def getPreferredLanguages(self):
        # If the default locale negotiater can get a value,
        # that means we had a parameter or one of the cookies
        # (because of the subscriber that gets us here).

        negotiated = default_locale_negotiator(self.request)
        if negotiated:
            return [negotiated]

        # Here is where we would check for something during traversal,
        # but we don't actually support that at this time because it
        # relies on implementation details

        # Is there a non-default user preference? Right now we know
        # what a default is due to implementation details above. We also
        # know for sure that we *have* a remote use, otherwise we wouldn't
        # be here
        remote_user = IPrincipal(self.request, None)
        remote_user_langs = IUserPreferredLanguages(remote_user)
        if remote_user_langs is not EnglishUserPreferredLanguagesImpl:
            return remote_user_langs.getPreferredLanguages() # pylint:disable=too-many-function-args

        # Ok, see what the HTTP request can come up with. Note that we're
        # going to the Zope interface so that we don't get into an infinite
        # loop
        browser_request = IBrowserRequest(self.request)
        browser_langs = IModifiableUserPreferredLanguages(browser_request)
        return browser_langs.getPreferredLanguages() # pylint:disable=too-many-function-args
    def test_has_key(self):
        environ = {
            'PATH_INFO': '/',
        request = Request(environ)
        zrequest = IBrowserRequest(request)

        assert_that(zrequest.has_key('lastName'), is_(True))
 def test_form_parsing(self):
     environ = {
         'PATH_INFO': '/',
     request = Request(environ)
     zrequest = IBrowserRequest(request)
     assert_that(zrequest.form, {
         'country': ['Japan', 'Hungary'],
         'lastName': 'Doe'
    def __call__(self, value, system):
        :param value: The object returned from the view. Either a dictionary,
                or a context object. If a context object, will be available at the path
                ``options/here`` in the template. If a dictionary, its values are merged with
                those in `system`.
        __traceback_info__ = value, system
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            # raise ValueError('renderer was passed non-dictionary as value')
            system['here'] = value
            # See plasTeX/Renderers/ for comments about how 'self'
            # is a problem

        request = None
        if 'request' in system and system['request'] is not None:
            request = IBrowserRequest(system['request'])
            system['request'] = request

        view = system['view']  # TODO: We can do better with this
        if view is None and request is not None:
            view = request
            system['view'] = request

        # We used to register macros, but now you should use
        # z3c.macro and the macro: expression type
        # if 'master' not in system:
        # XXX: FIXME: There must be a better way to handle this.
        # How did zope do it? (Acquisition?)
        # (Answer: Yes, basically. Every template was auto-loaded
        # and at a traversable location, usually also in the
        # acquisition path; pages traversed to the macros of the
        # template they wanted. We can do something similar though
        # traversal, we just need to update our templates.)
        # FIXME: Note use of nti.appserver package
        #   master = get_renderer('nti.appserver:templates/').implementation()
        #   system['master'] = master
        result = self.template.bind(view)(**system)
        return result
    def test_url_traversal(self):
        request = Request.blank('')
        zrequest = IBrowserRequest(request)

        assert_that(str(zrequest.URL), is_(''))

        assert_that(zrequest.URL['-1'], is_(''))
        assert_that(zrequest.URL['-2'], is_(''))

        assert_that(zrequest.URL['0'], is_(''))
        assert_that(zrequest.URL['1'], is_(''))
        assert_that(zrequest.URL['2'], is_(''))
            calling(zrequest.URL.__getitem__).with_args('3'), raises(KeyError))

        assert_that(zrequest.URL.get('0'), is_(''))
        assert_that(zrequest.URL.get('1'), is_(''))
        assert_that(zrequest.URL.get('3', 'none'), is_('none'))
    def test_positional_args(self):
        request = Request.blank('/dataserver2/foo/bar.html')
        zrequest = IBrowserRequest(request)

        assert_that(zrequest.getPositionalArguments(), is_(()))
 def test_adapts(self):
     request = Request.blank('/')
     zrequest = IBrowserRequest(request)
     assert_that(zrequest, verifiably_provides(IBrowserRequest))
     # and it's still a valid pyramid request
     assert_that(zrequest, verifiably_provides(IRequest))
 def __init__(self, context, request):
     request = IBrowserRequest(request)
     if not IDefaultBrowserLayer.providedBy(request):
         interface.alsoProvides(request, IDefaultBrowserLayer)  # We lie
     super(resource, self).__init__(context, request)