from yaydbus.service import Object, signal, method from yaydbus.util import annotate class TestObject(Object): @signal('com.example.TestService') @annotate(message='s') def HelloSignal(self, message): # The signal is emitted when this method exits # You can have code here if you wish pass @method('com.example.TestService') @annotate(return_='s') def emitHelloSignal(self): #you emit signals by calling the signal's skeleton method self.HelloSignal('Hello') return 'Signal emitted' @method("com.example.TestService", out_signature='') def Exit(self): loop.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': bus = SessionBus() bus.request_name('com.example.TestService') object = bus.make_object('/com/example/TestService/object', TestObject) loop = Mainloop([bus])
from yaydbus.bus import SessionBus from yaydbus.service import method, Object from yaydbus.mainloop import Mainloop class MyObject(Object): @method('com.example.SampleInterface', in_signature='s', out_signature='as') def HelloWorld(self, hello_message): print hello_message return ["Hi.", "There."] bus = SessionBus() assert bus.request_name('com.example.SampleService') obj = bus.make_object('/SomeObject', MyObject) m = Mainloop((bus,))