def decode(self, raw_segment_path, temp_dir, download_path): #print 'decoding', raw_segment_path try: decoded_data, metadata = yenc_decode(raw_segment_path) except IndexError: # Empty/broken file; most likely a broken segment. return except ValueError: # Something went wrong. return except IOError: # No such file. return if not decoded_data or not metadata: # Return for now; later do something about the file tracker count. return decoded_data = ''.join(decoded_data) # Actual decoded data's checksum. checksum = binascii.hexlify(struct.pack('!l', binascii.crc32(decoded_data))) # Get key values here. dest_filename = metadata.get('name') segment_part_size = metadata.get('size') total_parts = metadata.get('total') segment_part = metadata.get('part', 1) segment_end_size = metadata.get('end', 1) if 'crc32' in metadata: # Single-part files do not have pcrc32 keys. crc_key = metadata.get('crc32') else: crc_key = metadata.get('pcrc32') if len(crc_key) < 8: crc_key = crc_key.rjust(8, '0') if crc_key.lower() != checksum.lower(): print 'broken: expected: %s, got: %s' % (crc_key, checksum) segment_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, '%s.%s' % (dest_filename, segment_part)) with open(segment_filename, 'wb') as segment_fp: segment_fp.write(decoded_data) # Cleanup. os.remove(raw_segment_path) if dest_filename not in self.tracker: self.tracker.setdefault(dest_filename, SegmentTracker()) if (total_parts and total_parts == segment_part) or (segment_part_size == segment_end_size): # Found the last segment number. self.tracker[dest_filename].expected = int(segment_part) self.tracker[dest_filename].count += 1 if self.tracker[dest_filename].is_complete(): self.join_files(dest_filename, temp_dir, download_path)
def _get_nzb_file_size(self, nzb_file): try: if not self.aux_connection: self.aux_connection = nntplib.NNTP(self.server, self.port, self.username, self.password) self.aux_group = "" # switch groups if necessary if self.aux_group != nzb_file.groups[0]: self.aux_group = nzb_file.groups[0] response, count, first, last, name = # download the segment response, number, id, encoded_lines = connection.body('<' + nzb_file.segments[0].message_id + '>') decode_result = yenc_decode(encoded_lines) if not decode_result: raise Exception("malformed yEnc file: " + encoded_lines) decoded_segment, part_number, part_begin, part_end, file_size = decode_result return file_size except (nntplib.NNTPTemporaryError, nntplib.NNTPPermanentError), ex: code = ex.response[:3] # authorization rejected if code == "452" or code == "502" or code == "480": raise Exception("Sending newsgroup command", "NNTP authorization failed! Check username and password.") # invalid article or article not found elif code == "423" or code == "430": raise Exception("Article " + nzb_file.segments[0].message_id + " not found.")
def _decode_loop(self): try: current_status = STATUS_DOWNLOADING while 1: try: filename, nzb_segment, encoded_lines, duration = self.decode_queue.get(True, 5) except Queue.Empty: # if all download threads are dead, abort all_threads_dead = True for thread in self.threads: if thread.isAlive(): all_threads_dead = False if all_threads_dead: return # check for user cancellation if self._update_progress("Waiting to decode a segment", current_status): return # continue to wait for a segment to decode continue downloaded_file = self.downloaded_files[filename] try: # decode the segment and capture part metadata #print "Decoding " + filename + " : " + encoded_lines[0] #print encoded_lines[1] decode_result = yenc_decode(encoded_lines) if not decode_result: raise Exception("malformed yEnc file: " + encoded_lines[0]) decoded_segment, part_number, part_begin, part_end, file_size = decode_result except Exception, ex: current_status = STATUS_BROKEN if self._update_progress("Part " + `nzb_segment.number` + " is missing or corrupt.", current_status, filename, self.finished_files, len(self.sorted_filenames), downloaded_file.finished_bytes, downloaded_file.total_bytes): return continue if part_number != nzb_segment.number: print "Warning: decoded part number " + `part_number` + " does not match requested segment number " + `nzb_segment.number` # first part decoded for a file sets the total file size; # each part is tested to make sure the file size is equal if downloaded_file.total_bytes == 0: downloaded_file.total_bytes = file_size elif downloaded_file.total_bytes != file_size: print "Warning: decoded part number " + `part_number` + " reports file size different from first part." current_file = filename if self._update_progress( + ":" + `nzb_segment.number`, current_status, current_file, self.finished_files, len(self.sorted_filenames), downloaded_file.finished_bytes, downloaded_file.total_bytes): return
def _get_nzb_file_size(self, nzb_file): try: if not self.aux_connection: self.aux_connection = nntplib.NNTP(self.server, self.port, self.username, self.password) self.aux_group = "" # switch groups if necessary if self.aux_group != nzb_file.groups[0]: self.aux_group = nzb_file.groups[0] response, count, first, last, name = self.aux_group) # download the segment response, number, id, encoded_lines = connection.body( '<' + nzb_file.segments[0].message_id + '>') decode_result = yenc_decode(encoded_lines) if not decode_result: raise Exception("malformed yEnc file: " + encoded_lines) decoded_segment, part_number, part_begin, part_end, file_size = decode_result return file_size except (nntplib.NNTPTemporaryError, nntplib.NNTPPermanentError), ex: code = ex.response[:3] # authorization rejected if code == "452" or code == "502" or code == "480": raise Exception( "Sending newsgroup command", "NNTP authorization failed! Check username and password.") # invalid article or article not found elif code == "423" or code == "430": raise Exception("Article " + nzb_file.segments[0].message_id + " not found.")
def _decode_loop(self): try: current_status = STATUS_DOWNLOADING while 1: try: filename, nzb_segment, encoded_lines, duration = self.decode_queue.get( True, 5) except Queue.Empty: # if all download threads are dead, abort all_threads_dead = True for thread in self.threads: if thread.isAlive(): all_threads_dead = False if all_threads_dead: return # check for user cancellation if self._update_progress("Waiting to decode a segment", current_status): return # continue to wait for a segment to decode continue downloaded_file = self.downloaded_files[filename] try: # decode the segment and capture part metadata #print "Decoding " + filename + " : " + encoded_lines[0] #print encoded_lines[1] decode_result = yenc_decode(encoded_lines) if not decode_result: raise Exception("malformed yEnc file: " + encoded_lines[0]) decoded_segment, part_number, part_begin, part_end, file_size = decode_result except Exception, ex: current_status = STATUS_BROKEN if self._update_progress( "Part " + ` nzb_segment.number ` + " is missing or corrupt.", current_status, filename, self.finished_files, len(self.sorted_filenames), downloaded_file.finished_bytes, downloaded_file.total_bytes): return continue if part_number != nzb_segment.number: print "Warning: decoded part number " + ` part_number ` + " does not match requested segment number " + ` nzb_segment.number ` # first part decoded for a file sets the total file size; # each part is tested to make sure the file size is equal if downloaded_file.total_bytes == 0: downloaded_file.total_bytes = file_size elif downloaded_file.total_bytes != file_size: print "Warning: decoded part number " + ` part_number ` + " reports file size different from first part." current_file = filename if self._update_progress( + ":" + ` nzb_segment.number `, current_status, current_file, self.finished_files, len(self.sorted_filenames), downloaded_file.finished_bytes, downloaded_file.total_bytes): return
def test_yenc_decode(self): yenc_decode()