def CompletionStartCodepoint(line_value, column_num, filetype):
    """Returns the 1-based codepoint index where the completion query should
  start.  So if the user enters:
  with the cursor being at the location of the caret (so the character *AFTER*
  '®'), then the starting column would be the index of the character '∫'
  (i.e. 5, not its byte index)."""

    # NOTE: column_num and other numbers on the wire are byte indices, but we need
    # to walk codepoints for identifier checks.
    codepoint_column_num = ByteOffsetToCodepointOffset(line_value, column_num)

    unicode_line_value = ToUnicode(line_value)
    # -1 and then +1 to account for difference between 0-based and 1-based
    # indices/columns
    codepoint_start_column = StartOfLongestIdentifierEndingAtIndex(
        unicode_line_value, codepoint_column_num - 1, filetype) + 1

    return codepoint_start_column
def CompletionStartColumn(line_value, column_num, filetype):
    """Returns the 1-based index where the completion query should start. So if
  the user enters:
  with the cursor being at the location of the caret (so the character *AFTER*
  'r'), then the starting column would be the index of the letter 'b'."""
    # NOTE: column_num and other numbers on the wire are byte indices, but we need
    # to walk codepoints for identifier checks.

    utf8_line_value = ToUtf8IfNeeded(line_value)
    unicode_line_value = ToUnicodeIfNeeded(line_value)
    codepoint_column_num = len(
        unicode(utf8_line_value[:column_num - 1], 'utf8')) + 1

    # -1 and then +1 to account for difference betwen 0-based and 1-based
    # indices/columns
    codepoint_start_column = StartOfLongestIdentifierEndingAtIndex(
        unicode_line_value, codepoint_column_num - 1, filetype) + 1

    return len(
        unicode_line_value[:codepoint_start_column - 1].encode('utf8')) + 1