    def test_ack_delete_from(self):
        """ Tests ack and delete on a consumer's queue.
        # Both ack and delete use the same implementation and it's only the user-exposed API that differs.

        ps = RedisPubSub(self.kvdb, self.key_prefix)

        msg_value = '"msg_value"'

        topic = Topic('/test/delete')

        producer = Client('Producer', 'producer')
        ps.add_producer(producer, topic)

        consumer = Consumer('Consumer', 'consumer', sub_key=new_cid())
        ps.add_consumer(consumer, topic)

        pub_ctx = PubCtx()
        pub_ctx.client_id = producer.id
        pub_ctx.topic = topic.name
        pub_ctx.msg = Message(msg_value)

        msg_id = ps.publish(pub_ctx).msg.msg_id

        # A message has been published and move to a consumer's queue so let's confirm the fact first.
        result = self.kvdb.lrange(
            ps.CONSUMER_MSG_IDS_PREFIX.format(consumer.sub_key), 0, -1)
        eq_(result, [msg_id])

        # Ok, now delete the message and confirm it's not in the consumer's queue anymore.

        ps.delete_from_consumer_queue(consumer.sub_key, [msg_id])

        result = self.kvdb.lrange(
            ps.CONSUMER_MSG_IDS_PREFIX.format(consumer.sub_key), 0, -1)
        eq_(result, [])
    def test_ack_delete_from(self):
        """ Tests ack and delete on a consumer's queue.
        # Both ack and delete use the same implementation and it's only the user-exposed API that differs.

        ps = RedisPubSub(self.kvdb, self.key_prefix)

        msg_value = '"msg_value"'

        topic = Topic('/test/delete')

        producer = Client('Producer', 'producer')
        ps.add_producer(producer, topic)

        consumer = Consumer('Consumer', 'consumer', sub_key=new_cid())
        ps.add_consumer(consumer, topic)

        pub_ctx = PubCtx()
        pub_ctx.client_id = producer.id
        pub_ctx.topic = topic.name
        pub_ctx.msg = Message(msg_value)

        msg_id = ps.publish(pub_ctx).msg.msg_id

        # A message has been published and move to a consumer's queue so let's confirm the fact first.
        result = self.kvdb.lrange(ps.CONSUMER_MSG_IDS_PREFIX.format(consumer.sub_key), 0, -1)
        eq_(result, [msg_id])

        # Ok, now delete the message and confirm it's not in the consumer's queue anymore.

        ps.delete_from_consumer_queue(consumer.sub_key, [msg_id])

        result = self.kvdb.lrange(ps.CONSUMER_MSG_IDS_PREFIX.format(consumer.sub_key), 0, -1)
        eq_(result, [])