def PathToPythonInterpreter():
    # Not calling the Python interpreter to check its version as it significantly
    # impacts startup time.
    from ycmd import utils

    python_interpreter = vim.eval('g:ycm_server_python_interpreter')
    if python_interpreter:
        python_interpreter = utils.FindExecutable(python_interpreter)
        if python_interpreter:
            return python_interpreter

        raise RuntimeError("Path in 'g:ycm_server_python_interpreter' option "
                           "does not point to a valid Python 3.5+.")

    python_interpreter = _PathToPythonUsedDuringBuild()
    if python_interpreter and utils.GetExecutable(python_interpreter):
        return python_interpreter

    # On UNIX platforms, we use sys.executable as the Python interpreter path.
    # We cannot use sys.executable on Windows because for unknown reasons, it
    # returns the Vim executable. Instead, we use sys.exec_prefix to deduce the
    # interpreter path.
    python_interpreter = (WIN_PYTHON_PATH
                          if utils.OnWindows() else sys.executable)
    if _EndsWithPython(python_interpreter):
        return python_interpreter

    python_interpreter = utils.PathToFirstExistingExecutable(
        ['python3', 'python'])
    if python_interpreter:
        return python_interpreter

    raise RuntimeError("Cannot find Python 3.5+. "
                       "Set the 'g:ycm_server_python_interpreter' option "
                       "to a Python interpreter path.")
 def __init__(self, user_options):
     super(CsharpCompleter, self).__init__(user_options)
     self._solution_for_file = {}
     self._completer_per_solution = {}
     self._diagnostic_store = None
     self._solution_state_lock = threading.Lock()
     self._roslyn_omnisharp_binary_path = utils.GetExecutable(
     if not self._roslyn_omnisharp_binary_path:
         self._roslyn_omnisharp_binary_path = PATH_TO_ROSLYN_OMNISHARP_BINARY
     if not os.path.isfile(self._roslyn_omnisharp_binary_path):
         raise RuntimeError(
def Get3rdPartyClangd():
    pre_built_clangd = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..',
                     'third_party', 'clangd', 'output', 'bin', 'clangd'))
    pre_built_clangd = utils.GetExecutable(pre_built_clangd)
    if not CheckClangdVersion(pre_built_clangd):
        error = 'clangd binary at {} is out-of-date please update.'.format(
        global REPORTED_OUT_OF_DATE
        if not REPORTED_OUT_OF_DATE:
            REPORTED_OUT_OF_DATE = True
            raise RuntimeError(error)
        return None
    return pre_built_clangd
def PathToPythonInterpreter():
  # Not calling the Python interpreter to check its version as it significantly
  # impacts startup time.
  from ycmd import utils

  python_interpreter = vim.eval( 'g:ycm_server_python_interpreter' )
  if python_interpreter:
    python_interpreter = utils.FindExecutable( python_interpreter )
    if python_interpreter:
      return python_interpreter

    raise RuntimeError( "Path in 'g:ycm_server_python_interpreter' option "
                        "does not point to a valid Python 2.6+ or 3.3+." )

  python_interpreter = _PathToPythonUsedDuringBuild()
  if python_interpreter and utils.GetExecutable( python_interpreter ):
    return python_interpreter

  # On UNIX platforms, we use sys.executable as the Python interpreter path.
  # We cannot use sys.executable on Windows because for unknown reasons, it
  # returns the Vim executable. Instead, we use sys.exec_prefix to deduce the
  # interpreter path.
  python_interpreter = ( WIN_PYTHON_PATH if utils.OnWindows() else
                         sys.executable )
  if _EndsWithPython( python_interpreter ):
    return python_interpreter

  # As a last resort, we search python in the PATH. We prefer Python 2 over 3
  # for the sake of backwards compatibility with ycm_extra_conf.py files out
  # there; few people wrote theirs to work on py3.
  # So we check 'python2' before 'python' because on some distributions (Arch
  # Linux for example), python refers to python3.
  python_interpreter = utils.PathToFirstExistingExecutable( [ 'python2',
                                                              'python3' ] )
  if python_interpreter:
    return python_interpreter

  raise RuntimeError( "Cannot find Python 2.6+ or 3.3+. "
                      "Set the 'g:ycm_server_python_interpreter' option "
                      "to a Python interpreter path." )