def test_extract_error():
    with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as exc_info:
        # No API key will raise authorization error
        query_endpoint("i18nLanguages", {})
    exceptions = json.loads(exc_info.value.args[0])
    assert exceptions[0][
        "message"] == "The request is missing a valid API key."
    assert exceptions[0]["reason"] == "forbidden"
def get_videos(key: str, parts: List[str], video_ids: List[str], localization_code: str = None,
               max_height: int = None, max_width: int = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the videos endpoint.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: ChannelSection resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param video_ids: IDs of the videos to retrieve.
    :param localization_code: BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language for localization.
    :param max_width: Maximum width of the embedded player returned in the player.embedHtml property. 72 to 8192.
    :param max_height: Maximum height of the embedded player returned in the player.embedHtml property. 72 to 8192.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "id": ",".join(video_ids)}
    if localization_code:
        param_dict["hl"] = localization_code
    if max_height:
        # Value 0 is invalid so truthy value check is enough
        param_dict["maxHeight"] = max(72, min(8192, max_height))
    if max_width:
        # Value 0 is invalid so truthy value check is enough
        param_dict["maxWidth"] = max(72, min(8192, max_width))
    return query_endpoint("videos", param_dict)
def get_comment_threads_in_video(key: str,
                                 parts: List[str],
                                 video_id: str,
                                 max_results: int = 20,
                                 order: str = "time",
                                 page_token: str = None,
                                 search_terms: str = None,
                                 text_format: str = "html") -> dict:
    """ Query the comment threads endpoint for comment threads in a specific video.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: CommentThread resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param video_id: The ID of the video to retrieve threads from.
    :param max_results: Maximum items that should be returned in the result set. Values between 1 to 100, inclusive.
    :param order: Whether the threads should be sorted by "time" or "relevance".
    :param page_token: Identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned.
    :param search_terms: Limit the API response to only contain comments that contain the specified search terms.
    :param text_format: Indicates whether the API should return comments formatted as "html" or as "plainText".
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "videoId": video_id,
        "maxResults": max(1, min(100, max_results)),
        "textFormat": text_format,
        "order": order
    if page_token:
        param_dict["pageToken"] = page_token
    if search_terms:
        param_dict["searchTerms"] = search_terms
    return query_endpoint("commentThreads", param_dict)
def get_playlists(key: str,
                  parts: List[str],
                  playlist_ids: List[str],
                  max_results: int = 5,
                  page_token: str = None,
                  localization_code: str = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the playlists endpoint.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: PlaylistItem resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param playlist_ids: IDs of the playlists to retrieve.
    :param max_results: Maximum items that should be returned in the result set. Values between 0 to 50, inclusive.
    :param page_token: Identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned.
    :param localization_code: BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language for localization.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "id": ",".join(playlist_ids),
        "maxResults": max(0, min(50, max_results))
    if page_token:
        param_dict["pageToken"] = page_token
    if localization_code:
        param_dict["hl"] = localization_code
    return query_endpoint("playlists", param_dict)
def get_playlist_items(key: str,
                       parts: List[str],
                       playlist_id: str,
                       max_results: int = 5,
                       page_token: str = None,
                       video_id: str = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the playlist items endpoint for items in a specific playlist.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: PlaylistItem resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param playlist_id: ID of the playlist for which to retrieve playlist items.
    :param max_results: Maximum items that should be returned in the result set. Values between 0 to 50, inclusive.
    :param page_token: Identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned.
    :param video_id: Specifies that the query should return only the items that contain the specified video.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "playlistId": ",".join(playlist_id),
        "maxResults": max(0, min(50, max_results))
    if page_token:
        param_dict["pageToken"] = page_token
    if video_id:
        param_dict["videoId"] = video_id
    return query_endpoint("playlistItems", param_dict)
def get_user_channel(key: str,
                     parts: List[str],
                     username: str,
                     max_results: int = 5,
                     page_token: str = None,
                     localization_code: str = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the channels endpoint for a channel with a specific username.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: Channel resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param username: Specifies a YouTube username, thereby requesting the channel associated with that username.
    :param max_results: Maximum items that should be returned in the result set. Values between 0 to 50, inclusive.
    :param page_token: Identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned.
    :param localization_code: BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language for localization.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "maxResults": max(0, min(50, max_results)),
        "forUsername": username
    if page_token:
        param_dict["pageToken"] = page_token
    if localization_code:
        param_dict["hl"] = localization_code
    return query_endpoint("channels", param_dict)
def get_channel_subscriptions(key: str, parts: List[str], channel_id: str, to_channel_ids: List[str] = None,
                              max_results: int = 5, order: str = "relevance", page_token: str = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the subscriptions endpoint for subscriptions from a certain channel.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: PlaylistItem resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param channel_id: ID of the channel to retrieve subscriptions from.
    :param to_channel_ids: IDs of the subscribed channels. Acts as a filter.
    :param max_results: Maximum items that should be returned in the result set. Values between 0 to 50, inclusive.
    :param order: Whether the subscriptions should be sorted by "alphabetical", "relevance", or "unread".
    :param page_token: Identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "channelId": channel_id,
        "maxResults": max(0, min(50, max_results)),
        "order": order}
    if to_channel_ids:
        param_dict["forChannelIds"] = ",".join(to_channel_ids)
    if page_token:
        param_dict["pageToken"] = page_token
    return query_endpoint("subscriptions", param_dict)
def get_comment_responses(key: str,
                          parts: List[str],
                          comment_id: str,
                          max_results: int = 20,
                          page_token: str = None,
                          text_format: str = "html") -> dict:
    """ Query the comments endpoint for the responses to a comment.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: Comment resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param comment_id: ID of the comment for which replies should be retrieved.
    :param max_results: Maximum items that should be returned in the result set. Values between 1 to 100, inclusive.
    :param page_token: Identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned.
    :param text_format: Indicates whether the API should return comments formatted as "html" or as "plainText".
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "parentId": comment_id,
        "maxResults": max(1, min(100, max_results)),
        "textFormat": text_format
    if page_token:
        param_dict["pageToken"] = page_token
    return query_endpoint("comments", param_dict)
def get_languages(key: str, localization_code: str = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the languages endpoint.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param localization_code: BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language for localization.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {"key": key, "part": "snippet"}
    if localization_code:
        param_dict["hl"] = localization_code
    return query_endpoint("i18nLanguages", param_dict)
def get_abuse_report_reasons(key: str,
                             parts: List[str],
                             localization_code: str = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the video abuse report reasons endpoint.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: VideoAbuseReportReason resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param localization_code: BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language for localization.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {"key": key, "part": ",".join(parts)}
    if localization_code:
        param_dict["hl"] = localization_code
    return query_endpoint("videoAbuseReportReasons", param_dict)
def get_video_categories_in_region(key: str,
                                   region_code: str,
                                   localization_code: str = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the video categories endpoint for video categories in a specific region.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param region_code: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country to retrieve categories from.
    :param localization_code: BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language for localization.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {"key": key, "part": "snippet", "regionCode": region_code}
    if localization_code:
        param_dict["hl"] = localization_code
    return query_endpoint("videoCategories", param_dict)
def get_video_categories(key: str,
                         category_ids: List[str],
                         localization_code: str = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the video categories endpoint.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param category_ids: IDs for the resources that you are retrieving.
    :param localization_code: BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language for localization.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {"key": key, "part": "snippet", "id": ",".join(category_ids)}
    if localization_code:
        param_dict["hl"] = localization_code
    return query_endpoint("videoCategories", param_dict)
def get_captions(key: str,
                 parts: List[str],
                 video_id: str,
                 caption_ids: List[str] = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the captions endpoint for the captions in a video.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: Caption resource parts that the API response will include.
    :param video_id: The YouTube video ID of the video for which the API should return caption tracks.
    :param caption_ids: Each ID must identify a caption track associated with the specified video.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {"key": key, "part": ",".join(parts), "videoId": video_id}
    if caption_ids:
        param_dict["id"] = ",".join(caption_ids)
    return query_endpoint("captions", param_dict)
def get_comments(key: str,
                 parts: List[str],
                 comment_ids: List[str],
                 text_format: str = "html") -> dict:
    """ Query the comments endpoint.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: Comment resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param comment_ids: Comment IDs for the resources that are being retrieved.
    :param text_format: Indicates whether the API should return comments formatted as "html" or as "plainText".
    :return: Response object associated with the query_endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "id": ",".join(comment_ids),
        "textFormat": text_format
    return query_endpoint("comments", param_dict)
def get_channel_sections(key: str,
                         parts: List[str],
                         channel_id: str,
                         localization_code: str = None) -> dict:
    """ Query the channel sections endpoint for a specific channel.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: ChannelSection resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param channel_id: IDs of the channel to retrieve the sections from.
    :param localization_code: BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language for localization.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "channelId": ",".join(channel_id)
    if localization_code:
        param_dict["hl"] = localization_code
    return query_endpoint("channelSections", param_dict)
def get_popular_videos(key: str, parts: List[str], localization_code: str = None, max_results: int = 5,
                       max_height: int = None, max_width: int = None, page_token: str = None,
                       region_code: str = None, category_id: str = "0") -> dict:
    """ Query the videos endpoint for the most popular videos in a category and/or region.

    See for complete documentation.

    :param key: Required API key.
    :param parts: ChannelSection resource properties that the API response will include.
    :param localization_code: BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language for localization.
    :param max_results: Maximum items that should be returned in the result set. Values between 1 to 50, inclusive.
    :param max_width: Maximum width of the embedded player returned in the player.embedHtml property. 72 to 8192.
    :param max_height: Maximum height of the embedded player returned in the player.embedHtml property. 72 to 8192.
    :param page_token: Identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned.
    :param category_id: Video category for which the popular videos should be retrieved.
    :param region_code: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country to retrieve popular videos from.
    :return: JSON object associated with the query endpoint. See documentation for details.
    param_dict = {
        "key": key,
        "part": ",".join(parts),
        "chart": "mostPopular",
        "maxResults": max(1, min(50, max_results)),
        "videoCategoryId": category_id}
    if localization_code:
        param_dict["hl"] = localization_code
    if max_height:
        # Value 0 is invalid so truthy value check is enough
        param_dict["maxHeight"] = max(72, min(8192, max_height))
    if max_width:
        # Value 0 is invalid so truthy value check is enough
        param_dict["maxWidth"] = max(72, min(8192, max_width))
    if page_token:
        param_dict["pageToken"] = page_token
    if region_code:
        param_dict["regionCode"] = region_code

    return query_endpoint("videos", param_dict)
def test_query_endpoint(api_key):
    response_body = query_endpoint("i18nLanguages", {"key": api_key})
    assert response_body is not None
    assert response_body.get("kind") == "youtube#i18nLanguageListResponse"
    assert response_body.get("etag") is not None
    assert len(response_body.get("items")) > 0