    def post(self, repo: Repository):
        Create a new build.
        schema = BuildCreateSchema(strict=True, context={"repository": repo})
        result = self.schema_from_request(schema, partial=True)
        if result.errors:
            return self.respond(result.errors, 403)

        data = result.data

        # TODO(dcramer): only if we create a source via a patch will we need the author
        # author_data = data.pop('author')
        # if author_data.get('email'):
        #     author = Author.query.filter(
        #         Author.repository_id == repo.id, Author.email == author_data['email']
        #     ).first()
        # else:
        #     author = None
        # if not author:
        #     author = Author(repository_id=repo.id, **author_data)
        #     db.session.add(author)
        #     db.session.flush()

        # TODO(dcramer): need to handle patch case yet
        source = (Source.query.options(
            joinedload("author"), joinedload("revision")).filter(
                Source.revision_sha == data.pop("ref"),
                Source.repository_id == repo.id).first())

        build = Build(repository=repo, **data)
        # TODO(dcramer): we should convert source in the schema
        build.source = source
        # build.source_id = source.id
        build.author = source.author
        if not source.patch_id:
            if not build.label:
                build.label = source.revision.message.split("\n")[0]

        if not build.label:
            return self.error("missing build label")


        except IntegrityError:
            return self.respond(status=422)

        result = build_schema.dump(build)
        assert not result.errors, "this should never happen"
        publish("builds", "build.create", result.data)
        return self.respond(result.data, 200)
    def post(self, repo: Repository):
        Create a new build.
        result = self.schema_from_request(build_create_schema, partial=True)
        if result.errors:
            return self.respond(result.errors, 403)
        data = result.data

        ref = data.pop('ref', None)
        if ref is None:
            return self.error('missing ref')

            revision = identify_revision(repo, ref)
        except UnknownRevision:
            current_app.logger.warn('invalid ref received', exc_info=True)
            return self.error('unable to find a revision matching ref')

        # TODO(dcramer): only if we create a source via a patch will we need the author
        # author_data = data.pop('author')
        # if author_data.get('email'):
        #     author = Author.query.filter(
        #         Author.repository_id == repo.id, Author.email == author_data['email']
        #     ).first()
        # else:
        #     author = None
        # if not author:
        #     author = Author(repository_id=repo.id, **author_data)
        #     db.session.add(author)
        #     db.session.flush()

        # TODO(dcramer): need to handle patch case yet
        source = Source.query.options(joinedload('author'), ).filter(
            Source.revision_sha == revision.sha,
            Source.repository_id == repo.id,

        build = Build(repository=repo, **data)
        # TODO(dcramer): we should convert source in the schema
        build.source = source
        # build.source_id = source.id
        build.author = source.author
        if not source.patch_id:
            if not build.label:
                build.label = source.revision.message.split('\n')[0]

        return self.respond_with_schema(build_schema, build)