def all_rosh_hashanas(self): return map(lambda y: JewishCalendar(y, 7, 1), self.all_year_types())
def test_has_delayed_candle_lighting_for_non_candle_lighting_day(self): date = '2018-09-13' subject = JewishCalendar(parser.parse(date)) self.assertFalse(subject.has_delayed_candle_lighting())
def mishmar(event, context): zone = tz.gettz('America/New_York') time = cal = JewishCalendar( tomorrow = cal + 1 sd = tomorrow.significant_day() slack_key = os.environ["SLACK_API_TOKEN"] sc = SlackClient(slack_key) if (time.hour == 21) and \ (not tomorrow.is_assur_bemelacha()) and \ (tomorrow.day_of_week == 6 or sd == 'erev_yom_kippur' or sd == 'erev_succos' or sd == 'purim_katan' or sd == 'pesach_sheni' or sd == 'tzom_gedalyah' or sd == 'tenth_of_teves' or sd == 'taanis_esther' or sd == 'seventeen_of_tammuz' or (tomorrow.jewish_month == 5 and tomorrow.jewish_day == 8) or sd == 'tu_beshvat' or (tomorrow.jewish_month == 9 and tomorrow.jewish_day == 25) or tomorrow.day_of_omer() == 33 or (tomorrow.jewish_month == 5 and tomorrow.jewish_day == 30)): modifier = None if tomorrow.jewish_month == 6 and tomorrow.jewish_day in range(22, 29): modifier = 'Rosh Hashana is next week' elif sd == 'tzom_gedalyah': modifier = 'Tzom Gedalyah is tonight' elif sd == 'erev_yom_kippur': modifier = 'Yom Kippur is tomorrow' elif sd == 'erev_succos': modifier = 'Succos begins tomorrow' elif tomorrow.jewish_month == 9 and tomorrow.jewish_day == 25: modifier = "Chanukah began tonight" elif tomorrow.jewish_month == 9 and tomorrow.jewish_day == 24: modifier = 'Chanukah begins tomorrow' elif sd == 'tenth_of_teves': modifier = "Asara B'Teves is tonight" elif sd == 'tu_beshvat': modifier = "Tu B'Shvat is tonight" elif tomorrow.jewish_month == 11 and tomorrow.jewish_day == 14: modifier = "Tu B'Shvat is approaching" elif sd == 'purim_katan': modifier = "Purim Katan is tonight" elif sd == 'taanis_esther': modifier = 'Purim is approaching' elif tomorrow.jewish_month == 1 and tomorrow.jewish_day in range( 7, 14): modifier = 'Pesach begins next week' elif sd == 'pesach_sheni': modifier = 'Pesach Sheni is tonight' elif tomorrow.day_of_omer() == 33: modifier = "Lag B'Omer is tonight" elif tomorrow.day_of_omer() == 32: modifier = "Lag B'Omer is tomorrow" elif tomorrow.day_of_omer() in range(42, 49): modifier = 'Shavuos begins next week' elif sd == 'seventeen_of_tammuz': modifier = 'Three weeks have begun' elif tomorrow.jewish_month == 5 and tomorrow.jewish_day == 8 and not tomorrow.day_of_week == 6: modifier = "Tisha B'Av is tomorrow" elif tomorrow.jewish_month == 5 and tomorrow.jewish_day in [ 7, 8 ] and tomorrow.day_of_week == 6: modifier = "Tisha B'Av is approaching" elif tomorrow.jewish_month == 5 and tomorrow.jewish_day == 30: modifier = "Rosh Chodesh Elul is tonight" elif tomorrow.jewish_month == 5 and tomorrow.jewish_day == 29: modifier = "Rosh Chodesh Elul is approaching" result1 = sc.api_call( 'chat.postMessage', channel='#general', text=mishmarMessage('check out Mishmar in <#C3EP4TREX|torah>', modifier), as_user=False, username='******', icon_url= '') result2 = sc.api_call( 'chat.postMessage', channel='#torah', text=mishmarMessage("it's Mishmar time!", modifier), as_user=False, username='******', icon_url= '') body = { "message": "triggered", "input": event, "result": [result1, result2] } else: body = {"message": "not triggered", "input": event} response = {"statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps(body)} return response # Use this code if you don't use the http event with the LAMBDA-PROXY # integration """