def create_matrix(poly_coeffs, degree, dim, divisor_var):
    ''' Builds a Macaulay matrix for reduction.

    poly_coeffs : list.
        Contains numpy arrays that hold the coefficients of the polynomials to be put in the matrix.
    degree : int
        The degree of the Macaulay Matrix
    dim : int
        The dimension of the polynomials going into the matrix.
    divisor_var : int
        What variable is being divided by. 0 is x, 1 is y, etc. Defaults to x.

    matrix : 2D numpy array
        The Macaulay matrix.
    matrix_terms : numpy array
        The ith row is the term represented by the ith column of the matrix.
    cuts : tuple
        When the matrix is reduced it is split into 3 parts with restricted pivoting. These numbers indicate
        where those cuts happen.
    bigShape = [degree + 1] * dim

    matrix_terms, cuts = get_matrix_terms(poly_coeffs, dim, divisor_var)

    #Get the slices needed to pull the matrix_terms from the coeff matrix.
    matrix_term_indexes = list()
    for row in matrix_terms.T:

    #Adds the poly_coeffs to flat_polys, using added_zeros to make sure every term is in there.
    added_zeros = np.zeros(bigShape)
    flat_polys = list()
    for coeff in poly_coeffs:
        slices = slice_top(coeff)
        added_zeros[slices] = coeff
        added_zeros[slices] = np.zeros_like(coeff)
    del poly_coeffs

    #Make the matrix. Reshape is faster than stacking.
    matrix = np.reshape(flat_polys, (len(flat_polys), len(matrix_terms)))

    #Sorts the rows of the matrix so it is close to upper triangular.
    matrix = row_swap_matrix(matrix)
    return matrix, matrix_terms, cuts
def create_matrix(poly_coeffs, degree, dim, varsToRemove):
    ''' Builds a Macaulay matrix.

    poly_coeffs : list.
        Contains numpy arrays that hold the coefficients of the polynomials to be put in the matrix.
    degree : int
        The degree of the Macaulay Matrix
    dim : int
        The dimension of the polynomials going into the matrix.
    varsToRemove : list
        The variables to remove from the basis because we have linear polysnomials
    matrix : 2D numpy array
        The Macaulay matrix.
    matrix_terms : numpy array
        The ith row is the term represented by the ith column of the matrix.
    cut : int
        Number of monomials of highest degree
    bigShape = [degree + 1] * dim

    matrix_terms, cut = sorted_matrix_terms(degree, dim, varsToRemove)

    #Get the slices needed to pull the matrix_terms from the coeff matrix.
    matrix_term_indexes = list()
    for row in matrix_terms.T:

    #Adds the poly_coeffs to flat_polys, using added_zeros to make sure every term is in there.
    added_zeros = np.zeros(bigShape)
    flat_polys = list()
    for coeff in poly_coeffs:
        slices = slice_top(coeff)
        added_zeros[slices] = coeff
        added_zeros[slices] = np.zeros_like(coeff)
    del poly_coeffs

    #Make the matrix. Reshape is faster than stacking.
    matrix = np.reshape(flat_polys, (len(flat_polys), len(matrix_terms)))

    #Sorts the rows of the matrix so it is close to upper triangular.
    matrix = row_swap_matrix(matrix)
    return matrix, matrix_terms, cut
def rrqr_reduceMacaulay(matrix,
    ''' Reduces a Macaulay matrix, BYU style.

    The matrix is split into the shape
    A B C
    D E F
    Where A is square and contains all the highest terms, and C contains all the x,y,z etc. terms. The lengths
    are determined by the matrix_shape_stuff tuple. First A and D are reduced using rrqr without pivoting, and then the rest of
    the matrix is multiplied by Q.T to change it accordingly. Then E is reduced by rrqr with pivoting, the rows of B are shifted
    accordingly, and F is multipled by Q.T to change it accordingly. This is all done in place to save memory.

    matrix : numpy array.
        The Macaulay matrix, sorted in BYU style.
    matrix_terms: numpy array
        Each row of the array contains a term in the matrix. The i'th row corresponds to
        the i'th column in the matrix.
    cuts : tuple
        When the matrix is reduced it is split into 3 parts with restricted pivoting. These numbers indicate
        where those cuts happen.
    max_cond_num : float
        Throws an error if the condition number of the backsolve is more than max_cond_num.
    macaulay_zero_tol : float
        What is considered to be 0 after the reduction. Specifically, rows where every element has
        magnitude less that macaulay_zero_tol are removed.
    return_perm : bool
        If True, also returns the permutation done by the pivoting.
    matrix : numpy array
        The reduced matrix.
    matrix_terms: numpy array
        The resorted matrix_terms.
    perm : numpy array
        The permutation of the rows from the original. Returned only if return_perm is True.
    ConditioningError if the conditioning number of the Macaulay matrix after
    QR is greater than max_cond_num.
    #controller variables for each part of the matrix
    AD = matrix[:, :cuts[0]]

    BCEF = matrix[:, cuts[0]:]
    # A = matrix[:cuts[0],:cuts[0]]
    B = matrix[:cuts[0], cuts[0]:cuts[1]]
    # C = matrix[:cuts[0],cuts[1]:]
    # D = matrix[cuts[0]:,:cuts[0]]
    E = matrix[cuts[0]:, cuts[0]:cuts[1]]
    F = matrix[cuts[0]:, cuts[1]:]

    #RRQR reduces A and D without pivoting sticking the result in its place.
    Q1, matrix[:, :cuts[0]] = qr(AD)
    #Conditioning check
    cond_num = np.linalg.cond(matrix[:, :cuts[0]])
    if cond_num > max_cond_num:
        raise ConditioningError("Conditioning number of the Macaulay matrix "\
                                + "after first QR is: " + str(cond_num))

    #Multiplying BCEF by Q.T
    BCEF[...] = Q1.T @ BCEF
    del Q1  #Get rid of Q1 for memory purposes.

    #Check to see if E exists
    if cuts[0] != cuts[1] and cuts[0] < matrix.shape[0]:
        #RRQR reduces E sticking the result in it's place.
        Q, E[...], P = qr(E, pivoting=True)

        #Multiplies F by Q.T.
        F[...] = Q.T @ F
        del Q  #Get rid of Q for memory purposes.

        #Permute the columns of B
        B[...] = B[:, P]

        #Resorts the matrix_terms.
        matrix_terms[cuts[0]:cuts[1]] = matrix_terms[cuts[0]:cuts[1]][P]

    #use the numerical rank to determine how many rows to keep
    matrix = row_swap_matrix(matrix)[:cuts[1]]
    s = svd(matrix, compute_uv=False)
    tol = max(matrix.shape) * s[0] * macheps
    rank = len(s[s > tol])
    matrix = matrix[:rank]

    #find the condition number of the backsolve
    s = svd(matrix[:, :rank], compute_uv=False)
    cond_num = s[0] / s[-1]
    if cond_num > max_cond_num:
        raise ConditioningError(
            "Conditioning number of backsolving the Macaulay is: " +

    height = matrix.shape[0]
    matrix[:, height:] = solve_triangular(matrix[:, :height], matrix[:,
    matrix[:, :height] = np.eye(height)

    if return_perm:
        perm = np.arange(matrix.shape[1])
        perm[cuts[0]:cuts[1]] = perm[cuts[0]:cuts[1]][P]
        return matrix, matrix_terms, perm

    return matrix, matrix_terms