def can_edit_content_or_topic(
    message: Message,
    user_profile: UserProfile,
    is_no_topic_msg: bool,
    content: Optional[str] = None,
    topic_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> bool:
    # You have permission to edit the message (both content and topic) if you sent it.
    if message.sender_id == user_profile.id:
        return True

    # You cannot edit the content of message sent by someone else.
    if content is not None:
        return False

    assert topic_name is not None

    # The following cases are the various reasons a user might be
    # allowed to edit topics.

    # We allow anyone to edit (no topic) messages to help tend them.
    if is_no_topic_msg:
        return True

    # The can_edit_topic_of_any_message helper returns whether the user can edit the topic
    # or not based on edit_topic_policy setting and the user's role.
    if user_profile.can_edit_topic_of_any_message():
        return True

    return False