def TicketDealOneMonth(conn, year, month):
  xxutils.sp_debug("Processing month : " + year + "-" + month)
  all_tickets = GetTicketStatByMonth(conn, year, month)
  all_comments = GetCommentStatByMonth(conn, year, month)
  all_tickets = GetAllCommentsInMonth(conn, year, month, all_tickets) # 将所有comments添加到相应的ticket中。

  title = year + "年" + month + "月 Ticket统计"
  header = "<html>\n\
\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n\
\t\t<title>" + title + "</title>\n\
\t\t  tr { background-color: #DDDDDD}\n\
\t\t  .initial { background-color: #DDDDDD; color:#000000 }\n\
\t\t  .normal { background-color: #DDDDDD }\n\
\t\t  .highlight { background-color: #8888FF }\n\
  header += "\t\t<h1 id=\"top\">" + title + "</h1>\n"
  output = ""
  index = ""
  no_sort_ticket = {}
  no_sort_ticket_count_other = {}
  no_sort_reply_in_my_ticket = {} # 回复自己的帖子
  no_sort_warmhearted_reply = {} # 热心回复
  # 分别遍历所有ticket和所有comment从而形成一个用户列表。
  users_list = []
  users_list = GetAllUsersInTrac(all_tickets)
  # 打印debug信息:列出所有开发人员。
  xxutils.sp_debug("Active developer in this month : " + str(users_list))
  # 统计每个开发者的帖子/回复的个数/字数。
  for user in users_list :
    # new ticket for myself
    count = 0 # count of ticket
    words = 0
    times = 0 # change times of ticket, include one description and many comments.
    # new ticket (type is task only) for other, means you are his leader.
    count_other = 0
    words_other = 0
    times_other = 0
    # 计算发帖个数和字数,包括。
    for ticket_id, item in all_tickets.iteritems() :
      # 自己的帖子
      if item["owner"] == user :
        # 自己开贴。
        if item["reporter"] == user :
          count += 1
          words += item["words"]
        # 别人开贴。
        #else :
      # 别人的帖子,自己开贴。
      if item["owner"] != user and item["reporter"] == user :
        words += item["words"]
        # 只计算给别人发的task贴。
        # task in glue trac named "1_task" and "2_task".
        if item["type"] == "task" or item["type"] == "1_task" or item["type"] == "2_task" :
          count_other += 1
    # 计算发回复的个数和字数。
    for ticket_id, item in all_comments.iteritems() :
      if item["author"] != user :
      # 回复owner是自己的帖子。
      if item["owner"] == user :
        words += item["words"]
      # 回复owner不是自己的帖子,属于热心回复。
      else :
        words_other += item["words"]
    no_sort_ticket[user] = count
    no_sort_ticket_count_other[user] = count_other
  for user in users_list :
    xxutils.sp_debug("Processing developer : " + user)
    no_sort_warmhearted_reply[user] = 0
    no_sort_reply_in_my_ticket[user] = 0
    wikitext = ""
    output += "<h2><span id=" + user + "><font color=red>  " + user + "</font></span></h2>\n"
    # Show details ticket list, these tickets are mine.
    output += "<h3><span id=\"" + user + "-create4myself\">我的帖子</span></h3>\n"
    output += "<table width='100%' border=1><tr><th width=\"5%\">Ticket</th><th width=\"30%\">Summary</th><th width=\"5%\">Reporter</th><th width=\"5%\">Owner</th><th>我的回复</th><th width=\"10%\">我的回复总字数</th></tr>\n"
    wikitext += "=== 我的帖子 ===\n"
    for ticket_id, ticket in all_tickets.iteritems() :
      # 略过其他人的帖子。
      if ticket["owner"] != user :
      # 统计该用户所有回复。
      coment_id_list = "" # 保存该用户在该ticket中所有comment id,"1,3,4"
      comments_word_count = 0
      for comment_id, comment in ticket["comment"].iteritems() :
        # 略过别人的回复。
        if comment["author"] != user :
        comment_word_count = xxutils.ticket_wc(comment["content"])
        comments_word_count += comment_word_count
        coment_id_list += xxutils.createCommentLink(
          ticket_id, # URL帖子号部分
          comment_id, # URL的comment号部分。
          comment_id + "楼(" + str(comment_word_count) + "字)" # 链接名称
        coment_id_list += ", "
      output += "<tr onmouseover=\"this.className='highlight'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='normal'\">\n"
      output += "<td>" + xxutils.createTicketLink(config.TRAC_URL, ticket_id, "#"+ticket_id) + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td>" + xxutils.createTicketLink(config.TRAC_URL, ticket_id, ticket["name"]) + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td>" + ticket["reporter"] + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td>" + ticket["owner"] + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td>" + coment_id_list + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td>" + str(comments_word_count) + "</td>\n"
      output += "</tr>\n"
      wikitext += "|| #" + ticket_id + " || " + '[#' + ticket_id + ' "' + ticket["name"] + '"] ||' + "\n"
      # 计算用户在自己帖子中的回复字数。
      no_sort_reply_in_my_ticket[user] += comments_word_count
    output += "</table>\n"
    # Show details ticket list, these tickets are created by myself, and for others.
    # And the ticket type must be "task", means you are his leader.
    xxutils.sp_debug("Create table: 为别人创建任务贴")
    output += "<h3><span id=\"" + user + "-create4others\">为别人创建任务贴</span></h3>\n"
    output += "<table width='100%' border=1>\n<tr>\n<th width=\"5%\">Ticket</th><th>Summary</th><th width=\"5%\">Reporter</th><th width=\"5%\">Owner</th><th width=\"10%\">Description字数</th>\n</tr>\n"
    wikitext += "=== 为别人创建任务贴 ===\n"
    for ticket_id, ticket in all_tickets.iteritems() :
      if ticket["reporter"] == user and ticket["owner"] != user :
        if ticket["type"] != "task" :
        words_of_summary_and_description = xxutils.ticket_wc(ticket["name"] + config.EOL + ticket["description"])
        output += "<tr onmouseover=\"this.className='highlight'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='normal'\">\n"
        output += "<td>" + xxutils.createTicketLink(config.TRAC_URL, ticket_id, "#"+ticket_id) + "</td>\n"
        output += "<td>" + xxutils.createTicketLink(config.TRAC_URL, ticket_id, ticket["name"]) + "</td>\n"
        output += "<td>" + str(ticket["reporter"]) + "</td>\n"
        output += "<td>" + str(ticket["owner"]) + "</td>\n"
        output += "<td>" + str(words_of_summary_and_description) + "</td>\n"
        output += "</tr>\n"
        wikitext += "|| #" + ticket_id + " || " + '[#' + ticket_id + ' "' + ticket["name"] + '"] ||' + "\n"
    output += "</table>\n"
    output += "<h3>热心回复</h3>\n"
    wikitext += "=== 热心回复 ===\n"
    output += "<table width='100%' border=1><tr><th width=\"5%\">Ticket</th><th width=\"30%\">Summary</th><th width=\"5%\">Reporter</th><th width=\"5%\">Owner</th><th>我的回复</th><th width=\"10%\">我的回复总字数</th></tr>\n "
    for ticket_id, ticket in all_tickets.iteritems() :
      # 略过自己的帖子。
      if ticket["owner"] == user :
      #xxutils.sp_debug("Processing ticket : " + ticket_id)##大大的拖慢运行时间,调试需谨慎。
      found_user = False # 记录用户是否在这个帖子中回复了
      coment_id_list = "" # 保存该用户在该ticket中所有comment id,"1,3,4"
      comments_word_count = 0
      for comment_id, comment in ticket["comment"].iteritems() :
        # 略过别人的回复。
        if comment["author"] != user :
        comment_word_count = xxutils.ticket_wc(comment["content"])
        comments_word_count += comment_word_count
        coment_id_list += xxutils.createCommentLink(
          ticket_id, # URL帖子号部分
          comment_id, # URL的comment号部分。
          comment_id + "楼(" + str(comment_word_count) + "字)" # 链接名称
        coment_id_list += ", "
        found_user = True
      # 用户没有在这个帖子中回复过。
      if found_user == False :
      # 构建该ticket的行。
      output += "<tr onmouseover=\"this.className='highlight'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='normal'\">\n"
      output += "<td>" + xxutils.createTicketLink(config.TRAC_URL, ticket_id, "#"+ticket_id) + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td>" + xxutils.createTicketLink(config.TRAC_URL, ticket_id, ticket["name"]) + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td>" + str(ticket["reporter"]) + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td>" + str(ticket["owner"]) + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td width="">" + coment_id_list + "</td>\n"
      output += "<td>" + str(comments_word_count) + "</td>\n"
      output += "</tr>\n"
      wikitext += "|| #" + ticket_id + " || " + '[#' + ticket_id + ' "' + ticket["name"] + '"] ||' + "\n" 
      # 计算该用户在这个帖子中所有回复的总字数。
      no_sort_warmhearted_reply[user] += comments_word_count
    output += "</table>"
    wikitext += "=== 统计信息 ===\n"
    wikitext += "|| 为自己开贴数 || 为別人开任务贴数 || 自行发回贴字数 || 热心回复字数 ||\n" 
    wikitext += "|| " + str(no_sort_ticket[user]) + " || " + str(no_sort_ticket_count_other[user]) + " || " + str(no_sort_reply_in_my_ticket[user]) + " || " + str(no_sort_warmhearted_reply[user]) + " ||\n" 
    output += "<h3>复制如下内容,替换自评贴中的“{Ticket内容列表}”</h3>\n"
    output += "<textarea cols=100 rows=10>" + wikitext + "</textarea>\n"
    output += "<div align=\"right\"><a href=\"#top\">返回顶部</a></div>\n"
    output += "<hr>\n"
  output += "</body></html>"

  # Sort all people in one month, the better the upper.
  sort_ticket = xxutils.asort( no_sort_ticket )
  sort_ticket_count_other = xxutils.asort( no_sort_ticket_count_other )
  sort_reply_in_my_ticket = xxutils.asort( no_sort_reply_in_my_ticket )
  sort_warmhearted_reply = xxutils.asort( no_sort_warmhearted_reply )
  config.REPLY_MY_TICKET[str(year+month)] = sort_reply_in_my_ticket
  config.REPLY_OTHER_TICKET[str(year+month)] = sort_warmhearted_reply

  current = year + month + ".html"
  index += "<table width=100% border=0><tr><td><table  border=1>\n"
  index += "<tr><th>姓名</th><th>为自己开贴数</th></tr>\n"
  for user, words in sort_ticket :
    index += "<tr><td><a href='" + current + "#" + user + "-create4myself'> " + user + "</a> </td><td> " + str(words) + "</tr>\n"
  index += "</table></td><td>\n<table  border=1>\n"
  index += "<tr><th>姓名</th><th>为别人开任务贴数</th></tr>\n"
  for user, words in sort_ticket_count_other :
    index += "<tr><td><a href='" + current + "#" + user + "-create4others'> " + user + "</a> </td><td> " + str(words) + "</tr>\n"
  index += "</table></td><td>\n<table  border=1>"
  index += "<tr><th>姓名</th><th>自行发贴字数</th></tr>\n"
  for user, words in sort_reply_in_my_ticket :
    index += "<tr><td><a href='" + current + "#" + user + "'> " + user + "</a> </td><td> " + str(words) + "</tr>\n"
  index += "</table></td><td>\n<table  border=1>\n"
  index += "<tr><th>姓名</th><th>热心回复字数</th></tr>\n"
  for user, words in sort_warmhearted_reply :
    index += "<tr><td><a href='" + current + "#" + user + "'> " + user + "</a> </td><td> " + str(words) + "</tr>\n"
  index += "</table></td></tr></table>"
  pathname = config.TRAC_OUTPUT_PATH + "/ticket" + "/" + year + month + ".html"
  f = open(pathname, 'w')
  f.write(header + index + output)
  return index
def WikiWritePage(conn, year, month) :
    wiki = GetWikiStatByMonth(conn, year, month)
    title = year + "年" + month + "月 Wiki统计"
    index = ""
    output = ""
    header = "<html>\n"
    header += "\t<head>\n"
    header += "\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n"
    header += "\t\t<title>" + title + "</title>\n\t</head>\n\t<body>\n<h1>" + title + "</h1>\n"
    not_sort = {}
    for user, items in wiki.iteritems() :
        # 当月的总的wiki字数
        words = 0
        wikitext = "" # show this in <texteare>
        output += "<h2><span id=" + user + "><font color=red>" + user + "</font></span></h2>\n"
        output += "<h3>创建</h3>\n"
        output += "<table width='100%' border=1>\n<tr><td>标题</td><td>修改记录</td><td>操作次数</td><td>字数统计</td></tr>\n"
        wikitext += "=== 本月创建Wiki列表\n"
        for name, item in items.iteritems() :
            if item["create"] == 1 :
                output += "<tr>\n"
                output += "<td><a target=_blank href='" + config.TRAC_WIKI_URL + "/" + name + "'>"  + name + "</a></td>\n"#xxdebug
                output += "<td>\n"
                versions = str(item["versions"]).split(";")
                for version in versions :
                    version = int(version)
                    if version != 1 :
                        output += "&nbsp;<a target=_blank href='" + config.TRAC_WIKI_URL + "/" + name + "?action=diff&version=" + str(version) + "&old_version=" + str(version - 1) + "'>V"  + str(version) + "</a>"#xxdebug
                output += "</td>\n"
                output += "<td>" + str(item["times"]) + "</td>\n"
                output += "<td>" + str(item["words"]) + "</td>\n"
                output += "</tr>\n"
                words += item["words"]
                wikitext += "|| wiki:" + name + " ||\n"
        output += "</table>\n"
        output += "<h3>修改</h3>\n"
        output += "<table width='100%' border=1><tr><td>标题</td><td>修改记录</td><td>操作次数</td><td>字数统计</td></tr>\n "
        wikitext += "=== 本月修改Wiki列表\n"
        for name, item in items.iteritems() :
            if item["create"] == 0 :
                output += "<tr><td><a target=_blank href='" + config.TRAC_WIKI_URL + "/" + name + "'>" + name + "</a></td><td>"#xxdebug
                versions = str(item["versions"]).split(";")
                for version in versions :
                    version = int(version)
                    if version != 1 :
                        output += "&nbsp; <a target=_blank href='" + config.TRAC_WIKI_URL + "/" + name + "?action=diff&version=" + str(version) + "&old_version=" + str(version - 1) + "'>V"  + str(version) + "</a>"#xxdebug
                output += "</td>\n<td>" + str(item["times"]) + "</td>\n<td>"
                output += str(item["words"]) + "</td>\n</tr>\n"
                words += item["words"]
                wikitext += "|| wiki:" + name + " ||\n"
        output += "</table>\n"
        output += "<h3>字数统计:" + str(words) + "</h3>\n"
        wikitext += "=== 统计信息\n"
        wikitext += "|| 字数统计 ||\n" + "|| " + str(words) + " ||\n"
        # Copy this to your ticket.
        output += "<h3>复制如下内容,替换自评贴中的“{Wiki内容列表}”</h3>\n<textarea cols=100 rows=10>\n" + wikitext + "\n</textarea>\n<br><br><hr>"
        not_sort[ user ] = words
    output += "</body></html>"

    sort = xxutils.asort( not_sort )

    current = year + month + ".html"
    index += "<table width=30% border=1>\n"
    index += "<tr><td>姓名</td><td>字数</tr>\n"
    for user, word in sort :
        index += "<tr><td><a href='" + current + "#" + user + "'> " + user + "</a> </td><td> " + str(word) + "</tr>\n"
    index += "</table>"
    pathname = config.TRAC_OUTPUT_PATH + "/code/" + year + month + ".html"#xxdebug
    f = open(pathname, 'w')
    f.write(header + index + output)

    return index
def WikiWritePage(conn, year, month) :
    wiki = GetWikiStatByMonth(conn, year, month)
    title = year + "年" + month + "月 Wiki统计"
    index = ""
    output = ""
    header = "<html>\n"
    header += "\t<head>\n"
    header += "\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n"
    header += "\t\t<title>" + title + "</title>\n\t</head>\n\t<body>\n<h1>" + title + "</h1>\n"
    not_sort = {}
    for user, items in wiki.iteritems() :
        # 当月的总的wiki字数
        words = 0
        wikitext = "" # show this in <texteare>
        output += "<h2><span id=" + user + "><font color=red>" + user + "</font></span></h2>\n"
        output += "<h3>创建</h3>\n"
        output += "<table width='100%' border=1>\n<tr><td>标题</td><td>修改记录</td><td>操作次数</td><td>字数统计</td></tr>\n"
        wikitext += "=== 本月创建Wiki列表\n"
        for name, item in items.iteritems() :
            if item["create"] == 1 :
                output += "<tr>\n"
                output += "<td><a target=_blank href='" + config.TRAC_URL + "/wiki/" + name + "'>"  + name + "</a></td>\n"
                output += "<td>\n"
                versions = str(item["versions"]).split(";")
                for version in versions :
                    version = int(version)
                    if version != 1 :
                        output += "&nbsp;<a target=_blank href='" + config.TRAC_URL + "/wiki/" + name + "?action=diff&version=" + str(version) + "&old_version=" + str(version - 1) + "'>V"  + str(version) + "</a>"
                output += "</td>\n"
                output += "<td>" + str(item["times"]) + "</td>\n" 
                output += "<td>" + str(item["words"]) + "</td>\n"
                output += "</tr>\n"
                words += item["words"]
                wikitext += "|| wiki:" + name + " ||\n"
        output += "</table>\n"
        output += "<h3>修改</h3>\n"
        output += "<table width='100%' border=1><tr><td>标题</td><td>修改记录</td><td>操作次数</td><td>字数统计</td></tr>\n "
        wikitext += "=== 本月修改Wiki列表\n"
        for name, item in items.iteritems() :
            if item["create"] == 0 :
                output += "<tr><td><a target=_blank href='" + config.TRAC_URL + "/wiki/" + name + "'>" + name + "</a></td><td>"
                versions = str(item["versions"]).split(";")
                for version in versions :
                    version = int(version)
                    if version != 1 :
                        output += "&nbsp; <a target=_blank href='" + config.TRAC_URL + "/wiki/" + name + "?action=diff&version=" + str(version) + "&old_version=" + str(version - 1) + "'>V"  + str(version) + "</a>"
                output += "</td>\n<td>" + str(item["times"]) + "</td>\n<td>"
                output += str(item["words"]) + "</td>\n</tr>\n"
                words += item["words"]
                wikitext += "|| wiki:" + name + " ||\n"
        output += "</table>\n"
        output += "<h3>字数统计:" + str(words) + "</h3>\n"
        wikitext += "=== 统计信息\n"
        wikitext += "|| 字数统计 ||\n" + "|| " + str(words) + " ||\n"
        # Copy this to your ticket.
        output += "<h3>复制如下内容,替换自评贴中的“{Wiki内容列表}”</h3>\n<textarea cols=100 rows=10>\n" + wikitext + "\n</textarea>\n<br><br><hr>"
        not_sort[ user ] = words
    output += "</body></html>"

    sort = xxutils.asort( not_sort )

    current = year + month + ".html"
    index += '''<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/static/modules/gviz/1.0/chart.js">
        "chartName":"Chart 1"
    index += "<table width=30% border=1>\n"
    index += "<tr><td>姓名</td><td>字数</tr>\n"
    for user, word in sort :
        index += "<tr><td><a href='" + current + "#" + user + "'> " + user + "</a> </td><td> " + str(word) + "</tr>\n"
    index += "</table>"
    pathname = config.TRAC_OUTPUT_PATH + "/wiki" + "/" + year + month + ".html"
    f = open(pathname, 'w')
    f.write(header + index + output)

    return index