parameters: project_json: json with project information Return: returns xprresponse object """ # checks if the project_json has the complete info required"checking the provided project information") # Updating next linux uid project_json[self.LINUX_UID_KEY] = self.get_next_linux_uid() new_project = Project(project_json) new_project.project_info_check(self.persistence_manager) new_project.complete_project_info() self.logger.debug(f"Updated project info is: {}")"calling setup_project to complete the setup") setup = setup_project( setup_code = setup['status']"setup_project status code is {setup_code}") if setup_code != 200: self.logger.error("Project setup failed") return XprResponse('failure', setup_code, {"message": "Project setup failed"})"project setup completed") "Adding the project with complete info to persistence") self.persistence_manager.insert("projects", setup['project_json'], False)"project successfully added to persistence") # allocate required environments"Allocating project environments") env_manager = EnvManager() env_manager.allocate_env(project_json["name"], project_json["environments"])"Allocated project environments") new_project.filter_display_fields() return XprResponse("success", None, def get_next_linux_uid(self): """ Checks the database and finds the next linux uid which needs to be assigned to a project Returns: A valid UID """ all_projects = self.persistence_manager.find("projects", {}) new_linux_uid = max([self.MIN_VALID_LINUX_UID] + [ project[self.LINUX_UID_KEY] for project in all_projects if self.LINUX_UID_KEY in project ]) + 1 return new_linux_uid def get_projects(self, filter_json: dict, apply_display_filter=True) -> object: """ Calls the persistence with input filters to fetch the list of projects. Parameters: filter_json [json] : json with filter key & value pairs Return: returns a xprresponse object """"retrieving the list of projects from persistence") projects = self.persistence_manager.find("projects", filter_json)"calling filter_project_output") self.logger.debug(f"projects are: {projects}") if apply_display_filter: filtered_projects = [] for project_json in projects: temp_project = Project(project_json) temp_project.filter_display_fields() filtered_projects.append( projects = filtered_projects self.logger.debug(f"\n Filtered projects are: {projects}") # get users call retrieves whole user info from persistence # Filtering the data that needs to be shown as output return projects def modify_project(self, changes_json: dict): """ Modifies a project in persistence and on bitbucket Parameters: changes_json: project information that needs to be modified Return: returns a xprresponse object """ if 'name' not in changes_json: raise IncompleteProjectInfoException( "Project name needs to be provided for modify_project") uid_json = {'name': changes_json['name']}"checking if the project is already present") projects = self.persistence_manager.find("projects", uid_json) if len(projects) == 0: self.logger.error("cannot modify a project which doesn't exist.") raise NoProjectException("Cannot Modify unregistered project")"calling modify_info_check to validate the info") new_project = Project(projects[0]) new_project.modify_info_check(changes_json, self.persistence_manager)"modify_project_locally has been called") modify_status = modify_project_locally(projects[0], changes_json) if modify_status != 200: self.logger.error("modify_project_locally failed") XprResponse('failure', modify_status, {"message": "Modify project failed"}) "project info is being modified before updating @persistence") update_json = new_project.modify_project_info(changes_json) self.persistence_manager.update("projects", uid_json, update_json)"Project modified successfully") # allocate required environments"Allocating project environments") env_manager = EnvManager() env_manager.allocate_env(changes_json["name"], changes_json["environments"])"Allocated project environments") def deactivate_project(self, uid_json: dict): """ Deactivates a project. updates the appropriate flags in persistence Parameters: uid [str] : uid of the project Return: returns xprresponse object """ # deletes the project from persistence"Checking if the project actually exists") projects = self.persistence_manager.find("projects", uid_json) if len(projects) == 0: raise NoProjectException() elif 'activationStatus' not in projects[0]: projects[0]['activationStatus'] = True if projects[0]['currentlyDeployed']: raise ProjectDeactivationException( "Project Currently deployed. Undeploy first.") elif not projects[0]['activationStatus']: raise ProjectDeactivationException("Project already deactivated") active_flag_json = {"activationStatus": False} self.persistence_manager.update("projects", uid_json, active_flag_json) # update_id = self.db_utils.delete("projects", uid_json) # remove allocated environments"Removing project environments") env_manager = EnvManager() env_manager.remove_env(uid_json["name"])"Removed project environments")
def execute(self): """ installs kubernetes master node on the machine. """ logger = XprLogger() if not linux_utils.check_root(): logger.fatal("Please run this as root")"Initialising Kubernetes master node...") try: pod_network_cidr = self.config[self.PACKAGES][self.KUBE_SECTION][ self.CIDR_KEY] init = 'kubeadm init --token-ttl=0 --pod-network-cidr={}'.format( pod_network_cidr) (_, output, _) = self.executor.execute_with_output(init) output = output.splitlines() join_command = (output[-2].decode("utf-8").rstrip('\\') + output[-1].decode("utf-8")) # waiting time for master node to become active time.sleep(90) master_ip = linux_utils.get_ip_address() cluster_path = '/mnt/nfs/data/k8/k8_clusters/' \ '{}'.format(master_ip) linux_utils.create_directory(cluster_path, 0o755) join_filename = '{}/{}.txt'.format(cluster_path, master_ip) linux_utils.write_to_file(join_command, join_filename, "w+") if not os.path.isfile(join_filename): logger.error('Failed to write join command to file. Exiting.') raise CommandExecutionFailedException kubeconfig = 'KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf' environment_path = '/etc/environment' linux_utils.write_to_file(kubeconfig, environment_path, "a") os.environ["KUBECONFIG"] = "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf" kube_directory = '$HOME/.kube' linux_utils.create_directory(kube_directory, 0o755) copy_config = 'sudo cp -f /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf' \ ' $HOME/.kube/config' self.executor.execute(copy_config) chown = 'sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config' self.executor.execute(chown) flannel = 'kubectl apply -f' \ '/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml' self.executor.execute(flannel) generate_api_token = "kubectl get secret $(kubectl get " \ "serviceaccount default -o jsonpath=" \ "'{.secrets[0].name}') -o jsonpath=" \ "'{.data.token}' | base64 --decode" status, stdout, stderr = self.executor.execute_with_output( generate_api_token) if status != 0 or len(stderr.decode('utf-8')): raise CommandExecutionFailedException( "Token generation failed") token = stdout.decode("utf-8") self.persistence_manager.update("nodes", {"address": master_ip}, {"token": token}) api_access = 'kubectl create clusterrolebinding permissive-binding \ --clusterrole=cluster-admin \ --user=admin \ --user=kubelet \ --group=system:serviceaccounts' self.executor.execute(api_access) docker_secret = \ 'kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerkey ' \ '--docker-server ' \ '--docker-username xprdocker --docker-password Abz00ba@123' self.executor.execute(docker_secret) except CommandExecutionFailedException as e: logger.error("Failed to initialise master. \n{}".format(str(e))) return False return True
class KubernetesDeploy: """ class containing methods to deploy a project in Kubernetes """ def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.persistence_manager = persistence_manager self.logger = XprLogger() config_path = XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH self.config = XprConfigParser(config_path) PROJECTS_SECTION = 'projects' DEPLOYMENT_FILES_FOLDER = 'deployment_files_folder' self.deployment_files_folder = self.config[PROJECTS_SECTION][ DEPLOYMENT_FILES_FOLDER] if not os.path.isdir(self.deployment_files_folder): os.makedirs(self.deployment_files_folder, 0o755) def deployment_yaml_generator(self, deployment): """ generates yaml for creating deployment in kubernetes Args: deployment: Service Deployment Returns: str: path of yaml generated """'entering deployment_yaml_generator') # converting any special characters to '-' project_name = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.project_name) component = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.component_name) # this will be the name used in the deployment file deployment_name = '{}--{}'.format(project_name, component) # reading contents from the standard xpresso deployment yaml file with open("config/kubernetes-deployfile.yaml", "r") as f: content = yaml_content = self.populate_yaml_content(content, deployment, deployment_name) filename = "{}/deployfile--{}.yaml".format( self.deployment_files_folder, deployment_name) with open(filename, "w+") as f: yaml.safe_dump(yaml_content, f)'exiting deployment_yaml_generator') return filename def persistent_volume_yaml_generator(self, deployment, persstence_type): """ generates yaml for creating persistent volumne Args: deployment: Any Deployment Returns: str: path of yaml generated """'entering persistent_yaml_generator') # converting any special characters to '-' project_name = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.project_name) component = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.component_name) # this will be the name used in the deployment file deployment_name = '{}--{}'.format(project_name, component) # reading contents from the standard xpresso deployment yaml file with open(f"config/kubernetes-persistent-{persstence_type}.yaml", "r") as f: content = content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_NAME", str(deployment_name)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_PERSISTENT_STORAGE_SIZE", str(deployment.volume_size)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_PROJECT_NAME", str(project_name)) yaml_content = yaml.safe_load(content) filename = ( f"{self.deployment_files_folder}" f"/persistent-{persstence_type}-file--{deployment_name}.yaml") with open(filename, "w+") as f: yaml.safe_dump(yaml_content, f)'exiting persistent_yaml_generator') return filename def populate_yaml_content(self, content, deployment, deployment_name): content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_NAME", str(deployment_name)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_REPLICAS", str(deployment.replicas)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_IMAGE_NAME", str(deployment.docker_image)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_ENVIRONMENT_LIST", str(deployment.environment)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_PROJECT_LINUX_UID", str(deployment.project_linux_uid)) if deployment.need_persistence(): content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_VOLUME_MOUNT_PATH", str(deployment.volume_mount_path)) # content = content.format(deployment_name, replicas, deployment_name, # image, deployment_name, environment) yaml_content = yaml.safe_load(content) # Remove persistence if not required if not deployment.need_persistence(): try: del yaml_content["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["volumes"] del yaml_content["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][0][ "volumeMounts"] except (IndexError, KeyError): self.logger.warning("spec.template.spec.volumes not found") return yaml_content def service_yaml_generator(self, project_name, component, port): """ generates yaml for creating service in kubernetes Args: project_name: project to be deployed component: component for which this yaml is generated port: array containing info of ports to be opened Returns: path of yaml generated """'entering service_yaml_generator') # reading contents from the standard xpresso service yaml file with open("config/kubernetes-servicefile.yaml", "r") as f: content = # converting any special characters to '-' project_name = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment(project_name) component = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment(component) ports = [] for i in port: temp = str(i) fixed_port = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( temp).replace("'", '"') ports.append(json.loads(fixed_port)) # this will be the name used in the service file service_name = '{}--{}'.format(project_name, component) content = content.format(service_name, ports, service_name) yaml_content = yaml.safe_load(content) filename = "{}/servicefile--{}.yaml".format( self.deployment_files_folder, service_name) with open(filename, "w+") as f: yaml.safe_dump(yaml_content, f)'exiting service_yaml_generator') return filename def namespace_yaml_generator(self, project_name): """ generates yaml file to create a new namespace Args: project_name: name of the project to be deployed Returns: path of the yaml generated """'entering namespace_yaml_generator') with open("config/kubernetes-namespacefile.yaml", "r") as f: content = # converting any special characters to '-' project_name = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment(project_name) content = content.format(project_name) yaml_content = yaml.safe_load(content) filename = "{}/namespacefile--{}.yaml".format( self.deployment_files_folder, project_name) with open(filename, "w+") as f: yaml.safe_dump(yaml_content, f)'exiting namespace_yaml_generator') return filename def job_yaml_generator(self, deployment): """ generates yaml file to create a job Args: deployment: Any Deployment Returns: str: path of yaml generated """'entering job_yaml_generator') # reading contents from the standard xpresso job yaml file # converting any special characters to '-' project_name = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.project_name) component = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.component_name) # this will be the name used in the job file job_name = '{}--{}'.format(project_name, component) with open("config/kubernetes-jobfile.yaml", "r") as f: content = content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_NAME", str(job_name)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_IMAGE_NAME", str(deployment.docker_image)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_ENVIRONMENT_LIST", str(deployment.environment)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_COMMAND", str(deployment.commands)) content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_REPLICAS", str(deployment.replicas)) if deployment.need_persistence(): content = content.replace("K8_XPRESSO_COMPONENT_VOLUME_MOUNT_PATH", str(deployment.volume_mount_path)) # content = content.format(job_name, job_name, image, environment, # command, parallelism) yaml_content = yaml.safe_load(content) # Remove persistence if not required if not deployment.need_persistence(): try: del yaml_content["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["volumes"] del yaml_content["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][0][ "volumeMounts"] except (IndexError, KeyError): self.logger.warning("spec.template.spec.volumes not found") filename = "{}/jobfile--{}.yaml".format(self.deployment_files_folder, job_name) with open(filename, "w+") as f: yaml.safe_dump(yaml_content, f)'exiting job_yaml_generator') return filename def cronjob_yaml_generator(self, project_name, component, schedule, image, environment, args): """ generates yaml file to create a cronjob :param environment: environment :param project_name: project name :param component: component name :param schedule: Cron Job schedule in standard Cron format :param image: docker image :param args: array of args to run :return: path of yaml generated """'entering cronjob_yaml_generator') if not project_utils.validate_cronjob_format(schedule): self.logger.error('Invalid cron schedule provided. Exiting.') raise InvalidCronScheduleException # reading contents from the standard xpresso cronjob yaml file with open("config/kubernetes-cronjobfile.yaml", "r") as f: content = # converting any special characters to '-' project_name = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment(project_name) component = project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment(component) # this will be the name used in the job file cronjob_name = '{}--{}'.format(project_name, component) content = content.format(cronjob_name, schedule, cronjob_name, image, environment, args) yaml_content = yaml.safe_load(content) filename = "{}/cronjobfile--{}.yaml".format( self.deployment_files_folder, cronjob_name) with open(filename, "w+") as f: yaml.safe_dump(yaml_content, f)'exiting cronjob_yaml_generator') return filename def patch_deployment_client(self, path, project_name): """ helper function to patch deployment for project as a given yaml file on Kubernetes via the Kubernetes API Args: path: path of the yaml to be deployed project_name: project to be deployed (needed for namespace) :return: status of patching (True/Error Code) """'entering patch_deploy_client') try: with open(path) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.patch_namespaced_deployment( name=dep['metadata']['name'], body=dep, namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( project_name)) self.logger.debug("Deployment patched. Details : {}".format( str(r)))'exiting patch_deploy_client') return True except ApiException as e: self.logger.error('Patching deployment failed. ' 'Error info : {}.'.format(e)) raise DeploymentCreationFailedException def deploy_client(self, path, project_name): """ helper function to create deployment for a given yaml file on Kubernetes via the Kubernetes API Args: path: path of the yaml to be deployed project_name: project to be deployed (needed for namespace) Returns: status of deployment (True/Error Code) """'entering deploy_client') try: with open(path) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.create_namespaced_deployment( body=dep, namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( project_name)) self.logger.debug("Deployment created. Details : {}".format( str(r)))'exiting deploy_client') return True except ApiException as e: if e.status == 409: # in case of conflict, patch the deployment self.patch_deployment_client(path, project_name) return True self.logger.error('Creation of deployment failed. Exiting.') raise DeploymentCreationFailedException def patch_service_client(self, path, project_name): """ helper function to patch service for project as a given yaml file on Kubernetes via the Kubernetes API Args: path: path of the yaml to be deployed project_name: project to be deployed (needed for namespace) Returns: status of service patching (True/Error code) """'entering patch_service_client') try: with open(path) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.patch_namespaced_service( namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( project_name), body=dep, name=dep['metadata']['name']) self.logger.debug("Service patched. Details : {}".format( str(r)))'exiting patch_service_client') return True except ApiException as e: self.logger.error('Patching service failed. Error details : ' '{}'.format(e)) if e.status == 422: # Unprocessable Entity self.logger.error("Can't patch service port.") raise PortPatchingAttemptedException raise ServiceCreationFailedException def create_service_client(self, path, project_name): """ helper function to create service for a given yaml file on Kubernetes via the Kubernetes API Args: path: path of the yaml to be deployed project_name: project to be deployed (needed for namespace) Returns: status of service creation (True/Error code) """'entering create_service_client') try: with open(path) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.create_namespaced_service( namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( project_name), body=dep) self.logger.debug("Service created. Details : {}".format( str(r)))'exiting create_service_client') return True except ApiException as e: if e.status == 409: self.patch_service_client(path, project_name) return True self.logger.error('Creation of service failed. Exiting.') raise ServiceCreationFailedException def create_namespace_client(self, path): """ helper function to create namespace for a given yaml file on Kubernetes via the Kubernetes API Args: path: path of the yaml Returns: status of namespace creation (True/Error Code) """'entering create_namespace_client') try: with open(path) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() r = k8s_beta.create_namespace(body=dep) self.logger.debug("Namespace created. Details : {}".format( str(r)))'exiting create_namespace_client') return True except: self.logger.error('Failed to create namespace. Exiting.') raise NamespaceCreationFailedException def patch_job_client(self, path, project_name):'entering patch_job_client') try: with open(path) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.BatchV1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.patch_namespaced_job( name=dep['metadata']['name'], body=dep, namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( project_name)) self.logger.debug("Job patched. Details : {}".format(str(r)))'exiting patch_job_client') return True except ApiException as e: self.logger.error('Patching job failed. ' 'Error info : {}.'.format(e)) raise JobCreationFailedException def create_job_client(self, path, project_name): """ method to create a job in kubernetes :param path: path of the yaml file :param project_name: project name of which the job is a part :return: status (True/Error code) """'Entering create_job_client') try: with open(path) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.BatchV1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.create_namespaced_job( namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( project_name), body=dep) self.logger.debug("Job created. Details : {}".format(str(r)))'exiting create_job_client') return True except ApiException as e: if e.status == 409: # in case of conflict, patch the job self.patch_job_client(path, project_name) return True self.logger.error('Creation of job failed. Exiting.') raise JobCreationFailedException def patch_cronjob_client(self, path, project_name):'entering patch_cronjob_client') try: with open(path) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.BatchV1beta1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.patch_namespaced_cron_job( name=dep['metadata']['name'], body=dep, namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( project_name)) self.logger.debug("CronJob patched. Details : {}".format( str(r)))'exiting patch_cronjob_client') return True except ApiException as e: self.logger.error('Patching cronjob failed. ' 'Error info : {}.'.format(e)) raise CronjobCreationFailedException def create_cronjob_client(self, path, project_name): """ method to create a cronjob in kubernetes :param path: path of the yaml file :param project_name: project name of which the cronjob is a part :return: status (True/Error code) """'Entering create_cronjob_client') try: with open(path) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.BatchV1beta1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.create_namespaced_cron_job( namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( project_name), body=dep) self.logger.debug("Cron Job created. Details : {}".format( str(r)))'exiting create_cronjob_client') return True except ApiException as e: if e.status == 409: # in case of conflict, patch the cronjob self.patch_cronjob_client(path, project_name) return True self.logger.error('Creation of cron job failed. Exiting.') raise CronjobCreationFailedException def get_service_ip(self, deployment: ServiceDeployment): """ method to get the list of IP addresses for services of a component Args: deployment: Service Depoyment Object Returns: array of service IPs """'Entering get_service_ip method') service_name = '{}--{}'.format( project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.project_name), project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.component_name)) k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() r = k8s_beta.read_namespaced_service( name=service_name, namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.project_name)) service_ips = [] for port in r.spec.ports: service_ips.append('{}:{}'.format(deployment.master_node, port.node_port))'Exiting get_service_ip method') return service_ips def patch_persistence_volume(self, pv): """ Helper function to patch persistence volume Args: pv: persistence volume yaml file :return: status of patching (True/Error Code) """'entering persistence') try: with open(pv) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.patch_persistent_volume( name=dep['metadata']['name'], body=dep) self.logger.debug( "Persistence volume patched. Details : {}".format(str(r)))'exiting patch_deploy_client') return True except ApiException as e: self.logger.error('Patching PV failed. ' 'Error info : {}.'.format(e)) raise DeploymentCreationFailedException def patch_persistence_volume_claim(self, pv, pvc, project_name): """ Helper function to patch persistence volume claim Args: pv: persistence volume yaml file pvc: persistence volumet claim yaml fil project_name: project to be deployed (needed for namespace) :return: status of patching (True/Error Code) """'entering persistence') try: with open(pvc) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.patch_namespaced_persistent_volume_claim( name=dep['metadata']['name'], body=dep, namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( project_name)) self.logger.debug( "Persistence volume patched. Details : {}".format(str(r)))'exiting patch_deploy_client') return True except ApiException as e: self.logger.error('Patching PVC failed. ' 'Error info : {}.'.format(e)) raise DeploymentCreationFailedException def create_persistence_if_required(self, deployment): """ Check if persistence is required, If yes then create one""" self.logger.debug("Checking for persistence") if not deployment.need_persistence(): self.logger.debug("Persistence not needed.") return False"Persistence is needed") pv = self.persistent_volume_yaml_generator(deployment, persstence_type="volume") pvc = self.persistent_volume_yaml_generator( deployment, persstence_type="volume-claim") try: with open(pv) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.create_persistent_volume(body=dep) self.logger.debug( f"Persistence Volume created. Details : {str(r)}") except ApiException as e: if e.status == 409: # in case of conflict, patch the deployment self.patch_persistence_volume(pv) return True self.logger.error('Creation of PV failed. Exiting.') raise DeploymentCreationFailedException try: with open(pvc) as f: dep = yaml.safe_load(f) k8s_beta = client.CoreV1Api() # collecting response from API r = k8s_beta.create_namespaced_persistent_volume_claim( body=dep, namespace=project_utils.modify_string_for_deployment( deployment.project_name)) self.logger.debug( f"Persistence Volume Claim created. Details : {str(r)}")'exiting deploy_client') return True except ApiException as e: if e.status == 409: # in case of conflict, patch the deployment self.patch_persistence_volume_claim(pv, pvc, deployment.project_name) return True self.logger.error('Creation of PVC failed. Exiting.') raise DeploymentCreationFailedException def run_deployment_steps(self, deployment: ServiceDeployment): try: self.create_persistence_if_required(deployment) deployment_yaml = self.deployment_yaml_generator(deployment) self.deploy_client(deployment_yaml, deployment.project_name) self.logger.debug(f'Deployment created for ' f'{deployment.component_name}. ' f'Now creating service.') service_yaml = self.service_yaml_generator( deployment.project_name, deployment.component_name, deployment.ports) self.create_service_client(service_yaml, deployment.project_name) self.logger.debug(f'Service created for ' f'{deployment.component_name}') return True except XprExceptions: self.logger.error('Error while running deployment steps. ' 'Deployment failed.') raise ProjectDeploymentFailedException def run_job_steps(self, deployment: JobDeployment): if deployment.is_base_job(): try: self.create_persistence_if_required(deployment) job_yaml = self.job_yaml_generator(deployment) self.create_job_client(job_yaml, deployment.project_name) self.logger.debug(f'Job created for ' f'{deployment.component_name}') except XprExceptions: self.logger.error('Error while running job steps. ' 'Job creation failed.') raise JobCreationFailedException elif deployment.is_cronjob(): try: self.create_persistence_if_required(deployment) cronjob_yaml = self.cronjob_yaml_generator(deployment) self.create_cronjob_client(cronjob_yaml, deployment.project_name) self.logger.debug(f'Cronjob created for ' f'{deployment.component_name}') except XprExceptions: self.logger.error('Error while running job steps. ' 'Cronjob creation failed.') raise CronjobCreationFailedException
class AptRepositoryPackage(AbstractPackage): """ Sets up private aptitude repository on ubuntu VM """ # Configuration Keys APT_SECTION = "apt-get-repo" NFS_PACKAGE_KEY = "nfs_package_folder" APT_PUBLIC_KEY = "public_key_file" APT_PRIVATE_KEY = "private_key_file" APT_HOSTED_PACKGE_KEY = "hosted_package" PACKAGE_LIST_KEY = "package-list" DOCKER_NAME = "docker-name" META_PACKAGE_KEY = "meta_packages_folder" DOCKER_FILE_PATH_KEY = "dockerfile-path" DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION = 0.1 def __init__(self, config_path=XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, executor=None): if not executor: executor = LocalShellExecutor() super().__init__(executor=executor) self.config = XprConfigParser(config_path)["packages_setup"] self.logger = XprLogger() self.apt_config = self.config[self.APT_SECTION] self.public_key = self.apt_config[self.APT_PUBLIC_KEY] self.private_key = self.apt_config[self.APT_PRIVATE_KEY] self.hosted_package_folder = self.apt_config[ self.APT_HOSTED_PACKGE_KEY] self.sign_paraphrase = None self.sign_key_id = None self.home_folder = os.getcwd() def execute(self, parameters=None): if parameters: self.sign_paraphrase = parameters["paraphrase"] self.sign_key_id = parameters["key_id"] self.cleanup() self.pre_install() self.download_dependencies() self.setup_meta_packages() self.sign_packages() self.run_docker_container() def download_dependencies(self): """ Generates the list of packages and all its dependencies. Download the packages into the directory install apt-rdepends to generate the list install apt-download to download the package Ignore error """ with open(self.apt_config[self.PACKAGE_LIST_KEY]) as pkg_fp: pkg_list = if not pkg_list: return None os.chdir(self.home_folder)"Generating all dependencies") full_package_list = [] for pkg in tqdm.tqdm(pkg_list): script = 'apt-rdepends {} | grep -v "^ "'.format(pkg) try: (_, output, _) = self.executor.execute_with_output(script) dependencies = output.splitlines() full_package_list += [x.decode() for x in dependencies] except CommandExecutionFailedException: self.logger.warning("Package fetch failed") full_package_set = set(full_package_list) # We have now full list. Download each of the dependencies. try: os.makedirs(self.hosted_package_folder, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(self.hosted_package_folder) except OSError:"Installation makes sense")"Download all dependencies => {}".format(os.getcwd())) for pkg in tqdm.tqdm(list(full_package_set)): try: self.executor.execute( "sudo -u xprops apt-get download {}".format(pkg)) except CommandExecutionFailedException: self.logger.warning( "Failed to download package {}".format(pkg)) def setup_meta_packages(self): """ Create meta package folder and build """ os.chdir(self.home_folder) local_meta_folder = "{}/*.ns-control".format \ (self.apt_config[self.META_PACKAGE_KEY]) for meta_pkg in glob.iglob(local_meta_folder, recursive=True): try: abs_meta_pkg = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), meta_pkg) meta_pkg_folder = os.path.join( self.hosted_package_folder, os.path.basename(meta_pkg).split('.')[0]) os.makedirs(meta_pkg_folder, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(meta_pkg_folder) shutil.copy(abs_meta_pkg, '.') build_meta_pkg_script = "sudo -u xprops equivs-build {}".format( os.path.basename(meta_pkg)) self.executor.execute(build_meta_pkg_script) except OSError as e: # Ignoring self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error("Failed to create meta {}".format(meta_pkg)) def sign_packages(self): """ Sign packages using private key """ os.chdir(self.home_folder) try: self.executor.execute('chmod 755 -R {}'.format( self.hosted_package_folder))"Importing Keys") self.executor.execute("gpg --import --batch {}".format( self.private_key)) self.executor.execute( 'expect -c "spawn gpg --edit-key {} ' 'trust quit; send \"5\ry\r\"; expect eof"'.format( self.sign_key_id)) os.chdir(self.hosted_package_folder) for deb_file in glob.iglob("{}/*.deb".format( self.hosted_package_folder), recursive=True): self.executor.execute( 'dpkg-sig -g "--pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase {}" ' '--sign builder {}'.format(self.sign_paraphrase, deb_file)) self.executor.execute("apt-ftparchive packages . > Packages") self.executor.execute("gzip -c Packages > Packages.gz") self.executor.execute("apt-ftparchive release . > Release") self.executor.execute( 'gpg --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase {} ' '--clearsign -o InRelease Release'.format( self.sign_paraphrase)) self.executor.execute( 'gpg --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase {} ' '-abs -o Release.gpg Release'.format(self.sign_paraphrase)) except OSError: # Ignoring self.logger.error("Failed to sign {}") def run_docker_container(self): """ Start the docker container """ self.cleanup() os.chdir(self.home_folder) # Copy public key in local shutil.copy(self.public_key, './public_key') try: client = docker.from_env() docker_image_tag = ':'.join([ self.apt_config[self.DOCKER_NAME], str(self.DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION) ]) (_, build_log) = path=".", dockerfile=self.apt_config[self.DOCKER_FILE_PATH_KEY], tag=docker_image_tag, nocache=False) for line in build_log:, name=self.apt_config[self.DOCKER_NAME], ports={"80/tcp": 8500}, restart_policy={ "Name": "on-failure", "MaximumRetryCount": 5 }, volumes={ self.hosted_package_folder: { 'bind': '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/deb', 'mode': 'rw' } }, detach=True) except (docker.errors.APIError, docker.errors.NotFound) as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error("Could not build container".format( self.apt_config[self.DOCKER_NAME])) def pre_install(self): """ Install required apt-get packages """ try: self.executor.execute("apt-get update -y && " "apt-get -y install apt-rdepends " "dpkg-dev dpkg-sig expect apt-utils") except OSError: self.logger.error("Can not install the requirements") def cleanup(self, delete_packages=False): """ Removes package and shutdown docker container """ os.chdir(self.home_folder) if delete_packages: shutil.rmtree(self.hosted_package_folder) try: client = docker.from_env() apt_get_container = client.containers.get( self.apt_config[self.DOCKER_NAME]) apt_get_container.stop() apt_get_container.remove() except (docker.errors.APIError, docker.errors.NotFound): self.logger.error("{} container failed to remove".format( self.apt_config[self.DOCKER_NAME])) def status(self): try: client = docker.from_env() apt_get_container = client.containers.get( self.apt_config[self.DOCKER_NAME]) if apt_get_container.status == "running": return True except (docker.errors.APIError, docker.errors.NotFound): self.logger.error("{} container not found".format( self.apt_config[self.DOCKER_NAME])) return False return False def install(self, parameters=None): self.execute(parameters=parameters) def uninstall(self, **kwargs): self.cleanup(delete_packages=True) def start(self, **kwargs): self.execute() def stop(self, **kwargs): self.cleanup(delete_packages=False)
class LdapSetup: """ This class is used to setup the LDAP server as a docker container. """ LDAP_SECTION = "ldap" LDAP_IMAGE = "ldap_image" LDAP_CONTAINER = "ldap_container" def __init__(self, config_path=XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH_SETUP_LOG): self.config = XprConfigParser(config_path) self.logger = XprLogger() self.ldapmanager = LdapManager() self.client = docker.from_env() def install(self): if not check_root(): self.logger.error("Please run the program using sudo privileges") raise PermissionDeniedException( "Permission Denied. Run with admin rights.") self.setup_ldap() def setup_ldap(self): if not check_root(): self.logger.error("Please run the program using sudo privileges") raise PermissionDeniedException( "Permission Denied. Run with admin rights.") try: self.pull_image() self.config[self.LDAP_SECTION][self.LDAP_IMAGE], name=self.config[self.LDAP_SECTION][self.LDAP_CONTAINER], environment={ "LDAP_ORGANISATION": "abzooba", "LDAP_DOMAIN": "", "LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD": "******" }, ports={ "389": "389", "636": "636" }, detach=True, restart_policy={ "Name": "on-failure", "MaximumRetryCount": 5 })"Ldap docker service successfully started") except docker.errors.ContainerError as err: self.logger.error( "The container exits with a non-zero exit code. \n{}".format( str(err))) raise err except docker.errors.ImageNotFound as err: self.logger.error( "The specified image does not exist. \n{}".format(str(err))) raise err except docker.errors.APIError as err: self.logger.error("The server returns an error. \n{}".format( str(err))) raise err except KeyError as err: self.logger.error("Key not present. \n{}".format(str(err))) raise err return def pull_image(self): if not check_root(): self.logger.error("Please run the program using sudo privileges") raise PermissionDeniedException( "Permission Denied. Run with admin rights.") try: self.client.images.pull( self.config[self.LDAP_SECTION][self.LDAP_IMAGE])"Successfully pulled LDAP docker image.") except docker.errors.APIError as err: self.logger.error("The server returns an error. \n{}".format( str(err))) raise err def insert_default_users(self): users = { "admin_user": { "uid": "xprdb_admin", "pwd": 'xprdb@Abz00ba' }, "superuser": { "uid": "superuser1", "pwd": "xprdb@Abz00ba" }, "admin1_user": { "uid": "admin1", "pwd": "admin1" } }"Creating default users in LDAP") for key in users: try: self.ldapmanager.add(users[key]["uid"], users[key]["pwd"])"Successfully added {} .".format(key)) except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS as e: self.logger.error("Error : {} in adding ".format(str(e), key)) except ldap.LDAPError as e: self.logger.error("Error : {} in adding ".format(str(e), key))"Exiting insert_default_users")
class ControllerClient: CONTROLLER_SECTION = 'controller' SERVER_URL = 'server_url' CLIENT_PATH = 'client_path' JENKINS_SECTION = 'jenkins' JENKINS_HOST = 'master_host' relogin_response = { "outcome": "failure", "error_code": "106", "results": {} } API_JSON_OUTCOME = "outcome" API_JSON_RESULTS = "results" API_JSON_ERROR_CODE = "error_code" API_JSON_SUCCESS = "success" API_JSON_FAILURE = "failure" def __init__(self, config_path=XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH): self.logger = XprLogger() self.config = XprConfigParser(config_path) self.path = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), self.config[self.CONTROLLER_SECTION][self.CLIENT_PATH]) self.token_file = '{}.current'.format(self.path) self.server_path = self.config[self.CONTROLLER_SECTION][ self.SERVER_URL] def sso_login(self): """ It performs Single Sign-On authentication for the client. It follows following steps 1. Check if token exists 2. If exists: Send to the server for validation 2.1 If token is validated then login is successful 2.2 If token is not validated, assume token does not exist and go to point 3 3. If no token exists: 3.1 Print the SSO authentication url for user to login 3.2 Send request to server every few seconds to check if user signed in successful. Wait for 60 seconds. Throw error if not logged in 3.3 When user logged in, fetch the token and save """'CLIENT : Entering SSO Login Method') # Check if token exists: try: token = self.get_token() except ControllerClientResponseException:"No Token found") token = None # Since no token exist, ask for new login if token: url = f"{self.server_path}/sso/token_login" self.logger.debug('CLIENT : Making post request to server') data = {"token": token} try: response = self.send_http_request(url=url, header=data, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, data=data) return response except ControllerClientResponseException as e:"Assuming logging request failed") url = f"{self.server_path}/sso/get_authentication_url" self.logger.debug('CLIENT : Making post request to server') response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.GET) return response def sso_validate(self, validation_token): """ Check whether SSO authentication is completed and successful Args: validation_token: sso validation token which is used to check if a user has logged in or not. Returns: """ # We keep requesting the sso server to test for interval_second = 2 wait_second = 60 start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < wait_second: self.logger.debug('CLIENT : Making post request to server') url = f"{self.server_path}/sso/validate" data = {"validation_token": validation_token} try: response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, data=data)"Token validated") self.save_token(response["token"]) return {"message": "SSO Login Successfull"} except ControllerClientResponseException: time.sleep(interval_second)'CLIENT : Existing SSO Login Method') raise ControllerClientResponseException("Session over without login", error_codes.server_error) def login(self, username, password): """Sends request to Controller server and get the status on login request"""'CLIENT : entering login method') if not os.path.isdir(self.path): os.makedirs(self.path, 0o755) if os.path.isfile(self.token_file): os.remove(self.token_file) if not username: self.logger.error('CLIENT : Empty username passed. Exiting.') raise ControllerClientResponseException("Username can't be empty", error_codes.empty_uid) if not password: self.logger.error('CLIENT : Empty password passed. Exiting.') raise ControllerClientResponseException("Password can't be empty", error_codes.empty_uid) url = f"{self.server_path}/auth" credentials = {"uid": username, "pwd": password} self.logger.debug('CLIENT : Making post request to server') response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, data=credentials) self.save_token(token=response['access_token']) if 'relogin' in response and response['relogin']: self.logger.debug('CLIENT : already logged in. Saving new token.') return {"message": f"You are already logged in"} elif 'relogin' in response and not response['relogin']: 'CLIENT : Login successful. Writing token to file.') return {"message": f"Welcome, {username}!"} return response def save_token(self, token): """Token is saved in the local file system for """ file = open(self.token_file, 'w+') file.write(token) file.close()'CLIENT : Token written to file. Exiting.') def get_token(self): """Token is saved in the local file system for """ token = None try: with open(self.token_file, "r") as f: token = except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error("No Token Found. Need to Relogin") raise ControllerClientResponseException( "No Session found. Login again", error_codes.expired_token) return token def logout(self):'CLIENT : entering logout method') url = f'{self.server_path}/auth' token = self.get_token() headers = {'token': token} self.logger.debug('CLIENT : Making delete request to server') self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.DELETE, header=headers) os.remove(self.token_file)'CLIENT : Logout successful. Exiting.') return {"message": "Successfully logged out"} def get_clusters(self, argument):'CLIENT : entering get_clusters method ' f'with arguments {argument}') url = f'{self.server_path}/clusters' headers = {"token": self.get_token()} self.logger.debug('CLIENT : Making get request to server') response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.GET, header=headers, data=argument)'CLIENT : Get request successful. Exiting.') return response def deactivate_cluster(self, argument):'CLIENT : Entering deactivate_cluster method') if not argument: self.logger.error('CLIENT : No input arguments provided. Exiting.') raise ControllerClientResponseException( f"Please provide some input arguments ===", error_codes.incomplete_cluster_info) url = f'{self.server_path}/clusters' headers = {"token": self.get_token()} self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.DELETE, header=headers, data=argument)'CLIENT : Deactivation successful. Exiting.') return {"message": "Cluster deactivated."} def register_cluster(self, argument):'CLIENT : Entering register_cluster ' 'with arguments {}'.format(argument)) if not argument: self.logger.error('CLIENT : No input arguments provided. Exiting.') raise ControllerClientResponseException( f"Please provide some input arguments ===", error_codes.incomplete_cluster_info) url = f'{self.server_path}/clusters' headers = {"token": self.get_token()} response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, header=headers, data=argument)'CLIENT : Cluster registration successful.Exiting.') return { "message": f"Cluster successfully registered with " f"ID {response} ###" } def register_user(self, user_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/users" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=user_json) return response def get_users(self, filter_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/users" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.GET, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=filter_json) return response def modify_user(self, changes_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/users" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.PUT, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=changes_json) return response def update_password(self, password_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/user/pwd" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.PUT, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=password_json) return response def deactivate_user(self, uid_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/users" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.DELETE, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=uid_json) return response def register_node(self, node_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/nodes" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=node_json) print(response) return response def get_nodes(self, filter_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/nodes" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.GET, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=filter_json) return response def provision_node(self, changes_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/nodes" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.PUT, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=changes_json) return response def deactivate_node(self, node_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/nodes" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.DELETE, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=node_json) return response def assign_node(self, assign_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/assign_node" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.PUT, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=assign_json) return response def check_for_declarative_json(self, project_json): """ Checks if the provided declarative json exists and replaces that field with the contents of declarative json. Args: project_json: input file from user Returns: modified project_json """ for pipeline in project_json['pipelines']: if not os.path.isfile(pipeline['declarative_json']): self.logger.error("declarative json not found") raise FileNotFoundException('Declarative JSON not found.') with open(pipeline['declarative_json'], 'r') as f: declarative_json_data = json.load(f) pipeline['declarative_json'] = declarative_json_data return project_json def create_project(self, project_json): if 'pipelines' in project_json: project_json = self.check_for_declarative_json(project_json) url = f"{self.server_path}/projects/manage" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=project_json) return response def get_project(self, filter_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/projects/manage" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.GET, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=filter_json) return response def modify_project(self, changes_json): if 'pipelines' in changes_json: changes_json = self.check_for_declarative_json(changes_json) url = f"{self.server_path}/projects/manage" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.PUT, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=changes_json) return response def deactivate_project(self, project_json): url = f"{self.server_path}/projects/manage" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.DELETE, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=project_json) print("response is ", response) return response def build_project(self, argument):'CLIENT : Entering build_project ' f'with arguments {argument}') if not argument: self.logger.error('CLIENT : No input arguments provided. Exiting.') raise ControllerClientResponseException( f"Please provide some input arguments ===", error_codes.incomplete_cluster_info) url = f'{self.server_path}/projects/build' response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=argument)'CLIENT : Project build successful.Exiting.') return { "message": "Project build successful!", "Build IDS": response, "Jenkins Pipeline": f"{self.config[self.JENKINS_SECTION][self.JENKINS_HOST]}" f"/blue/pipelines" } def get_build_version(self, argument):'CLIENT : entering get_build_version method ' f'with arguments {argument}') url = f'{self.server_path}/projects/build' self.logger.debug('CLIENT : Making get request to server') response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.GET, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=argument) return response def deploy_project(self, argument):'CLIENT : Entering deploy_project ' f'with arguments {argument}') if not argument: self.logger.error('CLIENT : No input arguments provided. Exiting.') raise ControllerClientResponseException( f"Please provide some input arguments ===", error_codes.incomplete_cluster_info) url = f'{self.server_path}/projects/deploy' response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=argument)'CLIENT : Project deployed successfully.Exiting.') return { "message": "Project deployed successfully on the below IPs!", "Output": response } def undeploy_project(self, argument):'CLIENT : Entering undeploy_project ' f'with arguments {argument}') if not argument: self.logger.error('CLIENT : No input arguments provided. Exiting.') raise ControllerClientResponseException( f"Please provide some input arguments ===", error_codes.incomplete_cluster_info) url = f'{self.server_path}/projects/deploy' response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.DELETE, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=argument)'CLIENT : Project undeployed successfully.Exiting.') return {"message": "Project undeployed successfully!"} def update_xpresso(self): """ Update xpresso project to the latest commit """ # Send request to update server server_update_is_success = False url = f'{self.server_path}/update_xpresso' try: self.send_http_request(url, HTTPMethod.POST) server_update_is_success = True except ControllerClientResponseException as e: self.logger.error(e) # Update local package_manager = PackageManager()"UpdateLocalXpressoPackage", execution_type=ExecutionType.INSTALL) response = {"client": "Updated"} if server_update_is_success: response["server"] = "Updated" else: response["server"] = "Update Failed" return response def fetch_version(self): """ Fetches server version and client version, convert to a dict and returns. """ url = f'{self.server_path}/version' json_response = self.send_http_request(url, HTTPMethod.GET) server_version = "None" if "version" in json_response: server_version = json_response["version"] client_version = get_version() return { "client_version": client_version, "server_version": server_version } def send_http_request(self, url: str, http_method: HTTPMethod, data=None, header: dict = None): request = HTTPRequest(method=http_method, url=url, headers=header, data=data) handler = HTTPHandler() try: response = handler.send_request(request) json_response = response.get_data_as_json() if not json_response: raise ControllerClientResponseException( "Request Failed", error_codes.server_error) elif (json_response[self.API_JSON_OUTCOME] == self.API_JSON_SUCCESS and self.API_JSON_RESULTS in json_response): return json_response[self.API_JSON_RESULTS] elif (json_response[self.API_JSON_OUTCOME] == self.API_JSON_SUCCESS and self.API_JSON_RESULTS not in json_response): return {} elif (self.API_JSON_RESULTS in json_response and self.API_JSON_ERROR_CODE in json_response): raise ControllerClientResponseException( json_response[self.API_JSON_RESULTS], json_response[self.API_JSON_ERROR_CODE]) elif self.API_JSON_ERROR_CODE in json_response: raise ControllerClientResponseException( "Request Failed", json_response[self.API_JSON_ERROR_CODE]) raise ControllerClientResponseException("Request Failed", -1) except (HTTPRequestFailedException, HTTPInvalidRequestException) as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) raise ControllerClientResponseException("Server is not accessible", error_codes.server_error) except JSONDecodeError as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) raise ControllerClientResponseException( "Invalid response from server", error_codes.server_error) def create_repo(self, repo_json): """ creates a repo on pachyderm cluster :param repo_json: information of repo i.e. name and description :return: returns operation status """ url = f"{self.server_path}/repo" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.POST, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=repo_json) return response # def get_repo(self): # """ # # :return: # """ # url = f"{self.server_path}/repo" # response = self.send_http_request(url=url, # http_method=HTTPMethod.GET, # header={"token": self.get_token()}, # data={}) # return response def create_branch(self, branch_json): """ creates a branch in a repo :param branch_json: information of branch i.e. repo and branch names :return: operation status """ url = f"{self.server_path}/repo" response = self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.PUT, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=branch_json) return response def push_dataset(self, dataset_json): """ pushes a dataset into pachyderm cluster :param dataset_json: information of dataset :return: operation status """ url = f"{self.server_path}/dataset/manage" self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.PUT, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=dataset_json) manager = repo_manager.PachydermRepoManager() try: commit_id = manager.push_files(dataset_json) return { "message": f"Dataset push successful. commit id: {commit_id}" } except XprExceptions as err: return err.message def pull_dataset(self, dataset_json): """ pulls a dataset from pachyderm cluster :param dataset_json: info of the dataset on pachyderm cluster :return: path of the dataset on user system """ url = f"{self.server_path}/dataset/manage" self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.GET, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=dataset_json) manager = repo_manager.PachydermRepoManager() try: dataset_path = manager.manage_xprctl_dataset('pull', dataset_json) return { "message": f"Pull Successful, find the files at {dataset_path}" } except XprExceptions as err: return err.message def list_dataset(self, filter_json): """ lists datasets saved on pachyderm cluster as per filter specs :param filter_json: info to filter required dataset :return: list of all the files and their props as per filter specs """ url = f"{self.server_path}/dataset/list" self.send_http_request(url=url, http_method=HTTPMethod.GET, header={"token": self.get_token()}, data=filter_json) manager = repo_manager.PachydermRepoManager() try: dataset_list = manager.manage_xprctl_dataset('list', filter_json) return dataset_list except XprExceptions as err: return err.message
class XprEmailSender(): EMAIL_SECTION = "email_notification" PROJECT_NAME = "Project Name" SMTP_HOST = "smtphost" SMTP_PORT = "smtpport" SENDER_MAIL = "sender_mail" SENDER_PASSWD = "sender_passwd" def __init__(self): self.xpr_config = XprConfigParser( config_file_path=XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH) self.logger = XprLogger() def send_single_mail(self, receiver, message, subject): smtp_session = None try: smtp_session = smtplib.SMTP( self.xpr_config[self.EMAIL_SECTION][self.SMTP_HOST], self.xpr_config[self.EMAIL_SECTION][self.SMTP_PORT]) smtp_session.starttls() smtp_session.login( self.xpr_config[self.EMAIL_SECTION][self.SENDER_MAIL], self.xpr_config[self.EMAIL_SECTION][self.SENDER_PASSWD]) msg = "From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\nDate: %s\r\n\r\n%s" % ( self.xpr_config[self.EMAIL_SECTION][self.SENDER_MAIL], receiver, subject, formatdate(), message) smtp_session.sendmail( self.xpr_config[self.EMAIL_SECTION][self.SENDER_MAIL], receiver, msg)"{} Successfully sent to {}".format( msg, receiver)) except smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected as e: err = "server unexpectedly disconnects:{}".format(e) self.logger.error(err) raise EmailException(err) except smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused as e: err = "Sender address refused : {}".format(e) self.logger.error(err) raise EmailException(err) except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused as e: err = "recipient {} addresses refused : {}".format(receiver, e) self.logger.error(err) raise EmailException(err) except smtplib.SMTPDataError as e: err = "The SMTP server refused to accept the message data. :{}".format( e) self.logger.error(err) raise EmailException() except smtplib.SMTPConnectError as e: err = "Error connecting to server : {}".format(e) self.logger.error(err) raise EmailException(err) except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError as e: err = "Unable to authenticate : {}".format(e) self.logger.error(err) raise EmailException(err) except smtplib.SMTPException as e: err = "Error sending mail :{}".format(e) self.logger.error(err) raise EmailException(err) finally: if smtp_session is not None: smtp_session.quit() def send(self, receivers, message, subject): success = list() failure = list() for receiver in receivers: try: self.send_single_mail(receiver, message, subject) success.append(receiver) except EmailException as e: failure.append(receiver)'successfully send email to {} '.format(str(success)))'Unable to send email to {} '.format(str(failure))) return failure
class AbstractPackage: """ Abstract base class for packages. It has one job to do, is execute one packages """ def __init__( self, executor: CommandExecutor = None, config_path: XprConfigParser = XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH ): self.executor = executor self.config_path = config_path self.logger = XprLogger() @abstractmethod def install(self, **kwargs): """ Run installation scripts """ @abstractmethod def uninstall(self, **kwargs): """ Removes installed libraries """ @abstractmethod def start(self, **kwargs): """ Start the service/stop if required """ @abstractmethod def stop(self, **kwargs): """ Stop the service/stop if required """ @abstractmethod def status(self, **kwargs): """ Checks is the libraries are installed and running Returns: bool: True, if libraries are setup correctly """ def execute_command(self, command):"Running command: {command}") try: return self.executor.execute(command) except CommandExecutionFailedException: self.logger.error("Command failed {}".format(command)) raise PackageFailedException( "Base Ubuntu Package Installation Failed") def execute_command_with_output(self, command):"Running command: {command}") try: return self.executor.execute_with_output(command) except CommandExecutionFailedException: self.logger.error("Command failed {}".format(command)) raise PackageFailedException( "Base Ubuntu Package Installation Failed")
class LdapManager(): """ Creates a class to perform LDAP operations i.e. authenticating user etc. """ LDAP_SECTION = 'ldap' URL = 'ldap_url' def __init__(self): self.config = XprConfigParser(XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH) self.logger = XprLogger() self.adminuser = "******" self.adminpassword = "******" def authenticate(self, username, password): """ Authenticates user using LDAP server Args: username(str): unique username provided password(str):user account password Returns: bool : return True if user authenticated successfully, else raises corresponding Excecption """"Authenticating using LDAP") ldap_server = self.config[self.LDAP_SECTION][self.URL] user_dn = f'cn={username},dc=abzooba,dc=com' connect = ldap.initialize(ldap_server) try: connect.bind_s(user_dn, password) "User:{} Succesfully Authenticated".format(username)) return True finally: connect.unbind_s() return False def add(self, username, password): """ Adds a new user Args: username(str): Name of the user account to be added password(str): Password specified for the account Returns: bool : return True if user added successfully, else raises corresponding excecption """ ldap_server = self.config[self.LDAP_SECTION][self.URL] connect = ldap.initialize(ldap_server) user_dn = f'cn={self.adminuser},dc=abzooba,dc=com' add_dn = f'cn={username},dc=abzooba,dc=com' attrs = {} attrs['objectclass'] = [b'simpleSecurityObject', b'organizationalRole'] attrs['cn'] = [str.encode(username)] attrs['userPassword'] = [str.encode(password)] attrs['description'] = [b'Xpresso User'] try: connect.bind_s(user_dn, self.adminpassword) connect.add_s(add_dn, modlist.addModlist(attrs))"Successfully added user {}".format(username)) return True except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS as e: self.logger.error("Invalid credentials provided : {}".format(e)) raise e return False except ldap.LDAPError as e: self.logger.error("Error : {}".format(e)) raise e return False finally: connect.unbind_s() return False def update_password(self, username, old_password, new_password): """ Updates an already existing user account password username(str): Name of the user account to be added old_password(str) Args:: Already existing password new_password(str) : New user password Returns: bool : return True if user password updated successfully, else raises corresponding Excecption """ ldap_server = self.config[self.LDAP_SECTION][self.URL] connect = ldap.initialize(ldap_server) user_dn = f'cn={username},dc=abzooba,dc=com' try: connect.bind_s(user_dn, old_password) add_pass = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userPassword', [str.encode(new_password)])] connect.modify_s(user_dn, add_pass) "Successfully updated password for {}".format(username)) return True except ldap.LDAPError as e: self.logger.error("Error : {}".format(e)) finally: connect.unbind_s() return False
class UserManager: CONTROLLER_SECTION = 'controller' TOKEN_EXPIRY = 'soft_expiry' LOGIN_EXPIRY = 'hard_expiry' AUTHENTICATION_TYPE = "authentication_type" def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.logger = XprLogger() self.config = XprConfigParser() self.persistence_manager = persistence_manager self.ldapmanager = LdapManager() def register_user(self, user_json): """ register a new user in the persistence checks if the user already exists and then adds to persistence Parameters: user_json [json]: json with node information Return: Success -> 'OK' [str] : returns 'OK' as response Failure -> [str] : returns appropriate failure response """ self.logger.debug(f"Entered register_user with {user_json}") # create user object new_user = User(user_json) # run validations new_user.validate_mandatory_fields() new_user.validate_field_values() # valid inputs - exception would have been raised in case of missing / # invalid info # now, set other fields as required # Password should not be saved as plain text in database. # Encrypting the password before saving it to database"Registering a new user") user_pwd = user_json["pwd"] new_user.set('pwd', sha512_crypt.encrypt(user_json['pwd'])) new_user.set('loginStatus', False) new_user.set('activationStatus', True) new_user.set('nodes', [])"adding user to the database") self.persistence_manager.insert("users",, False)"user successfully added to the persistence") try: self.ldapmanager.add(user_json["uid"], user_pwd) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Unable to add user") print("unable to add user to ldap server : ", e) return XprResponse("failure", None, str(e)) # NFS User directory changes"Setting up NFS for the user") nfs_manager = NFSUserManager(config=self.config) nfs_manager.setup_user_folder(user=user_json['uid'])"NFS set up") return XprResponse("success", None, None) def modify_user(self, filter_json, changes_json): """ modify_user updates the user info in the persistence checks if user is available and then updates the info as per changes_json Parameters: filter_json: filter to find user changes_json: json with user changes info Return: Success -> 'OK' [str] : returns OK if provision_node succeeds Failure -> [str] : returns appropriate failure response """ self.logger.debug( f"Modifying user information of {filter_json} to {changes_json}") # checks if the user is present in database"Checking if the user is present in the database") users = self.persistence_manager.find("users", filter_json) if not users or len(users) == 0: self.logger.error(f"user {filter_json} not found in the database") raise UserNotFoundException() # checks if the user password is also present in changes_json temp_user = User(changes_json) temp_user.validate_field_values() temp_user.validate_modifiable_fields()"updating the user information") self.persistence_manager.update("users", filter_json, changes_json) return XprResponse('success', '', {}) def deactivate_user(self, uid): """ Deletes an user and his info from the persistence Deletes the user from database Parameters: uid [str] : uid of the user Return: returns appropriate output """ uid_json = {"uid": uid} # deletes the user from persistence del_users = self.persistence_manager.find("users", uid_json) if del_users and len(del_users) != 0:"deactivating the user {uid_json['uid']}") if 'activationStatus' in del_users[0] and \ del_users[0]['activationStatus']: self.persistence_manager.update("users", uid_json, {"activationStatus": False}) f"user {uid_json['uid']} successfully deactivated") return XprResponse('success', '', {}) else: raise DeactivatedUserException else: raise UserNotFoundException() def get_users(self, filter_json, apply_display_filter=True): """ Calls the persistence with input filters to fetch the list of users. After fetching, the users list is filtered before sending as output in order to send relevant information only Parameters: filter_json [json] : json with filter key & value pairs Return: Success -> [list] : returns list of users Failure -> [str] : returns persistence failure response """"getting all the users in the persistence") self.logger.debug(f"filter_json is : {filter_json}") users = self.persistence_manager.find("users", filter_json) # filter user fields before sending the output if apply_display_filter: new_json = [] for user_json in users: user = User(user_json) user.filter_display_fields() new_json.append( users = new_json # get users call retrieves whole user info from persistence # Filtering the data that needs to be shown as output self.logger.debug(f'Output of users sent: {users}') return users def update_password(self, password_json): """ Updates user password Checks the password and updates the password on ldap and database :param password_json: contains the uid, old password & new password :return: raises exception in case of error """ # uid is mandatory if "uid" not in password_json:"uid not provided for update password") raise IncompleteUserInfoException("User 'uid' not provided") uid_json = {"uid": password_json["uid"]} # fetches the user information users = self.persistence_manager.find("users", uid_json) if not len(users):"User not found for updating password") raise UserNotFoundException() # creates user object new_user = User(users[0]) old_password_hash = users[0]["pwd"] old_password = password_json["old_pwd"] new_password = password_json["new_pwd"] # checks if the old password provided is same as the one saved in db if not sha512_crypt.verify(old_password, old_password_hash): raise InvalidPasswordException("Current password is incorrect") # Current and new password should not be same if old_password == new_password: raise InvalidPasswordException("Current and new password is same.") # checks if the password is valid and secure enough new_user.check_password(password_json["new_pwd"]) # updates the password on ldap server self.ldapmanager.update_password(password_json["uid"], old_password, new_password) hashed_pwd = sha512_crypt.encrypt(new_password) update_json = {"pwd": hashed_pwd} self.persistence_manager.update("users", uid_json, update_json)
class XprClusters: """ This class provides methods for Xpresso cluster management. """ def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.logger = XprLogger() self.persistence_manager = persistence_manager def get_clusters(self, cluster): """ Retrieves info about specified cluster. Args: cluster: cluster name Returns: dictionary object with cluster info """'entering get_clusters method with' ' input {}'.format(cluster)) if cluster == {}: self.logger.debug('getting all clusters') clusters = self.persistence_manager.find('clusters', {}) all_clusters = [] for current_cluster in clusters: try: temp = dict( name=current_cluster['name'], activationStatus=current_cluster['activationStatus'], master_nodes=current_cluster['master_nodes'], worker_nodes=current_cluster['worker_nodes']) all_clusters.append(temp) except KeyError: self.logger.error( f"Invalid cluster format {current_cluster}") 'exiting get_clusters method with list of all clusters') return all_clusters else: self.logger.debug('getting specific cluster(s)') info = self.persistence_manager.find('clusters', cluster) if not info:'exiting get_clusters method with empty list') return [] for item in info: if "_id" in item: del item["_id"] 'exiting get_clusters method with required cluster(s)') return info def deactivate_cluster(self, cluster): """ removes specified cluster from the database Args: cluster: cluster name Returns: count of items deleted """'entering deactivate_cluster method ' 'with input {}'.format(cluster)) if 'name' not in cluster: self.logger.error('Cluster name not provided.') raise IncompleteClusterInfoException cluster_name = cluster['name'] self.logger.debug('Checking for already existing cluster.') check = self.persistence_manager.find('clusters', {"name": cluster_name}) if not check or not check[0]['activationStatus']: self.logger.error('Cluster does not exist') raise ClusterNotFoundException self.persistence_manager.update('clusters', {"name": cluster['name']}, {"activationStatus": False})'exiting deactivate_cluster method.') # let environment manager know that the cluster has been deactivated EnvManager().deactivate_cluster(cluster) return True def register_cluster(self, cluster): """ registers a new cluster in database Args: cluster: cluster to be registered Returns: cluster's id """'entering register_cluster method ' 'with input {}'.format(cluster)) new_cluster = Cluster(cluster) new_cluster.validate_mandatory_fields() if not cluster['name']: self.logger.error('Cluster name cannot be blank. Exiting.') raise ClusterNameBlankException check = self.persistence_manager.find('clusters', {"name": cluster['name']}) if check and not check[0]["activationStatus"]: self.persistence_manager.update('clusters', {"name": cluster['name']}, {"activationStatus": True}) return str(check[0]['_id']) if 'master_nodes' in cluster: new_cluster.set('master_nodes', cluster['master_nodes']) else: new_cluster.set('master_nodes', []) if 'worker_nodes' in cluster: new_cluster.set('worker_nodes', cluster['worker_nodes']) else: new_cluster.set('worker_nodes', []) new_cluster.set('activationStatus', True) try: inserted_id = self.persistence_manager.insert( 'clusters', cluster, False)'exiting register_cluster method ' 'with insert ID {}'.format(str(inserted_id))) return str(inserted_id) except UnsuccessfulOperationException: self.logger.error('Cluster already exists. Exiting.') raise ClusterAlreadyExistsException('cluster already exists')
class DeclarativePipelineBuilder: # all the pipeline reference variables will be stored in this array as # they are discovered by the code so that we can check for any faulty # reference made which is not present in the reference array reference_array = [] def __init__(self, persistence_manager): self.kubeflow_utils = KubeflowUtils(persistence_manager) self.logger = XprLogger() self.executor = LocalShellExecutor() config_path = XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH self.config = XprConfigParser(config_path) self.declarative_pipeline_folder = self.config[PROJECTS_SECTION][ DECLARATIVE_PIPELINE_FOLDER] self.content = self.declarative_pipeline_folder_check() def declarative_pipeline_folder_check(self): """ checks whether declarative pipeline folder is present Returns: contents of template """ if not os.path.isdir(self.declarative_pipeline_folder): os.makedirs(self.declarative_pipeline_folder, permission_755) kubeflow_template = self.config[PROJECTS_SECTION][KUBEFLOW_TEMPLATE] try: with open(kubeflow_template, 'r') as f: template_content = return template_content except FileNotFoundException: self.logger.error('kubeflow template file not found') def prevalidate_declarative_json(self, pipeline_info): """ Validates (with dummy data) if the pipeline yaml file is being created properly before adding pipeline as a part of project. Args: pipeline_info: declarative JSON file Returns: nothing """'entering prevalidate_declarative_json') temp_component_images = {}'creating dict with temporary component images') for component in pipeline_info['components']: self.validate_component_keys(component.keys()) temp_component_images[ component['xpresso_reference']] = "temp_image" self.generate_pipeline_file(pipeline_info, temp_component_images, 0)'Pipeline validated.') def check_for_reference(self, value): """ Checks if the provided value has any faulty reference. Args: value: value to be checked Returns: raises exception if reference is not found """'entering check_for_reference to ' f'validate {value}') if '.output' in value: reference = value.split('.')[0] self.check_for_reference(reference) if open_parenthesis in reference: # in case of typecasting reference = reference.split(open_parenthesis)[1] if reference not in self.reference_array: self.logger.error(f'Reference "{reference}" not found.') raise ReferenceNotFoundException( f'Reference "{reference}" not ' f'found in declarative JSON')'Reference validated. Exiting.') def modify_for_function_parameters(self, func_params): """ modifies a string (json key-value pair) to be used as a function's parameters Args: func_params: json key-value pair string (in xpresso defined format) Returns: modified string, fit for using as a function's parameters """'entering modify_for_function_parameters') param_list = [] for key, value in func_params.items(): modified_key = key.replace(variable_indicator, "") if variable_indicator not in str(value): if double_quote in value: value = value.replace(double_quote, escape_quote) modified_value = f'"{value}"' else: modified_value = value.replace(variable_indicator, "") # check for any faulty reference self.check_for_reference(modified_value) param_list.append(f'{modified_key}={modified_value}') self.reference_array.append(modified_key) result = ', '.join(param_list)'exiting modify_for_function_parameters with ' f'output {result}') return result def modify_for_function_variables(self, func_vars): """ modifies a string (json key-value pair) to be used as a function's variables Args: func_vars: json key-value pair string (in xpresso defined format) Returns: modified string, fit for use as a function's variables """'entering modify_for_function_variables') result = """""" for key, value in func_vars.items(): modified_key = key.replace(variable_indicator, "") if variable_indicator not in value: if double_quote in value: value = value.replace(double_quote, escape_quote) modified_value = f'"{value}"' else: modified_value = value.replace(variable_indicator, "") # check for any faulty reference self.check_for_reference(modified_value) self.reference_array.append(modified_key) result = result + f'{modified_key} = {modified_value}\n\t''exiting modify_for_function_variables with ' f'output {result}') return result def validate_declarative_json(self, pipeline_info): """ validates the mandatory fields in the provided declarative json Args: pipeline_info: contents of the json file Returns: Raises exception in case of inconsistency """'entering validate_declarative_json method') if not pipeline_info: self.logger.error('Declarative JSON empty.') raise IncorrectDeclarativeJSONDefinitionException( 'Declarative JSON empty.') pipeline_fields = [ 'name', 'description', 'pvc_name', 'components', 'main_func_params' ] for field in pipeline_fields: if field not in pipeline_info.keys(): self.logger.error(f'Field "{field}" not present in ' f'declarative JSON') raise IncorrectDeclarativeJSONDefinitionException( f'Field "{field}" not present in declarative JSON') def validate_component_keys(self, component_keys): """ Validates if the component has all default keys present Args: component_keys: keys present in the component Returns: nothing """ default_keys = [ 'name', 'xpresso_reference', 'description', 'inputs', 'input_values', 'implementation' ] for key in default_keys: if key not in component_keys: self.logger.error(f'Key "{key}" is missing from one or more ' f'components in pipeline JSON') raise ComponentsSpecifiedIncorrectlyException( f'Key "{key}" is missing from one or more components ' f'in pipeline JSON') def generate_pipeline_file(self, pipeline_info, component_images, pipeline_deploy_id): """ generates a python dsl pipeline file using the provided declarative json, executes it and uploads the pipeline to kubeflow. Args: component_images: dict of pipeline components and their corresponding docker images pipeline_info: declarative json file containing info about pipeline pipeline_deploy_id : deploy version id of pipeline fetched from database Returns: ambassador port to view the pipeline on dashboard """'entering generate_python_file method') self.logger.debug('reading declarative json') # check for mandatory fields self.validate_declarative_json(pipeline_info) # generate code to load pipeline component objects components_info = self.generate_pipeline_component_objects( pipeline_info) # populate the pipeline name and description self.populate_name_and_description(pipeline_info) # populate main function's parameters self.populate_main_func_parameters(pipeline_info) # populate main function's variables, if any self.populate_main_func_variables(pipeline_info) # populate container op, if present self.populate_container_op(pipeline_info) # generate and populate component definitions with inputs self.populate_component_definitions(pipeline_info, components_info) # update pipeline yaml location pipeline_yaml_location = self.update_pipeline_yaml_location( pipeline_deploy_id, pipeline_info) # finally, populate and generate the python file self.generate_pipeline_python_file(pipeline_deploy_id, pipeline_info) # create yaml file for the generated python file to read components from self.create_pipeline_yaml(component_images, pipeline_info, pipeline_yaml_location) # run the generated python file to generate the zip file self.logger.debug('running generated python file') pipeline_file = f'{self.declarative_pipeline_folder}' \ f'/{pipeline_info["name"]}--declarative_pipeline' \ f'_{pipeline_deploy_id}.py' run_pipeline_python = f'python {pipeline_file}' status = self.executor.execute(run_pipeline_python) if status: raise IncorrectDeclarativeJSONDefinitionException( "Failed to run pipeline dsl file. " "Please re-check the declarative JSON file.") pipeline_zip = f'{pipeline_file}.zip' return pipeline_zip def create_pipeline_yaml(self, component_images, pipeline_info, pipeline_yaml_location): """ creates yaml file for dsl code to read components from Args: component_images: dict of pipeline components and their corresponding docker images pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json pipeline_yaml_location: location where the file is to be generated Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug('creating yaml for generated python file') temp_pipeline = deepcopy(pipeline_info) modified_components = temp_pipeline['components'] for component in modified_components: component['implementation']['container']['image'] \ = component_images[component['xpresso_reference']] del component['xpresso_reference'] del component['input_values'] data_to_insert = {"components": modified_components} with open(pipeline_yaml_location, 'w+') as f: f.write(yaml.dump(data_to_insert)) def generate_pipeline_python_file(self, pipeline_deploy_id, pipeline_info): """ generates pipeline python file Args: pipeline_deploy_id: deploy version id of pipeline fetched from database pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug('generating python file') with open( f'{self.declarative_pipeline_folder}/{pipeline_info["name"]}' f'--declarative_pipeline_{pipeline_deploy_id}.py', 'w+') as f: f.write(self.content) def update_pipeline_yaml_location(self, pipeline_deploy_id, pipeline_info): """ updates location where pipeline yaml will be generated Args: pipeline_deploy_id: deploy version id of pipeline fetched from database pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: yaml location """ pipeline_yaml_location = f"{self.declarative_pipeline_folder}" \ f"/{pipeline_info['name']}--pipeline_components_file_" \ f"{pipeline_deploy_id}.yaml" self.content = self.content.replace('%pipeline_yaml_location%', f"'{pipeline_yaml_location}'") return pipeline_yaml_location def populate_container_op(self, pipeline_info): """ populates container op Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ if 'container_op' not in pipeline_info.keys(): self.logger.debug('container op not present') self.content = self.content.replace('%container_op%', '') else: self.logger.debug('populating container op') checkout = f"""\t{str(pipeline_info['container_op'][ '$$name$$'])} = dsl.ContainerOp({self.modify_for_function_parameters( pipeline_info['container_op'])})""" if 'checkout' in pipeline_info['after_dependencies'].keys(): checkout = checkout + f"""\n\n\tcheckout.after({ pipeline_info['after_dependencies']['checkout']})""" self.reference_array.append('checkout') self.content = self.content.replace('%container_op%', checkout) def populate_main_func_variables(self, pipeline_info): """ populates main function variables Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ if 'main_func_variables' in pipeline_info.keys(): self.logger.debug("populating main function's variables") main_variables = "\t" + self.modify_for_function_variables( pipeline_info['main_func_variables']) self.content = self.content.replace('%main_function_variables%', main_variables) else: self.logger.debug('No variables found for main function') self.content = self.content.replace('%main_function_variables%', '') def generate_pipeline_component_objects(self, pipeline_info): """ generates code to load pipeline component objects Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: components info """'generating code to load pipeline component objects') pipeline_comps = """""" components_info = pipeline_info['components'] self.reference_array.extend([comp['name'] for comp in components_info]) for index, component in enumerate(components_info): self.validate_component_keys(component.keys()) pipeline_comps = pipeline_comps + f"{component['name']}_ = " \ f"components.load_component_from_text(str(" \ f"component_info[{index}]))\n" self.content = self.content.replace('%load_components%', pipeline_comps) return components_info def populate_name_and_description(self, pipeline_info): """ populates the pipeline name and description Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug('populating the pipeline name and description') self.content = self.content.replace("%pipeline_name%", f"'{pipeline_info['name']}'") self.content = self.content.replace( '%pipeline_description%', f"'{pipeline_info['description']}'") def populate_main_func_parameters(self, pipeline_info): """ populates main function parameters Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug("populate main function's parameters") main_params = self.modify_for_function_parameters( pipeline_info['main_func_params']) self.content = self.content.replace('%main_function_params%', main_params) def populate_component_definitions(self, pipeline_info, components_info): """ populates component definitions Args: pipeline_info: pipeline info from declarative json components_info: components info in declarative json Returns: nothing """ self.logger.debug('populating component definitions with inputs') component_definitions = """""" for index, component in enumerate(components_info): if index == 0: add_pvc = \ f"add_volume(k8s_client.V1Volume(name='pipeline-nfs', " \ f"persistent_volume_claim=k8s_client." \ f"V1PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource(claim_name=" \ f"'{pipeline_info['pvc_name']}'))).add_volume_mount(" \ f"k8s_client.V1VolumeMount(" \ f"mount_path='/data', name='pipeline-nfs'))" else: add_pvc = "add_volume_mount(k8s_client.V1VolumeMount(" \ "mount_path='/data', name='pipeline-nfs'))" component_definitions = \ component_definitions + \ f"\t{component['name']} = {component['name']}_(" \ f"{self.modify_for_function_parameters(component['input_values'])}).{add_pvc}\n\n" if 'after_dependencies' in pipeline_info.keys(): if component['name'] in pipeline_info[ 'after_dependencies'].keys(): component_definitions = \ component_definitions + \ f"\t{component['name']}.after({pipeline_info['after_dependencies'][component['name']]})\n\n" self.content = self.content.replace('%component_definitions%', component_definitions)
class xpruser(): config_path = XprConfigParser.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH CONTROLLER_SECTION = 'controller' TOKEN_EXPIRY = 'soft_expiry' LOGIN_EXPIRY = 'hard_expiry' MONGO_SECTION = 'mongodb' URL = 'mongo_url' DB = 'database' UID = 'mongo_uid' PWD = 'mongo_pwd' W = 'w' def __init__(self): self.config = XprConfigParser(self.config_path) self.db_utils = Utils(url=self.config[self.MONGO_SECTION][self.URL], db=self.config[self.MONGO_SECTION][self.DB], uid=self.config[self.MONGO_SECTION][self.UID], pwd=self.config[self.MONGO_SECTION][self.PWD], w=self.config[self.MONGO_SECTION][self.W]) self.logger = XprLogger() def registeruser(self, user_json): """ register a new user in the db checks if the user already exists and then adds to db Parameters: userjson [json]: json with node information Return: Success -> 'OK' [str] : returns 'OK' as response Failure -> [str] : returns appropriate failure response """ self.logger.debug(f"user info provided is {user_json}") info_check = userinfocheck(user_json) # user info_check checks if the user_json has sufficient info if info_check == -1: errcode = error_codes.incomplete_user_information self.logger.error("Insufficient information to create a new user") return xprresponse('failure', errcode, {}) elif info_check == 0: errcode = error_codes.incorrect_primaryRole self.logger.error("Incorrect primaryRole has been provided") return xprresponse('failure', errcode, {}) # Password should not be saved as plain text in db. # Encrypting the password before saving it to db password = sha512_crypt.encrypt(user_json['pwd']) user_json['pwd'] = password # checks if the user is already present in the db"Registering a new user") uid_json = {'uid': user_json['uid']}"Checking the db if user is already present") user = self.db_utils.find("users", uid_json) if len(user) != 0: errcode = error_codes.user_exists return xprresponse('failure', errcode, {}) user_json['loginStatus'] = False user_json['activationStatus'] = True user_json['nodes'] = []"adding user to the db") add_user = self.db_utils.insert("users", user_json, False) if add_user == -1: errcode = error_codes.username_already_exists self.logger.error("username already exists in the db") return xprresponse('failure', errcode, {})"user successfully added to the db") # NFS User directory changes nfs_manager = NFSUserManager(config=self.config) nfs_manager.setup_user_folder(user=user_json['uid']) return xprresponse('success', '', {}) def modifyuser(self, token, changesjson): """ modify_user updates the user info in the db checks if user is available and then updates the info as per changesjson Parameters: uid [str]: uid of the user changesjson [json] : json with user changes info Return: Success -> 'OK' [str] : returns OK if provision_node succeeds Failure -> [str] : returns appropriate failure response """ check = modify_user_check(changesjson) if check != 200: return xprresponse('failure', check, {}) uidjson = {"uid": changesjson['uid']}"Modifying user information of {uidjson}") self.logger.debug(f"Info provided to be modified is {changesjson}") # checks if the user is present in db"Checking if the user is present in the db") user = self.db_utils.find("users", uidjson) if len(user) == 0: errcode = error_codes.user_not_found self.logger.error(f"user {uidjson['uid']} not found in the db") return xprresponse('failure', errcode, {})"updating the user information") updateuser = self.db_utils.update("users", uidjson, changesjson) return xprresponse('success', '', {}) def deactivateuser(self, uid): """ Deletes an user and his info from the db Deletes the user from database Parameters: uid [str] : uid of the user Return: returns appropriate output """ uidjson = {"uid": uid} # deletes the user from db deluser = self.db_utils.find("users", uidjson) if len(deluser) != 0:"deactivating the user {uidjson['uid']}") if 'activationStatus' in deluser[0] and \ deluser[0]['activationStatus']: self.db_utils.update("users", uidjson, {"activationStatus": False})"user {uidjson['uid']} successfully deleted") return xprresponse('success', '', {}) else: errcode = error_codes.user_already_deactivated return xprresponse('failure', errcode, {}) else: errcode = error_codes.user_not_found"user not found") return xprresponse('failure', errcode, {}) def getusers(self, filterjson): """ Calls the db with input filters to fetch the list of users. After fetching, the users list is filtered before sending as output in order to send relevant information only Parameters: filterjson [json] : json with filter key & value pairs Return: Success -> [list] : returns list of users Failure -> [str] : returns db failure response """"getting all the users in the db") self.logger.debug(f"filterjson is : {filterjson}") users = self.db_utils.find("users", filterjson) # get users call retrieves whole user info from db # Filtering the data that needs to be shown as output"filtering the users before sending output") users = filteruseroutput(users) self.logger.debug(f'Output of users sent: {users}') return xprresponse('success', '', users)
class XprDbSetup: """ Class that provides tools to setup mongodb on a node """ def __init__(self, executor=None): if not executor: self.executor = LocalShellExecutor() self.logger = XprLogger() self.service_path = '/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service' def install_mongo(self): """ installs mongodb on the system """'entering install_mongo method') if not linux_utils.check_root(): self.logger.fatal("Please run this as root") import_key = 'sudo apt-key adv --keyserver ' \ 'hkp:// --recv ' \ '9DA31620334BD75D9DCB49F368818C72E52529D4' self.executor.execute(import_key) create_list = 'echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ]' \ 'apt/ubuntu bionic/mongodb-org/4.0 multiverse" | ' \ 'sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.0.list' self.executor.execute(create_list) reload_packages = 'sudo apt-get update' self.executor.execute(reload_packages) self.logger.debug('installing mongo') install_mongo = 'sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org' self.executor.execute(install_mongo) hold = """echo "mongodb-org hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections echo "mongodb-org-server hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections echo "mongodb-org-shell hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections echo "mongodb-org-mongos hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections echo "mongodb-org-tools hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections""" self.executor.execute(hold)'exiting install_mongo') def initial_setup(self, db): """ sets up the initial users and collections in the db :param db: database against which the setup is to be done :return: nothing """'entering initial_setup method') # initiate users collection users = db.users self.insert_default_users(users) db.users.create_index([('uid', ASCENDING)], unique=True) self.logger.debug('created index for users collection') # initiate nodes collection nodes = db.nodes self.logger.debug('setting up initial node') initial_node = { "name": "initial_node", "address": "" } nodes.insert_one(initial_node) nodes.create_index([('address', ASCENDING)], unique=True) self.logger.debug('created index for nodes collection') nodes.delete_one({"name": "initial_node"}) # initiate clusters collection clusters = db.clusters self.logger.debug('setting up initial cluster') initial_cluster = { "name": "initial_cluster", "activationStatus": True, "master_nodes": [], "worker_nodes": [] } clusters.insert_one(initial_cluster) clusters.create_index([('name', ASCENDING)], unique=True) self.logger.debug('created index for clusters collection') clusters.delete_one({"name": "initial_cluster"}) # initiate projects collection projects = db.projects self.logger.debug('setting up initial project') initial_project = { "name": "initial_project", "projectDescription": "Initiates the collection", "owner": {}, "developers": [], "components": [] } projects.insert_one(initial_project) projects.create_index([('name', ASCENDING)], unique=True) self.logger.debug('created index for projects collection') projects.delete_one({"name": "initial_project"}) # create xprdb_admin user in mongo self.logger.debug('creating xprdb user in mongo') db.command("createUser", "xprdb_admin", pwd="xprdb@Abz00ba", roles=[{"role": "root", "db": "admin"}])'exiting initial_setup method') def insert_default_users(self, users): self.logger.debug('setting up default users') admin_user = { "uid": "xprdb_admin", "firstName": "Xpresso", "lastName": "Admin", "pwd": sha512_crypt.hash('xprdb@Abz00ba'), "email": "*****@*****.**", "primaryRole": "Admin", "activationStatus": True, "loginStatus": False } users.insert_one(admin_user) superuser = { "uid": "superuser1", "firstName": "superuser1", "lastName": "superuser1", "pwd": sha512_crypt.hash('superuser1'), "email": "*****@*****.**", "primaryRole": "Su", "activationStatus": True, "loginStatus": False } users.insert_one(superuser) admin1_user = { "uid": "admin1", "firstName": "admin1", "lastName": "admin1", "pwd": sha512_crypt.hash('admin1'), "email": "*****@*****.**", "primaryRole": "Admin", "activationStatus": True, "loginStatus": False } users.insert_one(admin1_user) def enable_replication(self): """ installs replica set for the database :return: nothing """'entering enable_replication method') path = '/srv/mongodb/rs0-0' linux_utils.create_directory(path, 0o777) self.logger.debug('created directory for replica set') ip = linux_utils.get_ip_address() start = 'mongod --replSet rs0 --port 27017 --bind_ip localhost,' \ '{} --dbpath /srv/mongodb/rs0-0 --fork ' \ '--logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log'.format(ip) self.executor.execute(start) self.logger.debug('mongo daemon started') client = MongoClient('localhost', replicaset='rs0') db = client.xprdb client.admin.command("replSetInitiate") self.logger.debug('Replica set initiated') time.sleep(5) self.initial_setup(db) # stop mongo to restart with auth stop_mongod = 'pgrep mongod | xargs kill' self.executor.execute(stop_mongod) self.logger.debug('stopping mongo daemon to restart with auth') time.sleep(10) restart = 'mongod --replSet rs0 --port 27017 --bind_ip localhost,{} ' \ '--dbpath /srv/mongodb/rs0-0 --auth --fork --logpath ' \ '/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log'.format(ip) config = configparser.ConfigParser() config['Service']['ExecStart'] = restart with open(self.service_path, 'w') as f: config.write(f) restart_mongod = 'systemctl restart mongod' self.executor.execute(restart_mongod) self.logger.debug('db setup complete, exiting enable_replication')
class JenkinsManager: """ Jenkins wrapper class to connect to Jenkins server. It can execute any Job in the Jenkins, get the current status or help in creating the node. Args: cfg (XprConfigParser): config for Jenkins. """ JENKINS_SECTION = "jenkins" JENKINS_MASTER = "master_host" JENKINS_USERNAME = "******" JENKINS_PASSWORD = "******" JENKINS_TEMPLATE_PIPELINE = "template_job" def __init__(self, cfg: XprConfigParser): self.config = cfg[self.JENKINS_SECTION] self.logger = XprLogger() console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() self.logger.addHandler(console_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.jenkins_server = self.init_connection() def init_connection(self) -> jenkins.Jenkins: """ Initiates a connection to Jenkins and returns its objects """"Initiating connection to Jenkins {}".format( self.config[self.JENKINS_MASTER])) try: server = jenkins.Jenkins( self.config[self.JENKINS_MASTER], username=self.config[self.JENKINS_USERNAME], password=self.config[self.JENKINS_PASSWORD])"Jenkins connected successfully") except jenkins.JenkinsException: self.logger.error("Jenkins Connection Failed") raise JenkinsConnectionFailedException("Jenkins Connection Failed") return server def create_pipeline(self, pipeline_name: str, bitbucket_repo: str): """ It creates a pipeline project in the Jenkins master. It uses a template to create a pipeline. Args: bitbucket_repo(str): bitbucket repository from where build will work pipeline_name(str): Jenkins pipeline name identifier Returns: True. on success Otherwise raise an Exceptions Raises JenkinsConnectionFailedException, JenkinsInvalidInputException """"Creating a job named: {}".format(pipeline_name)) try: self.jenkins_server.copy_job( self.config[self.JENKINS_TEMPLATE_PIPELINE], pipeline_name) pipeline_config = self.jenkins_server.get_job_config(pipeline_name) pipeline_root = ET.fromstring(pipeline_config) # Update Description self.update_config( pipeline_root=pipeline_root, field_path='description', update_value='Pipeline to perform build for {}'.format( pipeline_name)) # Update Bit bucket repository self.update_config(pipeline_root=pipeline_root, field_path='definition/scm/userRemoteConfigs/' 'hudson.plugins.git.UserRemoteConfig/url', update_value=bitbucket_repo) updated_pipeline_config = ET_tostring(pipeline_root).decode() self.jenkins_server.reconfig_job(pipeline_name, updated_pipeline_config) # We need to do this because build does not get available for build # until job is disabled and enabled self.jenkins_server.disable_job(pipeline_name) self.jenkins_server.enable_job(pipeline_name) except jenkins.JenkinsException: self.logger.error("Job Creation Failed") raise JenkinsInvalidInputException("Job creation failed") except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.SSLError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError): self.logger.error("Jenkins Connection Issue") raise JenkinsConnectionFailedException("Jenkins Connection Issue")"Job Created: {}".format(pipeline_name)) @staticmethod def update_config(pipeline_root: Element, field_path: str, update_value: str): """ Update Jenkins configuration Args: pipeline_root(Element): Root Tree of the pipeline field_path(str): Path to the field which needs to be updated update_value(str): value which needs to be updated in the field """ field = pipeline_root.find(field_path) field.text = update_value def submit_build(self, pipeline_name: str, branch_name: str, docker_image_name: str, component_name: str) -> str: """ It executes a job in the Jenkins on the basis of the pipeline name. It will return a job id which can be used to fetch the status Args: docker_image_name(str): docker image name. Image name is tagged with the build number branch_name(str): branch to be build on pipeline_name(str): Jenkins pipeline name identifier Returns: str: Job ID of the pipeline Raises JenkinsConnectionFailedException, JenkinsInvalidInputException """"Executing Jenkins build for {} on branch {}".format( pipeline_name, branch_name)) try: queue_number = self.jenkins_server.build_job( pipeline_name, parameters={ 'git_branch': branch_name, 'docker_image_name': docker_image_name, 'component_name': component_name }) # Check if build has submitted total_attempts = 10 build_id = self.jenkins_server.get_job_info( pipeline_name)['nextBuildNumber'] while total_attempts: total_attempts -= 1 queue_info = self.jenkins_server.get_queue_item(queue_number) if "executable" not in queue_info:"Waiting for build to get submitted") time.sleep(2) continue print(queue_info) build_id = queue_info["executable"]["number"] except jenkins.JenkinsException: self.logger.error("Build ID is invalid") raise JenkinsInvalidInputException("Build ID is not valid") except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.SSLError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError): self.logger.error("Jenkins Connection Issue") raise JenkinsConnectionFailedException("Jenkins Host is invalid") "Build submitted successfully with ID {}".format(build_id)) return build_id def get_build(self, pipeline_name: str, job_id: int): """ Get the status and details of the job. Args: pipeline_name(str): Jenkins pipeline name identifier job_id(int): Jenkins Job identifier Returns: dict: details of the jobs. Raises JenkinsConnectionFailedException, JenkinsInvalidInputException """"Getting a build detail for {}:{}".format( pipeline_name, job_id)) try: build_info = self.jenkins_server.get_build_info( pipeline_name, job_id) except jenkins.JenkinsException: self.logger.exception( "Pipeline name and build {}:{} is invalid".format( pipeline_name, job_id)) raise JenkinsInvalidInputException( "Pipeline name and build is invalid") except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.SSLError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError): self.logger.error("Jenkins Connection Issue") raise JenkinsConnectionFailedException("Jenkins Connection Issue")"Build info received and returned") return build_info def start_worker_node(self, worker_type: str): """ TODO Starts a worker docker container on any available node to perform build and deploy Args: worker_type(str): Name of the worker type. It could be python, java or gpu Returns: bool: True if worker node is started """ pass def check_active_worker_node(self, worker_type: str): """ TODO Check if worker node is active. Args: worker_type(str): Name of the worker type. It could be python, java or gpu Returns: bool: True if worker node is active, False Otherwise """ pass def delete_pipeline(self, pipeline_name: str): """ Permanently delete the pipeline Args: pipeline_name: Jenkins pipeline identifier Raises JenkinsConnectionFailedException, JenkinsInvalidInputException """"Deleting Pipeline {}".format(pipeline_name)) try: self.jenkins_server.delete_job(pipeline_name) except jenkins.JenkinsException: self.logger.exception( "Pipeline name {} is invalid".format(pipeline_name)) raise JenkinsInvalidInputException("Pipeline name is invalid") except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.SSLError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError): self.logger.error("Jenkins Connection Issue") raise JenkinsConnectionFailedException("Jenkins Connection Issue")"Pipeline deleted {}".format(pipeline_name))