class EcdhChaskeyCrypto(EcdhBase):
    params = CryptoParams('ecdh-chaskey')

    def _enc(self, plain: int, my_sk: int, target_pk: int) -> Tuple[List[int], None]:
        # Compute shared key
        key = self._ecdh_sha256(target_pk, my_sk)
        plain_bytes = plain.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')

        # Call java implementation
        iv = secrets.token_bytes(16)
        iv_cipher, _ = run_command(['java', '-Xms4096m', '-Xmx16384m', '-cp', f'{circuit_builder_jar}',
                                    'zkay.ChaskeyLtsCbc', 'enc', key.hex(), iv.hex(), plain_bytes.hex()])
        iv_cipher = iv + int(iv_cipher.splitlines()[-1], 16).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')

        return self.pack_byte_array(iv_cipher, self.params.cipher_chunk_size), None

    def _dec(self, cipher: Tuple[int, ...], my_sk: Any) -> Tuple[int, None]:
        # Extract sender address from cipher metadata and request corresponding public key
        sender_pk = cipher[-1]
        cipher = cipher[:-1]
        assert len(cipher) == self.params.cipher_payload_len

        # Compute shared key
        key = self._ecdh_sha256(sender_pk, my_sk)

        # Call java implementation
        iv_cipher = self.unpack_to_byte_array(cipher, self.params.cipher_chunk_size, self.params.cipher_bytes_payload)
        iv, cipher_bytes = iv_cipher[:16], iv_cipher[16:]
        plain, _ = run_command(['java', '-Xms4096m', '-Xmx16384m', '-cp', f'{circuit_builder_jar}',
                                'zkay.ChaskeyLtsCbc', 'dec', key.hex(), iv.hex(), cipher_bytes.hex()])
        plain = int(plain.splitlines()[-1], 16)

        return plain, None
 def __get_decrypted_retval(self, raw_value, is_cipher, crypto_params_name,
     return self.dec(CipherValue(raw_value,
                     )[0] if is_cipher else constructor(raw_value)
class RSAOAEPCrypto(RSACrypto):
    params = CryptoParams('rsa-oaep')

    def _enc(self, plain: int, _: int,
             target_pk: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
        pub_key = RSA.construct((target_pk, self.default_exponent))

        encrypt = PersistentLocals(
            PKCS1_OAEP.new(pub_key, hashAlgo=SHA256).encrypt)
        cipher_bytes = encrypt(plain.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
        cipher = self.pack_byte_array(cipher_bytes,

        rnd_bytes = encrypt.locals['ros']
        rnd = self.pack_byte_array(rnd_bytes, self.params.rnd_chunk_size)

        return cipher, rnd

    def _dec(self, cipher: Tuple[int, ...],
             sk: RSA.RsaKey) -> Tuple[int, List[int]]:
        decrypt = PersistentLocals(PKCS1_OAEP.new(sk, hashAlgo=SHA256).decrypt)
        cipher_bytes = self.unpack_to_byte_array(
            cipher, self.params.cipher_chunk_size,
        plain = int.from_bytes(decrypt(cipher_bytes), byteorder='big')

        rnd_bytes = decrypt.locals['seed']
        rnd = self.pack_byte_array(rnd_bytes, self.params.rnd_chunk_size)

        return plain, rnd
class RSAPKCS15Crypto(RSACrypto):
    params = CryptoParams('rsa-pkcs1.5')

    def _enc(self, plain: int, _: int,
             target_pk: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
        pub_key = RSA.construct((target_pk, self.default_exponent))
        encrypt = PersistentLocals(PKCS1_v1_5.new(pub_key).encrypt)

        cipher_bytes = encrypt(plain.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
        cipher = self.pack_byte_array(cipher_bytes,

        rnd_bytes = encrypt.locals['ps']
        assert len(rnd_bytes) == self.params.rnd_bytes
        rnd = self.pack_byte_array(rnd_bytes, self.params.rnd_chunk_size)

        return cipher, rnd

    def _dec(self, cipher: Tuple[int, ...],
             sk: RSA.RsaKey) -> Tuple[int, List[int]]:
        decrypt = PersistentLocals(PKCS1_v1_5.new(sk).decrypt)
        cipher_bytes = self.unpack_to_byte_array(
            cipher, self.params.cipher_chunk_size,
        ret = decrypt(cipher_bytes, None)
        if ret is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Tried to decrypt invalid cipher text")
        plain = int.from_bytes(ret, byteorder='big')

        rnd_bytes = decrypt.locals['em'][2:decrypt.locals['sep']]
        assert len(rnd_bytes) == self.params.rnd_bytes
        rnd = self.pack_byte_array(rnd_bytes, self.params.rnd_chunk_size)

        return plain, rnd
 def all_crypto_params(self) -> List[CryptoParams]:
     crypto_backends = list(
             [self._get_crypto_backend(hom) for hom in Homomorphism]))
     return [
         CryptoParams(backend) for backend in crypto_backends
         if backend is not None
文件: types.py 项目: eth-sri/zkay
 def get_params(params: CryptoParams = None, crypto_backend: str = None) -> CryptoParams:
     from zkay.config import cfg
     if params is not None:
         return params
     elif crypto_backend is not None:
         return CryptoParams(crypto_backend)
         return cfg.get_crypto_params(Homomorphism.NON_HOMOMORPHIC)
 def decl(self,
          constructor: Callable = lambda x: x,
          cipher: bool = False,
          crypto_backend: str = cfg.main_crypto_backend):
     """Define the wrapper constructor for a state variable."""
     assert name not in self.__constructors
     self.__constructors[name] = (cipher, CryptoParams(crypto_backend),
文件: dummy_hom.py 项目: eth-sri/zkay
class DummyHomCrypto(ZkayHomomorphicCryptoInterface):
    params = CryptoParams('dummy-hom')

    def _generate_or_load_key_pair(self, address: str) -> KeyPair:
        seed = int(address, 16)
        rng = Random(seed)

        def rand_bytes(n: int) -> bytes:
            return bytes([rng.randrange(256) for _ in range(n)])

        pk = int(
        return KeyPair(
            PublicKeyValue(self.serialize_pk(pk, self.params.key_bytes),
                           params=self.params), PrivateKeyValue(pk))

    def _enc(self, plain: int, _: int, target_pk: int):
        plain = plain % bn128_scalar_field  # handle negative values
        cipher = (plain * target_pk + 1) % bn128_scalar_field
        return [cipher], list(RandomnessValue(params=self.params)[:])

    def _dec(self, cipher: Tuple[int, ...], sk: int) -> Tuple[int, List[int]]:
        key_inv = pow(sk, -1, bn128_scalar_field)
        plain = ((cipher[0] - 1) * key_inv) % bn128_scalar_field
        if plain > bn128_scalar_field // 2:
            plain = plain - bn128_scalar_field
        return plain, list(RandomnessValue(params=self.params)[:])

    def do_op(self, op: str, public_key: Union[List[int], int],
              *args: Union[CipherValue, int]) -> List[int]:
        def deserialize(operand: Union[CipherValue, int]) -> int:
            if isinstance(operand, CipherValue):
                val = operand[0]
                return val - 1 if val != 0 else 0
                return operand

        operands = [deserialize(arg) for arg in args]
        if op == 'sign-':
            result = -operands[0]
        elif op == '+':
            result = operands[0] + operands[1]
        elif op == '-':
            result = operands[0] - operands[1]
        elif op == '*':
            result = operands[0] * operands[1]
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported operation {op}')
        return [(result + 1) % bn128_scalar_field]

    def do_rerand(self, arg: CipherValue,
                  public_key: List[int]) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
        return arg, [0]
 def do_rerand(self, arg: CipherValue, crypto_backend: str,
               target_addr: AddressValue, data: Dict, rnd_key: str):
     Re-randomizes arg using fresh randomness, which is stored in data[rnd_key] (side-effect!)
     params = CryptoParams(crypto_backend)
     pk = self.__keystore[params.crypto_name].getPk(target_addr)
     crypto_inst = self.__crypto[params.crypto_name]
     assert isinstance(crypto_inst, ZkayHomomorphicCryptoInterface)
     result, rand = crypto_inst.do_rerand(arg, pk[:])
     data[rnd_key] = RandomnessValue(rand,
                                     params=params)  # store randomness
     return CipherValue(result, params=params)
    def _ensure_encryption(self, stmt: Statement, plain: HybridArgumentIdf,
                           new_privacy: PrivacyLabelExpr,
                           crypto_params: CryptoParams,
                           cipher: HybridArgumentIdf, is_param: bool,
                           is_dec: bool):
        Make sure that cipher = enc(plain, getPk(new_privacy), priv_user_provided_rnd).

        This automatically requests necessary keys and adds a circuit input for the randomness.

        Note: This function adds pre-statements to stmt

        :param stmt [SIDE EFFECT]: the statement which contains the expression which requires this encryption
        :param plain: circuit variable referencing the plaintext value
        :param new_privacy: privacy label corresponding to the destination key address
        :param cipher: circuit variable referencing the encrypted value
        :param is_param: whether cipher is a function parameter
        :param is_dec: whether this is a decryption operation (user supplied plain) as opposed to an encryption operation (user supplied cipher)
        if crypto_params.is_symmetric_cipher():
            # Need a different set of keys for hybrid-encryption (ecdh-based) backends
            my_pk = self._require_public_key_for_label_at(
                stmt, Expression.me_expr(), crypto_params)
            if is_dec:
                other_pk = self._get_public_key_in_sender_field(
                    stmt, cipher, crypto_params)
                if new_privacy == Expression.me_expr():
                    other_pk = my_pk
                    other_pk = self._require_public_key_for_label_at(
                        stmt, new_privacy, crypto_params)

                        f'{cipher.name} = enc({plain.name}, ecdh({other_pk.name}, my_sk))'
                CircSymmEncConstraint(plain, other_pk, cipher, is_dec))
            rnd = self._secret_input_name_factory.add_idf(
                f'{plain.name if is_param else cipher.name}_R',
            pk = self._require_public_key_for_label_at(stmt, new_privacy,
            if not is_dec:
                        f'{cipher.name} = enc({plain.name}, {pk.name})'))
            self._phi.append(CircEncConstraint(plain, rnd, pk, cipher, is_dec))
    def do_homomorphic_op(self, op: str, crypto_backend: str,
                          target_addr: AddressValue, *args: Union[CipherValue,
        params = CryptoParams(crypto_backend)
        pk = self.__keystore[params.crypto_name].getPk(target_addr)
        for arg in args:
            if isinstance(arg, CipherValue
                          ) and params.crypto_name != arg.params.crypto_name:
                raise ValueError(
                    'CipherValues from different crypto backends used in homomorphic operation'

        crypto_inst = self.__crypto[params.crypto_name]
        assert isinstance(crypto_inst, ZkayHomomorphicCryptoInterface)
        result = crypto_inst.do_op(op, pk[:], *args)
        return CipherValue(result, params=params)
文件: dummy.py 项目: eth-sri/zkay
class DummyCrypto(ZkayCryptoInterface):
    params = CryptoParams('dummy')

    def _generate_or_load_key_pair(self, address: str) -> KeyPair:
        aint = int(address, 16)
        return KeyPair(
            PublicKeyValue(self.serialize_pk(aint, self.params.key_bytes),
                           params=self.params), PrivateKeyValue(aint))

    def _enc(self, plain: int, _: int, target_pk: int):
        cipher = (plain + target_pk) % bn128_scalar_field
        return [cipher] * self.params.cipher_payload_len, list(

    def _dec(self, cipher: Tuple[int, ...], sk: int) -> Tuple[int, List[int]]:
        plain = (cipher[0] - sk) % bn128_scalar_field
        return plain, list(RandomnessValue(params=self.params)[:])
文件: ecdh_aes.py 项目: eth-sri/zkay
class EcdhAesCrypto(EcdhBase):
    params = CryptoParams('ecdh-aes')

    def _enc(self, plain: int, my_sk: int, target_pk: int) -> Tuple[List[int], None]:
        key = self._ecdh_sha256(target_pk, my_sk)
        plain_bytes = plain.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')

        # Encrypt and extract iv
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC)
        cipher_bytes = cipher.encrypt(plain_bytes)
        iv = cipher.iv

        # Pack iv and cipher
        iv_cipher = b''.join([iv, cipher_bytes])

        return self.pack_byte_array(iv_cipher, self.params.cipher_chunk_size), None

    def _dec(self, cipher: Tuple[int, ...], my_sk: Any) -> Tuple[int, None]:
        # Extract sender address from cipher metadata and request corresponding public key
        sender_pk = cipher[-1]
        cipher = cipher[:-1]
        assert len(cipher) == self.params.cipher_payload_len

        # Compute shared key
        key = self._ecdh_sha256(sender_pk, my_sk)

        # Unpack iv and cipher
        iv_cipher = self.unpack_to_byte_array(cipher, self.params.cipher_chunk_size, self.params.cipher_bytes_payload)
        iv, cipher_bytes = iv_cipher[:16], iv_cipher[16:]

        # Decrypt
        cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv=iv)
        plain_bytes = cipher.decrypt(cipher_bytes)

        plain = int.from_bytes(plain_bytes, byteorder='big')

        return plain, None
文件: paillier.py 项目: eth-sri/zkay
class PaillierCrypto(ZkayHomomorphicCryptoInterface):
    params = CryptoParams('paillier')

    def _generate_or_load_key_pair(self, address: str) -> KeyPair:
        key_file = os.path.join(cfg.data_dir, 'keys', f'paillier_{self.params.key_bits}_{address}.bin')
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(key_file), exist_ok=True)
        if not os.path.exists(key_file):
            zk_print(f'Key pair not found, generating new Paillier secret...')
            pk, sk = self._generate_key_pair()
            self._write_key_pair(key_file, pk, sk)
            # Restore saved key pair
            zk_print(f'Paillier secret found, loading from file {key_file}')
            pk, sk = self._read_key_pair(key_file)

        return KeyPair(PublicKeyValue(pk, params=self.params), PrivateKeyValue(sk))

    def _write_key_pair(self, key_file: str, pk: List[int], sk: List[int]):
        with open(key_file, 'wb') as f:
            f.write(len(pk).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big'))
            for p in pk:
                f.write(p.to_bytes(self.params.cipher_chunk_size, byteorder='big'))
            f.write(len(sk).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big'))
            for s in sk:
                f.write(s.to_bytes(self.params.cipher_chunk_size, byteorder='big'))

    def _read_key_pair(self, key_file: str) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
        pk = []
        sk = []
        with open(key_file, 'rb') as f:
            pk_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(4), byteorder='big')
            for _ in range(pk_len):
                pk.append(int.from_bytes(f.read(self.params.cipher_chunk_size), byteorder='big'))
            sk_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(4), byteorder='big')
            for _ in range(sk_len):
                sk.append(int.from_bytes(f.read(self.params.cipher_chunk_size), byteorder='big'))
        return pk, sk

    def _generate_key_pair(self) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
        n_bits = self.params.key_bits
        pq_bits = (n_bits + 1) // 2

        while True:
            p = int(generate_probable_prime(exact_bits=pq_bits))
            q = int(generate_probable_prime(exact_bits=pq_bits))
            n = p * q
            if p != q and n.bit_length() == n_bits:

        n_chunks = self.serialize_pk(n, self.params.key_bytes)
        p_chunks = self.serialize_pk(p, self.params.key_bytes)
        q_chunks = self.serialize_pk(q, self.params.key_bytes)

        return n_chunks, p_chunks + q_chunks

    def sample_below(n: int, co_prime: bool = False):
        while True:
            random = randrange(n)
            if not co_prime or (gcd(random, n) == 1):
                return random

    def _enc_with_rand(self, plain: int, random: int, n: int) -> List[int]:
        n_sqr = n * n
        g_pow_plain = n * plain + 1
        rand_pow_n = pow(random, n, n_sqr)
        cipher = (g_pow_plain * rand_pow_n) % n_sqr
        return self.serialize_pk(cipher, self.params.cipher_bytes_payload)

    def _enc(self, plain: int, _: int, target_pk: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
        n = target_pk
        plain = plain % n  # handle negative numbers
        random = self.sample_below(n, co_prime=True)

        cipher_chunks = self._enc_with_rand(plain, random, n)
        random_chunks = self.serialize_pk(random, self.params.rnd_bytes)

        return cipher_chunks, random_chunks

    def _dec(self, cipher: Tuple[int, ...], sk: Any) -> Tuple[int, List[int]]:
        p = self.deserialize_pk(sk[:self.params.key_len])
        q = self.deserialize_pk(sk[self.params.key_len:])
        n = p * q
        n_sqr = n * n
        lambda_ = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
        lambda_inv = pow(lambda_, -1, n)
        c = self.deserialize_pk(cipher)

        # Compute the plaintext: plain = L(cipher^lambda mod n^2) / lambda mod n
        c_pow_lambda = pow(c, lambda_, n_sqr)
        l = (c_pow_lambda - 1) // n
        plain = (l * lambda_inv) % n

        # Compute the randomness that was used
        # Fortunately, this has been asked and answered on stackexchange: https://math.stackexchange.com/a/114142
        generator = n + 1
        g_pow_plain_inv = pow(generator, -plain, n_sqr)
        rand_pow_n = (c * g_pow_plain_inv) % n_sqr
        p_inv = pow(p, -1, q - 1)  # Inverse of p modulo q-1
        q_inv = pow(q, -1, p - 1)  # Inverse of q modulo p-1
        c_pow_p_inv = pow(rand_pow_n, p_inv, q)
        c_pow_q_inv = pow(rand_pow_n, q_inv, p)
        # random == c_pow_q_inv mod p
        # random == c_pow_p_inv mod q
        # Compute random using the Chinese Remainder Theorem
        y_1 = pow(q, -1, p)
        y_2 = pow(p, -1, q)
        w_1 = (y_1 * q) % n
        w_2 = (y_2 * p) % n

        random = (c_pow_q_inv * w_1 + c_pow_p_inv * w_2) % n
        random_chunks = self.serialize_pk(random, self.params.rnd_bytes)

        # Handle possible negative plaintexts
        if plain > n // 2:
            plain = plain - n

        return plain, random_chunks

    def do_op(self, op: str, public_key: Union[List[int], int], *args: Union[CipherValue, int]) -> List[int]:
        n = self.deserialize_pk(public_key)
        n_sqr = n * n

        def deserialize(operand: Union[CipherValue, int]) -> int:
            if isinstance(operand, CipherValue):
                val = self.deserialize_pk(operand[:])
                return val if val != 0 else 1  # If ciphertext is 0, return 1 == Enc(0, 0)
                return operand  # Return plaintext arguments as-is
        operands = [deserialize(arg) for arg in args]

        if op == 'sign-':
            assert isinstance(args[0], CipherValue)
            result = pow(operands[0], -1, n_sqr)
        elif op == '+':
            assert isinstance(args[0], CipherValue) and isinstance(args[1], CipherValue)
            result = (operands[0] * operands[1]) % n_sqr
        elif op == '-':
            assert isinstance(args[0], CipherValue) and isinstance(args[1], CipherValue)
            result = (operands[0] * pow(operands[1], -1, n_sqr)) % n_sqr
        elif op == '*' and isinstance(args[1], int):
            assert isinstance(args[0], CipherValue)
            result = pow(operands[0], operands[1], n_sqr)
        elif op == '*' and isinstance(args[0], int):
            assert isinstance(args[1], CipherValue)
            result = pow(operands[1], operands[0], n_sqr)
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported operation {op}')

        return self.serialize_pk(result, self.params.cipher_bytes_payload)

    def do_rerand(self, arg: CipherValue, public_key: List[int]) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
        raise NotImplementedError("Rerandomization not implemented for Paillier backend")
文件: elgamal.py 项目: eth-sri/zkay
class ElgamalCrypto(ZkayHomomorphicCryptoInterface):
    params = CryptoParams('elgamal')

    def _generate_or_load_key_pair(self, address: str) -> KeyPair:
        key_file = os.path.join(
            cfg.data_dir, 'keys',
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(key_file), exist_ok=True)
        if not os.path.exists(key_file):
            zk_print(f'Key pair not found, generating new ElGamal secret...')
            pk, sk = self._generate_key_pair()
            self._write_key_pair(key_file, pk, sk)
            # Restore saved key pair
            zk_print(f'ElGamal secret found, loading from file {key_file}')
            pk, sk = self._read_key_pair(key_file)

        return KeyPair(PublicKeyValue(pk, params=self.params),

    def _write_key_pair(self, key_file: str, pk: List[int], sk: int):
        with open(key_file, 'wb') as f:
            for p in pk:
                    p.to_bytes(self.params.cipher_chunk_size, byteorder='big'))

    def _read_key_pair(self, key_file: str) -> Tuple[List[int], int]:
        with open(key_file, 'rb') as f:
            pkx = int.from_bytes(f.read(self.params.cipher_chunk_size),
            pky = int.from_bytes(f.read(self.params.cipher_chunk_size),
            sk = int.from_bytes(f.read(self.params.cipher_chunk_size),
        return [pkx, pky], sk

    def _generate_key_pair(self) -> Tuple[List[int], int]:
        sk = randrange(babyjubjub.CURVE_ORDER)
        pk = babyjubjub.Point.GENERATOR * babyjubjub.Fr(sk)
        return [pk.u.s, pk.v.s], sk

    def _enc(self, plain: int, _: int,
             target_pk: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
        pk = self.serialize_pk(target_pk, self.params.key_bytes)
        r = randrange(babyjubjub.CURVE_ORDER)
        cipher_chunks = self._enc_with_rand(plain, r, pk)
        return cipher_chunks, [r]

    def _dec(self, cipher: Tuple[int, ...], sk: Any) -> Tuple[int, List[int]]:
        with time_measure("elgamal_decrypt"):
            c1 = babyjubjub.Point(babyjubjub.Fq(cipher[0]),
            c2 = babyjubjub.Point(babyjubjub.Fq(cipher[2]),
            shared_secret = c1 * babyjubjub.Fr(sk)
            plain_embedded = c2 + shared_secret.negate()
            plain = self._de_embed(plain_embedded)

        # TODO randomness misused for the secret key, which is an extremely ugly hack...
        return plain, [sk]

    def _de_embed(self, plain_embedded: babyjubjub.Point) -> int:
        # handle basic special cases without expensive discrete log computation
        if plain_embedded == babyjubjub.Point.ZERO:
            return 0
        if plain_embedded == babyjubjub.Point.GENERATOR:
            return 1
        return get_dlog(plain_embedded.u.s, plain_embedded.v.s)

    def do_op(self, op: str, public_key: List[int],
              *args: Union[CipherValue, int]) -> List[int]:
        def deserialize(
            operand: Union[CipherValue, int]
        ) -> Union[Tuple[babyjubjub.Point, babyjubjub.Point], int]:
            if isinstance(operand, CipherValue):
                # if ciphertext is 0, return (Point.ZERO, Point.ZERO) == Enc(0, 0)
                if operand == CipherValue([0] * 4, params=operand.params):
                    return babyjubjub.Point.ZERO, babyjubjub.Point.ZERO
                    c1 = babyjubjub.Point(babyjubjub.Fq(operand[0]),
                    c2 = babyjubjub.Point(babyjubjub.Fq(operand[2]),
                    return c1, c2
                return operand

        args = [deserialize(arg) for arg in args]

        if op == '+':
            e1 = args[0][0] + args[1][0]
            e2 = args[0][1] + args[1][1]
        elif op == '-':
            e1 = args[0][0] + args[1][0].negate()
            e2 = args[0][1] + args[1][1].negate()
        elif op == '*' and isinstance(args[1], int):
            e1 = args[0][0] * babyjubjub.Fr(args[1])
            e2 = args[0][1] * babyjubjub.Fr(args[1])
        elif op == '*' and isinstance(args[0], int):
            e1 = args[1][0] * babyjubjub.Fr(args[0])
            e2 = args[1][1] * babyjubjub.Fr(args[0])
            raise ValueError(f'Unsupported operation {op}')

        return [e1.u.s, e1.v.s, e2.u.s, e2.v.s]

    def do_rerand(self, arg: CipherValue,
                  public_key: List[int]) -> Tuple[List[int], List[int]]:
        # homomorphically add encryption of zero to re-randomize
        r = randrange(babyjubjub.CURVE_ORDER)
        enc_zero = CipherValue(self._enc_with_rand(0, r, public_key),
        return self.do_op('+', public_key, arg, enc_zero), [r]

    def _enc_with_rand(self, plain: int, random: int,
                       pk: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        plain_embedded = babyjubjub.Point.GENERATOR * babyjubjub.Fr(plain)
        shared_secret = babyjubjub.Point(babyjubjub.Fq(
            pk[0]), babyjubjub.Fq(pk[1])) * babyjubjub.Fr(random)
        c1 = babyjubjub.Point.GENERATOR * babyjubjub.Fr(random)
        c2 = plain_embedded + shared_secret
        return [c1.u.s, c1.v.s, c2.u.s, c2.v.s]
 def get_crypto_params(self, hom: Homomorphism) -> CryptoParams:
     backend_name = self._get_crypto_backend(hom)
     if backend_name is None:
         raise ValueError(
             f'No crypto backend set for homomorphism {hom.name}')
     return CryptoParams(backend_name)