class RayTuneSearchEngine(SearchEngine): """ Tune driver """ def __init__( self, logs_dir="", resources_per_trial=None, name="", remote_dir=None, ): """ Constructor :param logs_dir: local dir to save training results :param resources_per_trial: resources for each trial :param name: searcher name :param remote_dir: checkpoint will be uploaded to remote_dir in hdfs """ self.train_func = None self.resources_per_trial = resources_per_trial self.trials = None self.remote_dir = remote_dir = name self.logs_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(logs_dir)) def compile(self, data, model_builder, metric_mode, epochs=1, validation_data=None, metric=None, metric_threshold=None, n_sampling=1, search_space=None, search_alg=None, search_alg_params=None, scheduler=None, scheduler_params=None, mc=False): """ Do necessary preparations for the engine :param data: data for training Pandas Dataframe: a Pandas dataframe for training Numpy ndarray: a tuple in form of (x, y) x: ndarray for training input y: ndarray for training output :param model_builder: model creation function :param epochs: max epochs for training :param validation_data: validation data :param metric: metric name or metric function :param metric_mode: mode for metric. "min" or "max". We would infer metric_mode automated if user used our built-in metric in zoo.automl.common.metric.Evaluator. :param metric_threshold: a trial will be terminated when metric threshold is met :param n_sampling: number of sampling :param search_space: a dictionary of search_space :param search_alg: str, all supported searcher provided by ray tune (i.e."variant_generator", "random", "ax", "dragonfly", "skopt", "hyperopt", "bayesopt", "bohb", "nevergrad", "optuna", "zoopt" and "sigopt") :param search_alg_params: extra parameters for searcher algorithm :param scheduler: str, all supported scheduler provided by ray tune :param scheduler_params: parameters for scheduler :param mc: if calculate uncertainty """ # metric and metric's mode self.metric_name = metric.__name__ if callable(metric) else ( metric or DEFAULT_METRIC_NAME) self.mode = metric_mode self.stopper = TrialStopper(metric_threshold=metric_threshold, epochs=epochs, metric=self.metric_name, mode=self.mode) self.num_samples = n_sampling self.search_space = search_space self._search_alg = RayTuneSearchEngine._set_search_alg( search_alg, search_alg_params, self.metric_name, self.mode) self._scheduler = RayTuneSearchEngine._set_scheduler( scheduler, scheduler_params, self.metric_name, self.mode) metric_func = None if not callable(metric) else metric self.train_func = self._prepare_train_func( data=data, model_builder=model_builder, validation_data=validation_data, metric_name=self.metric_name, metric_func=metric_func, mode=self.mode, mc=mc, remote_dir=self.remote_dir) @staticmethod def _set_search_alg(search_alg, search_alg_params, metric, mode): if search_alg: if not isinstance(search_alg, str): raise ValueError(f"search_alg should be of type str." f" Got {search_alg.__class__.__name__}") params = search_alg_params.copy() if search_alg_params else dict() if metric and "metric" not in params: params["metric"] = metric if mode and "mode" not in params: params["mode"] = mode search_alg = tune.create_searcher(search_alg, **params) return search_alg @staticmethod def _set_scheduler(scheduler, scheduler_params, metric, mode): if scheduler: if not isinstance(scheduler, str): raise ValueError(f"Scheduler should be of type str. " f"Got {scheduler.__class__.__name__}") params = scheduler_params.copy() if scheduler_params else dict() if metric and "metric" not in params: params["metric"] = metric if mode and "mode" not in params: params["mode"] = mode if "time_attr" not in params: params["time_attr"] = "training_iteration" scheduler = tune.create_scheduler(scheduler, **params) return scheduler def run(self): """ Run trials :return: trials result """ analysis =, local_dir=self.logs_dir, metric=self.metric_name, mode=self.mode,, stop=self.stopper, config=self.search_space, search_alg=self._search_alg, num_samples=self.num_samples, trial_dirname_creator=trial_dirname_creator, scheduler=self._scheduler, resources_per_trial=self.resources_per_trial, verbose=1, reuse_actors=True) self.trials = analysis.trials # Visualization code for ray (leaderboard) logger_name = if else DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME tf_config, tf_metric = TensorboardXLogger._ray_tune_searcher_log_adapt( analysis) self.logger = TensorboardXLogger(logs_dir=os.path.join( self.logs_dir, logger_name + "_leaderboard"), name=logger_name), tf_metric) self.logger.close() return analysis def get_best_trial(self): return self.get_best_trials(k=1)[0] def get_best_trials(self, k=1): """ get a list of best k trials :params k: top k :return: trials list """ sorted_trials = RayTuneSearchEngine._get_sorted_trials( self.trials, metric=self.metric_name, mode=self.mode) best_trials = sorted_trials[:k] return [self._make_trial_output(t) for t in best_trials] def _make_trial_output(self, trial): model_path = os.path.join(trial.logdir, trial.last_result["checkpoint"]) if self.remote_dir: get_ckpt_hdfs(self.remote_dir, model_path) return TrialOutput(config=trial.config, model_path=model_path) @staticmethod def _get_best_trial(trial_list, metric, mode): """Retrieve the best trial.""" if mode == "max": return max(trial_list, key=lambda trial: trial.last_result.get(metric, 0)) else: return min(trial_list, key=lambda trial: trial.last_result.get(metric, 0)) @staticmethod def _get_sorted_trials(trial_list, metric, mode): return sorted(trial_list, key=lambda trial: trial.last_result.get(metric, 0), reverse=True if mode == "max" else False) @staticmethod def _get_best_result(trial_list, metric, mode): """Retrieve the last result from the best trial.""" return { metric: RayTuneSearchEngine._get_best_trial(trial_list, metric, mode).last_result[metric] } def test_run(self): def mock_reporter(**kwargs): assert self.metric_name in kwargs, "Did not report proper metric" assert "checkpoint" in kwargs, "Accidentally removed `checkpoint`?" raise GoodError("This works.") try: self.train_func( { 'out_units': 1, 'selected_features': ["MONTH(datetime)", "WEEKDAY(datetime)"] }, mock_reporter) # self.train_func(self.search_space, mock_reporter) except TypeError as e: print("Forgot to modify function signature?") raise e except GoodError: print("Works!") return 1 raise Exception("Didn't call reporter...") @staticmethod def _prepare_train_func( data, model_builder, validation_data=None, metric_name=None, metric_func=None, mode=None, mc=False, remote_dir=None, ): """ Prepare the train function for ray tune :param data: input data :param model_builder: model create function :param metric_name: the rewarding metric name :param metric_func: customized metric func :param mode: metric mode :param validation_data: validation data :param mc: if calculate uncertainty :param remote_dir: checkpoint will be uploaded to remote_dir in hdfs :return: the train function """ data_id = ray.put(data) validation_data_id = ray.put(validation_data) def train_func(config): train_data = ray.get(data_id) val_data = ray.get(validation_data_id) config = convert_bayes_configs(config).copy() if not isinstance(model_builder, ModelBuilder): raise ValueError( f"You must input a ModelBuilder instance for model_builder" ) trial_model = # no need to call build since it is called the first time fit_eval is called. # callbacks = [TuneCallback(tune_reporter)] # fit model best_reward = None for i in range(1, 101): result = trial_model.fit_eval(data=train_data, validation_data=val_data, mc=mc, metric=metric_name, metric_func=metric_func, **config) reward = result[metric_name] checkpoint_filename = "best.ckpt" # Save best reward iteration if mode == "max": has_best_reward = best_reward is None or reward > best_reward elif mode == "min": has_best_reward = best_reward is None or reward < best_reward else: has_best_reward = True if has_best_reward: best_reward = reward # Save to hdfs if remote_dir is not None: put_ckpt_hdfs(remote_dir, checkpoint_filename) report_dict = { "training_iteration": i, "checkpoint": checkpoint_filename, "best_" + metric_name: best_reward } report_dict.update(result)**report_dict) return train_func