def is_legal_space(command): sub_cmds = command.split() if len(sub_cmds) == 0: return False if re.match('^.* $', command): return False last_sub_cmd = sub_cmds[len(sub_cmds) - 1] if command[len(command) - 1] != ' ': del sub_cmds[len(sub_cmds) - 1] sub_cmds.append('') cmd_list = get_sub_command_list(sub_cmds, XKey.SPACE) result = True if cmd_list == None: result = False err_command = sub_cmds[len(sub_cmds) - 2] if cmd_list: result = True if command[len(command) - 1] != ' ': _, result = get_max_same_string(last_sub_cmd, cmd_list) err_command = last_sub_cmd if not result: xprint_new_line('\tno \'{}\' command'.format(err_command)) return False return True
def action_git_commits(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd >= 0 and key == XKey.ENTER: repo_dir, _, _ = get_gnb_dirs('') if not repo_dir: xprint_new_line('\tNot a git repository') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} common_part = '--graph --pretty=format:\'%Cred%h%Creset,%C(yellow)%cd%Creset,%Cgreen%ae%Creset,%s\' --abbrev-commit --date=short' message, author, start, end, before, after, self_dir = parse_commits_cmds( cmds) start_end = format_start_end(start, end) xprint_new_line('') #xprint_head(message + ' ' + author + ' ' + start + ' ' + end + ' ' + before + ' ' + after + ' ' + self_dir) system_cmd = 'git log ' + start_end + ' ' + message + ' ' + author system_cmd = system_cmd + ' ' + before + ' ' + after + ' ' + common_part + ' ' + self_dir system_cmd = re.sub(' +', ' ', system_cmd) #xprint_head(system_cmd) #os.system(system_cmd) child = subprocess.Popen(system_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = child.communicate()[0].split('\n') parse_commits_output(output) return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_git_commits_help()
def action_gnb_cprt_build(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd == 0 and key == XKey.ENTER: repo_dir, sdk5g_dir, build_dir = get_gnb_dirs('cprt') if not repo_dir: xprint_new_line('\tNot a git repository') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} if not os.path.exists(build_dir): os.makedirs(build_dir) env_path = os.getenv('PATH') env_prefix_type = os.getenv('PREFIX_TYPE') if not env_prefix_type: env_prefix_type = XConst.CPRT_PREFIX_TYPE system_cmd = '' if not'sdk5g.+prefix_root_' + env_prefix_type, env_path): system_cmd += 'source ' + sdk5g_dir + '/prefix_root_' + env_prefix_type + '/ && ' system_cmd += 'export BUILD_DIR=' + build_dir + ' && ' system_cmd += 'cd ' + build_dir + ' && ' system_cmd += 'cmake -GNinja -DBUILD_TESTS=ON ' + repo_dir + '/cplane/CP-RT/CP-RT/ && ' system_cmd += 'ninja' xprint_new_line(system_cmd) os.system(system_cmd) xprint_head('') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_gnb_cprt_build_help()
def action_gnb_cpnrt_ttcn(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd <= 2 and key == XKey.ENTER: repo_dir, sdk5g_dir, build_dir = get_gnb_dirs('cpnrt') if not repo_dir: xprint_new_line('\tNot a git repository') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} if not os.path.exists(build_dir): os.makedirs(build_dir) env_path = os.getenv('PATH') env_prefix_type = os.getenv('PREFIX_TYPE') if not env_prefix_type: env_prefix_type = XConst.CPNRT_PREFIX_TYPE system_cmd = '' if not'sdk5g.+prefix_root_' + env_prefix_type, env_path): system_cmd += 'source ' + sdk5g_dir + '/prefix_root_' + env_prefix_type + '/ && ' system_cmd += 'cd ' + build_dir + ' && ' system_cmd += 'cmake ' + repo_dir + '/cplane/CP-NRT -DBUILD_TTCN3_SCT=ON && ' system_cmd += 'make sct_run_cp_nrt -j$(nproc) -l$(nproc) ' if num_cmd >= 1: system_cmd += 'SCT_TEST_PATTERNS=' + cmds[0] if num_cmd == 2: system_cmd += ' SCT_TTCN3_REPEAT_COUNT=' + cmds[1] xprint_new_line('') xprint_head(system_cmd) os.system(system_cmd) xprint_head('') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_gnb_cpnrt_ttcn_help()
def action_replace(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd > 0 and num_cmd <= 2 and key == XKey.ENTER: old_string = cmds[0] new_string = '' if num_cmd == 2: new_string = cmds[1] xprint_new_line('') for root, dirs, files in os.walk('./'): for item in files: path = os.path.join(root, item) #print(os.path.join(root, item)) shutil.copy(path, '{}.orig'.format(path)) new_cmd = 'sed -ri \'s/' + old_string + '/' + new_string + '/g\' ' + path if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/colordiff'): new_cmd += ' && colordiff -u ' + line + '.orig' + ' ' + line elif os.path.exists('/usr/bin/diff'): new_cmd += ' && diff -u ' + line + '.orig' + ' ' + line os.system(new_cmd) os.unlink('{}/{}.orig'.format(repo_dir, line)) xprint_head('') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_replace_help()
def get_login_history_by_name(name): if os.path.getsize(XConst.LOGIN_HISTORY_FILE) == 0: xprint_new_line('\tno any login history') return None f = open(XConst.LOGIN_HISTORY_FILE, 'r') line = f.readline() while line: sub_cmds = line.strip('\n').split() if len(sub_cmds) != XConst.NUM_ELEM_PER_LOGIN_HISTORY_ITEM: line = f.readline() continue if name == sub_cmds[0]: f.close() return { 'name': sub_cmds[0], 'ip': sub_cmds[1], 'user': sub_cmds[2], 'password': sub_cmds[3] } line = f.readline() f.close() xprint_new_line('\tno login history for name = {}'.format(name)) return None
def action_gnb_cu_build(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd == 0 and key == XKey.ENTER: repo_dir, sdk5g_dir, build_dir = get_gnb_dirs('cu') if not repo_dir: xprint_new_line('\tNot a git repository') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} if not os.path.exists(build_dir): os.makedirs(build_dir) env_path = os.getenv('PATH') env_prefix_type = os.getenv('PREFIX_TYPE') if not env_prefix_type: env_prefix_type = XConst.CU_PREFIX_TYPE system_cmd = '' if not'sdk5g.+prefix_root_' + env_prefix_type, env_path): system_cmd += 'source ' + sdk5g_dir + '/prefix_root_' + env_prefix_type + '/ && ' system_cmd += 'cd ' + build_dir + ' && ' system_cmd += 'cmake --version && echo $PATH && ' system_cmd += 'cmake ' + repo_dir + '/cplane && ' system_cmd += 'make -j$(nproc)' xprint_new_line('') xprint_head(system_cmd) os.system(system_cmd) xprint_head('') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_gnb_cu_build_help()
def show_ssh_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# ssh [NAME] [IP] [USER] [PASSWORD]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\t# ssh [NAME | IP] -', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # ssh DU10 root rootme') xprint_head( '\t -> NAME=DU10, IP=, USER=root PASSWORD=rootme') xprint_head( '\t -> form to [email protected] with password=rootme to login remote' ) xprint_head('\t -> store this login to history named DU10') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # ssh DU10') xprint_head( '\t -> get detail of DU10 in Example 1 to login remote') xprint_head('\tExample 3: # ssh DU10 -') xprint_head('\t -> remove DU10 from history') xprint_head( '\t -> only in this format, DU10 can be regular expression') xprint_head('\tExample 3.1: # ssh -') xprint_head('\tExample 3.2: # ssh ^du.*$ -') xprint_head( '\tExample 3.3: # ssh ^[0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}[.][0-9]{1,3}[.]10$ -') xprint_head( '\t -> Example 3 and 3.1 only remove history which name = DU10 or ip =' ) xprint_head( '\t -> Example 3.2 remove history that name begin with du, like as du10, du1, du300, etc.' ) xprint_head( '\t -> Example 3.3 remove history that ip end with .10, like as,, etc.' ) xprint_head( '\t -> regular expression should be begin with ^ and end with $, otherwise handle as normal string' )
def action_git_lines(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd >= 0 and key == XKey.ENTER: xprint_new_line('') print('\rparsing params and preparing git data...', end='') repo_dir, _, _ = get_gnb_dirs('') if not repo_dir: xprint_new_line('\tNot a git repository') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} common_part = '--format=\'%ae\'' message, author, start, end, before, after, self_dir = parse_commits_cmds( cmds) start_end = format_start_end(start, end) #xprint_head(message + ' ' + author + ' ' + start + ' ' + end + ' ' + before + ' ' + after + ' ' + self_dir) system_cmd = 'git log ' + start_end + ' ' + message + ' ' + author + ' ' + before + ' ' + after system_cmd = system_cmd + ' ' + common_part + ' ' + self_dir + ' | sort -u' system_cmd = re.sub(' +', ' ', system_cmd) #xprint_head(system_cmd) #os.system(system_cmd) child = subprocess.Popen(system_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = child.communicate()[0].split('\n') print('\rparsing params and preparing git data... Done', end='') parse_lines_mails_output(output, start_end, message, before, after, self_dir) return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_git_lines_help()
def show_install_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# install [PATH]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # install') xprint_head('\t -> install ' + XConst.PYFILE_NAME + ' in /usr/bin/ as default') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # install /bin') xprint_head('\t -> install ' + XConst.PYFILE_NAME + ' in /bin')
def show_install_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# cd [ACTION]') xprint_head('\tExample 1: # cd install') xprint_head('\t -> only support one ACTION as install currently') xprint_head( '\t -> it will install a command named xcd which can be used directly in console' ) xprint_head('\t -> detail for xcd to be continued')
def show_log_extract_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# log extract [DIR] [DEPTH]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # log extract') xprint_head('\t -> extract all files in current directory to *_extract/') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # log extract /test/') xprint_head('\t -> extract all files in /test/ to /test_extract/') xprint_head('\tExample 3: # log extract /test/ 3') xprint_head('\t -> extract files with 3 depth sub-dir in /test/ to /test_extract/')
def show_gnb_cpnrt_ut_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# gnb cpnrt ut [PATTERN]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # gnb cpnrt ut') xprint_head('\t -> run all ut cases for cpnrt') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # gnb cpnrt ut TeidHelperTests') xprint_head( '\t -> run ut cases that name contains TeidHelperTests for cpnrt' )
def show_gnb_cpnrt_pytest_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# gnb cpnrt pytest [PATTERN]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # gnb cpnrt pytest') xprint_head('\t -> run all pytest cases for cpnrt') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # gnb cpnrt pytest test_case_name') xprint_head( '\t -> run pytest cases that name contains test_case_name for cpnrt' )
def show_gnb_cu_mt_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# gnb cu mt [PATTERN]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # gnb cu mt') xprint_head('\t -> run all mt cases for cu') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # gnb cu mt TeidHelperTests') xprint_head( '\t -> run mt cases that name contains TeidHelperTests for cu' )
def show_remove_result(result): xprint_new_line() if result == None or len(result) == 0: xprint_head('\tno any login history to remove') return for item in result: show_info = '\tremove: name=' + item['name'] + ' ip=' + item[ 'ip'] + ' user='******'user'] + ' password='******'password'] xprint_head(show_info)
def action_gnb_cu_ut(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd <= 1 and key == XKey.ENTER: repo_dir, sdk5g_dir, build_dir = get_gnb_dirs('cu') if not repo_dir: xprint_new_line('\tNot a git repository') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} if not os.path.exists(build_dir): xprint_new_line('\tshould build firstly') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} env_path = os.getenv('PATH') env_prefix_type = os.getenv('PREFIX_TYPE') if not env_prefix_type: env_prefix_type = XConst.CU_PREFIX_TYPE system_cmd = '' if not'sdk5g.+prefix_root_' + env_prefix_type, env_path): system_cmd += 'source ' + sdk5g_dir + '/prefix_root_' + env_prefix_type + '/ && ' system_cmd += 'cd ' + build_dir + ' && ' system_cmd += 'make -j$(nproc) ' if num_cmd == 1: uts = os.popen('cd ' + build_dir + ' && ' + 'ls ./bin | grep -w ' + cmds[0]) line = uts.readline() uts.close() if line: system_cmd += '&& ./bin/' + cmds[0] else: system_cmd += '&& ' xprint_new_line('Searching ' + cmds[0] + ' ...') uts = os.popen('cd ' + build_dir + ' && ' + 'grep -lr ' + cmds[0] + ' ./bin/') line = uts.readline() if not line: xprint_new_line('\tcan not find case include ' + cmds[0]) return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} while line: system_cmd += 'GTEST_FILTER=*' + cmds[ 0] + '* ' + line.strip() + ' && ' line = uts.readline() uts.close() system_cmd = system_cmd[0:-3] else: system_cmd += 'ut' xprint_new_line('') xprint_head(system_cmd) #os.system('find ' + repo_dir + ' -name ut_main.cpp | xargs sed -i \"s/spdlog::level::off/spdlog::level::trace/\"') os.system(system_cmd) xprint_head('') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_gnb_cu_ut_help()
def show_gnb_cprt_ttcn_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# gnb cprt ttcn [PATTERN] [-]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # gnb cprt pytest') xprint_head('\t -> run all ttcn3 cases for cprt') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # gnb cprt ttcn test_case_name') xprint_head( '\t -> run ttcn cases that name contains test_case_name for cprt' ) xprint_head('\tExample 3: # gnb cprt ttcn test_case_name -') xprint_head( '\t -> remove build dirctory and re-compile, then run ttcn cases that name contains test_case_name for cprt' )
def show_gnb_cpnrt_ttcn_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# gnb cpnrt ttcn [PATTERN] [REPEAT_COUNT]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # gnb cpnrt ttcn') xprint_head('\t -> run all ttcn cases for cpnrt') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # gnb cpnrt ttcn test_set.test_case_name') xprint_head( '\t -> run ttcn cases that name contains test_case_name for cpnrt' ) xprint_head('\tExample 3: # gnb cpnrt ttcn test_case_name 100') xprint_head( '\t -> run ttcn cases that name contains test_case_name for cpnrt 100 times' )
def action_gnb_clone(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd == 0 and key == XKey.ENTER: xprint_new_line('') os.system('git clone ' + XConst.GNB_REPO) xprint_head('') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_gnb_clone()
def show_gnb_cu_mct_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# gnb cu mct [PATTERN] [REPEAT_COUNT]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # gnb cu mct') xprint_head('\t -> run all ttcn3 cases in mct for cu') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # gnb cu mct test_case_name') xprint_head( '\t -> run mct cases that name contains test_case_name for cu' ) xprint_head('\tExample 2: # gnb cu mct test_case_name 100') xprint_head( '\t -> run mct cases that name contains test_case_name for cu 100 times' )
def action_log_find_path(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd == 1 and key == XKey.ENTER: log_type = cmds[0] extract_dir = os.getcwd() xprint_new_line() precheck_log(extract_dir, log_type) return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_log_find_path_help()
def action_lines(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 lines_dir = './' lines_level = XConst.MAX_DIR_DEPTH lines_black = '' lines_white = '' if num_cmd >= 1 and cmds[0] != '-' and key == XKey.ENTER: if not os.path.exists(cmds[0]): xprint_new_line('\t' + cmds[0] + ' is not exists') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} lines_dir = cmds[0] if num_cmd >= 2 and cmds[1] != '-' and key == XKey.ENTER: if not re.match('^[0-9]+$', cmds[1]): xprint_new_line('\tDEPTH should be number, ' + cmds[1] + ' is wrong') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} if int(cmds[1]) >= XConst.MAX_DIR_DEPTH or int(cmds[1]) < 1: xprint_new_line('\tDEPTH ' + cmds[1] + ' is wrong') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} lines_level = int(cmds[1]) if num_cmd == 3 and key == XKey.ENTER: if re.match('^b-', cmds[2]): lines_black = cmds[2][2:] if re.match('^w-', cmds[2]): lines_white = cmds[2][2:] if key == XKey.ENTER and num_cmd <= 3: xprint_new_line() lines_statistic(lines_dir, lines_level, lines_black, lines_white) return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_lines_help()
def show_gnb_cu_ttcn_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# gnb cu ttcn [MODULE] [PATTERN] [REPEAT_COUNT]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\tExample 1: # gnb cu ttcn3 cp_if') xprint_head('\t -> run all ttcn3 cases in cp-if for cu') xprint_head( '\t -> MODULE should be cp_if, cp_ue, cp_nb, cp_sb, cp_cl') xprint_head('\tExample 2: # gnb cu ttcn3 cp_if test_case_name') xprint_head( '\t -> run ttcn3 cases that name contains test_case_name for cu' ) xprint_head('\tExample 2: # gnb cu ttcn3 cp_if test_case_name 100') xprint_head( '\t -> run ttcn3 cases that name contains test_case_name for cu 100 times' )
def action_log_sort(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd == 1 and key == XKey.ENTER: if not os.path.exists(cmds[0]): xprint_new_line('\t' + cmdss[0] + ' is not exists') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} sort_contents_in_file(cmds[0], './', 'x') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_log_sort_help()
def action_log_find_lifecycle(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd == 1 and key == XKey.ENTER: if not os.path.exists(cmds[0]): xprint_new_line('\t' + cmdss[0] + ' is not exists') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} xprint_new_line('') find_lifecycle(cmds[0]) collect_lifecycle_started_finished(cmds[0]) return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_log_find_lifecycle_help()
def show_login_history(name=None): xprint_new_line() seq = 0 count = 0 f = os.popen('cat ' + XConst.LOGIN_HISTORY_FILE + ' | tr -d \' \' | wc -L') max_length = int(f.readline()) + 5 f.close() xlogger.debug('max_length = {}'.format(max_length)) f = open(XConst.LOGIN_HISTORY_FILE, 'r') line = f.readline() new_line = '' match_name_list = [] while line: sub_cmds = line.strip('\n').split() if len(sub_cmds) != XConst.NUM_ELEM_PER_LOGIN_HISTORY_ITEM: line = f.readline() continue xlogger.debug('NAME: {}, IP: {}, USER: {}, PASSWORD: {}'.format( sub_cmds[0], sub_cmds[1], sub_cmds[2], sub_cmds[3])) if name: if re.match(name, sub_cmds[0]) == None: line = f.readline() continue match_name_list.append(sub_cmds[0]) new_item = sub_cmds[0] + ': ' + sub_cmds[2] + '@' + sub_cmds[ 1] + ' *' + sub_cmds[3] len_new_item = len(new_item) new_item = format_color_string( sub_cmds[0], XPrintStyle.GREEN_U ) + ': ' + sub_cmds[2] + '@' + sub_cmds[1] + ' *' + sub_cmds[3] if len_new_item < max_length: new_item = new_item + ' ' * (max_length - len_new_item) new_line = new_line + '\t' + new_item seq += 1 count += 1 if seq == XConst.NUM_ITEM_PER_LOGIN_HISTORY_LINE: seq = 0 xprint_head(new_line) new_line = '' line = f.readline() f.close() if seq: xprint_head(new_line) if count == 0 and name == None: xprint_head('\tthere is no login history') return match_name_list
def action_log_find_context(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 if num_cmd == 1 and key == XKey.ENTER: xprint_new_line(' ') ueidcus = [] if cmds[0] == "cpue": ueidcus = find_and_show_id_map() find_warn_logs() find_error_logs() find_all_ueidcus(ueidcus) return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_log_find_context_help()
def show_git_commits_help(): xprint_new_line('\t# git commits [message=PATTERN] [author=PATTERN]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\t# [start=commit id] [end=commit id]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\t# [before=date] [after=date]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head('\t# [dir=path]', XPrintStyle.YELLOW) xprint_head( '\tExample 1: # gnb commits start=3357da6805e0 end=e943f54c2b5e dir=.') xprint_head( '\t -> show all commits in current dir between 3357da6805e0 and e943f54c2b5e' ) xprint_head( '\tExample 2: # gnb commits message=5GC002497 author=feng after=2020-12-31 dir=src/ dir=UT/' ) xprint_head( '\t -> show all fengh\'s commits for 5GC002497 in src/ or UT/ after 2020-12-31' )
def action_install(cmds, key): num_cmd = len(cmds) if cmds[num_cmd - 1] == '': del cmds[num_cmd - 1] num_cmd -= 1 install_dir = '/usr/bin' if num_cmd == 1: if not os.path.exists(cmds[0]): xprint_new_line('\t' + cmds[0] + ' is not exists') return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} install_dir = cmds[0] if key == XKey.ENTER and num_cmd <= 1: xprint_new_line() xprint_same_line('\tinstalling ') install_myself(install_dir) return {'flag': True, 'new_input_cmd': ''} show_install_help()