def __init__(self, weights: str): """ :weights : weights file path """ self.weights = weights self.model_path = SavePath.from_str(weights) config = self.model_path.model_name + '_config' set_cfg(config)
def main(): parse_args() rospy.init_node('yolact_ros', anonymous=True) if args.config is not None: set_cfg(args.config) if args.config is None: model_path = SavePath.from_str(args.trained_model) # TODO: Bad practice? Probably want to do a name lookup instead. args.config = model_path.model_name + '_config' print('Config not specified. Parsed %s from the file name.\n' % args.config) set_cfg(args.config) if args.detect: cfg.eval_mask_branch = False if args.dataset is not None: set_dataset(args.dataset) with torch.no_grad(): if not os.path.exists('results'): os.makedirs('results') if args.cuda: cudnn.benchmark = True cudnn.fastest = True torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') else: torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.FloatTensor') if args.resume and not args.display: with open(args.ap_data_file, 'rb') as f: ap_data = pickle.load(f) calc_map(ap_data) exit() print('Loading model...', end='') net = Yolact() net.load_weights(args.trained_model) net.eval() print(' Done.') if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() net.detect.use_fast_nms = True cfg.mask_proto_debug = False detect_ = DetectImg(net) try: rospy.spin() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Shutting down") cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def train(): if not os.path.exists(args.save_folder): os.mkdir(args.save_folder) dataset = COCODetection(image_path=cfg.dataset.train_images, info_file=cfg.dataset.train_info, transform=SSDAugmentation(MEANS)) if args.validation_epoch > 0: setup_eval() val_dataset = COCODetection(image_path=cfg.dataset.valid_images, info_file=cfg.dataset.valid_info, transform=BaseTransform(MEANS)) # Parallel wraps the underlying module, but when saving and loading we don't want that yolact_net = Yolact() net = yolact_net net.train() if args.log: log = Log(, args.log_folder, dict(args._get_kwargs()), overwrite=(args.resume is None), log_gpu_stats=args.log_gpu) # I don't use the timer during training (I use a different timing method). # Apparently there's a race condition with multiple GPUs, so disable it just to be safe. timer.disable_all() # Both of these can set args.resume to None, so do them before the check if args.resume == 'interrupt': args.resume = SavePath.get_interrupt(args.save_folder) elif args.resume == 'latest': args.resume = SavePath.get_latest(args.save_folder, if args.resume is not None: print('Resuming training, loading {}...'.format(args.resume)) yolact_net.load_weights(args.resume) if args.start_iter == -1: args.start_iter = SavePath.from_str(args.resume).iteration else: print('Initializing weights...') yolact_net.init_weights(backbone_path=args.save_folder + cfg.backbone.path) optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(),, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.decay) criterion = MultiBoxLoss(num_classes=cfg.num_classes, pos_threshold=cfg.positive_iou_threshold, neg_threshold=cfg.negative_iou_threshold, negpos_ratio=cfg.ohem_negpos_ratio) if args.batch_alloc is not None: args.batch_alloc = [int(x) for x in args.batch_alloc.split(',')] if sum(args.batch_alloc) != args.batch_size: print( 'Error: Batch allocation (%s) does not sum to batch size (%s).' % (args.batch_alloc, args.batch_size)) exit(-1) net = CustomDataParallel(NetLoss(net, criterion)) if args.cuda: net = net.cuda() # Initialize everything if not cfg.freeze_bn: yolact_net.freeze_bn() # Freeze bn so we don't kill our means yolact_net(torch.zeros(1, 3, cfg.max_size, cfg.max_size).cuda()) if not cfg.freeze_bn: yolact_net.freeze_bn(True) # loss counters loc_loss = 0 conf_loss = 0 iteration = max(args.start_iter, 0) last_time = time.time() epoch_size = len(dataset) // args.batch_size num_epochs = math.ceil(cfg.max_iter / epoch_size) # Which learning rate adjustment step are we on? lr' = lr * gamma ^ step_index step_index = 0 data_loader = data.DataLoader(dataset, args.batch_size, num_workers=args.num_workers, shuffle=True, collate_fn=detection_collate, pin_memory=True) save_path = lambda epoch, iteration: SavePath(, epoch, iteration).get_path(root=args.save_folder) time_avg = MovingAverage() global loss_types # Forms the print order loss_avgs = {k: MovingAverage(100) for k in loss_types} print('Begin training!') print() # try-except so you can use ctrl+c to save early and stop training try: for epoch in range(num_epochs): # Resume from start_iter if (epoch + 1) * epoch_size < iteration: continue for datum in data_loader: # Stop if we've reached an epoch if we're resuming from start_iter if iteration == (epoch + 1) * epoch_size: break # Stop at the configured number of iterations even if mid-epoch if iteration == cfg.max_iter: break # Change a config setting if we've reached the specified iteration changed = False for change in cfg.delayed_settings: if iteration >= change[0]: changed = True cfg.replace(change[1]) # Reset the loss averages because things might have changed for avg in loss_avgs: avg.reset() # If a config setting was changed, remove it from the list so we don't keep checking if changed: cfg.delayed_settings = [ x for x in cfg.delayed_settings if x[0] > iteration ] # Warm up by linearly interpolating the learning rate from some smaller value if cfg.lr_warmup_until > 0 and iteration <= cfg.lr_warmup_until: set_lr(optimizer, ( - cfg.lr_warmup_init) * (iteration / cfg.lr_warmup_until) + cfg.lr_warmup_init) # Adjust the learning rate at the given iterations, but also if we resume from past that iteration while step_index < len( cfg.lr_steps ) and iteration >= cfg.lr_steps[step_index]: step_index += 1 set_lr(optimizer, * (args.gamma**step_index)) # Zero the grad to get ready to compute gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # Forward Pass + Compute loss at the same time (see CustomDataParallel and NetLoss) losses = net(datum) losses = {k: (v).mean() for k, v in losses.items() } # Mean here because Dataparallel loss = sum([losses[k] for k in losses]) # no_inf_mean removes some components from the loss, so make sure to backward through all of it # all_loss = sum([v.mean() for v in losses.values()]) # Backprop loss.backward( ) # Do this to free up vram even if loss is not finite if torch.isfinite(loss).item(): optimizer.step() # Add the loss to the moving average for bookkeeping for k in losses: loss_avgs[k].add(losses[k].item()) cur_time = time.time() elapsed = cur_time - last_time last_time = cur_time # Exclude graph setup from the timing information if iteration != args.start_iter: time_avg.add(elapsed) if iteration % 10 == 0: eta_str = str( datetime.timedelta(seconds=(cfg.max_iter - iteration) * time_avg.get_avg())).split('.')[0] total = sum([loss_avgs[k].get_avg() for k in losses]) loss_labels = sum([[k, loss_avgs[k].get_avg()] for k in loss_types if k in losses], []) print(('[%3d] %7d ||' + (' %s: %.3f |' * len(losses)) + ' T: %.3f || ETA: %s || timer: %.3f') % tuple([epoch, iteration] + loss_labels + [total, eta_str, elapsed]), flush=True) if args.log: precision = 5 loss_info = { k: round(losses[k].item(), precision) for k in losses } loss_info['T'] = round(loss.item(), precision) if args.log_gpu: log.log_gpu_stats = (iteration % 10 == 0 ) # nvidia-smi is sloooow log.log('train', loss=loss_info, epoch=epoch, iter=iteration, lr=round(cur_lr, 10), elapsed=elapsed) log.log_gpu_stats = args.log_gpu iteration += 1 if iteration % args.save_interval == 0 and iteration != args.start_iter: if args.keep_latest: latest = SavePath.get_latest(args.save_folder, print('Saving state, iter:', iteration) yolact_net.save_weights(save_path(epoch, iteration)) if args.keep_latest and latest is not None: if args.keep_latest_interval <= 0 or iteration % args.keep_latest_interval != args.save_interval: print('Deleting old save...') os.remove(latest) # This is done per epoch if args.validation_epoch > 0: if epoch % args.validation_epoch == 0 and epoch > 0: compute_validation_map(epoch, iteration, yolact_net, val_dataset, log if args.log else None) # Compute validation mAP after training is finished compute_validation_map(epoch, iteration, yolact_net, val_dataset, log if args.log else None) except KeyboardInterrupt: if args.interrupt: print('Stopping early. Saving network...') # Delete previous copy of the interrupted network so we don't spam the weights folder SavePath.remove_interrupt(args.save_folder) yolact_net.save_weights( save_path(epoch, repr(iteration) + '_interrupt')) exit() yolact_net.save_weights(save_path(epoch, iteration))
#rospy.loginfo(str_) #pub.publish(str_) #rate.sleep() return img_numpy if __name__ == '__main__': parse_args() if args.config is not None: set_cfg(args.config) if args.trained_model == 'interrupt': args.trained_model = SavePath.get_interrupt('weights/') elif args.trained_model == 'latest': args.trained_model = SavePath.get_latest('weights/', if args.config is None: model_path = SavePath.from_str(args.trained_model) # TODO: Bad practice? Probably want to do a name lookup instead. args.config = model_path.model_name + '_config' print('Config not specified. Parsed %s from the file name.\n' % args.config) set_cfg(args.config) if args.detect: cfg.eval_mask_branch = False if args.dataset is not None:
])) print(make_sep(len(all_maps['box']) + 1)) print() if __name__ == '__main__': parse_args() if args.config is not None: set_cfg(args.config) if args.config_file is not None: load_from_file(args.config_file) if args.trained_model == 'interrupt': args.trained_model = SavePath.get_interrupt('weights/') elif args.trained_model == 'latest': args.trained_model = SavePath.get_latest('weights/', # if args.config is None: # model_path = SavePath.from_str(args.trained_model) # # TODO: Bad practice? Probably want to do a name lookup instead. # args.config = model_path.model_name + '_config' # print('Config not specified. Parsed %s from the file name.\n' % args.config) # set_cfg(args.config) if args.detect: cfg.eval_mask_branch = False if args.dataset is not None: set_dataset(args.dataset)
collate_fn=detection_collate, pin_memory=True, ) optimizer = optim.SGD( net.parameters(),, momentum=cfg.momentum, weight_decay=cfg.decay ) criterion = yolact.layers.MultiBoxLoss( num_classes=cfg.num_classes, pos_threshold=cfg.positive_iou_threshold, neg_threshold=cfg.negative_iou_threshold, negpos_ratio=3, ) # %% save_path = lambda epoch, iteration: SavePath(, epoch, iteration).get_path(root=cfg.save_folder) time_avg = MovingAverage() loss_types = ["B", "C", "M", "P", "D", "E", "S"] loss_avgs = {k: MovingAverage(100) for k in loss_types} print("Begin training!") # %% # try-except so you can use ctrl+c to save early and stop training step_index = 0 iteration = 0 last_time = time.time() epoch_size = len(train_dataset) // cfg.batch_size num_epochs = math.ceil(cfg.max_iter / epoch_size) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for datum in data_loader: