def log_roc_auc_chart(classifier, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, experiment=None): """Log ROC-AUC chart. Make sure you created an experiment by using ``neptune.create_experiment()`` before you use this method. Tip: Check `Neptune documentation <>`_ for the full example. Args: classifier (:obj:`classifier`): | Fitted sklearn classifier object X_train (:obj:`ndarray`): | Training data matrix X_test (:obj:`ndarray`): | Testing data matrix y_train (:obj:`ndarray`): | The classification target for training y_test (:obj:`ndarray`): | The classification target for testing experiment (:obj:`neptune.experiments.Experiment`, optional, default is ``None``): | Neptune ``Experiment`` object to control to which experiment you log the data. | If ``None``, log to currently active, and most recent experiment. Returns: ``None`` Examples: .. code:: python3 rfc = RandomForestClassifier(), y_train) neptune.init('my_workspace/my_project') exp = neptune.create_experiment() log_roc_auc_chart(rfc, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, experiment=exp) """ assert is_classifier( classifier), 'classifier should be sklearn classifier.' exp = _validate_experiment(experiment) try: fig, ax = plt.subplots() visualizer = ROCAUC(classifier, is_fitted=True, ax=ax), y_train) visualizer.score(X_test, y_test) visualizer.finalize() exp.log_image('charts_sklearn', fig, image_name='ROC-AUC') plt.close(fig) except Exception as e: print('Did not log ROC-AUC chart. Error {}'.format(e))
def create_roc_auc_chart(classifier, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test): """Create ROC-AUC chart. Tip: Check Sklearn-Neptune integration `documentation <>`_ for the full example. Args: classifier (:obj:`classifier`): | Fitted sklearn classifier object X_train (:obj:`ndarray`): | Training data matrix X_test (:obj:`ndarray`): | Testing data matrix y_train (:obj:`ndarray`): | The classification target for training y_test (:obj:`ndarray`): | The classification target for testing Returns: ``neptune.types.File`` object that you can assign to run's ``base_namespace``. Examples: .. code:: python3 import as npt_utils rfc = RandomForestClassifier(), y_train) run = neptune.init(project='my_workspace/my_project') run['visuals/roc_auc'] = npt_utils.create_roc_auc_chart(rfc, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test) """ assert is_classifier( classifier), 'classifier should be sklearn classifier.' chart = None try: fig, ax = plt.subplots() visualizer = ROCAUC(classifier, is_fitted=True, ax=ax), y_train) visualizer.score(X_test, y_test) visualizer.finalize() chart = neptune.types.File.as_image(fig) plt.close(fig) except Exception as e: print('Did not log ROC-AUC chart. Error {}'.format(e)) return chart
def evaluate_model(clf_, X_tr, X_te, y_tr, y_te, cls_rpt_tr=False, show=True, cls_labels=None, binary=False): """Takes any classifier, train/test data for X/y, labels for graph (optional). Will output (if show) a Sklearn Classification Report and Confusion Matrix along with a Yellowbrick ROC/AUC curve and Feature Importance graph (if a tree). Otherwise will return training/test predictions.""" import sklearn.metrics as metrics import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from yellowbrick.classifier import ROCAUC ## Fit and predict y_hat_trn, y_hat_tes = fit_n_pred(clf_, X_tr, X_te, y_tr) if show: ## Classification Report / Scores if cls_rpt_tr: print('Classification Report Train') print(metrics.classification_report(y_tr,y_hat_trn)) else: print('Classification Report Test') print(metrics.classification_report(y_te,y_hat_tes)) ## Confusion Matrix fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5), ncols=2) metrics.plot_confusion_matrix(clf_,X_te,y_te,cmap="YlOrRd", normalize='true',ax=ax[0]) ax[0].set(title='Confusion Matrix Test Data') ax[0].grid(False) roc = ROCAUC(clf_, classes=cls_labels, ax=ax[1]), y_tr) roc.score(X_te, y_te) roc.finalize() plt.tight_layout() if binary: try: imps = plot_importance(clf_, X_tr) except: imps = None else: return y_hat_trn, y_hat_tes