def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(ScalyrWrapper, read_key=self.read_key, scalyr_region=self.scalyr_region)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(MongoDBWrapper, host=factory_ctx.get('host'))
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(CloudwatchWrapper, region=factory_ctx.get('entity').get('region', None))
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(ZmonWrapper, factory_ctx['redis_host'], factory_ctx['redis_port'])
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ # load plugins dependencies and store them locally for efficiency if not self.http_factory: self.http_factory = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name( 'http', 'Function') if not self.jmx_factory: self.jmx_factory = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name( 'jmx', 'Function') if not self.counter_factory: self.counter_factory = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name( 'counter', 'Function') return propartial(ZomcatWrapper, host=factory_ctx['host'], instance=factory_ctx['instance'], http=self.http_factory.create(factory_ctx), jmx=self.jmx_factory.create(factory_ctx), counter=self.counter_factory.create(factory_ctx))
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(KubernetesWrapper, check_id=factory_ctx['check_id'], __protected=['check_id'])
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(JoblocksWrapper, cmdb_url=self.cmdb_url, project=factory_ctx['entity'].get('name'))
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(ElasticsearchWrapper, url=self._url)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(KairosdbWrapper, url=self._url)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(SAMLWrapper, url=self.saml_url, user=self.username, password=self.__password)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(ExaplusWrapper, cluster=self._exacrm_cluster, password=self._exacrm_pass, user=self._exacrm_user)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(CounterWrapper, key_prefix='{}:{}:'.format(factory_ctx['check_id'], factory_ctx['entity_id']), redis_host=factory_ctx['redis_host'], redis_port=factory_ctx['redis_port'])
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(SqlOracleWrapper, factory_ctx['host'], factory_ctx['port'], factory_ctx['entity'].get('sid'), user=self._user, password=self._pass)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(MySqlWrapper, shards=factory_ctx['shards'], user=self._user, password=self._pass, timeout=factory_ctx['soft_time_limit'] * 1000)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ seeds = factory_ctx.get('entity', {}).get('seeds') or factory_ctx.get('host') return propartial(CassandraWrapper, node=seeds, username=self._username, password=self._password)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial( AppdynamicsWrapper, url=self._url, username=self._user, password=self._pass, es_url=self._es_url, index_prefix=self._index_prefix)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(BigqueryWrapper, bigquery_key=self._bigquery_key, location=self._location)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(EntitiesWrapper, infrastructure_account=factory_ctx.get('entity', {}).get('infrastructure_account', None), service_url=self.service_url, oauth2=self.oauth2)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ # load plugins dependencies and store them locally for efficiency if not self.counter_factory: self.counter_factory = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name('counter', 'Function') return propartial(MemcachedWrapper, counter=self.counter_factory.create(factory_ctx), host=factory_ctx['host'])
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(OpenAMWrapper, url=self.openam_base_url, user=self.username, password=self.__password)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(HistoryWrapper, url=self.url, check_id=factory_ctx['check_id'], entities=factory_ctx['entity_id_for_kairos'])
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ if not self.counter_factory: self.counter_factory = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name('counter', 'Function') return propartial(LdapWrapper, user=self._ldapuser, password=self._ldappass, host=factory_ctx['host'], counter=self.counter_factory.create(factory_ctx))
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(JmxWrapper, jmxqueryhost=self._jmxquery_host, jmxqueryport=self._jmxquery_port, host=factory_ctx['host'], port=factory_ctx['jmx_port'])
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(HistoryWrapper, kairosdb_host=self.kairosdb_host, kairosdb_port=self.kairosdb_port, history_enabled=self.kairosdb_history_enabled, check_id=factory_ctx['check_id'], entities=factory_ctx['entity_id_for_kairos'])
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(AppdynamicsWrapper, url=self._url, username=self._user, password=self._pass, es_url=self._es_url, index_prefix=self._index_prefix)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(EntitiesWrapper, infrastructure_account=factory_ctx.get( 'entity', {}).get('infrastructure_account', None), service_url=self.service_url, oauth2=self.oauth2)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial(NagiosWrapper, factory_ctx['host'], exasol_user=self._exarpc_user, exasol_password=self._exarpc_pass, lounge_mysql_user=self._loungemysql_user, lounge_mysql_password=self._loungemysql_pass, hetcrawler_proxy_user=self._hetcrawler_proxy_user, hetcrawler_proxy_pass=self._hetcrawler_proxy_pass)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ # load plugins dependencies and store them locally for efficiency if not self.http_factory: self.http_factory = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name('http', 'Function') return propartial(EventLogWrapper, http_wrapper=self.http_factory.create(factory_ctx), url=self.eventlog_url)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ # load plugins dependencies and store them locally for efficiency if not self.counter_factory: self.counter_factory = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name( 'counter', 'Function') return propartial(RedisWrapper, counter=self.counter_factory.create(factory_ctx), host=factory_ctx['host'], password=self.__password)
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ # load plugins dependencies and store them locally for efficiency if not self.http_factory: self.http_factory = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name( 'http', 'Function') return propartial(JobsWrapper, http_wrapper=self.http_factory.create(factory_ctx), project=factory_ctx['entity'].get('name'))
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ return propartial( MsSqlWrapper, factory_ctx["host"], factory_ctx["port"], factory_ctx["database"], user=self._user, password=self._pass, timeout=factory_ctx["soft_time_limit"], )
def create(self, factory_ctx): """ Automatically called to create the check function's object :param factory_ctx: (dict) names available for Function instantiation :return: an object that implements a check function """ entity = factory_ctx['entity'] project = entity['name'] if entity['type'] == 'project' else None # load plugins dependencies and store them locally for efficiency if not self.http_factory: self.http_factory = plugin_manager.get_plugin_obj_by_name('http', 'Function') return propartial(ExceptionsWrapper, http_wrapper=self.http_factory.create(factory_ctx), host=factory_ctx['host'], instance=factory_ctx['instance'], project=project)