文件: tests.py 项目: rjonnal/zernike
def plotAnimation(maxOrder=5):

    """A test function for animated visualization of a subset of the
    polynomial surfaces specified by maxOrder.
    if not os.path.exists('images'):
        print 'Making directory images.'
    z = Zernike()
    print 'Plotting first %d orders of Zernike polynomial surfaces.'%(maxOrder+1)
    order = maxOrder+1

    fig = plt.figure()

    for j in range(order):
        for k in range(-j,j+1,2):

文件: tests.py 项目: rjonnal/zernike
def writeTex(filename='./polynomials/polynomials.tex',maxOrder=10):

    head,tail = os.path.split(filename)
    if not os.path.exists(head):
        print 'Making directory %s.'%head
    z = Zernike()
    fh = open(filename,'wb')
    head = "\documentclass[10pt,landscape]{article}\n\usepackage[margin=0.25in]{geometry}\n\\begin{document}\n\n"
    intro = "\\noindent The equations below are generated using \\texttt{Zernike.getEquationString} method.\n\n"

    for tup in [('h','Height ($Z$)'),('dx','X slope ($\\frac{\delta Z}{\delta X}$)'),('dy','Y slope ($\\frac{\delta Z}{\delta Y}$)')]:

        for n in range(maxOrder+1):
            for m in range(-n,n+1,2):
                fh.write('\\noindent %s\n\n'%(z.getEquationString(n,m,tup[0])))
                fh.write('\\vspace{1.2 mm}\n')

 def plot(self, x, y, z=None, ep=None, **kwargs):
     if np.any(ep):
         zern = Zernike(ep)
         fig, ax = zern.plot(x, y, **kwargs)
     elif np.any(z):
         fig, ax = self.zern.plot(x, y, z=z, **kwargs)
         fig, ax = self.zern.plot(x, y, **kwargs)
     return fig, ax
    def __init__(self, emunup, Imax=15, Jmax=21, Kmax=3):
        self.emunup = emunup
        self.zern = Zernike(self.emunup[0][0])
        self.Mu = self.emunup.shape[0]
        self.Nu = self.emunup.shape[1]
        self.Pmax = self.emunup.shape[2]
        self.Imax = Imax
        self.Jmax = Jmax
        self.Kmax = Kmax

        # get relevant matrices
        self.beta, self.alphaJ = self.make_matrices(self.Imax, self.Jmax)

        self.ndim = self.Imax * (self.Jmax + self.Kmax * self.Nu) + self.Mu
        p0 = 1e-2 * np.random.randn(self.ndim)
        p0[:3] = 1
        self.kmu, self.bij, self.cnuik = self.p_to_matrices(p0)
        self.loss_history = [np.inf]  # number, not object
        self.kmus = [self.kmu.copy()]
        self.bijs = [self.bij.copy()]
        self.cnuiks = [self.cnuik.copy()]
        self.logs = [[np.inf] * 3]
        self.ehat = fast_zernike.fast_calc(self.kmu, self.bij, self.cnuik, self.beta, self.alphaJ)
        self.ehats = [self.ehat.copy()]
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lbp import LBP
from TAS import tas
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

positives = glob('positives/*.jpg')  # Authentic images
negatives = glob('negatives/*.jpg')  #spliced images

Features = []  #Final Feature matrix
for im in (positives + negatives):
    img = cv2.imread(im)  # read image one by one

    features = []  # features for current image
    features = list(mahotas.features.haralick(img).mean(0))  #haralick
    features += list(Zernike(img))  #zernike
    features += (list(sift(img)))  #sift

#Apply KPCA for feature reduction
# will select best 440 features out of one image
kpca = KernelPCA(n_components=440, kernel='rbf')
Features = kpca.fit_transform(Features)

labels = [1] * len(positives) + [0] * len(negatives)  #Labels

#creating SVM Classifier
learner = milk.defaultclassifier()
#model = learner.train(Features, labels)

start = timer()
    def __init__(self):
        """The Simulator object simulates the camera, mirror, and dynamic aberrations
        of the system. CIAO can be run in simulation mode by instantiating a simulator
        object, then a sensor object using the simulator as its camera, and then a
        loop object using that sensor and the simulator in place of the mirror."""

        self.frame_timer = FrameTimer('simulator')

        # We need to define a meshes on which to build the simulated spots images
        # and the simulated wavefront:
        self.sy = ccfg.image_height_px
        self.sx = ccfg.image_width_px
        self.wavefront = np.zeros((self.sy, self.sx))

        # Some parameters for the spots image:
        self.dc = 100
        self.spots_range = 2000
        self.spots = np.ones((self.sy, self.sx)) * self.dc
        self.spots = self.noise(self.spots)
        self.pixel_size_m = ccfg.pixel_size_m

        # compute single spot
        self.lenslet_pitch_m = ccfg.lenslet_pitch_m
        self.f = ccfg.lenslet_focal_length_m
        self.L = ccfg.wavelength_m
        fwhm_px = (1.22 * self.L * self.f /
                   self.lenslet_pitch_m) / self.pixel_size_m

        xvec = np.arange(self.sx)
        yvec = np.arange(self.sy)
        xvec = xvec - xvec.mean()
        yvec = yvec - yvec.mean()
        XX, YY = np.meshgrid(xvec, yvec)
        d = np.sqrt(XX**2 + YY**2)

        self.beam_diameter_m = ccfg.beam_diameter_m
        self.beam_radius_m = self.beam_diameter_m / 2.0

        self.disc_diameter = 170
        #self.disc_diameter = ccfg.beam_diameter_m/self.pixel_size_m # was just set to 110

        self.disc = np.zeros((self.sy, self.sx))
        self.disc[np.where(d <= self.disc_diameter)] = 1.0

        self.X = np.arange(self.sx, dtype=np.float) * self.pixel_size_m
        self.Y = np.arange(self.sy, dtype=np.float) * self.pixel_size_m
        self.X = self.X - self.X.mean()
        self.Y = self.Y - self.Y.mean()

        self.XX, self.YY = np.meshgrid(self.X, self.Y)

        self.RR = np.sqrt(self.XX**2 + self.YY**2)
        self.mask = np.zeros(self.RR.shape)
        self.mask[np.where(self.RR <= self.beam_radius_m)] = 1.0

        use_partially_illuminated_lenslets = True
        if use_partially_illuminated_lenslets:
            d_lenslets = int(
                np.ceil(self.beam_diameter_m / self.lenslet_pitch_m))
            d_lenslets = int(
                np.floor(self.beam_diameter_m / self.lenslet_pitch_m))

        rad = float(d_lenslets) / 2.0

        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(d_lenslets), np.arange(d_lenslets))

        xx = xx - float(d_lenslets - 1) / 2.0
        yy = yy - float(d_lenslets - 1) / 2.0

        d = np.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2)

        self.lenslet_mask = np.zeros(xx.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        self.lenslet_mask[np.where(d <= rad)] = 1
        self.n_lenslets = int(np.sum(self.lenslet_mask))

        self.x_lenslet_coords = xx * self.lenslet_pitch_m / self.pixel_size_m + self.sx / 2.0
        self.y_lenslet_coords = yy * self.lenslet_pitch_m / self.pixel_size_m + self.sy / 2.0
        in_pupil = np.where(self.lenslet_mask)
        self.x_lenslet_coords = self.x_lenslet_coords[in_pupil]
        self.y_lenslet_coords = self.y_lenslet_coords[in_pupil]

        self.lenslet_boxes = SearchBoxes(self.x_lenslet_coords,


        self.mirror_mask = np.loadtxt(ccfg.mirror_mask_filename)
        self.n_actuators = int(np.sum(self.mirror_mask))

        self.command = np.zeros(self.n_actuators)

        # virtual actuator spacing in magnified or demagnified
        # plane of camera
        actuator_spacing = ccfg.beam_diameter_m / float(
        ay, ax = np.where(self.mirror_mask)
        ay = ay * actuator_spacing
        ax = ax * actuator_spacing
        ay = ay - ay.mean()
        ax = ax - ax.mean()

        self.flat = np.loadtxt(ccfg.mirror_flat_filename)
        self.flat0 = np.loadtxt(ccfg.mirror_flat_filename)

        self.n_zernike_terms = ccfg.n_zernike_terms
        #actuator_sigma = actuator_spacing*0.75
        actuator_sigma = actuator_spacing * 1.5

        self.exposure = 10000  # microseconds

        key = '%d' % hash((tuple(ax), tuple(ay), actuator_sigma, tuple(
            self.X), tuple(self.Y), self.n_zernike_terms))
        key = key.replace('-', 'm')

        except OSError as e:

        cfn = os.path.join(ccfg.simulator_cache_directory,
                           '%s_actuator_basis.npy' % key)

            self.actuator_basis = np.load(cfn)
            print 'Loading cached actuator basis set...'
        except Exception as e:
            actuator_basis = []
            print 'Building actuator basis set...'
            for x, y in zip(ax, ay):
                xx = self.XX - x
                yy = self.YY - y
                surf = np.exp((-(xx**2 + yy**2) / (2 * actuator_sigma**2)))
                surf = (surf - surf.min()) / (surf.max() - surf.min())
                plt.title('generating actuator basis\n%0.2e,%0.2e' % (x, y))

            self.actuator_basis = np.array(actuator_basis)
            np.save(cfn, self.actuator_basis)

        zfn = os.path.join(ccfg.simulator_cache_directory,
                           '%s_zernike_basis.npy' % key)
        self.zernike = Zernike()
            self.zernike_basis = np.load(zfn)
            print 'Loading cached zernike basis set...'
        except Exception as e:
            zernike_basis = []
            print 'Building zernike basis set...'
            #zernike = Zernike()
            for z in range(self.n_zernike_terms):
                surf = self.zernike.get_j_surface(z, self.XX, self.YY)

            self.zernike_basis = np.array(zernike_basis)
            np.save(zfn, self.zernike_basis)

        #self.new_error_sigma = np.ones(self.n_zernike_terms)*100.0

        self.zernike_orders = np.zeros(self.n_zernike_terms)
        for j in range(self.n_zernike_terms):
            self.zernike_orders[j] = self.zernike.j2nm(j)[0]

        self.baseline_error_sigma = 1.0 / (1.0 + self.zernike_orders) * 10.0
        self.baseline_error_sigma[3:6] = 150.0

        self.new_error_sigma = self.zernike_orders / 10.0 / 100.0

        # don't generate any piston, tip, or tilt:
        self.baseline_error_sigma[:3] = 0.0
        self.new_error_sigma[:3] = 0.0

        self.error = self.get_error(self.baseline_error_sigma)

        self.paused = False
class Simulator:
    def __init__(self):
        """The Simulator object simulates the camera, mirror, and dynamic aberrations
        of the system. CIAO can be run in simulation mode by instantiating a simulator
        object, then a sensor object using the simulator as its camera, and then a
        loop object using that sensor and the simulator in place of the mirror."""

        self.frame_timer = FrameTimer('simulator')

        # We need to define a meshes on which to build the simulated spots images
        # and the simulated wavefront:
        self.sy = ccfg.image_height_px
        self.sx = ccfg.image_width_px
        self.wavefront = np.zeros((self.sy, self.sx))

        # Some parameters for the spots image:
        self.dc = 100
        self.spots_range = 2000
        self.spots = np.ones((self.sy, self.sx)) * self.dc
        self.spots = self.noise(self.spots)
        self.pixel_size_m = ccfg.pixel_size_m

        # compute single spot
        self.lenslet_pitch_m = ccfg.lenslet_pitch_m
        self.f = ccfg.lenslet_focal_length_m
        self.L = ccfg.wavelength_m
        fwhm_px = (1.22 * self.L * self.f /
                   self.lenslet_pitch_m) / self.pixel_size_m

        xvec = np.arange(self.sx)
        yvec = np.arange(self.sy)
        xvec = xvec - xvec.mean()
        yvec = yvec - yvec.mean()
        XX, YY = np.meshgrid(xvec, yvec)
        d = np.sqrt(XX**2 + YY**2)

        self.beam_diameter_m = ccfg.beam_diameter_m
        self.beam_radius_m = self.beam_diameter_m / 2.0

        self.disc_diameter = 170
        #self.disc_diameter = ccfg.beam_diameter_m/self.pixel_size_m # was just set to 110

        self.disc = np.zeros((self.sy, self.sx))
        self.disc[np.where(d <= self.disc_diameter)] = 1.0

        self.X = np.arange(self.sx, dtype=np.float) * self.pixel_size_m
        self.Y = np.arange(self.sy, dtype=np.float) * self.pixel_size_m
        self.X = self.X - self.X.mean()
        self.Y = self.Y - self.Y.mean()

        self.XX, self.YY = np.meshgrid(self.X, self.Y)

        self.RR = np.sqrt(self.XX**2 + self.YY**2)
        self.mask = np.zeros(self.RR.shape)
        self.mask[np.where(self.RR <= self.beam_radius_m)] = 1.0

        use_partially_illuminated_lenslets = True
        if use_partially_illuminated_lenslets:
            d_lenslets = int(
                np.ceil(self.beam_diameter_m / self.lenslet_pitch_m))
            d_lenslets = int(
                np.floor(self.beam_diameter_m / self.lenslet_pitch_m))

        rad = float(d_lenslets) / 2.0

        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(d_lenslets), np.arange(d_lenslets))

        xx = xx - float(d_lenslets - 1) / 2.0
        yy = yy - float(d_lenslets - 1) / 2.0

        d = np.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2)

        self.lenslet_mask = np.zeros(xx.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        self.lenslet_mask[np.where(d <= rad)] = 1
        self.n_lenslets = int(np.sum(self.lenslet_mask))

        self.x_lenslet_coords = xx * self.lenslet_pitch_m / self.pixel_size_m + self.sx / 2.0
        self.y_lenslet_coords = yy * self.lenslet_pitch_m / self.pixel_size_m + self.sy / 2.0
        in_pupil = np.where(self.lenslet_mask)
        self.x_lenslet_coords = self.x_lenslet_coords[in_pupil]
        self.y_lenslet_coords = self.y_lenslet_coords[in_pupil]

        self.lenslet_boxes = SearchBoxes(self.x_lenslet_coords,


        self.mirror_mask = np.loadtxt(ccfg.mirror_mask_filename)
        self.n_actuators = int(np.sum(self.mirror_mask))

        self.command = np.zeros(self.n_actuators)

        # virtual actuator spacing in magnified or demagnified
        # plane of camera
        actuator_spacing = ccfg.beam_diameter_m / float(
        ay, ax = np.where(self.mirror_mask)
        ay = ay * actuator_spacing
        ax = ax * actuator_spacing
        ay = ay - ay.mean()
        ax = ax - ax.mean()

        self.flat = np.loadtxt(ccfg.mirror_flat_filename)
        self.flat0 = np.loadtxt(ccfg.mirror_flat_filename)

        self.n_zernike_terms = ccfg.n_zernike_terms
        #actuator_sigma = actuator_spacing*0.75
        actuator_sigma = actuator_spacing * 1.5

        self.exposure = 10000  # microseconds

        key = '%d' % hash((tuple(ax), tuple(ay), actuator_sigma, tuple(
            self.X), tuple(self.Y), self.n_zernike_terms))
        key = key.replace('-', 'm')

        except OSError as e:

        cfn = os.path.join(ccfg.simulator_cache_directory,
                           '%s_actuator_basis.npy' % key)

            self.actuator_basis = np.load(cfn)
            print 'Loading cached actuator basis set...'
        except Exception as e:
            actuator_basis = []
            print 'Building actuator basis set...'
            for x, y in zip(ax, ay):
                xx = self.XX - x
                yy = self.YY - y
                surf = np.exp((-(xx**2 + yy**2) / (2 * actuator_sigma**2)))
                surf = (surf - surf.min()) / (surf.max() - surf.min())
                plt.title('generating actuator basis\n%0.2e,%0.2e' % (x, y))

            self.actuator_basis = np.array(actuator_basis)
            np.save(cfn, self.actuator_basis)

        zfn = os.path.join(ccfg.simulator_cache_directory,
                           '%s_zernike_basis.npy' % key)
        self.zernike = Zernike()
            self.zernike_basis = np.load(zfn)
            print 'Loading cached zernike basis set...'
        except Exception as e:
            zernike_basis = []
            print 'Building zernike basis set...'
            #zernike = Zernike()
            for z in range(self.n_zernike_terms):
                surf = self.zernike.get_j_surface(z, self.XX, self.YY)

            self.zernike_basis = np.array(zernike_basis)
            np.save(zfn, self.zernike_basis)

        #self.new_error_sigma = np.ones(self.n_zernike_terms)*100.0

        self.zernike_orders = np.zeros(self.n_zernike_terms)
        for j in range(self.n_zernike_terms):
            self.zernike_orders[j] = self.zernike.j2nm(j)[0]

        self.baseline_error_sigma = 1.0 / (1.0 + self.zernike_orders) * 10.0
        self.baseline_error_sigma[3:6] = 150.0

        self.new_error_sigma = self.zernike_orders / 10.0 / 100.0

        # don't generate any piston, tip, or tilt:
        self.baseline_error_sigma[:3] = 0.0
        self.new_error_sigma[:3] = 0.0

        self.error = self.get_error(self.baseline_error_sigma)

        self.paused = False

    def pause(self):
        self.paused = True

    def unpause(self):
        self.paused = False

    def set_logging(self, val):
        self.logging = val

    def flatten(self):
        self.command[:] = self.flat[:]

    def set_exposure(self, val):
        self.exposure = val

    def get_exposure(self):
        return self.exposure

    def restore_flat(self):
        self.flat[:] = self.flat0[:]

    def set_flat(self):
        self.flat[:] = self.get_command()[:]

    def get_command(self):
        return self.command

    def set_command(self, vec):
        self.command[:] = vec[:]

    def set_actuator(self, index, value):
        self.command[index] = value

    def noise(self, im):
        noiserms = np.random.randn(im.shape[0], im.shape[1]) * np.sqrt(im)
        return im + noiserms

    def get_error(self, sigma):
        coefs = np.random.randn(self.n_zernike_terms) * sigma
        return np.reshape(np.dot(coefs, self.zernike_basis),
                          (self.sy, self.sx))

    def defocus_animation(self):
        err = np.zeros(self.n_zernike_terms)
        for k in np.arange(0.0, 100.0):
            err[4] = np.random.randn()
            im = np.reshape(np.dot(err, self.zernike_basis),
                            (self.sy, self.sx))
            plt.imshow(im - im.min())

    def plot_actuators(self):
        edge = self.XX.min()
        wid = self.XX.max() - edge
        plt.imshow(self.mask, extent=[edge, edge + wid, edge, edge + wid])
        plt.plot(ax, ay, 'ks')

    def update(self):
        mirror = np.reshape(np.dot(self.command, self.actuator_basis),
                            (self.sy, self.sx))

        err = self.error + self.get_error(self.new_error_sigma)

        dx = np.diff(err, axis=1)
        dy = np.diff(err, axis=0)
        sy, sx = err.shape
        col = np.zeros((sy, 1))
        row = np.zeros((1, sx))
        dx = np.hstack((col, dx))
        dy = np.vstack((row, dy))
        #err = err - dx - dy
        self.wavefront = mirror + err
        y_slope_vec = []
        x_slope_vec = []
        self.spots[:] = 0.0
        for idx, (x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2) in enumerate(
                zip(self.lenslet_boxes.x, self.lenslet_boxes.y,
                    self.lenslet_boxes.x1, self.lenslet_boxes.x2,
                    self.lenslet_boxes.y1, self.lenslet_boxes.y2)):
            subwf = self.wavefront[y1:y2 + 1, x1:x2 + 1]
            yslope = np.mean(np.diff(subwf.mean(1)))
            dy = yslope * self.f / self.pixel_size_m
            ycentroid = y + dy
            ypx = int(round(y + dy))
            xslope = np.mean(np.diff(subwf.mean(0)))
            dx = xslope * self.f / self.pixel_size_m
            xcentroid = x + dx

            #if idx==20:
            #    continue

            self.spots = self.interpolate_dirac(xcentroid, ycentroid,
        self.spots = np.abs(
            np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(self.spots)) * self.disc))
        self.x_slopes = np.array(x_slope_vec)
        self.y_slopes = np.array(y_slope_vec)

    def get_image(self):
        spots = (self.spots - self.spots.min()) / (
            self.spots.max() - self.spots.min()) * self.spots_range + self.dc
        nspots = self.noise(spots) * (self.exposure / 10000)
        nspots = np.clip(nspots, 0, 4095)
        nspots = np.round(nspots).astype(np.int16)
        return nspots

    def interpolate_dirac(self, x, y, frame):
        # take subpixel precision locations x and y and insert an interpolated
        # delta w/ amplitude 1 there
        #no interpolation case:
        #frame[int(round(y)),int(round(x))] = 1.0
        #return frame
        x1 = int(np.floor(x))
        x2 = x1 + 1
        y1 = int(np.floor(y))
        y2 = y1 + 1

        for yi in [y1, y2]:
            for xi in [x1, x2]:
                yweight = 1.0 - (abs(yi - y))
                xweight = 1.0 - (abs(xi - x))
                    frame[yi, xi] = yweight * xweight
                except Exception as e:
        return frame

    def wavefront_to_spots(self):


    def show_zernikes(self):
        for k in range(self.n_zernike_terms):
            b = np.reshape(self.zernike_basis[k, :], (self.sy, self.sx))

    def close(self):
        print 'Closing simulator.'
文件: tests.py 项目: rjonnal/zernike
def simulateShackHartmannReconstruction():
    """A test function that uses Zernike modes to generate a random simulated wavefront, and then
    uses Zernike derivatives to estimate the original coefficients.
    pupilDiameterM = 10e-3

    pupilRadiusM = pupilDiameterM / 2.0
    unity = 1.0

    z = Zernike()

    nZT = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7

    # Set up some aligned vectors of Zernike index (j), order (n),
    # frequency (m), and tuples of order and frequency (nm).
    jVec = range(nZT)
    nmVec = np.array([z.j2nm(x) for x in jVec])
    nVec = np.array([z.j2nm(x)[0] for x in jVec])
    mVec = np.array([z.j2nm(x)[1] for x in jVec])
    maxOrder = nVec.max()

    # Generate some random Zernike coefficients. Seed the generator to
    # permit iterative comparison of output. Zero the first three modes
    # (piston, tip, tilt).
    cVec = np.random.randn(len(jVec))/10000.0
    cVec[:3] = 0.0 # zero tip, tilt, and piston

    # We'll make a densely sampled wavefront using the modes and
    # coefficients specified above.
    N = 1000
    xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-unity,unity,N),np.linspace(-unity,unity,N))
    mask = np.zeros((N,N)) # circular mask to define unit pupil
    d = np.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2)
    mask[np.where(d<unity)] = 1
    wavefront = np.zeros(mask.shape) # matrix to accumulate wavefront error

    # We build up the simulated wavefront by summing the modes of
    # interest. The simulated wavefront has units of pupil radius; to
    # convert to meters, we have to multiply by the pupil radius in
    # meters.
    for (n,m),coef in zip(nmVec,cVec):
        print 'Adding %0.6f Z(%d,%d) to simulated wavefront.'%(coef,n,m)
        wavefront = wavefront + coef*z.getSurface(n,m,xx,yy,'h')*pupilRadiusM

    def coord2index(coord):
        test = xx[0,:]
        return np.argmin(np.abs(test-coord))

    # In order to compute the slope at each subaperture, we need to know
    # the pixel size.
    pixelSizeM = pupilDiameterM/N

    # Now we'll define a lenslet array as a masked 20x20 grid. Since we
    # want the edges of the outer lenslets to abutt the pupil edge, let's
    # start by enumerating the 21 edge coordinates in the unit line:
    nLensletsAcross = 20
    lensletEdges = np.linspace(-unity,unity,nLensletsAcross+1)
    # The centers can now be specified as the average between the leftmost
    # 20 coordinates and the rightmost 20 coordinates:
    lensletCenters = (lensletEdges[1:]+lensletEdges[:-1])/2.0
    lensletXX,lensletYY = np.meshgrid(lensletCenters,lensletCenters)
    lensletD = np.sqrt(lensletXX**2+lensletYY**2)
    lensletMask = np.zeros(lensletD.shape)

    # Pull out the x and y coordinates of the lenslets into vectors, and
    # we'll iterate through these to build corresponding vectors of local
    # slopes:
    lensletXXVector = lensletXX[np.where(lensletMask)]
    lensletYYVector = lensletYY[np.where(lensletMask)]

    # Estimate the local slope in each subaperture:
    xSlopes = []
    ySlopes = []
    for x,y in zip(lensletXXVector,lensletYYVector):
        print 'Estimating slope at (%0.2f,%0.2f).'%(x,y)
        x1i = coord2index(x-.5/nLensletsAcross)
        x2i = coord2index(x+.5/nLensletsAcross)
        y1i = coord2index(y-.5/nLensletsAcross)
        y2i = coord2index(y+.5/nLensletsAcross)
        subap = wavefront[y1i:y2i,x1i:x2i]
        dSubapX_dPx = np.diff(subap,axis=1).mean()/pixelSizeM
        dSubapY_dPx = np.diff(subap,axis=0).mean()/pixelSizeM

    xSlopes = np.array(xSlopes)
    ySlopes = np.array(ySlopes)
    nLenslets = len(xSlopes)

    # Now that we have a simulated wavefront and simulated slope
    # measurements, let's reconstruct!  Reconstruction consists of:
    #   1) Using zernike.Zernike.getSurface to calculate the x
    #      and y derivatives of each Zernike mode; 
    #   2) Using np.where and lensletMask to order the unmasked
    #      derivatives the same way they're ordered in lensletXXVector and
    #      lensletYYVector above;
    #   3) Assembling these derivatives into a matrix A such that A[n,m]
    #      contains the partial x-derivative of the mth mode at the
    #      location corresponding to the nth lenslet. A[n+k,m] is the
    #      corresponding partial y-derivative, where k is the number of
    #      lenslets.
    #   4) Inverting A and multiplying it by the local slopes gives us
    #      reconstructed Zernike coefficients, which can then be compared
    #      with our randomly chosen initial values.

    A = np.zeros([nLenslets*2,nZT])

    for j in jVec:
        iOrder,iFreq = z.j2nm(j)
        print 'Calculating Zernike derivatives for Z(%d,%d).'%(iOrder,iFreq)
        dzdx = z.getSurface(iOrder,iFreq,lensletXX,lensletYY,'dx')
        dzdy = z.getSurface(iOrder,iFreq,lensletXX,lensletYY,'dy')
        dzdx = dzdx[np.where(lensletMask)]
        dzdy = dzdy[np.where(lensletMask)]
        A[:nLenslets,j] = dzdx
        A[nLenslets:,j] = dzdy

    slopes = np.hstack((xSlopes,ySlopes))

    # Sidebar:
    # Note that once the matrix A is built, we can trivially compute the
    # slopes at our desired locations by simply computing the dot product
    # of A and our Zernike coefficient vector cVec.
    # Let's do this for fun:
    dotSlopes = np.dot(A,cVec)
    plt.xlabel('slope estimated by local curvature')
    plt.ylabel('slope calculated by Zernike derivatives')

    # Back to the reconstruction. Now we use SVD to invert A and
    # multiply the resulting inverse by the slopes to determine the
    # modal coefficients:
    B = np.linalg.pinv(A)
    rVec = np.dot(B,slopes)

    # Using the reconstructed coefficients, we can reconstruct the
    # wavefront.
    rWavefront = np.zeros(wavefront.shape)
    for (n,m),coef in zip(nmVec,rVec):
        rWavefront = rWavefront + coef*z.getSurface(n,m,xx,yy,'h')*pupilRadiusM

    # Now we plot the results.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))

    for x,y in zip(lensletXXVector,lensletYYVector):

    plt.title('simulated wavefront and sampling locations')

    xax = np.arange(len(cVec))
    if comparison_plot_type=='scatter':


        err = np.sqrt(np.mean((cVec[3:]-rVec[3:])**2))
        xlim = plt.gca().get_xlim()
        ylim = plt.gca().get_ylim()


    elif comparison_plot_type=='bar':
        bar_width = .45
        rects1 = plt.bar(xax,cVec,bar_width,color='g',label='simulated')
        rects2 = plt.bar(xax + bar_width,rVec,bar_width,color='b',label='reconstructed')

    plt.title('reconstructed zernike terms')

    xticks = plt.gca().get_xticks()
    xticklabels = []
    for xtick in xticks:
            n = nVec[xtick]
            m = mVec[xtick]
        except Exception as e:


    ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3,projection='3d')
    surf = ax.plot_wireframe(1e3*xx*pupilRadiusM,1e3*yy*pupilRadiusM,1e6*wavefront*mask,rstride=50,cstride=50,color='k')
    ax.view_init(elev=43., azim=68)
    plt.title('simulated wavefront')
    plt.xlabel('pupil x (mm)')
    plt.ylabel('pupil y (mm)')
    ax.set_zlabel('height ($\mu m$)')

    ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4,projection='3d')
    surf = ax.plot_wireframe(1e3*xx*pupilRadiusM,1e3*yy*pupilRadiusM,1e6*rWavefront*mask,rstride=50,cstride=50,color='k')
    ax.view_init(elev=43., azim=68)
    plt.title('reconstructed wavefront')
    plt.xlabel('pupil x (mm)')
    plt.ylabel('pupil y (mm)')
    ax.set_zlabel('height ($\mu m$)')

class GradientDissenter(object):

    def __init__(self, emunup, Imax=15, Jmax=21, Kmax=3):
        self.emunup = emunup
        self.zern = Zernike(self.emunup[0][0])
        self.Mu = self.emunup.shape[0]
        self.Nu = self.emunup.shape[1]
        self.Pmax = self.emunup.shape[2]
        self.Imax = Imax
        self.Jmax = Jmax
        self.Kmax = Kmax

        # get relevant matrices
        self.beta, self.alphaJ = self.make_matrices(self.Imax, self.Jmax)

        self.ndim = self.Imax * (self.Jmax + self.Kmax * self.Nu) + self.Mu
        p0 = 1e-2 * np.random.randn(self.ndim)
        p0[:3] = 1
        self.kmu, self.bij, self.cnuik = self.p_to_matrices(p0)
        self.loss_history = [np.inf]  # number, not object
        self.kmus = [self.kmu.copy()]
        self.bijs = [self.bij.copy()]
        self.cnuiks = [self.cnuik.copy()]
        self.logs = [[np.inf] * 3]
        self.ehat = fast_zernike.fast_calc(self.kmu, self.bij, self.cnuik, self.beta, self.alphaJ)
        self.ehats = [self.ehat.copy()]

    def make_matrices(cls, Imax, Jmax):
        Zern = Zernike(Imax)
        gamma_x = Zern.gamma_x
        gamma_y = Zern.gamma_y
        alpha_I = Zern.mult_matrix
        # do multiplication of gammas and alpha to beta
        # TODO: Might have to flip gamma's
        # beta^mu_il = sum_kn gamma_ki gamma_nl alpha_kn1
        # where K < I
        Nmax = gamma_x.shape[0]
        bxx = np.dot(gamma_x.T, np.dot(gamma_x.T, alpha_I[:Nmax, :Nmax]))
        byy = np.dot(gamma_y.T, np.dot(gamma_y.T, alpha_I[:Nmax, :Nmax]))
        bxy = np.dot(gamma_x.T, np.dot(gamma_y.T, alpha_I[:Nmax, :Nmax]))

        beta0 = (bxx + byy)[:,:,0]
        beta1 = (bxx - byy)[:,:,0]
        beta2 = (2 * bxy)[:,:,0]
        beta = np.array([beta0, beta1, beta2])

        alphaJ = Zernike(Jmax).mult_matrix

        return beta, alphaJ

    def plot(self, x, y, z=None, ep=None, **kwargs):
        if np.any(ep):
            zern = Zernike(ep)
            fig, ax = zern.plot(x, y, **kwargs)
        elif np.any(z):
            fig, ax = self.zern.plot(x, y, z=z, **kwargs)
            fig, ax = self.zern.plot(x, y, **kwargs)
        return fig, ax

    def p_to_matrices(self, p):
        We have the following things:

        mu \in (0, 2]
        nu \in (0, Nexposures]
        i \in (0, Imax]  # number of zernikes to represent
        j \in (0, Jmax]  # number of field zernikes
        k \in (0, Kmax]  # number of field corrections
        kmu = p[:self.Mu]
        bij = p[self.Mu: self.Jmax * self.Imax + self.Mu]
        cnuik = p[self.Jmax * self.Imax + self.Mu: (self.Jmax * self.Imax + self.Mu) + self.Imax * self.Kmax * self.Nu]
        bij = bij.reshape(self.Imax, self.Jmax)
        cnuik = cnuik.reshape(self.Nu, self.Imax, self.Kmax)
        return kmu, bij, cnuik

    def fit(self, xtol=1e-8, ftol=1e-6, maxiter=10000, step_size=None,
            maxfun=None, verbose=False, learning_rate_decay=0,
        ala scipy.optimize:
        xtol : float, optional
            Relative error in xopt acceptable for convergence.
        ftol : number, optional
            Relative error in func(xopt) acceptable for convergence.
        maxiter : int, optional
            Maximum number of iterations to perform.
        maxfun : number, optional
            Maximum number of function evaluations to make.
            TODO: Currently not implimented

        learning_rate_decay : if step_size is specified, after every update, multiply step_size by (1 - learning_rate_decay)
        # TODO: incorporate several different parameter update modes
        if update == 'sgd':
          dx = -learning_rate * grads[p]
        elif update == 'momentum':
          if not p in self.step_cache:
            self.step_cache[p] = np.zeros(grads[p].shape)
          dx = np.zeros_like(grads[p]) # you can remove this after
          dx = momentum * self.step_cache[p] - learning_rate * grads[p]
          self.step_cache[p] = dx
        elif update == 'rmsprop':
          decay_rate = 0.99 # you could also make this an option
          if not p in self.step_cache:
            self.step_cache[p] = np.zeros(grads[p].shape)
          dx = np.zeros_like(grads[p]) # you can remove this after
          self.step_cache[p] = self.step_cache[p] * decay_rate + (1.0 - decay_rate) * grads[p] ** 2
          dx = -(learning_rate * grads[p]) / np.sqrt(self.step_cache[p] + 1e-8)
        for it in xrange(maxiter):
            if verbose: print(it, self.loss_history[-1])
            lnlike_old = self.loss_history[-1]

            self.ehat = fast_zernike.fast_calc(self.kmu, self.bij, self.cnuik, self.beta, self.alphaJ)
            self.dlogldb = fast_zernike.fast_calc_dlogldb(self.kmu, self.bij, self.cnuik, self.emunup, self.ehat, self.beta, self.alphaJ)
            self.dlogldc = fast_zernike.fast_calc_dlogldc(self.kmu, self.bij, self.cnuik, self.emunup, self.ehat, self.beta, self.alphaJ)
            self.dlogldk = fast_zernike.fast_calc_dlogldk(self.kmu, self.bij, self.cnuik, self.emunup, self.ehat, self.beta, self.alphaJ)
            lnlike = np.mean(np.square(self.emunup - self.ehat))
            if lnlike - lnlike_old > 1e-2 * lnlike_old:
                print(it, lnlike)
            # apply derivatives
            self.logs.append([self.dlogldb.copy(), self.dlogldc.copy(), self.dlogldk.copy()])
            self.kmu -= step_size * self.dlogldk
            self.cnuik -= step_size * self.dlogldc
            self.bij -= step_size * self.dlogldb


            if type(step_size) != type(None):
                step_size *= 1 - learning_rate_decay

            # check changes
            if np.abs((lnlike - lnlike_old) / lnlike) < ftol:
                print ('ftol reached')
            # if np.all(asdf < xtol):
            #     print ('xtol reached')
            #     return
        print('maxiter reached')