def getPreferredLanguages(self):
        # If the default locale negotiater can get a value,
        # that means we had a parameter or one of the cookies
        # (because of the subscriber that gets us here).

        negotiated = default_locale_negotiator(self.request)
        if negotiated:
            return [negotiated]

        # Here is where we would check for something during traversal,
        # but we don't actually support that at this time because it
        # relies on implementation details

        # Is there a non-default user preference? Right now we know
        # what a default is due to implementation details above. We also
        # know for sure that we *have* a remote use, otherwise we wouldn't
        # be here
        remote_user = IPrincipal(self.request, None)
        remote_user_langs = IUserPreferredLanguages(remote_user)
        if remote_user_langs is not EnglishUserPreferredLanguagesImpl:
            return remote_user_langs.getPreferredLanguages() # pylint:disable=too-many-function-args

        # Ok, see what the HTTP request can come up with. Note that we're
        # going to the Zope interface so that we don't get into an infinite
        # loop
        browser_request = IBrowserRequest(self.request)
        browser_langs = IModifiableUserPreferredLanguages(browser_request)
        return browser_langs.getPreferredLanguages() # pylint:disable=too-many-function-args
def adjust_request_interface_for_preferred_languages(event):
    Checks the conditions outlined in this package's documentation and
    adds a marker interface (:class:`.IPreferredLanguagesRequest`) to
    the request if they hold true.

    This is registered as a subscriber for Pyramid's
    :class:`.IContextFound` event by this package's ``configure.zcml``
    request = event.request
    # Does pyramid's default negotiator, which uses explicit settings
    # like a request param or cookie have an answer? If so, we need
    # our custom policy...these override the Accept-Language header
    if default_locale_negotiator(request):
        interface.alsoProvides(request, IPreferredLanguagesRequest)

    # What about the zope/plone cookie?
    if request.cookies.get('I18N_LANGUAGE'):
        # For benefit of the default localization machinery
        # in case it's used, copy
        request._LOCALE_ = request.cookies.get('I18N_LANGUAGE')
        interface.alsoProvides(request, IPreferredLanguagesRequest)

    # Ok, is there an authenticated user with preferred languages?
    # (We leave detecting defaults up to the actual policy)
    remote_user = IPrincipal(request, None)
    if remote_user and not IUnauthenticatedPrincipal.providedBy(remote_user):
        remote_user_langs = IUserPreferredLanguages(remote_user)
        if remote_user_langs and remote_user_langs.getPreferredLanguages():  # pylint:disable=too-many-function-args
            interface.alsoProvides(request, IPreferredLanguagesRequest)
    def test_principal_from_iteraction(self):
        principal = _Principal('bob')
        participation = _Participation(principal)


            interaction = queryInteraction()
            p_from_i = IPrincipal(interaction)
            assert_that(p_from_i.username, is_(principal.username))
def remove_subscriptions_for_principal(principal, event):
    Subscriber to find and remove all subscriptions for the
    *principal* when it is removed.

    This is an adapter for ``(IPrincipal, IObjectRemovedEvent)`` by
    default, but that may not be the correct event in every system.
    Register it for the appropriate events in your system.

    :param principal: The principal being removed. It should still be
        located (having a proper ``__parent__``) when this subscriber
        is invoked; this is the default for ``zope.container`` objects
        that use :func:`zope.container.contained.uncontained` in their
        ``__delitem__`` method.

        This can be any type of object. It is first adapted to
        :class:`nti.webhooks.interfaces.IWebhookPrincipal`; if that
        fails, it is adapted to ``IPrincipal``, and if that fails, it
        is used as-is. The final object must have the ``id``

    :param event: This is not used by this subscriber.

    This subscriber removes all subscriptions owned by the *principal*
    found in subscription managers:

    - in the current site; and
    - in sites up the lineage of the original principal and adapted object
      (if different).

    If the principal may have subscriptions in more places, provide an implementation
    of :class:`nti.webhooks.interfaces.IWebhookSubscriptionManagers` for the
    original *principal* object. One (exhaustive) implementation is provided
    (but not registered) in :class:`ExhaustiveWebhookSubscriptionManagers`.
    orig_principal = principal
    principal = IWebhookPrincipal(principal, None) or IPrincipal(
        principal, principal)
    prin_id =

    manager_iters = [_find_subscription_managers(principal)]
    if principal is not orig_principal:
    manager_iters.append(IWebhookSubscriptionManagers(orig_principal, ()))

    for manager in chain(*manager_iters):
def principal_from_request(request=None):
    principal_from_request(request: IRequest) -> IPrincipal

    Find the primary :class:`IPrincipal` for the *request*.

    First adapts the request into an :class:`IInteraction` (probably
    using :func:`interaction_from_request`), and then adapts the
    interaction into an ``IPrincipal`` (probably using :func:`principal_from_interaction`).
    If there is no interaction, the unauthenticated principal is returned.

    This is registered as an adapter on the Pyramid ``IRequest`` interface;
    to provide a more specific policy, register an adapter on the concrete

        interaction = IInteraction(
            request if request is not None else get_current_request(),
    except NoInteraction:
        return component.getUtility(IFallbackUnauthenticatedPrincipal)

    return IPrincipal(interaction)
 def test_checkRoles(self):
     principal = Principal('0101010001', '0101010001')
     roles = IMyRoles(principal)
     self.assertEqual(roles.getAllRoles(), ['ENMS'])