def __captureStream( self ): if self.__imageProcessingDone: # Create a memory buffer where the captured image can be placed stream = io.BytesIO() rgb = bytearray( self.__SCREEN_RESOLUTION[0] * self.__SCREEN_RESOLUTION[1] * 3 ) yuv = bytearray( len( rgb ) / 2 ) # Capture the image self.__camera.capture( stream, use_video_port=True, format='yuv' ) # Move the image from the IO stream into a buffer stream.readinto( yuv ) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() # Convert from YUV format to RGB yuv2rgb.convert( yuv, rgb, self.__SCREEN_RESOLUTION[0], self.__SCREEN_RESOLUTION[1] ) # Mangle the image img = pygame.image.frombuffer( rgb, self.__SCREEN_RESOLUTION, 'RGB' ) # Put the captured image as the base layer for the screen self.__screen.blit( img, ( 0, 0 ) )
def preview(self): stream = io.BytesIO(), use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, SCREEN_RESOLUTION[0], SCREEN_RESOLUTION[1]) return rgb[0: (SCREEN_RESOLUTION[0] * SCREEN_RESOLUTION[1] * 3)]
def showViewport(): stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, sizeData[1][0], sizeData[1][1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb[0:(sizeData[1][0] * sizeData[1][1] * 3)], sizeData[1], 'RGB') if img: screen.blit(img, ((320 - img.get_width()) / 2, (240 - img.get_height()) / 2)) pygame.display.update()
def stream_to_screen(): stream = io.BytesIO() camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, size[0], size[1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb[0:(size[0]*size[1]*3)], size, 'RGB') screen.blit(img, ((width - img.get_width() ) / 2, (height - img.get_height()) / 2)) # Overlay and draw the buttons, then update the display go.draw(screen) shutdown.draw(screen) pygame.display.update()
def get_camera_image(self): rgb = bytearray(320 * 240 * 3) yuv = bytearray(int(320 * 240 * 3 / 2)) stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, self.SCREEN_RESOLUTION[0], self.SCREEN_RESOLUTION[1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer( rgb[0:(self.SCREEN_RESOLUTION[0] * self.SCREEN_RESOLUTION[1] * 3)], self.SCREEN_RESOLUTION, 'RGB') return img
def preview(screen): global sizeMode, camera, yuv, rgb, sizeData if config.recording: img = pygame.image.load('/home/pi/touch-flux/icons/gear.png') screen.blit(img, ((320 - img.get_width()) / 2, (240 - img.get_height()) / 2)) return None stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, sizeData[sizeMode][1][0], sizeData[sizeMode][1][1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer( rgb[0:(sizeData[sizeMode][1][0] * sizeData[sizeMode][1][1] * 3)], sizeData[sizeMode][1], 'RGB') # img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (320,240)) screen.blit(img, ((320 - img.get_width()) / 2, (240 - img.get_height()) / 2))
def preview(screen): global sizeMode, camera, yuv1, rgb1, yuv2, rgb2, sizeData, stream stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') if config.recording: # yuv = bytearray(sizeData[config.mode][0][0]*sizeData[config.mode][0][1]*3/2) # rgb = bytearray(sizeData[config.mode][0][0]*sizeData[config.mode][0][1]*3) stream.readinto(yuv1) # stream -> YUV buffer yuv2rgb.convert(yuv1, rgb1, sizeData[config.mode][0][0], sizeData[config.mode][0][1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb1[0:(sizeData[config.mode][0][0] * sizeData[config.mode][0][1] * 3)],sizeData[config.mode][0], 'RGB') #os.system("convert img -resize 200X100 img") img = pygame.transform.scale(img, (320,240)) else: # rgb = bytearray(320 * 240 * 3) # yuv = bytearray(320 * 240 * 3 / 2) stream.readinto(yuv2) # stream -> YUV buffer yuv2rgb.convert(yuv2, rgb2, sizeData[config.mode][1][0],sizeData[config.mode][1][1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb2[0:(sizeData[config.mode][1][0] * sizeData[config.mode][1][1] * 3)],sizeData[config.mode][1], 'RGB') # stream.close() # if config.recording: # else: screen.blit(img,((320 - img.get_width() ) / 2,(240 - img.get_height()) / 2))
def main(): global liveFlag #this path is where we store our arrow icons installPath = "/usr/src/app/img/" # font colours colourWhite = (255, 255, 255) colourBlack = (0, 0, 0) colourGreen = (3, 192, 60) colourRed = (220, 69, 69) # Create an instance of the pitft class mytft = pitft() #hide the mouse from screen pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # set up the fonts # choose the font fontpath = pygame.font.match_font('dejavusansmono') font = pygame.font.Font(fontpath, 10) #read the ENV VAR, use GE if 'STOCK' isn't there #companyName = os.getenv('STOCK', "GE") #print 'company name: '+companyName logo = pygame.image.load( "/usr/src/app/resin.png") mytft.screen.blit(logo, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # GPIO.add_event_detect(18, GPIO.RISING, callback=picView) # add rising edge detection on a channel # GPIO.add_event_detect(27, GPIO.RISING, callback=liveFeed) # add rising edge detection on a channel GPIO.add_event_detect(23, GPIO.RISING, callback=redB) # add rising edge detection on a channel GPIO.add_event_detect(22, GPIO.RISING, callback=greenB) # add rising edge detection on a channel sizeMode = 0 sizeData = [ # Camera parameters for different size settings # Full res Viewfinder Crop window [(2592, 1944), (320, 240), (0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 )], # Large [(1920, 1080), (320, 180), (0.1296, 0.2222, 0.7408, 0.5556)], # Med [(1440, 1080), (320, 240), (0.2222, 0.2222, 0.5556, 0.5556)]] # Small # Buffers for viewfinder data rgb = bytearray(320 * 240 * 3) yuv = bytearray(320 * 240 * 3 / 2) if os.path.isfile('update_count.txt'): with open('update_count.txt','rb') as f: updates = int(f.readline()) else: updates = 0 stripped = lambda s: "".join(i for i in s if 31 < ord(i) < 127) colourWhite = (255, 255, 255) colourBlack = (0, 0, 0) colourGreen = (3, 192, 60) colourRed = (220, 69, 69) colourPink = (255, 20, 147) textAnchorX = 10 textAnchorY = 10 textYoffset = 10 listMax = 240/textYoffset while True: if liveFlag == 0: camera = picamera.PiCamera() camera.resolution = sizeData[sizeMode][1] camera.crop = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) liveFlag = 1 elif liveFlag == 1: stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, sizeData[sizeMode][1][0], sizeData[sizeMode][1][1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb[0: (sizeData[sizeMode][1][0] * sizeData[sizeMode][1][1] * 3)], sizeData[sizeMode][1], 'RGB') if img is None or img.get_height() < 240: # Letterbox, clear background mytft.screen.fill(0) if img: mytft.screen.blit(img,((320 - img.get_width() ) / 2, (240 - img.get_height()) / 2)) pygame.display.update() elif liveFlag == 2: print "taking pic" #camera.resolution = (1024,768) name = 'image.jpg' camera.capture(name, resize=(320, 240)) #time.sleep(0.1) print "Pic to screen" logo = pygame.image.load(name) mytft.screen.blit(logo, (0, 0)) #pygame.display.flip() # # refresh the screen with all the changes pygame.display.update() print "Screen updated" time.sleep(0.1) camera.resolution = sizeData[sizeMode][1] camera.crop = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) liveFlag = 3 elif liveFlag == 4: # clear the screen mytft.screen.fill(colourBlack) # set the anchor/positions for the current stock data text textAnchorX = 10 textAnchorY = 10 line = "git status" print line text_surface = font.render(line, True, colourRed) mytft.screen.blit(text_surface, (textAnchorX, textAnchorY)) textAnchorY += textYoffset pygame.display.update() for line in sh.git( "status", _iter=True): print(line) line = stripped(line) text_surface = font.render(line, True, colourWhite) mytft.screen.blit(text_surface, (textAnchorX, textAnchorY)) pygame.display.update() textAnchorY += textYoffset if textAnchorY + textYoffset > 240: textAnchorY = 10 mytft.screen.fill(colourBlack) time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(3) updates += 1 with open('update_count.txt','wb') as f: f.write(str(updates)) mytft.screen.fill(colourBlack) textAnchorX = 10 textAnchorY = 10 line = "git add ." print line text_surface = font.render(line, True, colourRed) mytft.screen.blit(text_surface, (textAnchorX, textAnchorY)) textAnchorY += textYoffset pygame.display.update() for line in sh.git.add ("image.jpg", "update_count.txt", _iter=True): print(line) line = stripped(line) text_surface = font.render(line, True, colourWhite) mytft.screen.blit(text_surface, (textAnchorX, textAnchorY)) pygame.display.update() textAnchorY += textYoffset if textAnchorY + textYoffset > 240: textAnchorY = 10 mytft.screen.fill(colourBlack) time.sleep(0.1) liveFlag = 5 elif liveFlag == 6: mytft.screen.fill(colourBlack) textAnchorX = 10 textAnchorY = 10 line = "git commit -m " print line text_surface = font.render(line, True, colourRed) mytft.screen.blit(text_surface, (textAnchorX, textAnchorY)) textAnchorY += textYoffset pygame.display.update() for line in sh.git( "commit", "-m", "Auto commit", _iter="out"): print(line) line = stripped(line) text_surface = font.render(line, True, colourWhite) mytft.screen.blit(text_surface, (textAnchorX, textAnchorY)) pygame.display.update() textAnchorY += textYoffset if textAnchorY + textYoffset > 240: textAnchorY = 10 mytft.screen.fill(colourBlack) time.sleep(0.1) liveFlag = 7 elif liveFlag == 8: mytft.screen.fill(colourBlack) textAnchorX = 10 textAnchorY = 10 line = "git push resin master" print line text_surface = font.render(line, True, colourRed) mytft.screen.blit(text_surface, (textAnchorX, textAnchorY)) textAnchorY += textYoffset pygame.display.update() color = colourWhite sc = [] sc.append("git push resin master") for line in sh.git( "push", "resin", "master", "--force", _iter="err"): print(line) line = stripped(line) color = colourWhite sc.append(line) if len(sc) >= listMax : sc.pop(1) textAnchorY = 0 mytft.screen.fill(colourBlack) for idx, lines in enumerate(sc): if idx == 0: try: text_surface = font.render(lines, True, colourRed) mytft.screen.blit(text_surface, (textAnchorX, textAnchorY)) textAnchorY += textYoffset except: print "Could not render" else: if lines.find("Build took") >= 0 or lines.find(">\\/7") >= 0 : print "Unicorn found" color = colourPink text_surface = font.render(lines, True, color) mytft.screen.blit(text_surface, (textAnchorX, textAnchorY)) textAnchorY += textYoffset pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.1) liveFlag = 9 elif liveFlag == 10: camera.close() logo = pygame.image.load( "/usr/src/app/resin.png") mytft.screen.blit(logo, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() liveFlag = 11 else : time.sleep(1)
def deploy(): # Where your .py file is located current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) screenMode = 3 sizeMode = 0 sizeData = [[(1440, 1080), (320, 240), (0.2222, 0.2222, 0.5556, 0.5556)]] os.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', 'fbcon') os.putenv('SDL_FBDEV', '/dev/fb1') rgb = bytearray(320 * 240 * 3) yuv = bytearray(320 * 240 * 3 / 2) pygame.init() pitft = pigame.PiTft() pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN) camera = picamera.PiCamera() atexit.register(camera.close) camera.resolution = sizeData[sizeMode][1] camera.crop = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) camera.rotation = 270 try: while (True): pitft.update() event = pygame.event.poll() stream = io.BytesIO() camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, sizeData[sizeMode][1][0], sizeData[sizeMode][1][1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer( rgb[0:(sizeData[sizeMode][1][0] * sizeData[sizeMode][1][1] * 3)], sizeData[sizeMode][1], 'RGB') if img: screen.blit(img, ((320 - img.get_width()) / 2, (240 - img.get_height()) / 2)) for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type is MOUSEBUTTONDOWN): x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() elif (event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP): x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if y > 200: if x < 50: print("Cross") subprocess.Popen( ["python", "/home/pi/camera23/"]) exit() #menu.deploy() else: print("Photo") pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 320, 240)) pygame.display.update() now = image_date = now.strftime( "pics/%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.jpg") image_path = os.path.join(current_path, image_date) camera.capture(image_path) img = pygame.image.load(image_path) screen.blit(img, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() sleep(1) img_cross = pygame.image.load('resources/cross.png') screen.blit(img_cross, (280, 5)) pygame.display.update() sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: del (pitft)
if b.selected(pos): break # If in viewfinder or settings modes, stop processing touchscreen # and refresh the display to show the live preview. In other modes # (image playback, etc.), stop and refresh the screen only when # screenMode changes. if screenMode >= 3 or screenMode != screenModePrior: break # Refresh display if screenMode >= 3: # Viewfinder or settings modes stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, sizeData[1][0], sizeData[1][1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer( rgb[0:(sizeData[1][0] * sizeData[1][1] * 3)], sizeData[1], 'RGB') elif screenMode < 2: # Playback mode or delete confirmation img = scaled # Show last-loaded image else: # 'No Photos' mode img = None # You get nothing, good day sir if img is None or img.get_height() < 240: # Letterbox, clear background screen.fill(0) if img: screen.blit(img, ((320 - img.get_width()) / 2, (240 - img.get_height()) / 2))
if b.selected(pos): break if(screenMode == 0): for CS in CAM_CS: testCamera(CS) print(screenMode) screen.fill(0) time.sleep(0.1) elif(screenMode == 1): buttonState = wiringpi.digitalRead(triggerButton) if(buttonState != lastButtonState): if(buttonState == wiringpi.LOW): takePicture() lastButtonState = buttonState stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb[0:(SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT * 3)],(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 'RGB') if img: screen.blit(img,(0,0)) for i,b in enumerate(buttons[screenMode]): b.draw(screen) pygame.display.update()
for b in buttons[screenMode]: if b.selected(pos): break # If in viewfinder or settings modes, stop processing touchscreen # and refresh the display to show the live preview. In other modes # (image playback, etc.), stop and refresh the screen only when # screenMode changes. if screenMode >= 3 or screenMode != screenModePrior: break # Refresh display if screenMode >= 3: # Viewfinder or settings modes stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, sizeData[sizeMode][1][0], sizeData[sizeMode][1][1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb[0: (sizeData[sizeMode][1][0] * sizeData[sizeMode][1][1] * 3)], sizeData[sizeMode][1], 'RGB') elif screenMode < 2: # Playback mode or delete confirmation img = scaled # Show last-loaded image else: # 'No Photos' mode img = None # You get nothing, good day sir if img is None or img.get_height() < 240: # Letterbox, clear background screen.fill(0) if img: screen.blit(img, ((320 - img.get_width() ) / 2, (240 - img.get_height()) / 2))
break if event.type is MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() for b in buttons[current_screen]: if b.selected(pos): break screen.fill(0) if not DEBUG: if current_screen == 1: stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, 320, 240) img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb[0:(320 * 240 * 3)], (320, 240), 'RGB') screen.blit(img, (0, 0)) if current_screen == 2: if last_picture_path is not None and scaled is None: img = pygame.image.load(last_picture_path) scaled = pygame.transform.scale(img, (320, 240)) if scaled is not None: screen.blit(scaled, (0, 0)) for l in labels[current_screen]: screen.blit(l[0], l[1]) for v in values[current_screen]:
def display(self): while True: if self.mode == 'gallery': self.screen.blit(self.image_in_view, (0,0)) self.screen.blit(self.left, (20, 410)) self.screen.blit(self.right, (240, 410)) self.screen.blit(self.home, (125, 400)) self.screen.blit(self.delete, (5, 5)) self.screen.blit(self.upload, (40, 5)) if self.deleted: self.screen.blit(self.deleted_image, (79, 200)) if time.time() - self.delete_time > 3: self.deleted = False if self.uploading: self.screen.blit(self.uploading_image, (79, 200)) if time.time() - self.uploading_time > 6: self.uploading = False if self.mode == 'capture': #Get camera stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') # stream -> YUV buffer yuv2rgb.convert(self.yuv, self.rgb, 320, 480) #Create pygame image from screen and blit it img = pygame.image.frombuffer(self.rgb[0:(320 * 480 * 3)], (320, 480), 'RGB') self.screen.blit(img, (0,0)) #Blit buttons self.screen.blit(self.capture, (125, 400)) self.screen.blit(, (20, 415)) self.screen.blit(self.door, (240, 410)) if self.no_files: self.screen.blit(self.no_files_image, (79, 200)) if time.time() - self.files_time > 3: self.no_files = False pygame.display.update() #Handle events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if self.mode == 'gallery': if event.pos[1] < 40 and event.pos[0] < 35: self.deleted = True self.delete_time = time.time() os.remove('/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image]) self.current_image = 0 self.images = os.listdir('/home/pi/Photos/') if len(self.images) == 0: self.mode = 'capture' self.no_files = True self.files_time = time.time() if event.pos[1] < 40 and event.pos[0] > 35 and event.pos[0] < 75: self.uploading = True self.uploading_time = time.time() cam = Popen(['/home/pi/Dropbox-Uploader/./', 'upload', '/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image], self.images[self.current_image]]) if event.pos[1] > 400 and event.pos[1] < 470: if event.pos[0] > 125 and event.pos[0] < 195: if self.mode == 'capture':'/home/pi/Photos/' + str(self.index) + '.jpg') self.index += 1 if self.mode == 'gallery': self.mode = 'capture' if event.pos[0] < 70: if self.mode == 'capture': self.mode = 'gallery' self.current_image = 0 self.images = os.listdir('/home/pi/Photos/') if len(self.images) == 0: self.mode = 'capture' self.no_files = True self.files_time = time.time() else: self.image_in_view = pygame.image.load('/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image]) if self.mode == 'gallery': self.current_image -= 1 if self.current_image == -1: self.current_image = len(self.images) - 1 self.image_in_view = pygame.image.load('/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image]) if event.pos[0] > 255: if self.mode == 'capture': print('exiting...') os.remove('/home/pi/index.dat') new = open('/home/pi/index.dat', 'w+') new.write(str(self.index)) new.close() cam = Popen(['sudo', 'python', '/home/pi/tyos/src/']) pygame.quit() sys.exit() if self.mode == 'gallery': if self.current_image == len(self.images) - 1: self.current_image = 0 else: self.current_image += 1 self.image_in_view = pygame.image.load('/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image])
def display(self): while True: if self.mode == 'gallery': self.screen.blit(self.image_in_view, (0,0)) self.screen.blit(self.left, (20, 410)) self.screen.blit(self.right, (240, 410)) self.screen.blit(self.home, (125, 400)) self.screen.blit(self.delete, (5, 5)) self.screen.blit(self.upload, (40, 5)) if self.deleted: self.screen.blit(self.deleted_image, (79, 200)) if time.time() - self.delete_time > 3: self.deleted = False if self.uploading: self.screen.blit(self.uploading_image, (79, 200)) if time.time() - self.uploading_time > 6: self.uploading = False if self.mode == 'capture': #Get camera stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') # stream -> YUV buffer yuv2rgb.convert(self.yuv, self.rgb, 240, 320) #Create pygame image from screen and blit it img = pygame.image.frombuffer(self.rgb[0:(240 * 320 * 3)], (240, 320), 'RGB') self.screen.blit(img, (0,0)) #Blit buttons self.screen.blit(self.capture, (125, 400)) self.screen.blit(, (20, 415)) self.screen.blit(self.door, (240, 410)) if self.no_files: self.screen.blit(self.no_files_image, (79, 200)) if time.time() - self.files_time > 3: self.no_files = False pygame.display.update() #Handle events for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if self.mode == 'gallery': if event.pos[1] < 40 and event.pos[0] < 35: self.deleted = True self.delete_time = time.time() os.remove('/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image]) self.current_image = 0 self.images = os.listdir('/home/pi/Photos/') if len(self.images) == 0: self.mode = 'capture' self.no_files = True self.files_time = time.time() if event.pos[1] < 40 and event.pos[0] > 35 and event.pos[0] < 75: self.uploading = True self.uploading_time = time.time() cam = Popen(['/home/pi/Dropbox-Uploader/./', 'upload', '/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image], self.images[self.current_image]]) if event.pos[1] > 400 and event.pos[1] < 470: if event.pos[0] > 125 and event.pos[0] < 195: if self.mode == 'capture':'/home/pi/Photos/' + str(self.index) + '.jpg') self.index += 1 if self.mode == 'gallery': self.mode = 'capture' if event.pos[0] < 70: if self.mode == 'capture': self.mode = 'gallery' self.current_image = 0 self.images = os.listdir('/home/pi/Photos/') if len(self.images) == 0: self.mode = 'capture' self.no_files = True self.files_time = time.time() else: self.image_in_view = pygame.image.load('/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image]) if self.mode == 'gallery': self.current_image -= 1 if self.current_image == -1: self.current_image = len(self.images) - 1 self.image_in_view = pygame.image.load('/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image]) if event.pos[0] > 255: if self.mode == 'capture': print 'exiting...' os.remove('/home/pi/index.dat') new = open('/home/pi/index.dat', 'w+') new.write(str(self.index)) new.close() cam = Popen(['sudo', 'python', '/home/pi/zero-phone/']) pygame.quit() sys.exit() if self.mode == 'gallery': if self.current_image == len(self.images) - 1: self.current_image = 0 else: self.current_image += 1 self.image_in_view = pygame.image.load('/home/pi/Photos/' + self.images[self.current_image])
while(True): ev = pygame.event.get() for event in ev: if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: (mouseX, mouseY) = pygame.mouse.get_pos() drawTargetRectSize = (mouseX - 10, mouseY - 10, 20, 20) drawTargetRect = 1 if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN or event.key == pygame.K_ENTER: if mouseX > 0 and mouseY > 0: #Exit function stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, viewFinder[0], viewFinder[1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb[0:(viewFinder[0] * viewFinder[1] * 3)], (viewFinder[0], viewFinder[1]), 'RGB') screen.blit(img, ((viewFinder[0] - img.get_width() ) / 2, (viewFinder[1] - img.get_height()) / 2)) if drawTargetRect == 1: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255,0,0), drawTargetRectSize, 1) pygame.display.update()
def main(): PITFT_BUTTON_1 = 23 PITFT_BUTTON_2 = 22 PITFT_BUTTON_3 = 17 PITFT_BUTTON_4 = 27 running_on_pi = False # # Camera Params # sizeData = [ # Camera parameters for different size settings # Full res Viewfinder Crop window [(2592, 1944), (320, 240), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] ] # Large sizeMode = 0 # Buffers for viewfinder data rgb = bytearray(int(ui.settings.WINDOWWIDTH * ui.settings.WINDOWHEIGHT * 3)) yuv = bytearray( int(ui.settings.WINDOWWIDTH * ui.settings.WINDOWHEIGHT * 3 / 2)) if (os.getenv('FRAMEBUFFER') is not None): print("RUNNING ON PI") running_on_pi = True # Pi Specific Settings os.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', 'fbcon') os.putenv('SDL_FBDEV', '/dev/fb1') os.putenv('SDL_MOUSEDEV', '/dev/input/touchscreen') os.putenv('SDL_MOUSEDRV', 'TSLIB') import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) for k in [ PITFT_BUTTON_1, PITFT_BUTTON_2, PITFT_BUTTON_3, PITFT_BUTTON_4 ]: GPIO.setup(k, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) import io import picamera import yuv2rgb # Init camera and set up default values camera = picamera.PiCamera() camera.resolution = sizeData[sizeMode][1] camera.crop = sizeData[sizeMode][2] # Leave raw format at default YUV, don't touch, don't set to RGB! global FPSCLOCK, DISPLAYSURF pygame.init() FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() # Screen Size DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode( (settings.WINDOWWIDTH, settings.WINDOWHEIGHT)) mousex = 0 # used to store x coordinate of mouse event mousey = 0 # used to store y coordinate of mouse event if (running_on_pi): pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) else: pygame.display.set_caption('Toulouse') # Initalise OS Logic State toulouse = ui.state.Toulouse(running_on_pi) toulouse.locked = False toulouse.load() toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.PHOTO_CAPTURE_SCREEN) # Security passcode_attempt = [] # Message Display message_id = None # Image Loading SPLASH_TIMEOUT = 1 splash_start = None # Caricature Paramaters cusd_queue_id = None cusd_queue_id = "nSsRGBCj" # Scroll Parameters scroll_y_min = 0 scroll_y = 0 scroll_y_max = 0 while True: if (toulouse.mode != ui.state.Mode.UNINITIALIZED_MODE): toulouse.check_messages() if (toulouse.locked and != ui.state.Page.SPLASH_SCREEN): toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.PASSCODE_LOCK_SCREEN) mouseClicked = False if (running_on_pi): # Button #1 (Mocked by Q) Back # if (not toulouse.locked and GPIO.input(PITFT_BUTTON_1) == False): # toulouse.back() # Button #2 (Mocked by W) Messages if (not toulouse.locked and GPIO.input(PITFT_BUTTON_2) == False): toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.PHOTO_CAPTURE_SCREEN) # Button #3 (Mocked by E) Program Selection if (not toulouse.locked and GPIO.input(PITFT_BUTTON_3) == False): exit(0) # Button #4 (Mocked by R) Main Menu if (not toulouse.locked and GPIO.input(PITFT_BUTTON_4) == False): toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.MAIN_MENU_SCREEN) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mousex, mousey = event.pos if event.button == 4: scroll_y = min(scroll_y + 15, scroll_y_min) if event.button == 5: scroll_y = max(scroll_y - 15, scroll_y_max) pygame.event.clear(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: mousex, mousey = event.pos pygame.event.clear(pygame.MOUSEMOTION) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: mousex, mousey = event.pos if (event.button != 4 and event.button != 5): mouseClicked = True pygame.event.clear(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # Button #1 (Mocked by Q) Back if (not toulouse.locked and event.key == pygame.K_q): toulouse.back() # Button #2 (Mocked by W) Messages if (not toulouse.locked and event.key == pygame.K_w): toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.MESSAGES_LIST_SCREEN) # Button #3 (Mocked by E) Program Selection if (not toulouse.locked and event.key == pygame.K_e): toulouse.load_screen( ui.state.Page.PROGRAM_SELECTION_SCREEN) # Button #4 (Mocked by R) Main Menu if (not toulouse.locked and event.key == pygame.K_r): toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.MAIN_MENU_SCREEN) # Window Tree if ( == ui.state.Page.SPLASH_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Splash Screen") splash_start = + timedelta( seconds=SPLASH_TIMEOUT) DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) img_splash_surf = pygame.image.load( '/home/pi/toulouseos/splash.png').convert_alpha() img_splash_rect = img_splash_surf.get_rect() = (settings.WINDOWWIDTH / 2, settings.WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) DISPLAYSURF.blit(img_splash_surf, img_splash_rect) inetaddr_text_surf = ui.fonts.SF_UI_DISPLAY_HEAVY.render( toulouse.inetaddr, True, ui.colours.WHITE, ui.colours.BLACK) inetaddr_text_rect = inetaddr_text_surf.get_rect() inetaddr_text_rect.midtop = (settings.WINDOWWIDTH / 2, settings.WINDOWHEIGHT - settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP) DISPLAYSURF.blit(inetaddr_text_surf, inetaddr_text_rect) toulouse.load() toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.SPLASH_SCREEN) # Timer to Passcode Lock if ( > splash_start): toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.PASSCODE_LOCK_SCREEN) elif ( == ui.state.Page.PASSCODE_LOCK_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Passcode Lock Screen") DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) # Reset Frame passcode_title = "Enter Passcode" # Draw Buttons Once passcode_buttons = [] buttonx, buttony = PASSCODE_BUTTON_XSTART, PASSCODE_BUTTON_YSTART for row in PASSCODE_BUTTON_STRUCTURE: if len(row) == 3: for column in row: if column is not None: passcode_buttons.append( rounded_button(DISPLAYSURF, column, buttonx, buttony)) buttonx += PASSCODE_BUTTON_XSIZE + PASSCODE_BUTTON_XGAP buttony += PASSCODE_BUTTON_YSIZE + PASSCODE_BUTTON_YGAP elif len(row) == 1: passcode_buttons.append( rounded_button(DISPLAYSURF, row[0], buttonx, buttony, width=PASSCODE_BUTTON_XSIZE * 3 + PASSCODE_BUTTON_XGAP * 2)) buttonx = PASSCODE_BUTTON_XSTART toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.PASSCODE_LOCK_SCREEN) # Update Passcode Entry if (len(passcode_attempt) > 0): # display only most recent digit passcode_title = (u"\u2022 " * (len(passcode_attempt) - 1)) passcode_title += str(passcode_attempt[-1]) elif (len(passcode_attempt) == 0 and passcode_title != "Wrong Passcode"): passcode_title = "Enter Passcode" # Render Passcode Header passcode_text_blackout_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, settings.WINDOWWIDTH, settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP) pygame.draw.rect(DISPLAYSURF, ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR, passcode_text_blackout_rect) passcode_text_surf = ui.fonts.SF_UI_DISPLAY_HEAVY.render( passcode_title, True, ui.colours.WHITE, ui.colours.BLACK) passcode_text_rect = passcode_text_surf.get_rect() = (settings.WINDOWWIDTH / 2, settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP / 2) DISPLAYSURF.blit(passcode_text_surf, passcode_text_rect) # Button Logic if (mouseClicked): for button in passcode_buttons: if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): if (button["value"].isdigit()): passcode_attempt.append(int(button["value"])) elif (button["value"] == "<"): passcode_attempt.pop() elif (button["value"] == "clear"): del passcode_attempt[:] # Attempt to Login login_attempt = toulouse.login(passcode_attempt) if (login_attempt == False): passcode_title = "Wrong Passcode" del passcode_attempt[:] elif (login_attempt == True): del passcode_attempt[:] elif ( == ui.state.Page.MAIN_MENU_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Main Menu Screen") DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) # Draw Buttons Once menu_buttons = [] cancel_text_surf = ui.fonts.SF_UI_DISPLAY_HEAVY.render( "Cancel", True, ui.colours.WHITE, ui.colours.BLACK) cancel_text_rect = cancel_text_surf.get_rect() cancel_text_rect.midleft = (settings.UI_MARGIN, settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP / 2) DISPLAYSURF.blit(cancel_text_surf, cancel_text_rect) menu_buttons.append({"target": cancel_text_rect, "value": 4}) for i in range(len(ui.mainmenu.BUTTONS)): menu_buttons.append( ui.mainmenu.rounded_button( DISPLAYSURF, ui.mainmenu.BUTTONS[i], settings.UI_MARGIN, settings.WINDOWHEIGHT - settings.UI_MARGIN_BOTTOM - (ui.mainmenu.BUTTON_YSIZE + ui.mainmenu.BUTTON_YGAP) * (i + 1))) toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.MAIN_MENU_SCREEN) # Button Logic if (mouseClicked): for button in menu_buttons: if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): if (button["value"] == ui.mainmenu.BUTTON_SHUTDOWN): toulouse.shutdown() if (button["value"] == ui.mainmenu.BUTTON_RESTART): toulouse.restart() if (button["value"] == ui.mainmenu.BUTTON_LOCK): toulouse.lock() if (button["value"] == ui.mainmenu.BUTTON_CANCEL): toulouse.back() elif ( == ui.state.Page.MANUAL_JOG_CARTESIAN_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Manual Jog (Cartesian) Screen") toulouse.loaded_screen( ui.state.Page.MANUAL_JOG_CARTESIAN_SCREEN) DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) axis_buttons = [] axis_buttons.append( ui.utilities.Header(DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, "Cartesian Jog", ui.colours.WHITE)) for i in range(len(ui.jog.AXIS_CARTESIAN)): axis_buttons.extend( ui.jog.axis_controller( DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, ui.jog.AXIS_CARTESIAN[i], settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP + (ui.jog.CONTROLLER_YSIZE + ui.jog.CONTROLLER_YGAP) * i)) if (mouseClicked): for button in axis_buttons: if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): if button["value"] == ui.utilities.BUTTON_HEADER: toulouse.load_screen( ui.state.Page.MANUAL_JOG_JOINT_SCREEN) break curr_value = getattr(toulouse, button["action"], 0.00) if button["value"] == ui.jog.BUTTON_EDIT: pass elif button["value"] == ui.jog.BUTTON_ADD: setattr(toulouse, button["action"], curr_value + button["change"]) elif button["value"] == ui.jog.BUTTON_SUBTRACT: setattr(toulouse, button["action"], curr_value - button["change"]) elif ( == ui.state.Page.MANUAL_JOG_JOINT_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Manual Jog (Joint Angles) Screen") toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.MANUAL_JOG_JOINT_SCREEN) DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) axis_buttons = [] axis_buttons.append( ui.utilities.Header(DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, "Joint Jog", ui.colours.WHITE)) for i in range(len(ui.jog.AXIS_JOINT)): axis_buttons.extend( ui.jog.axis_controller( DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, ui.jog.AXIS_JOINT[i], settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP + (ui.jog.CONTROLLER_YSIZE + ui.jog.CONTROLLER_YGAP) * i)) if (mouseClicked): for button in axis_buttons: if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): if button["value"] == ui.utilities.BUTTON_HEADER: toulouse.load_screen( ui.state.Page.MANUAL_JOG_CARTESIAN_SCREEN) break curr_value = getattr(toulouse, button["action"], 0.00) if button["value"] == ui.jog.BUTTON_EDIT: pass elif button["value"] == ui.jog.BUTTON_ADD: setattr(toulouse, button["action"], curr_value + button["change"]) elif button["value"] == ui.jog.BUTTON_SUBTRACT: setattr(toulouse, button["action"], curr_value - button["change"]) elif ( == ui.state.Page.PROGRAM_SELECTION_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Program Selection Screen") loaded_new_state = 1 DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) # Draw Buttons Once program_buttons = [] ui.utilities.Header(DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, "Programs", ui.colours.PHOSPHORIC_LIGHT_COLOR) for i in range(len(ui.program.BUTTONS)): program_buttons.append( ui.program.rounded_button( DISPLAYSURF, ui.program.BUTTONS[i], settings.UI_MARGIN, settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP + (ui.program.BUTTON_YSIZE + ui.program.BUTTON_YGAP) * i)) toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.PROGRAM_SELECTION_SCREEN) # Button Logic if (mouseClicked): for button in program_buttons: if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): if (button["value"] == ui.program.BUTTON_CARICATURE): toulouse.load_screen( ui.state.Page.PHOTO_CAPTURE_SCREEN) if (button["value"] == ui.program.BUTTON_CURVES): toulouse.load_screen( ui.state.Page.CURVES_SELECTION_SCREEN) elif ( == ui.state.Page.PHOTO_CAPTURE_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Photo Capture Screen") BUTTON_PHOTO_CAPTURE = 1 BUTTON_CUSD_CLEAR = 2 toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.PHOTO_CAPTURE_SCREEN) photo_capture_buttons = [] # Refresh display stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, sizeData[sizeMode][1][0], sizeData[sizeMode][1][1]) img = pygame.image.frombuffer( rgb[0:(sizeData[sizeMode][1][0] * sizeData[sizeMode][1][1] * 3)], sizeData[sizeMode][1], 'RGB') DISPLAYSURF.blit( img, ((ui.settings.WINDOWWIDTH - img.get_width()) / 2, (ui.settings.WINDOWHEIGHT - img.get_height()) / 2)) ui.utilities.Header(DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, "Programs", transparency=True) ui.utilities.TransparentRect( DISPLAYSURF, (0, ui.settings.WINDOWHEIGHT - ui.settings.UI_MARGIN_BOTTOM - 56 - ui.settings.UI_MARGIN, ui.settings.WINDOWWIDTH, 56 + ui.settings.UI_MARGIN + ui.settings.UI_MARGIN_BOTTOM), ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) button_circ = [ ui.settings.WINDOWWIDTH / 2, ui.settings.WINDOWHEIGHT - ui.settings.UI_MARGIN_BOTTOM - 28, 56 ] camera_capture = ui.utilities.FilledCircle(DISPLAYSURF, button_circ, ui.colours.WHITE) photo_capture_buttons.append({ "target": camera_capture, "value": BUTTON_PHOTO_CAPTURE }) button_circ[2] = 42 ui.utilities.FilledCircle(DISPLAYSURF, button_circ, ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) button_circ[2] = 38 ui.utilities.FilledCircle(DISPLAYSURF, button_circ, ui.colours.WHITE) if (cusd_queue_id is not None): queue_id_text_surf = ui.fonts.OCRA.render( "CUSD:{id}".format(id=cusd_queue_id), True, ui.colours.WARNING_ORANGE) queue_id_text_rect = queue_id_text_surf.get_rect() queue_id_text_rect.bottomleft = (settings.UI_MARGIN_LEFT, ui.settings.WINDOWHEIGHT - ui.settings.UI_MARGIN_BOTTOM) DISPLAYSURF.blit(queue_id_text_surf, queue_id_text_rect) photo_capture_buttons.append({ "target": queue_id_text_rect, "value": BUTTON_CUSD_CLEAR }) if (running_on_pi): # Button #1 (Mocked by Q) Back if (not toulouse.locked and GPIO.input(PITFT_BUTTON_1) == False): toulouse.process_caricature(camera) # Button Logic # if (mouseClicked): # for button in photo_capture_buttons: # if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): # if (button["value"] == BUTTON_PHOTO_CAPTURE): # filename = toulouse.get_photos_filename() # print("Taking Picture", filename) # try: # camera.capture(filename, use_video_port=False, format='jpeg', thumbnail=None) # # Set image file ownership to pi user, mode to 644 # os.chmod(filename, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH) # finally: # # Convert to Curves File # # python image1.jpg output1 no # if (button["value"] == BUTTON_CUSD_CLEAR): # cusd_queue_id = None elif ( == ui.state.Page.CURVES_SELECTION_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Curves Selection Screen") # Create Sorted List of Files files = toulouse.curve_files() # Set Maximum Scroll Y Max scroll_y = 0 # reset scroll scroll_y_max = -(ui.curvesselection.BUTTON_YSIZE + ui.curvesselection.BUTTON_YGAP) * len(files) scroll_y_max += settings.WINDOWHEIGHT - settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.CURVES_SELECTION_SCREEN) DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) files_buttons = [] for i in range(len(files)): files_buttons.append( ui.curvesselection.rounded_button( DISPLAYSURF, files[i], settings.UI_MARGIN, settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP + scroll_y + (ui.curvesselection.BUTTON_YSIZE + ui.curvesselection.BUTTON_YGAP) * i)) ui.utilities.Header(DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, "Programs", ui.colours.PHOSPHORIC_LIGHT_COLOR) # Button Logic if (mouseClicked): for button in files_buttons: if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): if (button["value"] == ui.curvesselection.BUTTON_FILE): print(" Starting Processing on Curves File:", button["action"]) toulouse.load_program(button["action"]) toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.HOME_SCREEN) elif ( == ui.state.Page.MESSAGES_LIST_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Message List Screen") scroll_y = 0 # reset scroll toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.MESSAGES_LIST_SCREEN) DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) # Draw Buttons Once messages_buttons = [] if (len(toulouse.messages) > 0): # Set Maximum Scroll Y Max scroll_y_max = -(ui.messages.BUTTON_YSIZE + ui.messages.BUTTON_YGAP) * len( toulouse.messages) scroll_y_max += settings.WINDOWHEIGHT - settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP scroll_y_max = scroll_y_max if scroll_y_max < 0 else 0 message_len = len(toulouse.messages) for i in range(message_len): toulouse.messages[i]["id"] = i messages_buttons.append( ui.messages.rounded_button( DISPLAYSURF, toulouse.messages[-(i + 1)], settings.UI_MARGIN, settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP + scroll_y + (ui.messages.BUTTON_YSIZE + ui.messages.BUTTON_YGAP) * (i))) ui.utilities.Header(DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, "Messages") if (mouseClicked): for button in messages_buttons: if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): if button["value"] == ui.messages.BUTTON_LIST: message_id = button["action"] toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.MESSAGE_SCREEN) elif ( == ui.state.Page.MESSAGE_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Message Screen") DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) messages_buttons = ui.messages.message_display( DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, toulouse.messages[message_id]) toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.MESSAGE_SCREEN) # Button Logic if (mouseClicked): for button in messages_buttons: if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): if (button["value"] == ui.messages.BUTTON_ACKNOWLEDGE): toulouse.mark_read(message_id) toulouse.load_screen( ui.state.Page.MESSAGES_LIST_SCREEN) elif (button["value"] == ui.messages.BUTTON_CLEAR): toulouse.load_screen( ui.state.Page.MESSAGES_LIST_SCREEN) elif ( == ui.state.Page.HOME_AXES_SCREEN): if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Home Axes Screen") homeaxes_buttons = ui.homeaxes.message_display( DISPLAYSURF, toulouse) toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.HOME_AXES_SCREEN) # Button Logic if (mouseClicked): for button in homeaxes_buttons: if button["target"].collidepoint((mousex, mousey)): if (button["value"] == ui.homeaxes.BUTTON_ACKNOWLEDGE): toulouse.home_axes() else: # Display Home Screen if (toulouse.mode == ui.state.Mode.NO_MODE_CHOSEN): toulouse.load_screen(ui.state.Page.HOME_AXES_SCREEN) if (not toulouse.loaded_new_state): print("----> Displaying Home Screen") toulouse.loaded_screen(ui.state.Page.HOME_SCREEN) DISPLAYSURF.fill(ui.colours.SCREEN_BG_COLOR) # Draw Buttons Once ui.utilities.Header(DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, "") for i in range(len(ui.home.GLANCES)): ui.home.glance( DISPLAYSURF, toulouse, ui.home.GLANCES[i], settings.UI_MARGIN_TOP + (ui.home.GLANCE_YSIZE + ui.home.GLANCE_YGAP) * i) # Redraw the screen and wait a clock tick. pygame.display.update() FPSCLOCK.tick(ui.settings.FPS)
def main(settings = None, boss = True, updater = None, camera_wrapper = None): pitft = True if pitft: os.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', 'fbcon') os.putenv('SDL_FBDEV' , '/dev/fb1') def fps(surface): milliseconds = clock.tick(fpslimit) pygame_utils.txt(surface, (utils.screen['resolution'][0] - 30, utils.screen['margin']), str(round(clock.get_fps()))) log('[GUI] initing pygame') #pygame init pygame.init() log('[GUI] inited pygame') pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # screen resolution: #screenSize = (234,160) captureSize = (320,240) #captureSize = (160,120) fpslimit = 24 # screenSize = (pygame.display.Info().current_w,pygame.display.Info().current_h) # screenSize = (((screenSize[0] + 31) // 32) * 32,((screenSize[1] + 15) // 16) * 16,) screenSize = utils.screen['resolution'] clock = time.Clock() if camera_wrapper == None: log('[error] no camera object') # settin up camera = captureSize = 180 if not pitft: # Buffers for viewfinder data rgb = bytearray(320 * 240 * 3) yuv = bytearray(320 * 240 * 3 / 2) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0,0), pygame.FULLSCREEN) state_stack = [] #screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screenSize,0) overlay_renderer = None overlay_renderer2 = None # menu = Menu(root_options) overlaySize = (((screenSize[0] + 31) // 32) * 32,((screenSize[1] + 15) // 16) * 16,) # overlaySize = (128,((screenSize[1] + 16) // 16) * 16,) # log('screenSize ',screenSize, (((screenSize[0] + 31) // 32) * 32, ((screenSize[1] + 15) // 16) * 16,)) # GUI State handler main_state = MainState.MainState(state_stack, updater, camera_wrapper) thread.start_new_thread(pygame_utils.watch_trigger, ()) preview = True splash = None while True: stream = io.BytesIO(), use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, captureSize[0], captureSize[1]) if preview: img = pygame.image.frombuffer(rgb[0: (captureSize[0]* captureSize[1] * 3)], captureSize, 'RGB') # surface_top = pygame.Surface(overlaySize, 0, 24) screen.blit(img, ((320 - img.get_width() ) / 2, (240 - img.get_height()) / 2)) pygame_utils.splash(screen) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT or event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: screen.blit(pygame_utils.shutdown_img, (0,0) ) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame_utils.TAKE_PICTURE: screen.blit(pygame_utils.capturing_img, (0,0) ) pygame.display.update() camera_wrapper.make_photos() updater.sync_camera_settings() state_stack[0].event(event) # if event.type == pygame_utils.CHANGE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS: # if event.command == 'alpha': # overlay_renderer.alpha = event.value # if event.command == 'readd': # # overlaySize = event.screenSize # surface_top = pygame.Surface(overlaySize, 0, 24) # overlay_renderer =, layer = 3, size = overlaySize, alpha = 64); fps(screen) state_stack[0].draw(screen) if pitft: pygame.display.update() else: # if not overlay_renderer: # overlay_renderer =, layer = 3, size = overlaySize, alpha = 0); # else: # try: # if overlay_renderer.alpha > 0: # overlay_renderer.update(surface_top.get_buffer().raw) # except: # pass pass
pic_num_file = open('pic_num.txt', 'w') pic_num_file.write(str(int(pic_num) + 1)) pic_num_file.close() print 'Took picture ' + pic_num + '.jpg' os.remove('pic.txt') except Exception, f: pass print 'Server Ready' try: while(True): take_picture() connection, address = serversocket.accept() stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream camera.capture(stream, use_video_port=True, format='raw') stream.readinto(yuv) # stream -> YUV buffer stream.close() yuv2rgb.convert(yuv, rgb, 480,320) connection.sendall(rgb[0:(480 * 320 * 3)]) time.sleep(0.1) connection.close() except: print 'Closing' camera.close() finally: print 'closing' camera.close()