def parse(html, points_array, steps_array):    
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
    routes = []
    route_index = 0
    while True:
        route_node = soup.find("div", { "id" : "ts_route_" + str(route_index) })
        if route_node == None:
        directions = []
        total_duration = 0
        steps = steps_array[route_index]
        points = points_array[route_index]
        for index in range(len(steps) - 1): 
            step_node = route_node.find(attrs = { "id" : "step_" + str(route_index) + "_" + str(index) + "_segment" })
            step = common.RouteStep()                
            if step_node != None:
                step.direction = get_node_text(step_node.find(attrs = { "class" : "dir-ts-direction" }))
                segment_text = get_nodes_text(step_node.findAll(attrs = { "class": "dirsegtext" }))                
                if segment_text != '':
                    if step.direction.find('Unknown') > 0: # Prevent 'Walk to Unknown' direction
                        step.direction = segment_text
                        step.direction += ': ' + segment_text
                step.addinfo = get_nodes_text(step_node.findAll(attrs = { "class" : re.compile('^dir-ts-addinfo.*') })).replace('(','').replace(')','')
                step.duration = parse_duration(step.addinfo)
                step.initial_duration = step.duration
                total_duration += step.duration
                transport_type = get_transport(step.direction)
                if transport_type == None or transport_type == 'Walk':
                    step.direction = clean_walk_direction(step.direction)
                    line_number = get_node_text(step_node.find(attrs = { "class" : "trtline" }))
                    step.service_interval = parse_service_interval(step.addinfo)
                    step.transport = common.Transport(transport_type, line_number, step.service_interval)
                    step.direction = _(step.transport.type)
                    step.transport.stops = parse_stops(step.addinfo)                
                    if step.transport.is_subway(): 
                        step.direction += utils.subway_color(' ' + _('line') + ' ' + str(step.transport.line_number), step.transport.line_number);
                        step.direction += ' ' + _('number') + ' ' + step.transport.line_number            
                step.start_name = clean_walk_direction(get_node_text(step_node.find('b')))
                if step_node.nextSibling != None:
                    arrive_node = step_node.nextSibling.find(text = re.compile('^Arrive.*'))
                    if arrive_node != None:
                        step.end_name = clean_walk_direction(get_node_text(arrive_node.nextSibling))
            start_point = points[steps[index]['depPoint']]
            end_point = points[steps[index]['arrPoint']]
            step.start_location = common.GeoPoint(start_point['lat'], start_point['lng'])
            step.end_location = common.GeoPoint(end_point['lat'], end_point['lng'])
            if not step.is_walk():
        routes.append(common.Route(directions, 'google'))
        route_index += 1
    return routes
def process_transit_route(start_location, end_location, route):    
    language = utils.get_language()
    # Add end walk
    end_walk = get_walking_step(route.directions[-1].end_location, end_location)
    if end_walk.duration > 0:
    first_subway = True
    index = 0
    while index < len(route.directions) and index < 100:
        step = route.directions[index]
        previous_step = route.directions[index - 1] if index > 0 else None
        next_step = route.directions[index + 1] if index < len(route.directions) - 1 else None
        if step.transport != None:
            if step.transport.is_train():
                station = router.resolve_name(step.start_name, 'Train', step.start_location)
                if station != None:
                    step.start_name = station.name_rus if language == 'ru' else station.name
                    step.transport.start_code = station.name_rus
                    step.start_location.lat = station.lat
                    step.start_location.lng = station.lng
                station = router.resolve_name(step.end_name, 'Train', step.end_location)
                if station != None:
                    step.end_name = station.name_rus if language == 'ru' else station.name
                    step.transport.end_code = station.name_rus
                    step.end_location.lat = station.lat
                    step.end_location.lng = station.lng

            if not step.transport.is_subway() or first_subway:
                from_location = previous_step.end_location if previous_step != None else start_location 
                tostop_walk = get_walking_step(from_location, step.start_location,
                                               _(step.transport.type).lower() + ' ' + _('stop') + ' ' + step.start_name)
                route.directions.insert(index, tostop_walk)
                index += 1
            if step.transport.is_train():
                new_step = common.RouteStep(_('Buy the train tickets to') + ' ' + step.end_name + ', ' + _('wait for the train'),
                                       15, '', common.Transport('Train', price = step.transport.price))                
                route.directions.insert(index, new_step)
                index += 1
                step.transport.price = None
            if step.transport.is_subway():
                if first_subway:
                    new_step = common.RouteStep(_('Enter subway station') + ' ' + utils.subway_color(step.start_name, step.transport.line_number) + ' (' + _('buy the tokens if needed') + ')',
                                          5, utils.duration_to_string(5) + ', ' + utils.price_to_string(27), common.Transport('Subway', price = 27))                
                    to_text = _('Change to') + ' ' + utils.subway_color(_('line') + ' ' + str(step.transport.line_number), step.transport.line_number) + ' ' + _('station') + ' ' + utils.subway_color(step.start_name, step.transport.line_number)
                    new_step = common.RouteStep(to_text, 4, utils.duration_to_string(4))
                route.directions.insert(index, new_step)
                index += 1
                step.transport.price = None
                first_subway = False
                if step.transport.stops == 0:
            # Set price for land transport 
            if step.transport.type in ['Bus', 'Trolleybus', 'Tram']:
                step.transport.price = 23
            elif step.transport.type in ['Share taxi']:
                step.transport.price = 35
            # Make trolleybus less optimistic
            if step.transport.type == 'Trolleybus':
                step.duration *= 1.4
            # Add 3/4 of service interval duration
            if not step.transport.is_subway():
                if step.transport.interval != None:
                    step.duration += step.transport.interval * 3 / 4                 
                    step.duration += get_default_service_interval(step.transport) * 3 / 4
        # Do not show the map for change walks inside subway
        if step.is_walk() and previous_step != None and next_step != None and \
            previous_step.is_subway() and next_step.is_subway():
            step.duration = 4 # subway change is 4 minutes
            step.has_map = step.start_location != None and step.end_location != None
        if step.transport != None:
            if step.is_subway():
                step.direction = _(step.transport.type) + ': ' + utils.subway_color(_('line') + ' ' + step.transport.line_number, step.transport.line_number) + \
                                 ' ' + _('to') + ' ' + utils.subway_color(step.end_name, step.transport.line_number)
            elif step.transport.is_train():
                step.direction = _(step.transport.type) + ' ' + _('to') + ' ' + step.end_name
                step.direction = _(step.transport.type) + ' ' + step.transport.line_number + ' ' + _('to') + ' ' + step.end_name 
        # Improve walk to direction 
        if step.is_walk() and next_step != None and not next_step.is_walk():
            stop_text = _('station') if next_step.is_subway() else _('stop')
            step.direction = step.direction.replace(_('Walk to') + ' ', _('Walk to') + ' ' + _(next_step.transport.type).lower() + ' ' + stop_text + ' ')
        index += 1
    # Find all subways
    subways = [step for step in route.directions if step.is_subway() and step.direction != None]
    if len(subways) > 0:
        # Add 4 minutes to exit subway
        subways[-1].direction += ', ' + _('leave the subway')
        subways[-1].duration += 4
文件: maps.py 项目: bordanton/Youth
def get_subway_route(start_location, end_location):
    route = router.get_route(start_location, end_location)
    if route == None:
        return None
    steps = []
    first_subway = True
    for index, leg in enumerate(route):
        if leg.transport == 'Subway':        
            if index > 0:
                if first_subway:
                    to_text = 'Walk to subway station ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[0].station.name, leg.line)
                    walk_time = max(int((leg.steps[0].distance + 30) / 60), 3) 
                    step = RouteStep(to_text, walk_time, utils.duration_to_string(walk_time),
                                     None, steps[-1].end_location, 
                                     GeoPoint(leg.steps[0].station.lat, leg.steps[0].station.lng), True)
                    to_text = 'Change to ' + utils.subway_color('line ' + str(leg.line), leg.line) + ' station ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[0].station.name, leg.line)
                    change_time = max(int((leg.steps[0].distance + 30) / 60), 3) 
                    step = RouteStep(to_text, change_time, utils.duration_to_string(change_time))
            if first_subway:
                step = RouteStep('Buy the tokens if needed and enter subway station ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[0].station.name, leg.line),
                 5, utils.duration_to_string(5) + ', ' + utils.price_to_string(27), Transport('Subway', price = 27),
                 GeoPoint(leg.steps[0].station.lat, leg.steps[0].station.lng)) #start location is needed for start walk
                first_subway = False                
            if len(leg.steps) > 1: # The change might be the first move => don't add a 0 steps way 
                step = RouteStep()                                
                step.direction = 'Subway ' + utils.subway_color('line ' + str(leg.line), leg.line) + ' to ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[-1].station.name, leg.line)
                step.duration = int((sum([x.distance for x in leg.steps[1:]]) + 30) / 60)
                step.addinfo = utils.duration_to_string(step.duration)  + ', ' + str(len(leg.steps) - 1) + ' stops'
                step.transport = Transport(leg.transport)
                step.start_location = GeoPoint(leg.steps[0].station.lat, leg.steps[0].station.lng)
                step.end_location = GeoPoint(leg.steps[-1].station.lat, leg.steps[-1].station.lng)
                step.has_map = True
            if index > 0:
                to_text = 'Walk to ' + str(leg.transport).lower() + ' stop ' + leg.steps[0].station.name
                walk_time = max(int((leg.steps[0].distance + 30) / 60), 3) 
                step = RouteStep(to_text, walk_time, utils.duration_to_string(walk_time),
                                 None, steps[-1].end_location, 
                                 GeoPoint(leg.steps[0].station.lat, leg.steps[0].station.lng), True)
            step = RouteStep()                                
            step.direction = leg.transport + ' ' + str(leg.line) + ' to ' + utils.subway_color(leg.steps[-1].station.name, leg.line)
            step.duration = sum([x.distance for x in leg.steps[1:]]) / 60
            step.addinfo = utils.duration_to_string(step.duration) + ', ' + utils.price_to_string(23)
            step.transport = Transport(leg.transport, price = 23)
            step.start_location = GeoPoint(leg.steps[0].station.lat, leg.steps[0].station.lng)
            step.end_location = GeoPoint(leg.steps[-1].station.lat, leg.steps[-1].station.lng)
            step.has_map = True
    start_walk = get_walking_route(start_location, steps[0].start_location)
    if start_walk.get_duration() > 0:
        steps.insert(0, start_walk.directions[0])
    end_walk = get_walking_route(steps[-1].end_location, end_location)
    if end_walk.get_duration() > 0:
    if start_walk.get_duration() + end_walk.get_duration() < 40:
        return Route(steps)