def chunks_info(zarray, chunks_loc):
    """Store chunks location information for a Zarr array.

    zarray : zarr.core.Array
        Zarr array that will use the chunk data.
    chunks_loc : dict
        File storage information for the chunks belonging to the Zarr array.
    if 'source' not in chunks_loc:
        raise ValueError('Chunk source information missing')
    if any([k not in chunks_loc['source'] for k in ('uri', 'array_name')]):
        raise ValueError(
            f'{chunks_loc["source"]}: Chunk source information incomplete')

    key = _path_to_prefix(zarray.path) + chunks_meta_key
    chunks_meta = dict()
    for k, v in chunks_loc.items():
        if k != 'source':
            k = zarray._chunk_key(k)
            if any([a not in v for a in ('offset', 'size')]):
                raise ValueError(
                    f'{k}: Incomplete chunk location information')
        chunks_meta[k] = v

    # Store Zarr array chunk location metadata...
    zarray.store[key] = json_dumps(chunks_meta)
def consolidate_metadata(fs, root):
    if root.rstrip("/").endswith(".zarr"):
        logger.info(f"Consolidating metadata of {root}")
        meta = _get_metadata_fs(fs, root)

        with fs.open(os.path.join(root, ".zmetadata"), "wb") as f:
    elif fs.isdir(root):
        logger.info(f"Recursing {root}")
        dirs = fs.ls(root)
        for dir_ in dirs:
            consolidate_metadata(fs, dir_)
def consolidate_metadata(store, metadata_key='.zmetadata'):
    Consolidate all metadata for groups and arrays within the given store
    into a single resource and put it under the given key.

    This produces a single object in the backend store, containing all the
    metadata read from all the zarr-related keys that can be found. After
    metadata have been consolidated, use :func:`open_consolidated` to open
    the root group in optimised, read-only mode, using the consolidated
    metadata to reduce the number of read operations on the backend store.

    Note, that if the metadata in the store is changed after this
    consolidation, then the metadata read by :func:`open_consolidated`
    would be incorrect unless this function is called again.

    .. note:: This is an experimental feature.

    store : MutableMapping or string
        Store or path to directory in file system or name of zip file.
    metadata_key : str
        Key to put the consolidated metadata under.

    g : :class:`zarr.hierarchy.Group`
        Group instance, opened with the new consolidated metadata.

    See Also

    import json

    store = normalize_store_arg(store)

    def is_zarr_key(key):
        return (key.endswith('.zarray') or key.endswith('.zgroup')
                or key.endswith('.zattrs'))

    out = {
        'zarr_consolidated_format': 1,
        'metadata': {
            key: json.loads(ensure_str(store[key]))
            for key in store if is_zarr_key(key)
    store[metadata_key] = json_dumps(out).encode()
    return open_consolidated(store, metadata_key=metadata_key)
def consolidate_metadata(store: BaseStore,
    Consolidate all metadata for groups and arrays within the given store
    into a single resource and put it under the given key.

    This produces a single object in the backend store, containing all the
    metadata read from all the zarr-related keys that can be found. After
    metadata have been consolidated, use :func:`open_consolidated` to open
    the root group in optimised, read-only mode, using the consolidated
    metadata to reduce the number of read operations on the backend store.

    Note, that if the metadata in the store is changed after this
    consolidation, then the metadata read by :func:`open_consolidated`
    would be incorrect unless this function is called again.

    .. note:: This is an experimental feature.

    store : MutableMapping or string
        Store or path to directory in file system or name of zip file.
    metadata_key : str
        Key to put the consolidated metadata under.
    path : str or None
        Path corresponding to the group that is being consolidated. Not required
        for zarr v2 stores.

    g : :class:`zarr.hierarchy.Group`
        Group instance, opened with the new consolidated metadata.

    See Also

    store = normalize_store_arg(store, mode="w")

    version = store._store_version

    if version == 2:

        def is_zarr_key(key):
            return (key.endswith('.zarray') or key.endswith('.zgroup')
                    or key.endswith('.zattrs'))


        sfx = _get_metadata_suffix(store)  # type: ignore

        def is_zarr_key(key):
            return (key.endswith('.array' + sfx)
                    or key.endswith('.group' + sfx) or key == 'zarr.json')

        # cannot create a group without a path in v3
        # so create /meta/root/consolidated group to store the metadata
        if 'consolidated' not in store:
            _create_group(store, path='consolidated')
        if not metadata_key.startswith('meta/root/'):
            metadata_key = 'meta/root/consolidated/' + metadata_key
        # path = 'consolidated'

    out = {
        'zarr_consolidated_format': 1,
        {key: json_loads(store[key])
         for key in store if is_zarr_key(key)}
    store[metadata_key] = json_dumps(out)
    return open_consolidated(store, metadata_key=metadata_key, path=path)