def bipartite_op_gen_zipf(g, params):
    if len(params) != 8:
        error('invalid number of arguments for "genzipf"')

    zipf_alpha2 = float(params[0])
    zipf_N2 = int(params[1])
    zipf_xmin2 = int(params[2])
    n2 = int(params[3])
    zipf_alpha3 = float(params[4])
    zipf_N3 = int(params[5])
    zipf_xmin3 = int(params[6])
    n3 = int(params[7])

    z2 = Zipf(zipf_alpha2, zipf_N2, zipf_xmin2)
    z3 = Zipf(zipf_alpha3, zipf_N3, zipf_xmin3)

    z2_exp = z2.expectation()
    z3_exp = z3.expectation()
    info("  L2 distrib expectation = %.20f" % (z2_exp))
    info("  L3 distrib expectation = %.20f" % (z3_exp))

    if (n2 <= 0) and (n3 > 0):
        n2 = int(round((n3 * z3_exp) / z2_exp))
        info("  n2 auto-computed = %d" % (n2))
    elif (n2 > 0) and (n3 <= 0):
        n3 = int(round((n2 * z2_exp) / z3_exp))
        info("  n3 auto-computed = %d" % (n3))
        error("  n2 and n3 cannot both be undefined")

    info("  a2=%f, N2=%d, xmin2=%d, n2=%d" % (zipf_alpha2, zipf_N2, zipf_xmin2, n2))
    info("  a3=%f, N3=%d, xmin3=%d, n3=%d" % (zipf_alpha3, zipf_N3, zipf_xmin3, n3))

    # Check expected number of edges at level 2
    # against expected number of edges at level 3
    l2_exp = z2_exp * n2
    l3_exp = z3_exp * n3
    info("  Expected total L2 degree = %.20f" % (l2_exp))
    info("  Expected total L3 degree = %.20f" % (l3_exp))

    (degrees2, degrees3) = random_matching_degrees(z2, n2, z3, n3)

    log(1, "  MLE L2 = %f" % (Zipf.mle(degrees2, zipf_xmin2)))
    log(1, "  MLE L3 = %f" % (Zipf.mle(degrees3, zipf_xmin3)))

    return bipartite_cm(degrees2, degrees3)
def _bipartite_op_stats_flat(g, output=None):
    # Vertex/edge count
    info("  Number of vertices: %d" % (g.vcount()))
    info("  Number of edges: %d" % (g.ecount()))
    degrees = g.degree()
    max_degree = g.maxdegree()
    info("  Highest degree: %d" % (max_degree))

    # Connectedness
    if g.is_connected():
        info("  Graph is connected")
        info("  Graph is not connected")
    clusters = g.clusters()
    info("  Number of connected components = %d" % (len(clusters)))
    giant = clusters.giant()
    info("  Size of largest component = %d" % (giant.vcount()))

    # Power law exponent estimators
    # mle= Pareto.mle(degrees)
    mle = Zipf.mle(degrees)
    info("  Maximum Likelihood Estimator:")
    info("    alpha (xm=1): %.20f" % (mle))

    # Node degrees distributions
    if output:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
        _plot_degree_hist(ax, degrees, max_degree)
        filename = "degree-hist-%s" % (output)
        info('  Create "%s"' % (filename))
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
        _plot_degree_dist_loglog(ax, degrees, max_degree)
        filename = "degree-dist-loglog-%s" % (output)
        info('  Create "%s"' % (filename))
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
        _plot_degree_hist(ax, degrees, max_degree)
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
        _plot_degree_dist_loglog(ax, degrees, max_degree)

    return g
def _bipartite_op_stats_bipartite(g, output=None):
    # Vertex/edge count
    l2_vertices = [idx for idx in range(g.vcount()) if not (g.vs["type"][idx])]
    l3_vertices = [idx for idx in range(g.vcount()) if g.vs["type"][idx]]
    info("  Number of L2 vertices: %d" % (len(l2_vertices)))
    info("  Number of L3 vertices: %d" % (len(l3_vertices)))
    info("  Number of edges: %d" % (g.ecount()))

    l2_degrees = g.degree(l2_vertices)
    l3_degrees = g.degree(l3_vertices)

    l3_degrees = [i for i in l3_degrees if i > 0]

    max_l2_degree = g.maxdegree(l2_vertices)
    max_l3_degree = g.maxdegree(l3_vertices)
    if max_l2_degree > max_l3_degree:
        max_degree = max_l2_degree
        max_degree = max_l3_degree
    info("  Highest L2 degree: %d" % (max_l2_degree))
    info("  Highest L3 degree: %d" % (max_l3_degree))
    l2_degrees_hist = numpy.histogram(l2_degrees, bins=max_degree, range=(0, max_degree))
    l3_degrees_hist = numpy.histogram(l3_degrees, bins=max_degree, range=(0, max_degree))

    # Connectedness
    if g.is_connected():
        info("  Graph is connected")
        info("  Graph is not connected")
    clusters = g.clusters()
    info("  Number of connected components = %d" % (len(clusters)))
    giant = clusters.giant()
    info("  Size of largest component = %d" % (giant.vcount()))

    # L2/L3 power law exponents estimators
    info("  Maximum Likelihood Estimator:")
    l2_xmin_range = range(1, 4)
    l2_mle = _estimate_pareto_params(l2_degrees, l2_xmin_range)
    for xmin in l2_xmin_range:
        info("    alpha (L2, xm=%d): %.20f" % (xmin, l2_mle[xmin]))
    # l3_mle= Pareto.mle(l3_degrees)
    l3_mle = Zipf.mle(l3_degrees)
    info("    alpha (L3, xm=1): %.20f" % (l3_mle))

    # L2/L3 degrees distributions
    if output:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
        _plot_degree_hist(ax, l2_degrees, max_degree)
        for xmin in l2_xmin_range:
            _plot_pareto_pdf(ax, l2_mle[xmin], xmin, l2_degrees, max_degree, hist=False)
        filename = "l2-degree-hist-%s" % (output)
        info('  Create "%s"' % (filename))

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
        _plot_degree_dist_loglog(ax, l2_degrees, max_degree)
        for xmin in l2_xmin_range:
            _plot_pareto_pdf(ax, l2_mle[xmin], xmin, l2_degrees, max_degree)
        filename = "l2-degree-dist-loglog-%s" % (output)
        info('  Create "%s"' % (filename))

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
        _plot_degree_hist(ax, l3_degrees, max_degree)
        _plot_pareto_pdf(ax, l3_mle, 1, l3_degrees, max_degree, hist=False)
        filename = "l3-degree-hist-%s" % (output)
        info('  Create "%s"' % (filename))

        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
        _plot_degree_dist_loglog(ax, l3_degrees, max_degree)
        _plot_pareto_pdf(ax, l3_mle, 1, l3_degrees, max_degree)
        filename = "l3-degree-dist-loglog-%s" % (output)
        info('  Create "%s"' % (filename))
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
        _plot_degree_hist(ax, l2_degrees, max_degree)
        ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
        _plot_degree_dist_loglog(ax, l2_degrees, max_degree)
        for xmin in l2_xmin_range:
            _plot_pareto_pdf(ax, l2_mle[xmin], xmin, l2_degrees, max_degree)

        ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
        _plot_degree_hist(ax, l3_degrees, max_degree)
        ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
        _plot_degree_dist_loglog(ax, l3_degrees, max_degree)
        _plot_pareto_pdf(ax, l3_mle, 1, l3_degrees, max_degree)

    return g
def _estimate_pareto_params(degrees, beta_range):
    alphas = {}
    for beta in beta_range:
        # alphas[beta]= Pareto.mle(degrees, beta)
        alphas[beta] = Zipf.mle(degrees, beta)
    return alphas