except AttributeError: # Python 2.6 return 1e-6 * (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) def _raw_text(s): display_pretty(s, raw=True) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # global empty tracker that's always done: finished_tracker = MessageTracker() @decorator def check_ready(f, self, *args, **kwargs): """Call spin() to sync state prior to calling the method.""" self.wait(0) if not self._ready: raise error.TimeoutError("result not ready") return f(self, *args, **kwargs) class AsyncResult(object): """Class for representing results of non-blocking calls. Provides the same interface as :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult`.
class AsyncResult(Future): """Class for representing results of non-blocking calls. Provides the same interface as :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult`. """ msg_ids = None _targets = None _tracker = None _single_result = False owner = False def __init__(self, client, children, fname="unknown", targets=None, owner=False): super(AsyncResult, self).__init__() if not isinstance(children, list): children = [children] self._single_result = True else: self._single_result = False if isinstance(children[0], string_types): self.msg_ids = children self._children = [] else: self._children = children self.msg_ids = [f.msg_id for f in children] self._client = client self._fname = fname self._targets = targets self.owner = owner self._ready = False self._ready_event = Event() self._output_ready = False self._output_event = Event() self._sent_event = Event() self._success = None if self._children: self._metadata = [f.output.metadata for f in self._children] else: self._metadata = [self._client.metadata[id] for id in self.msg_ids] self._init_futures() def _init_futures(self): """Build futures for results and output; hook up callbacks""" if not self._children: for msg_id in self.msg_ids: future = self._client._futures.get(msg_id, None) if not future: result = self._client.results.get(msg_id, _default) # result resides in local cache, construct already-resolved Future if result is not _default: future = MessageFuture(msg_id) future.output = Future() future.output.metadata = self.client.metadata[msg_id] future.set_result(result) future.output.set_result(None) if not future: raise KeyError("No Future or result for msg_id: %s" % msg_id) self._children.append(future) self._result_future = multi_future(self._children) self._sent_future = multi_future([f.tracker for f in self._children]) self._sent_future.add_done_callback(self._handle_sent) self._output_future = multi_future([self._result_future] + [f.output for f in self._children]) # on completion of my constituents, trigger my own resolution self._result_future.add_done_callback(self._resolve_result) self._output_future.add_done_callback(self._resolve_output) def __repr__(self): if self._ready: return "<%s: finished>" % (self.__class__.__name__) else: return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._fname) def __dir__(self): keys = dir(self.__class__) if not _metadata_keys: from .client import Metadata _metadata_keys.extend(Metadata().keys()) keys.extend(_metadata_keys) return keys def _reconstruct_result(self, res): """Reconstruct our result from actual result list (always a list) Override me in subclasses for turning a list of results into the expected form. """ if self._single_result: return res[0] else: return res def get(self, timeout=-1): """Return the result when it arrives. If `timeout` is not ``None`` and the result does not arrive within `timeout` seconds then ``TimeoutError`` is raised. If the remote call raised an exception then that exception will be reraised by get() inside a `RemoteError`. """ if not self.ready(): self.wait(timeout) if self._ready: if self._success: return self.result() else: raise self.exception() else: raise error.TimeoutError("Result not ready.") def _check_ready(self): if not self.ready(): raise error.TimeoutError("Result not ready.") def ready(self): """Return whether the call has completed.""" if not self._ready: self.wait(0) return self._ready def wait_for_output(self, timeout=-1): """Wait for our output to be complete. AsyncResult.wait only waits for the result, which may arrive before output is complete. """ if self._output_ready: return True if timeout and timeout < 0: timeout = None return self._output_event.wait(timeout) def _resolve_output(self, f=None): """Callback that fires when outputs are ready""" if self.owner: [self._client.metadata.pop(mid, None) for mid in self.msg_ids] self._output_ready = True self._output_event.set() def wait(self, timeout=-1): """Wait until the result is available or until `timeout` seconds pass. This method always returns None. """ if self._ready: return True if timeout and timeout < 0: timeout = None self._ready_event.wait(timeout) self.wait_for_output(0) return self._ready def _resolve_result(self, f=None): try: if f: results = f.result() else: results = list(map(self._client.results.get, self.msg_ids)) if self._single_result: r = results[0] if isinstance(r, Exception): raise r else: results = error.collect_exceptions(results, self._fname) self.set_result(self._reconstruct_result(results)) except Exception as e: self.set_exception(e) self._success = False else: self._success = True finally: if self.owner: [self._client.results.pop(mid, None) for mid in self.msg_ids] self._ready = True self._ready_event.set() def successful(self): """Return whether the call completed without raising an exception. Will raise ``AssertionError`` if the result is not ready. """ assert self.ready() return self._success # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Extra methods not in mp.pool.AsyncResult # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def get_dict(self, timeout=-1): """Get the results as a dict, keyed by engine_id. timeout behavior is described in `get()`. """ results = self.get(timeout) if self._single_result: results = [results] engine_ids = [md["engine_id"] for md in self._metadata] rdict = {} for engine_id, result in zip(engine_ids, results): if engine_id in rdict: raise ValueError( "Cannot build dict, %i jobs ran on engine #%i" % (engine_ids.count(engine_id), engine_id) ) else: rdict[engine_id] = result return rdict @property def r(self): """result property wrapper for `get(timeout=-1)`.""" return self.get() @property def metadata(self): """property for accessing execution metadata.""" if self._single_result: return self._metadata[0] else: return self._metadata @property def result_dict(self): """result property as a dict.""" return self.get_dict() def __dict__(self): return self.get_dict(0) def abort(self): """abort my tasks.""" assert not self.ready(), "Can't abort, I am already done!" return self._client.abort(self.msg_ids, targets=self._targets, block=True) def _handle_sent(self, f): """Resolve sent Future, build MessageTracker""" trackers = f.result() trackers = [t for t in trackers if t is not None] self._tracker = MessageTracker(*trackers) self._sent_event.set() @property def sent(self): """check whether my messages have been sent.""" return self._sent_event.is_set() and self._tracker.done def wait_for_send(self, timeout=-1): """wait for pyzmq send to complete. This is necessary when sending arrays that you intend to edit in-place. `timeout` is in seconds, and will raise TimeoutError if it is reached before the send completes. """ if not self._sent_event.is_set(): if timeout and timeout < 0: # Event doesn't like timeout < 0 timeout = None # wait for Future to indicate send having been called, # which means MessageTracker is ready. tic = time.time() if not self._sent_event.wait(timeout): raise error.TimeoutError("Still waiting to be sent") return False if timeout: timeout = max(0, timeout - (time.time() - tic)) try: if timeout is None: # MessageTracker doesn't like timeout=None timeout = -1 return self._tracker.wait(timeout) except zmq.NotDone: raise error.TimeoutError("Still waiting to be sent") # ------------------------------------- # dict-access # ------------------------------------- def __getitem__(self, key): """getitem returns result value(s) if keyed by int/slice, or metadata if key is str. """ if isinstance(key, int): self._check_ready() return error.collect_exceptions([self.result()[key]], self._fname)[0] elif isinstance(key, slice): self._check_ready() return error.collect_exceptions(self.result()[key], self._fname) elif isinstance(key, string_types): # metadata proxy *does not* require that results are done self.wait(0) self.wait_for_output(0) values = [md[key] for md in self._metadata] if self._single_result: return values[0] else: return values else: raise TypeError("Invalid key type %r, must be 'int','slice', or 'str'" % type(key)) def __getattr__(self, key): """getattr maps to getitem for convenient attr access to metadata.""" try: return self.__getitem__(key) except (error.TimeoutError, KeyError): raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, key)) # asynchronous iterator: def __iter__(self): if self._single_result: raise TypeError("AsyncResults with a single result are not iterable.") try: rlist = self.get(0) except error.TimeoutError: # wait for each result individually for child in self._children: ar = AsyncResult(self._client, child, self._fname) yield ar.get() else: # already done for r in rlist: yield r def __len__(self): return len(self.msg_ids) # ------------------------------------- # Sugar methods and attributes # ------------------------------------- def timedelta(self, start, end, start_key=min, end_key=max): """compute the difference between two sets of timestamps The default behavior is to use the earliest of the first and the latest of the second list, but this can be changed by passing a different Parameters ---------- start : one or more datetime objects (e.g. ar.submitted) end : one or more datetime objects (e.g. ar.received) start_key : callable Function to call on `start` to extract the relevant entry [defalt: min] end_key : callable Function to call on `end` to extract the relevant entry [default: max] Returns ------- dt : float The time elapsed (in seconds) between the two selected timestamps. """ if not isinstance(start, datetime): # handle single_result AsyncResults, where ar.stamp is single object, # not a list start = start_key(start) if not isinstance(end, datetime): # handle single_result AsyncResults, where ar.stamp is single object, # not a list end = end_key(end) return (end - start).total_seconds() @property def progress(self): """the number of tasks which have been completed at this point. Fractional progress would be given by 1.0 * ar.progress / len(ar) """ self.wait(0) return len(self) - len(set(self.msg_ids).intersection(self._client.outstanding)) @property def elapsed(self): """elapsed time since initial submission""" if self.ready(): return self.wall_time now = submitted = datetime.now() for msg_id in self.msg_ids: if msg_id in self._client.metadata: stamp = self._client.metadata[msg_id]["submitted"] if stamp and stamp < submitted: submitted = stamp return (now - submitted).total_seconds() @property @check_ready def serial_time(self): """serial computation time of a parallel calculation Computed as the sum of (completed-started) of each task """ t = 0 for md in self._metadata: t += (md["completed"] - md["started"]).total_seconds() return t @property @check_ready def wall_time(self): """actual computation time of a parallel calculation Computed as the time between the latest `received` stamp and the earliest `submitted`. For similar comparison of other timestamp pairs, check out AsyncResult.timedelta. """ return self.timedelta(self.submitted, self.received) def wait_interactive(self, interval=1.0, timeout=-1): """interactive wait, printing progress at regular intervals""" if timeout is None: timeout = -1 N = len(self) tic = time.time() while not self.ready() and (timeout < 0 or time.time() - tic <= timeout): self.wait(interval) clear_output(wait=True) print("%4i/%i tasks finished after %4i s" % (self.progress, N, self.elapsed), end="") sys.stdout.flush() print("\ndone") def _republish_displaypub(self, content, eid): """republish individual displaypub content dicts""" try: ip = get_ipython() except NameError: # displaypub is meaningless outside IPython return md = content["metadata"] or {} md["engine"] = eid ip.display_pub.publish(data=content["data"], metadata=md) def _display_stream(self, text, prefix="", file=None): if not text: # nothing to display return if file is None: file = sys.stdout end = "" if text.endswith("\n") else "\n" multiline = text.count("\n") > int(text.endswith("\n")) if prefix and multiline and not text.startswith("\n"): prefix = prefix + "\n" print("%s%s" % (prefix, text), file=file, end=end) def _display_single_result(self): self._display_stream(self.stdout) self._display_stream(self.stderr, file=sys.stderr) try: get_ipython() except NameError: # displaypub is meaningless outside IPython return for output in self.outputs: self._republish_displaypub(output, self.engine_id) if self.execute_result is not None: display(self.get()) @check_ready def display_outputs(self, groupby="type"): """republish the outputs of the computation Parameters ---------- groupby : str [default: type] if 'type': Group outputs by type (show all stdout, then all stderr, etc.): [stdout:1] foo [stdout:2] foo [stderr:1] bar [stderr:2] bar if 'engine': Display outputs for each engine before moving on to the next: [stdout:1] foo [stderr:1] bar [stdout:2] foo [stderr:2] bar if 'order': Like 'type', but further collate individual displaypub outputs. This is meant for cases of each command producing several plots, and you would like to see all of the first plots together, then all of the second plots, and so on. """ self.wait_for_output() if self._single_result: self._display_single_result() return stdouts = self.stdout stderrs = self.stderr execute_results = self.execute_result output_lists = self.outputs results = self.get() targets = self.engine_id if groupby == "engine": for eid, stdout, stderr, outputs, r, execute_result in zip( targets, stdouts, stderrs, output_lists, results, execute_results ): self._display_stream(stdout, "[stdout:%i] " % eid) self._display_stream(stderr, "[stderr:%i] " % eid, file=sys.stderr) try: get_ipython() except NameError: # displaypub is meaningless outside IPython return if outputs or execute_result is not None: _raw_text("[output:%i]" % eid) for output in outputs: self._republish_displaypub(output, eid) if execute_result is not None: display(r) elif groupby in ("type", "order"): # republish stdout: for eid, stdout in zip(targets, stdouts): self._display_stream(stdout, "[stdout:%i] " % eid) # republish stderr: for eid, stderr in zip(targets, stderrs): self._display_stream(stderr, "[stderr:%i] " % eid, file=sys.stderr) try: get_ipython() except NameError: # displaypub is meaningless outside IPython return if groupby == "order": output_dict = dict((eid, outputs) for eid, outputs in zip(targets, output_lists)) N = max(len(outputs) for outputs in output_lists) for i in range(N): for eid in targets: outputs = output_dict[eid] if len(outputs) >= N: _raw_text("[output:%i]" % eid) self._republish_displaypub(outputs[i], eid) else: # republish displaypub output for eid, outputs in zip(targets, output_lists): if outputs: _raw_text("[output:%i]" % eid) for output in outputs: self._republish_displaypub(output, eid) # finally, add execute_result: for eid, r, execute_result in zip(targets, results, execute_results): if execute_result is not None: display(r) else: raise ValueError("groupby must be one of 'type', 'engine', 'collate', not %r" % groupby)
class AsyncResult(Future): """Class for representing results of non-blocking calls. Provides the same interface as :py:class:`multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult`. """ msg_ids = None _targets = None _tracker = None _single_result = False owner = False def __init__( self, client, children, fname='unknown', targets=None, owner=False, ): super(AsyncResult, self).__init__() if not isinstance(children, list): children = [children] self._single_result = True else: self._single_result = False if isinstance(children[0], string_types): self.msg_ids = children self._children = [] else: self._children = children self.msg_ids = [f.msg_id for f in children] self._client = client self._fname = fname self._targets = targets self.owner = owner self._ready = False self._ready_event = Event() self._output_ready = False self._output_event = Event() self._sent_event = Event() self._success = None if self._children: self._metadata = [f.output.metadata for f in self._children] else: self._metadata = [self._client.metadata[id] for id in self.msg_ids] self._init_futures() def _init_futures(self): """Build futures for results and output; hook up callbacks""" if not self._children: for msg_id in self.msg_ids: future = self._client._futures.get(msg_id, None) if not future: result = self._client.results.get(msg_id, _default) # result resides in local cache, construct already-resolved Future if result is not _default: future = MessageFuture(msg_id) future.output = Future() future.output.metadata = self.client.metadata[msg_id] future.set_result(result) future.output.set_result(None) if not future: raise KeyError("No Future or result for msg_id: %s" % msg_id) self._children.append(future) self._result_future = multi_future(self._children) self._sent_future = multi_future([f.tracker for f in self._children]) self._sent_future.add_done_callback(self._handle_sent) self._output_future = multi_future([self._result_future] + [f.output for f in self._children]) # on completion of my constituents, trigger my own resolution self._result_future.add_done_callback(self._resolve_result) self._output_future.add_done_callback(self._resolve_output) self.add_done_callback(self._finalize_result) def __repr__(self): if self._ready: return "<%s: %s:finished>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._fname) else: return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._fname) def __dir__(self): keys = dir(self.__class__) if not _metadata_keys: from .client import Metadata _metadata_keys.extend(Metadata().keys()) keys.extend(_metadata_keys) return keys def _reconstruct_result(self, res): """Reconstruct our result from actual result list (always a list) Override me in subclasses for turning a list of results into the expected form. """ if self._single_result: return res[0] else: return res def get(self, timeout=-1): """Return the result when it arrives. If `timeout` is not ``None`` and the result does not arrive within `timeout` seconds then ``TimeoutError`` is raised. If the remote call raised an exception then that exception will be reraised by get() inside a `RemoteError`. """ if not self.ready(): self.wait(timeout) if self._ready: if self._success: return self.result() else: raise self.exception() else: raise error.TimeoutError("Result not ready.") def _check_ready(self): if not self.ready(): raise error.TimeoutError("Result not ready.") def ready(self): """Return whether the call has completed.""" if not self._ready: self.wait(0) return self._ready def wait_for_output(self, timeout=-1): """Wait for our output to be complete. AsyncResult.wait only waits for the result, which may arrive before output is complete. """ if self._output_ready: return True if timeout and timeout < 0: timeout = None return self._output_event.wait(timeout) def _resolve_output(self, f=None): """Callback that fires when outputs are ready""" if self.owner: [self._client.metadata.pop(mid, None) for mid in self.msg_ids] self._output_ready = True self._output_event.set() def wait(self, timeout=-1): """Wait until the result is available or until `timeout` seconds pass. This method always returns None. """ if self._ready: return True if timeout and timeout < 0: timeout = None self._ready_event.wait(timeout) self.wait_for_output(0) return self._ready def _resolve_result(self, f=None): try: if f: results = f.result() else: results = list(map(self._client.results.get, self.msg_ids)) if self._single_result: r = results[0] if isinstance(r, Exception): raise r else: results = error.collect_exceptions(results, self._fname) self._success = True self.set_result(self._reconstruct_result(results)) except Exception as e: self._success = False self.set_exception(e) def _finalize_result(self, f): if self.owner: [self._client.results.pop(mid, None) for mid in self.msg_ids] self._ready = True self._ready_event.set() def successful(self): """Return whether the call completed without raising an exception. Will raise ``AssertionError`` if the result is not ready. """ assert self.ready() return self._success #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Extra methods not in mp.pool.AsyncResult #---------------------------------------------------------------- def get_dict(self, timeout=-1): """Get the results as a dict, keyed by engine_id. timeout behavior is described in `get()`. """ results = self.get(timeout) if self._single_result: results = [results] engine_ids = [md['engine_id'] for md in self._metadata] rdict = {} for engine_id, result in zip(engine_ids, results): if engine_id in rdict: raise ValueError( "Cannot build dict, %i jobs ran on engine #%i" % (engine_ids.count(engine_id), engine_id)) else: rdict[engine_id] = result return rdict @property def r(self): """result property wrapper for `get(timeout=-1)`.""" return self.get() @property def metadata(self): """property for accessing execution metadata.""" if self._single_result: return self._metadata[0] else: return self._metadata @property def result_dict(self): """result property as a dict.""" return self.get_dict() def __dict__(self): return self.get_dict(0) def abort(self): """abort my tasks.""" assert not self.ready(), "Can't abort, I am already done!" return self._client.abort(self.msg_ids, targets=self._targets, block=True) def _handle_sent(self, f): """Resolve sent Future, build MessageTracker""" trackers = f.result() trackers = [t for t in trackers if t is not None] self._tracker = MessageTracker(*trackers) self._sent_event.set() @property def sent(self): """check whether my messages have been sent.""" return self._sent_event.is_set() and self._tracker.done def wait_for_send(self, timeout=-1): """wait for pyzmq send to complete. This is necessary when sending arrays that you intend to edit in-place. `timeout` is in seconds, and will raise TimeoutError if it is reached before the send completes. """ if not self._sent_event.is_set(): if timeout and timeout < 0: # Event doesn't like timeout < 0 timeout = None # wait for Future to indicate send having been called, # which means MessageTracker is ready. tic = time.time() if not self._sent_event.wait(timeout): raise error.TimeoutError("Still waiting to be sent") return False if timeout: timeout = max(0, timeout - (time.time() - tic)) try: if timeout is None: # MessageTracker doesn't like timeout=None timeout = -1 return self._tracker.wait(timeout) except zmq.NotDone: raise error.TimeoutError("Still waiting to be sent") #------------------------------------- # dict-access #------------------------------------- def __getitem__(self, key): """getitem returns result value(s) if keyed by int/slice, or metadata if key is str. """ if isinstance(key, int): self._check_ready() return error.collect_exceptions([self.result()[key]], self._fname)[0] elif isinstance(key, slice): self._check_ready() return error.collect_exceptions(self.result()[key], self._fname) elif isinstance(key, string_types): # metadata proxy *does not* require that results are done self.wait(0) self.wait_for_output(0) values = [md[key] for md in self._metadata] if self._single_result: return values[0] else: return values else: raise TypeError( "Invalid key type %r, must be 'int','slice', or 'str'" % type(key)) def __getattr__(self, key): """getattr maps to getitem for convenient attr access to metadata.""" try: return self.__getitem__(key) except (error.TimeoutError, KeyError): raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (self.__class__.__name__, key)) @staticmethod def _wait_for_child(child, evt, timeout=_FOREVER): """Wait for a child to be done""" evt.clear() child.add_done_callback(lambda f: evt.set()) evt.wait(timeout) # asynchronous iterator: def __iter__(self): if self._single_result: raise TypeError( "AsyncResults with a single result are not iterable.") try: rlist = self.get(0) except error.TimeoutError: # wait for each result individually evt = Event() for child in self._children: self._wait_for_child(child, evt=evt) result = child.result() error.collect_exceptions([result], self._fname) yield result else: # already done for r in rlist: yield r def __len__(self): return len(self.msg_ids) #------------------------------------- # Sugar methods and attributes #------------------------------------- def timedelta(self, start, end, start_key=min, end_key=max): """compute the difference between two sets of timestamps The default behavior is to use the earliest of the first and the latest of the second list, but this can be changed by passing a different Parameters ---------- start : one or more datetime objects (e.g. ar.submitted) end : one or more datetime objects (e.g. ar.received) start_key : callable Function to call on `start` to extract the relevant entry [default: min] end_key : callable Function to call on `end` to extract the relevant entry [default: max] Returns ------- dt : float The time elapsed (in seconds) between the two selected timestamps. """ if not isinstance(start, datetime): # handle single_result AsyncResults, where ar.stamp is single object, # not a list start = start_key(start) if not isinstance(end, datetime): # handle single_result AsyncResults, where ar.stamp is single object, # not a list end = end_key(end) return compare_datetimes(end, start).total_seconds() @property def progress(self): """the number of tasks which have been completed at this point. Fractional progress would be given by 1.0 * ar.progress / len(ar) """ self.wait(0) return len(self) - len( set(self.msg_ids).intersection(self._client.outstanding)) @property def elapsed(self): """elapsed time since initial submission""" if self.ready(): return self.wall_time now = submitted = utcnow() for msg_id in self.msg_ids: if msg_id in self._client.metadata: stamp = self._client.metadata[msg_id]['submitted'] if stamp and stamp < submitted: submitted = stamp return compare_datetimes(now, submitted).total_seconds() @property @check_ready def serial_time(self): """serial computation time of a parallel calculation Computed as the sum of (completed-started) of each task """ t = 0 for md in self._metadata: t += compare_datetimes(md['completed'], md['started']).total_seconds() return t @property @check_ready def wall_time(self): """actual computation time of a parallel calculation Computed as the time between the latest `received` stamp and the earliest `submitted`. For similar comparison of other timestamp pairs, check out AsyncResult.timedelta. """ return self.timedelta(self.submitted, self.received) def wait_interactive(self, interval=1., timeout=-1): """interactive wait, printing progress at regular intervals""" if timeout is None: timeout = -1 N = len(self) tic = time.time() while not self.ready() and (timeout < 0 or time.time() - tic <= timeout): self.wait(interval) clear_output(wait=True) print("%4i/%i tasks finished after %4i s" % (self.progress, N, self.elapsed), end="") sys.stdout.flush() print("\ndone") def _republish_displaypub(self, content, eid): """republish individual displaypub content dicts""" ip = get_ipython() if ip is None: # displaypub is meaningless outside IPython return md = content['metadata'] or {} md['engine'] = eid ip.display_pub.publish(data=content['data'], metadata=md) def _display_stream(self, text, prefix='', file=None): if not text: # nothing to display return if file is None: file = sys.stdout end = '' if text.endswith('\n') else '\n' multiline = text.count('\n') > int(text.endswith('\n')) if prefix and multiline and not text.startswith('\n'): prefix = prefix + '\n' print("%s%s" % (prefix, text), file=file, end=end) def _display_single_result(self): self._display_stream(self.stdout) self._display_stream(self.stderr, file=sys.stderr) if get_ipython() is None: # displaypub is meaningless outside IPython return for output in self.outputs: self._republish_displaypub(output, self.engine_id) if self.execute_result is not None: display(self.get()) @check_ready def display_outputs(self, groupby="type"): """republish the outputs of the computation Parameters ---------- groupby : str [default: type] if 'type': Group outputs by type (show all stdout, then all stderr, etc.): [stdout:1] foo [stdout:2] foo [stderr:1] bar [stderr:2] bar if 'engine': Display outputs for each engine before moving on to the next: [stdout:1] foo [stderr:1] bar [stdout:2] foo [stderr:2] bar if 'order': Like 'type', but further collate individual displaypub outputs. This is meant for cases of each command producing several plots, and you would like to see all of the first plots together, then all of the second plots, and so on. """ self.wait_for_output() if self._single_result: self._display_single_result() return stdouts = self.stdout stderrs = self.stderr execute_results = self.execute_result output_lists = self.outputs results = self.get() targets = self.engine_id if groupby == "engine": for eid, stdout, stderr, outputs, r, execute_result in zip( targets, stdouts, stderrs, output_lists, results, execute_results): self._display_stream(stdout, '[stdout:%i] ' % eid) self._display_stream(stderr, '[stderr:%i] ' % eid, file=sys.stderr) if get_ipython() is None: # displaypub is meaningless outside IPython continue if outputs or execute_result is not None: _raw_text('[output:%i]' % eid) for output in outputs: self._republish_displaypub(output, eid) if execute_result is not None: display(r) elif groupby in ('type', 'order'): # republish stdout: for eid, stdout in zip(targets, stdouts): self._display_stream(stdout, '[stdout:%i] ' % eid) # republish stderr: for eid, stderr in zip(targets, stderrs): self._display_stream(stderr, '[stderr:%i] ' % eid, file=sys.stderr) if get_ipython() is None: # displaypub is meaningless outside IPython return if groupby == 'order': output_dict = dict( (eid, outputs) for eid, outputs in zip(targets, output_lists)) N = max(len(outputs) for outputs in output_lists) for i in range(N): for eid in targets: outputs = output_dict[eid] if len(outputs) >= N: _raw_text('[output:%i]' % eid) self._republish_displaypub(outputs[i], eid) else: # republish displaypub output for eid, outputs in zip(targets, output_lists): if outputs: _raw_text('[output:%i]' % eid) for output in outputs: self._republish_displaypub(output, eid) # finally, add execute_result: for eid, r, execute_result in zip(targets, results, execute_results): if execute_result is not None: display(r) else: raise ValueError( "groupby must be one of 'type', 'engine', 'collate', not %r" % groupby)
def _handle_sent(self, f): """Resolve sent Future, build MessageTracker""" trackers = f.result() trackers = [t for t in trackers if t is not None] self._tracker = MessageTracker(*trackers) self._sent_event.set()