文件: async.py 项目: Jam71/Zim-QDA
	def testFS(self):
		'''Test async FS operations'''

		self.path = self.create_tmp_dir('testFS')+'/file.txt'

		file = File(self.path)

		op1 = file.write_async('foo bar 1\n')
		op2 = file.write_async('foo bar 2\n')


		self.assertEqual(file.read(), 'foo bar 2\n')
文件: config.py 项目: thejeshgn/Zim
class ConfigFile(object):
	'''Container object for a config file

	Maps to a "base" file in the home folder, used to write new values,
	and one or more default files, e.g. in C{/usr/share/zim}, which
	are the fallback to get default values

	@ivar file: the underlying file object for the base config file
	in the home folder

	@note: this class implement similar API to the L{File} class but
	is explicitly not a sub-class of L{File} because config files should
	typically not be moved, renamed, etc. It just implements the reading
	and writing methods.

	def __init__(self, path, file=None):
		@param path: either basename as string or tuple with relative path,
		is resolved relative to the default config dir for zim.
		@param file: optional argument for some special case to
		override the base file in the home folder.
		if isinstance(path, basestring):
			path = (path,)
		self._path = tuple(path)
		if file:
			self.file = file
			self.file = File((XDG_CONFIG_HOME, 'zim') + self._path)

	def __repr__(self):
		return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.file.path)

	def __eq__(self, other):
		return isinstance(other, ConfigFile) \
		and other._path == self._path \
		and other.file == self.file

	def basename(self):
		return self.file.basename

	def default_files(self):
		'''Generator that yields default config files (read-only) to
		use instead of the standard file when it is still empty.
		Typically only the first one is used.
		for dir in config_dirs():
			default = dir.file(self._path)
			if default.exists():
				yield default

	def touch(self):
		'''Ensure the custom file in the home folder exists. Either by
		copying a default config file, or touching an empty file.
		Intended to be called before trying to edit the file with an
		external editor.
		if not self.file.exists():
			for file in self.default_files():
				self.file.touch() # create empty file

	def read(self, fail=False):
		'''Read the base file or first default file
		@param fail: if C{True} a L{FileNotFoundError} error is raised
		when neither the base file or a default file are found. If
		C{False} it will return C{''} for a non-existing file.
		@returns: file content as a string
			return self.file.read()
		except FileNotFoundError:
			for file in self.default_files():
				return file.read()
				if fail:
					return ''

	def readlines(self, fail=False):
		'''Read the base file or first default file
		@param fail: if C{True} a L{FileNotFoundError} error is raised
		when neither the base file or a default file are found. If
		C{False} it will return C{[]} for a non-existing file.
		@returns: file content as a list of lines
			return self.file.readlines()
		except FileNotFoundError:
			for file in self.default_files():
				return file.readlines()
				if fail:
					return []

	# Not implemented: read_async and readlines_async

	def write(self, text):
		'''Write base file, see L{File.write()}'''

	def writelines(self, lines):
		'''Write base file, see L{File.writelines()}'''

	def write_async(self, text, callback=None, data=None):
		'''Write base file async, see L{File.write_async()}'''
		return self.file.write_async(text, callback=callback, data=data)

	def writelines_async(self, lines, callback=None, data=None):
		'''Write base file async, see L{File.writelines_async()}'''
		return self.file.writelines_async(lines, callback=callback, data=data)

	def remove(self):
		'''Remove user file, leaves default files in place'''
		if self.file.exists():
			return self.file.remove()