def _stretch_wrapper(groupnames, fname, outkey, filter=None, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around `~yam.stretch.stretch()` :param groupname: group to load the correlations from :param fname: file to load correlations from :param fname_stretch: file for writing results :param outkey: key to write stretch results to :param filter: filter correlations before stretching (bandpass, tuple with min and max frequency) :param \*\*kwargs: all other kwargs are passed to `~yam.stretch.stretch()` function """ with h5py.File(fname, 'r') as f: traces = [obspyh5.dataset2trace(f[g]) for g in groupnames] stream = obspy.Stream(traces) for tr in stream: = np.require(, float) if filter: _filter(stream, filter) stretchres = yam.stretch.stretch(stream, **kwargs) if stretchres is not None: stretchres['attrs']['key'] = outkey return stretchres
def _prep1(target_sr, tolerance_shift, interpolate_options, remove_response, inventory, remove_response_options, filter, tr): """Helper function for parallel preprocessing""" ='float64') _downsample_and_shift(tr, target_sr=target_sr, tolerance_shift=tolerance_shift, interpolate_options=interpolate_options) if remove_response: tr.remove_response(inventory, **remove_response_options) if filter is not None: _filter(tr, filter) return tr