def gen_request(**kwargs): __start() try: openssl = __edr.config('Dirs')['openssl_path'] if not openssl: return except KeyError: return con, cur = __edr.DBConnect() request_date = datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") # else: # request_date = "2012-01-01T01:01:01.000+06:00" cur.close() con.close() request_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?> <request> <requestTime>%s</requestTime> <operatorName>Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «ВиЭйчДжи»</operatorName> <inn>7202217753</inn> <ogrn>1117232016076</ogrn> <email>[email protected]</email> </request> """ % request_date # datetime.strftime( - timedelta(days=7), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") request_path = __edr.config('Dirs')['xml_file_name'] request_sig_path = __edr.config('Dirs')['sig_file_name'] pem_file = __edr.config('Dirs')['pem_file_name'] request_file = open(request_path, 'w') request_file.write(request_text) request_file.close() os.system("%(openssl)s smime -sign -in %(zapros)s -out %(zapros_sig)s -binary -signer %(pem)s -outform DER -nodetach" % {"zapros": request_path, "zapros_sig": request_sig_path, "pem": pem_file, 'openssl': openssl})
def zabbix_check_status_write(status): """Пишем статус проверки в файл, для zabbix""" if __edr.config('Dirs')['zb_check_file']: zb_check_status_file = __edr.config('Dirs')['zb_check_file'] zb_file = open(zb_check_status_file, "w") if status: zb_file.write("1\n") __edr.printt("Writing to zb_check_file 1") __edr.LogWrite("Writing to zb_check_file 1", "zb_check") else: zb_file.write("0\n") __edr.printt("Writing to zb_check_file 0") __edr.LogWrite("Writing to zb_check_file 0", "zb_check") zb_file.close()
def main(**kwargs): if __edr.str2bool(__edr.config('Main')['nginx']): __start() try: with PidFile(""): __genereate(**kwargs) except PidFileError: __edr.printt("Идёт обновление базы, выполненние невозможно.") __edr.LogWrite("Идёт обновление базы, выполненние невозможно.")
def __genereate(): """ Создаём файл настроек для bind :return: """ __edr.LogWrite("Genereate bind file") skip_domain = ['', ''] bind_file_path = __edr.config('Dirs')['bind_file'] bind_file = open(bind_file_path, 'w') cur.execute("SELECT domain FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 GROUP BY domain;") data = cur.fetchall() for rec in data: edr_url = rec[0].strip() if (not edr_url.lower() in skip_domain) and (edr_url.strip()[-1:].isalpha()): data = ('zone "%s" { type master; file "%s"; allow-query { any; }; };\n' % ( edr_url, __edr.config('Dirs')['bind_block_file'])) bind_file.write(data) bind_file.close() con.close()
def __gen_ipfile(): if __edr.str2bool(__edr.config('Main')['export_ip_file']): white_list = __edr.config('Main')['white_list'].split(';') con, cur = __edr.DBConnect() ipfile = open(__edr.config('Dirs')['path_ip_file'] + ".tmp", 'w') __edr.printt("Write ip's to file") __edr.LogWrite("Write ip's to file") if __edr.str2bool(__edr.config('Main')['export_clear_ip']): cur.execute( "SELECT ip FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and domain='ip' GROUP BY ip;" ) data = cur.fetchall() cur.execute( 'SELECT ip FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and domain rlike "^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$" GROUP BY ip;' ) data += cur.fetchall() else: cur.execute("SELECT ip FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 GROUP BY ip;") data = cur.fetchall() cur.close() con.close() __edr.printt(data) for ip in data: for i in literal_eval(ip[0]): if i not in white_list: ipfile.write("%s\n" % i) for ip in blacklist(): ipfile.write("%s\n" % ip) ipfile.close() copyfile( __edr.config('Dirs')['path_ip_file'] + ".tmp", __edr.config('Dirs')['path_ip_file']) __edr.LogWrite("Write ip's to file done")
def __domain2ip(domain): try: dns_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() dns_resolver.nameservers = [ __edr.config('Main')['dns_serv'], '' ] ips = dns_resolver.query(domain, 'A', raise_on_no_answer=False) if len(ips) > 0: return set(ip.to_text() for ip in ips) else: return False except dns.exception.DNSException: return False
def checksite(url): result = {'notblocked': [], 'errors': [], 'blocked': []} if url: if url[:4] != "http": url = "http://%s" % url try: answer = urllib2.urlopen( url, timeout=int(__edr.config('Main')['check_timeout'])) tmpanswer = if max(word in tmpanswer for word in __edr.config('Main')['find_words'].split("|")): result['blocked'] = url else: result['notblocked'] = url except urllib2.URLError: result['errors'] = url except socket.timeout: result['errors'] = url __edr.LogWrite("""===Blocked result: %(blocked)s !!!Not blocked: %(notblocked)s ...With errors: %(errors)s\n""" % result, type="zb_check") return result
def checkblockedsites(): """Возвращает 1, если есть не заблокированные сайты. Используется для zabbix.""" __edr.LogWrite("Start check urls", "zb_check") f = urllib2.urlopen('') reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';') result = {'notblocked': [], 'errors': [], 'blocked': []} urls = [] count = 0 max_count = int(__edr.config('Main')['max_url_check']) for row in reader: if row[0] =="%Y-%m-%d"): continue if max_count <= count: break url = row[1] or row[2] if url: if url[:4] != "http": url = "http://%s" % url urls.append(url) count += 1 pool = ThreadPool(int(__edr.config('Main')['threads'])) results =, urls) for i in results: for key in result.keys(): if i[key]: result[key].append(i[key]) __edr.printt("===\nBlocked result: %s\n" % result['blocked']) __edr.printt("===\nNot blocked result: %s\n" % result['notblocked']) __edr.printt("===\nWith errors: %s\n" % result['errors']) __edr.LogWrite("===\nBlocked result: %s\n" % result['blocked'], "zb_check") __edr.LogWrite("===\nNot blocked result: %s\n" % result['notblocked'], "zb_check") __edr.LogWrite("===\nWith errors: %s\n" % result['errors'], "zb_check") pool.close() pool.join() zabbix_check_status_write(int(bool(result))) return int(bool(result))
def __genereate(**kwargs): """ Создаём файл настроек для nginx :return: """ con, cur = __edr.DBConnect() __edr.LogWrite("Genereate nginx file") cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 GROUP BY domain;") data = cur.fetchall() domains = sorted( set([__edr.idnaconv(urlparse(url[0]).netloc) for url in data])) con.close() # pool = ThreadPool(int(__edr.config('Main')['threads'])) # result =, domains) result = map(__domainparse, domains) write_to_file("\n".join(result)) nginx_conf_file_path = __edr.config('Dirs')['nginx_conf_file'] copyfile(nginx_conf_file_path + ".tmp", nginx_conf_file_path) __edr.LogWrite("Genereate nginx file done")
def __gen_ipfile(): ipfile = open(__edr.config('Dirs')['path_ip_file'] + "_full.tmp", 'w') con, cur = __edr.DBConnect() white_list = __edr.config('Main')['white_list'].split(';') if __edr.str2bool(__edr.config('Main')['export_ip_file']): __edr.printt("Write ip's to file") __edr.LogWrite("Write ip's to file") cur.execute("SELECT ip FROM edrdata GROUP BY ip;") data = cur.fetchall() for ip in data: for ip in literal_eval(ip[0]): if ip not in white_list: ipfile.write("%s\n" % ip) __edr.printt('Writed ip: {} db\n'.format(ip)) if __edr.str2bool(__edr.config('Main')['export_dns2ip_file']): __edr.printt("Write domain names to file") __edr.LogWrite("Write domain names to file") cur.execute("SELECT domain FROM edrdata GROUP BY domain;") data = cur.fetchall() domains = sorted( set([ __edr.idnaconv(__clean_domain_name(domain[0])) for domain in data ])) ips = zapret_ipfile.blacklist() for domain in domains: ip = __domain2ip(domain) if ip: ips = ips.union(ip) for ip in ips: if ip not in white_list: ipfile.write("%s\n" % ip) __edr.printt('Writed ip: {}\n'.format(ip)) ipfile.close() copyfile( __edr.config('Dirs')['path_ip_file'] + "_full.tmp", __edr.config('Dirs')['path_ip_file'] + "_full") con.close
def __start(): __edr.config()
def __domainparse(edr_domain): # Формируем секцию server if '\\' in edr_domain: edr_domain = edr_domain.split('\\')[0] white_list = __edr.config('Main')['white_list'].split(';') if edr_domain in white_list: return "" con, cur = __edr.DBConnect() cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and url like %s;", ('%://' + edr_domain + '/%', )) edr_urls = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and url like %s;", ('%://' + edr_domain, )) edr_urls += cur.fetchall() # try: # cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and url like %s;", # ('%://' + __edr.idnaconv(edr_domain, True) + '/%',)) # edr_urls += cur.fetchall() # cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and url like %s;", # ('%://' + __edr.idnaconv(edr_domain, True),)) # edr_urls += cur.fetchall() # except UnicodeDecodeError as e: # print("Cannot parse %s with error %s" % (edr_domain, e)) # except UnicodeEncodeError as e: # print("Cannot parse %s with error %s" % (edr_domain, e)) edr_ports = sorted( set([urlparse(i[0].strip()).scheme for i in edr_urls if i[0]])) conf_ports = '' for edr_port in edr_ports: if "all" in edr_ports and edr_port != "all": continue if edr_port == "https": port = '443' elif edr_port == "http": port = '80' else: port = "80;\n\tlisten 443" conf_ports += "\tlisten %(port)s;\n" % {'port': port} conf_server = """server { server_name %(domain)s; """ % { 'domain': __edr.idnaconv(edr_domain) } conf_server += conf_ports # Формирует location conf_location = "" domain_block = 0 # query = """SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and url like \'%s\';""" % \ # ('%://' + edr_domain + '/%') # cur.execute(query) # edr_urls = cur.fetchall() # query = """SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and url like \'%s\';""" % \ # ('%://' + edr_domain) # cur.execute(query) # edr_urls += cur.fetchall() urls_to_write = set() for edr_url_temp in sorted(edr_urls): edr_url = urlparse(edr_url_temp[0].strip()) if (not edr_url.path.strip()) or (edr_url.path == '/'): urls_to_write.add('/') domain_block = 1 break try: path = edr_url.path.strip() except UnicodeError: path = quote(edr_url.path.strip()) if max(x in ['"', '\\', ' '] for x in edr_url.path.strip()): path = quote(edr_url.path.strip()) urls_to_write.add(path) for url_string in sorted(urls_to_write): conf_location += """ location "%s" { proxy_pass %s; } """ % (url_string.strip(), __edr.config('URLS')['nginx_stop_url']) if not domain_block: conf_location += """ location / { proxy_pass http://$host; } """ # Закрываем настройки сервера conf_end = """ resolver %(dns_serv)s; } """ % { 'dns_serv': __edr.config('Main')['dns_serv'] } try: __edr.printt("%s\n%s\n%s" % (conf_server, conf_location, conf_end)) except UnicodeEncodeError as e: __edr.printt(e) try: con.close() return "%s\n%s\n%s" % (conf_server, conf_location, conf_end) except UnicodeEncodeError as e: __edr.printt(e) raise
def write_to_file(data): nginx_conf_file_path = __edr.config('Dirs')['nginx_conf_file'] nginx_conf_file = open(nginx_conf_file_path + ".tmp", 'w') nginx_conf_file.write("%s\n" % data) nginx_conf_file.close()
def __start(): __edr.config() global con global cur con, cur = __edr.DBConnect()
def blacklist(): f = open(__edr.config('Dirs')['path_blacklist_ips'], 'r') return set(line for line in f)
def main(): if __edr.str2bool(__edr.config('Main')['bind']): __start() __genereate()
def __genereate(): """ Создаём файл настроек для nginx :return: """ __edr.LogWrite("Genereate nginx file") nginx_conf_file_path = __edr.config('Dirs')['nginx_conf_file'] nginx_conf_file = open(nginx_conf_file_path, 'w') cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 GROUP BY domain;") data = cur.fetchall() domains = sorted(set([urlparse(url[0]).netloc for url in data])) for edr_domain in domains: # Формируем секцию server cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and url like %s;", ('%://' + edr_domain + '/%',)) edr_urls = cur.fetchall() # edr_ports = set(['443' if urlparse(i[0]).scheme == 'https' else '80' for i in edr_urls if i[0]]) edr_ports = set([urlparse(i[0].strip()).scheme for i in edr_urls if i[0]]) for edr_port in edr_ports: cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and url like %s;", edr_port + '://' + edr_domain + '/%') edr_urls = cur.fetchall() conf_server = """server { server_name %(domain)s; listen %(port)s; resolver %(dns_serv)s; """ % {'domain': edr_domain, 'port': '443' if edr_port == 'https' else '80', 'dns_serv': __edr.config('URLS')['dns_serv']} # Формирует location conf_location = "" domain_block = 0 url_string = "/" for edr_url_temp in edr_urls: edr_url = urlparse(edr_url_temp[0].strip()) # domain_block = 0 if (edr_url.path and (not edr_url.path == '/')) else 1 if (not edr_url.path) or (edr_url.path == '/'): domain_block = 1 if (edr_url.scheme+edr_url.netloc).__len__()+3 != edr_url_temp[0].strip().__len__(): url_string = edr_url_temp[0].strip()[(edr_url.scheme+edr_url.netloc).__len__()+3:] # if edr_url_temp[0].strip().__contains__(" ") and'[А-Я]+', edr_url_temp[0]): # url_string = quote(url_string).replace('%3D', '=') \ # .replace('%26', '&').replace('%23', '#').replace('%3F', '?') conf_location += """ location "%s" { proxy_pass %s; } """ % (url_string, __edr.config('URLS')['nginx_stop_url']) if not domain_block: conf_location += """ location / { proxy_pass http://$host; } """ # Закрываем настройки сервера conf_end = """} """ __edr.printt(conf_server + conf_location + conf_end) nginx_conf_file.write(conf_server + conf_location + conf_end) # для одиночных доменов, без урлов cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 GROUP BY domain;") data = cur.fetchall() domains = sorted(set([urlparse(url[0]).netloc for url in data])) for edr_domain in domains: # Формируем секцию server if not edr_domain: continue cur.execute("SELECT url FROM edrdata WHERE disabled=0 and url like %s;", ('%://' + edr_domain,)) edr_urls = cur.fetchall() if not edr_urls: continue edr_port = urlparse(edr_urls[0][0].strip()).scheme if edr_urls[0][0] else "http" conf_server = """server { server_name %(domain)s; listen %(port)s; """ % {'domain': edr_domain, 'port': '443' if edr_port == 'https' else '80'} # Формирует location conf_location = """ location / { proxy_pass %s; } """ % (__edr.config('URLS')['nginx_stop_url']) # Закрываем настройки сервера conf_end = """} """ __edr.printt(conf_server + conf_location + conf_end) nginx_conf_file.write(conf_server + conf_location + conf_end) nginx_conf_file.close()